Test Bank for Psychological Testing: History, Principles and Applications Updated Edition 7th Edition Gregory

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Test Bank for Psychological Testing: History, Principles and Applications, Updated Edition, 7th Edition, Robert J. Gregory

Product details:

ISBN-13:  9781292067551

Author: Robert J. Gregory

Psychological testing impacts virtually every corner of modern life, from education to vocation to remediation. Psychological Testing: History, Principles, and Applications, covers all variations of testing and explores social issues testing raises. This program provides readers extensive knowledge about the characteristics, objectives, and wide-ranging effects of psychological testing.

Table of Contents

1. Applications and Consequences of Psychological Testing
2. The History of Psychological Testing
3. Norms and Reliability
4. Validity and Test Development
5. Theories and Individual Tests of Intelligence and Achievement
6. Group Tests and Controversies
7. Testing Special Populations
8. Origins of Personality Test
9. Assessment of Normality and Human Strengths
10. Neuropsychological and Assessment and Screening
11. Industrial, Occupational, and Forensic Assessment
12. Legal Issues and the Future of Testing

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