Test Bank for ORGB 3rd Edition by Nelson

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Product Details:

ISBN 10: 0176873384

ISBN 13: 9780176873387

Author:  Nelson, DebraQuick, JamesArmstrong, AnnRoubecas, ChrisCondie, Joan

ORGB, Third Canadian Edition, offers comprehensive coverage of contemporary organizational behavior topics in a format that is engaging and accessible for today’s learners. Our flexible hybrid solution was developed based on feedback from both Canadian instructors and students, reflecting today’s students’ study and reading habits. The third Canadian edition includes more examples from an assortment of organizations to appeal to a wider variety of programs, including legal assistance and hospitality. The product also includes contemporary cases, examples, self-assessments, and additional activities for active learning to help make the content applied and relevant for today’s on-the-go student.


Table of Content:

  1. Part 01 IntroductIon
  2. Chapter 1 Organizational Behaviour and Opportunities
  3. 1-1 Human Behaviour in Organizations
  4. Understanding Human Behaviour
  5. Interdisciplinary Influences
  6. 1-2 Behaviour in Times of Change
  7. 1-3 The Organizational Context
  8. Organizations as Open Systems
  9. 1-4 The Formal and Informal Organization
  10. 1-5 Diversity of Organizations
  11. 1-6 Change Creates Opportunities
  12. Four Challenges for Managers Related to Change
  13. 1-7 Learning about Organizational Behaviour
  14. Objective Knowledge
  15. Skill Development
  16. Application of Knowledge and Skills
  17. 1-8 Design Thinking
  18. What about You? Learning Style Inventory
  19. Mini Case: Brian Cowell
  20. Shopify Running Case: A Canadian Success
  21. Chapter 2 Organizational Challenges for Today
  22. 2-1 Competing in the Global Economy
  23. Social and Political Changes
  24. Cultural Differences
  25. 2-2 Cultural Differences and Work-Related Attitudes
  26. Individualism/Collectivism
  27. Power Distance
  28. Uncertainty Avoidance
  29. Masculinity/Femininity
  30. Time Orientation
  31. Indulgence
  32. Developing Cross-cultural Sensitivity
  33. 2-3 The Diverse Workforce
  34. Cultural Diversity
  35. Gender Diversity
  36. LGBTQ2+ Diversity
  37. Age Diversity
  38. Ability Diversity
  39. Valuing Diversity
  40. Diversity’s Benefits and Problems
  41. 2-4 Ethics, Character, and Personal Integrity
  42. Consequential Theories of Ethics
  43. Rule-based Theories of Ethics
  44. Character Theories of Ethics
  45. 2-5 Ethical Dilemmas Facing the Organization Today
  46. Employee Rights
  47. Sexual Harassment
  48. Organizational Justice
  49. Whistle Blowing
  50. Social Responsibility
  51. Codes of Ethics
  52. 2-6 Technological Innovation and Today’s Workforce
  53. Alternative Work Arrangements
  54. Impact of Technology on Management
  55. Helping Employees Adjust to Technological Change
  56. What about You? Planning for a Global Career
  57. Mini Case: Jill Warner
  58. Shopify Running Case: Diversity in Question
  59. Part 02 Individuals Within Organizations
  60. Chapter 3 Personality and Perception
  61. 3-1 Individual Differences and Organizational Behaviour
  62. Skills and Abilities
  63. 3-2 Personality
  64. Big Five Personality Trait Model
  65. The Dark Triad
  66. HEXACO Personality Model
  67. Other Important Personality Traits
  68. Core Self-Evaluation (CSE)
  69. Self-Monitoring
  70. Positive/Negative Affect
  71. Situational Variables
