Test Bank for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals 9th by Rice

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Chapter 1   Introduction to Medical Terminology


1.1   Multiple Choice Questions

1) A syllable placed at the end of a word is called a:

A) prefix.

B) root.

C) suffix.

D) combining form.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) A prefix is at the beginning of a word.

B) A root is the main element from which word, preceded by a prefix or followed by a suffix.

C) Correct.

D) A combining form joins a root to the suffix in some cases.

Page Ref: 3

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

2) The foundation of a word is the:

A) combining vowel.

B) combining form.

C) root.

D) prefix.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) A combining vowel is used to attach a root to a suffix.

B) A combining form is a root with a combining vowel added.

C) Correct.

D) A prefix comes before and is attached to a root.

Page Ref: 2

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

3) The prefix ad- means:

A) toward.

B) away from.

C) beside.

D) above.

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) The prefix ab- means away from.

C) The prefix para- means beside.

D) The prefixes supra- and hyper- mean above.

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

4) The prefix dis- means:

A) bad.

B) apart.

C) through.

D) against.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) The prefixes cac- and mal- mean bad.

B) Correct.

C) The prefix dia- means through.

D) The prefix anti- means against.

Page Ref: 10

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

5) In the term antipyretic, the root pyret means:

A) against.

B) putrefaction.

C) fever.

D) pertaining to.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) The prefix anti- means against.

B) The root sept means putrefaction.

C) Correct.

D) The suffix -ic means pertaining to.

Page Ref: 9

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

6) In the term epidemic, the prefix epi- means:

A) around.

B) upon.

C) before.

D) cause.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) The prefix peri- means around.

B) Correct.

C) The prefix pro- means before.

D) The root eti means cause.

Page Ref: 10

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

7) Which of the following words means one-thousandth of a liter?

A) Centiliter

B) Kiloliter

C) Microliter

D) Milliliter

Answer: D

Explanation: A) A centiliter is one-