  72. 3-3 Personality Assessment in Organizations
  73. Common Personality Assessment Tools
  74. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Instrument
  75. 3-4 Social Perception
  76. Observation
  77. Attribution
  78. Integration and Confirmation
  79. 3-5 Bias and Barriers to Social Perception
  80. Biases in Observation
  81. Biases in Attribution
  82. Biases in Integration and Confirmation
  83. 3-6 Impression Management
  84. What about You? Are You a High or Low Self-Monitor
  85. Mini Case: Race Problems in Canada
  86. Shopify Running Case: Building the Company
  87. Chapter 4 Emotions, Attitudes, and Ethics
  88. 4-1 Emotions
  89. Emotional Labour
  90. Emotional Intelligence
  91. Emotional Display Rules
  92. Emotional Contagion
  93. 4-2 Attitudes
  94. The ABC Model
  95. 4-3 Attitude Formation
  96. Attitudes and Behaviour
  97. Cognitive Dissonance
  98. 4-4 Work Attitudes
  99. Job Satisfaction
  100. Organizational Citizenship versus Workplace Deviance
  101. Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction
  102. 4-5 Persuasion and Attitude Change
  103. Source Characteristics That Affect Persuasion
  104. Target Characteristics That Affect Persuasion
  105. Message Characteristics That Affect Persuasion
  106. Cognitive Routes to Persuasion
  107. 4-6 Ethical Behaviour
  108. Corporate Social Responsibility
  109. 4-7 Factors That Affect Ethical Behaviour
  110. Values
  111. Age and Culture in Values
  112. Locus of Control
  113. Machiavellianism
  114. Cognitive Moral Development
  115. What about You? Assess Your Job Satisfaction
  116. Mini Case: Doing All That Is Necessary? SNC Lavalin
  117. Shopify Running Case: In Support of Free Speech
  118. Chapter 5 Motivation
  119. 5-1 Motivation
  120. Internal Motivators and External Incentives
  121. Scientific Management—A Process Theory
  122. The Hawthorne Studies—A Needs Theory
  123. 5-2 Maslow’s Need Hierarchy—A Needs Theory
  124. Theory X and Theory Y—A Needs Theory
  125. ERG Theory—A Needs Theory
  126. 5-3 McClelland’s Need Theory—A Needs Theory
  127. Need for Achievement (nAch)
  128. Need for Power (nPow)
  129. Need for Affiliation (nAff)
  130. 5-4 Equity Theory—A Process Theory
  131. The Resolution of Inequity
  132. New Perspectives onEquity Theory: EquitySensitivity
  133. 5-5 Expectancy Theory—A Process Theory
  134. Motivational Problems
  135. Motivation and Moral Maturity
  136. 5-6 Goal-setting Theory—A Needs Theory
  137. Clarity
  138. Challenge
  139. Commitment
  140. Feedback
  141. Task Complexity
  142. 5-7 Cultural Differences in Motivation
  143. What’s Important to Employees
  144. Mini Case: Engage!
  145. Shopify Running Case: Employee Motivation with Spinify
  146. Chapter 6 Stress and Well-Being at Work
  147. 6-1 What Is Stress?
  148. Stress—A Worldwide Issue
  149. 6-2 Four Approaches to Stress
  150. The Homeostatic/Medical Approach
  151. The Cognitive Appraisal Approach
  152. The Person–Environment Fit Approach
  153. The Psychoanalytic Approach
  154. 6-3 The Stress Response
  155. 6-4 Sources of Work Stress
  156. Work Demands
  157. Nonwork Demands
  158. 6-5 Two Models Linking Stress Sources to Negative Consequences
  159. Job Demand-Control-Support Model
  160. Effort–Reward Imbalance Model
  161. 6-6 The Positive Consequences of Stress
  162. 6-7 Individual Differences in the Stress–Strain
  163. Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy, and Negative Affectivity
  164. Type A Behaviour Pattern
  165. Personality Hardiness
  166. Self-Reliance
  167. 6-8 Preventive Stress Management
  168. Organizational Stress Prevention
  169. Individual Prevention
  170. What about You? Are You Self-Reliant?
  171. Mini Case: 69 Days of Stress
  172. Shopify Running Case: Avoiding Talent Drain
  173. Part 03 Interpersonal processes and Behaviour
  174. Chapter 7 Decision Making by Individuals and Groups
  175. 7-1 The Decision-making Process
  176. 7-2 Models and Limits of Decision Making
  177. Rational Model
  178. Bounded Rationality Model
  179. Vroom-Yetton-Jago Normative Decision Model
  180. Z Model
  181. Garbage Can Model
  182. Escalation of Commitment
  183. 7-3 Individual Influences on Decision Making
  184. Risk and the Manager
  185. Cognitive Styles
  186. Personality, Attitudes, and Values
  187. Intuition
  188. Creativity
  189. 7-4 The Group Decision-making Process
  190. Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Decision Making
  191. Limits of Group Decision Making
  192. Techniques for Group Decision Making
  193. Factors in Selecting the Appropriate Technique
  194. Special Decision-making Groups
  195. 7-5 Diversity and Culture in Decision Making
  196. 7-6 Participation in Decision Making
  197. The Effects of Participation
  198. Foundations for Participation and Empowerment
  199. What Level of Participation?
  200. What about You? Who Owns the Fish?
  201. Mini Case: And the Grammy Goes To …
  202. Shopify Running Case: Bricks, Mortar, and Green
  203. Chapter 8 Communication
  204. 8-1 Interpersonal Communication
  205. An Interpersonal Communication Model
  206. Reflective Listening
  207. 8-2 Barriers and Gateways to Communication
  208. Perceptual Filters
  209. Masculine vs. Feminine Communication Differences
  210. Cultural Diversity
  211. Language
  212. 8-3 Defensive and Nondefensive Communication
  213. Defensive Communication at Work
  214. Defensive Tactics
  215. Nondefensive Communication
  216. 8-4 Nonverbal Communication
  217. Kinesics
  218. Paralanguage
  219. Proxemics
  220. 8-5 Communicating through Technology
  221. Digital Natives
  222. Social Media
  223. Drawbacks of Digital Communication
  224. Benefits of Digital Communication
  225. Digital Communication at Work
  226. 8-6 Communication Skills for Effective Managers
  227. Expressiveness
  228. Empathy and Sensitivity
  229. Persuasiveness
  230. Informative Managing Style
  231. What about You? Are You an Active Listener?
  232. Mini Case: Smartphones: Promoting Communication Connectedness or Disconnectedness?
  233. Shopify Running Case: Shopify Introduces Timeline
  234. Chapter 9 Groups and Teams
  235. 9-1 Groups and Teams
  236. 9-2 Group Formation and Development
  237. Group Formation
  238. Diversity
  239. Models of Group Development
  240. Punctuated Equilibrium Model
  241. 9-3 Group Behaviour and Effectiveness
  242. Factors That Influence Group Behaviour
  243. Group Cohesion
  244. Factors That Influence Group Effectiveness
  245. 9-4 Types of Teams
  246. Cross-Functional Teams
  247. Self-Managed Teams
  248. Virtual Teams
  249. 9-5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams
  250. Advantages of Teams
  251. Social Benefits to Individuals
  252. Disadvantages of Teams
  253. What about You? How Cohesive Is Your Group?
  254. Mini Case: F1 Pit Crews Are the Epitome of Teamwork
  255. Shopify Running Case: Providing the Narrative for Customers
  256. Chapter 10 Conflict and Negotiation
  257. 10-1 The Nature of Conflicts in Organizations
  258. Functional versus Dysfunctional Conflict
  259. Phases of Conflict
  260. 10-2 Sources of Conflict in Organizations
  261. Task Conflict
  262. Process Conflict
  263. Relationship Conflict
  264. 10-3 Approaches to Conflict
  265. Framing the Conflict
  266. Conflict Management Styles
  267. 10-4 Conflict Management Techniques
  268. Superordinate Goals
  269. Expanding Resources
  270. Changing Personnel
  271. Changing Structure
  272. Improving Communication
  273. Negotiating
  274. Ineffective Conflict Management Techniques
  275. 10-5 Negotiation as a Conflict Management Technique
  276. Cultural Differences in Negotiation
  277. Before Negotiating
  278. The Zone of Potential Agreement (ZOPA)
  279. 10-6 Beyond Negotiating
  280. What about You? What Is Your Conflict-handling Style?
  281. Mini Case: Conflict Escalation between Neighbours
  282. Shopify Running Case: #DeleteShopify
  283. Chapter 11 Power and Political Behaviour
  284. 11-1 What Is Power
  285. 11-2 Sources and Bases of Power in Organizations
  286. Positional Bases of Power
  287. Personal Bases of Power
  288. 11-3 Using and Abusing Power in Organizations
  289. Influence Maps
  290. Increasing Power
  291. Bullying
  292. Sexual Harassment
  293. 11-4 Using Power Ethically
  294. 11-5 Political Behaviour in Organizations
  295. Dimensions of Political Behaviour
  296. Influence Tactics
  297. Political Skill
  298. 11-6 Managing Political Behaviour
  299. Sharing Power: Empowerment
  300. Managing Up
  301. What about You? How Politically Skilled Are You?
  302. Mini Case: Sexual Harassment in Parliament
  303. Shopify Running Case: Political Behaviour
  304. Chapter 12 Leadership
  305. 12-1 Leadership versus Management
  306. Leadership Theories
  307. 12-2 Trait Theories
  308. 12-3 Behavioural Theories
  309. Foundations of Behavioural Research
  310. The Leadership Grid®
  311. 12-4 Contingency Theories
  312. Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
  313. Path–Goal Theory
  314. Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership® Model
  315. 12-5 Transactional Theories
  316. Leader–Member Exchange (LMX)
  317. 12-6 Inspirational Leadership Theories
  318. 12-7 Important Concepts in Leadership
  319. Emotional Intelligence
  320. Trust
  321. Ethics
  322. Gender and Leadership
  323. 12-8 Followership
  324. Types of Followers
  325. 12-9 Guidelines for Leadership
  326. What about You? How Does Your Supervisor Lead?
  327. Mini Case: Dwane Casey and the Toronto Raptors
  328. Shopify Running Case: Growing the Brand
  329. Chapter 13 Organizational Culture
  330. 13-1 What Is Organizational Culture?
  331. Components of Organizational Culture
  332. Impact of Culture on Organizational Members
  333. Differentiation of Culture
  334. Advantages and Disadvantages of Organizational Culture
  335. 13-2 Levels of Organizational Culture
  336. Artifacts
  337. Shared and Espoused Values
  338. Assumptions
  339. 13-3 How Culture Is Started, Shaped, and Reinforced
  340. What Leaders Pay Attention
  341. How Leaders React to Crises
  342. How Leaders Behave
  343. How Leaders Allocate Rewards
  344. How Leaders Hire and Fire Individuals
  345. 13-4 Organizational Socialization
  346. The Socialization Process
  347. Outcomes of Socialization
  348. 13-5 Changing Organizational Culture
  349. Developing an Ethical Organizational Culture
  350. Developing a Culture of Empowerment and Quality
  351. Evaluating Organizational Change
  352. 13-6 The Relationship of Culture to Corporate Performance
  353. The Strong Culture Perspective
  354. The Adaptation Perspective
  355. What about You? Organizational Culture and Ethics
  356. Mini Case: The Great Little Box Company
  357. Shopify Running Case: Culture of Optimism and Creativity
  358. Chapter 14 Learning and Performance Management
  359. Models of Learning in Organizations
  360. 14-1 Classical Conditioning
  361. Reinforcement Theory
  362. 14-2 Social and Cognitive Theories of Learning
  363. Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
  364. Cognitive Theories of Learning
  365. 14-3 The Value of Thinking about Learning
  366. 14-4 Performance Management
  367. Defining Performance
  368. Goals Improve Performance Evaluation
  369. Measuring Performance
  370. 14-5 Performance Feedback
  371. 360-Degree Feedback
  372. Developing People and Enhancing Careers
  373. Key Characteristics of an Effective Appraisal System
  374. 14-6 Rewarding Performance
  375. Individual versus Team Reward Systems
  376. The Power of Earning
  377. 14-7 Correcting Poor Performance
  378. Coaching, Counselling, and Mentoring
  379. What about You? How Do You Correct Poor Performance?
  380. Mini Case: Murder–Suicide at BC Government Office
  381. Shopify Running Case: Continued Learning as a Path to Success
  382. Part 04 Organizational Processes and structures
  383. Chapter 15 Jobs and the Design of Work
  384. 15-1 Work in Organizations
  385. The Meaning of Work
  386. Jobs in Organizations
  387. 15-2 Traditional Approaches to Job Design
  388. Scientific Management
  389. Job Enlargement/Job Rotation
  390. Job Enrichment
  391. 15-3 Job Characteristics Theory
  392. Importance of Experienced Meaningfulness
  393. Expanding the Job Characteristics Model
  394. 15-4 Alternative Approaches to Job Design
  395. Social Information Processing
  396. Job Crafting and I-deals
  397. Job Design in the Changing World of Work
  398. International Perspectives on the Design of Work
  399. The Japanese Approach
  400. The German Approach
  401. The Scandinavian Approach
  402. 15-5 Contemporary Issues in the Design of Work
  403. Telecommuting
  404. Alternative Work Patterns
  405. Technology at Work
  406. Skill Development
  407. What about You? Diagnosing Your Job
  408. Mini Case: CKCK (CTV) Regina: Job Design Changes for the Newsroom Journalist
  409. Shopify Running Case: Flexible Work Arrangements
  410. Chapter 16 Organizational Design and Structure
  411. 16-1 Impact of Structure on Employees
  412. 16-2 Design Dimensions
  413. 16-3 Basic Structures
  414. Experiences with Structure
  415. Mechanistic and Organic Structures
  416. 16-4 Contextual Variables
  417. Size
  418. Technology
  419. Environment
  420. Strategy and Goals
  421. Interaction Between Structure and People
  422. 16-5 Forces Reshaping Organizations
  423. Life Cycles in Organizations
  424. Globalization
  425. Changes in Information-processing Technologies
  426. Demands on Organizational Processes
  427. 16-6 Emerging Organizational Structures
  428. Disruptive Organizational Designs
  429. 16-7 Consequences of a Poor Structure
  430. What about You? Managers of Today and the Future
  431. Mini Case: Great Little Box Company
  432. Shopify Running Case: Shopify’s Global Structure
  433. Chapter 17 Managing Change
  434. 17-1 Forces for Change in Organizations
  435. External Forces
  436. Internal Forces
  437. 17-2 The Scope of Change
  438. The Change Agent’s Role
  439. 17-3 Resistance to Change
  440. Major Reasons People Resist Change
  441. Managing Resistance to Change
  442. 17-4 Lewin’s Model for Managing Change
  443. 17-5 Determining the Need for Organization Development Interventions
  444. Diagnosis and Needs Analysis
  445. 17-6 Group-focused Techniques for OD Intervention
  446. Survey Feedback
  447. Management by Objectives
  448. Product and Service Quality Programs
  449. Team Building
  450. Process Consultation
  451. 17-7 Individual-focused Techniques for OD Intervention
  452. Skills Training
  453. Leadership Training and Development
  454. Executive Coaching
  455. Job Redesign
  456. Health Promotion Programs
  457. Career Planning
  458. Are Organization Development Efforts Effective?
  459. What about You? Applying the Force-Field Analysis Tool
  460. Mini Case: TD and Canada Trust
  461. Shopify Running Case: Disrupting the Retail Status Quo
  462. Chapter 18 Career Management
  463. 18-1 Occupational and Organizational Choice Decisions
  464. Preparing for the World of Work
  465. Occupational Choice
  466. Organizational Choice and Entry
  467. 18-2 Foundations for a Successful Career
  468. Becoming Your Own Career Coach
  469. Emotional Intelligence and Career Success
  470. 18-3 The Career Stage Model
  471. 18-4 The Establishment Stage
  472. Psychological Contracts
  473. Socialization Stress
  474. 18-5 The Advancement Stage
  475. Career Paths and Career Ladders
  476. Finding a Mentor
  477. Dual-Career Partnerships
  478. Work–Home Conflicts
  479. 18-6 The Maintenance Stage
  480. Sustaining Performance
  481. Becoming a Mentor
  482. 18-7 The Withdrawal Stage
  483. Planning for Change
  484. Retirement
  485. 18-8 Career Anchors
  486. 18-9 Career Resources
  487. What about You? Assess Your Flexibility Skills
  488. Mini Case: My Friend Morgan
  489. Shopify Running Case: Dev Degree Addressing Brain Gain
  490. Notes
  491. Index
  492. Tear-out Chapter Review Cards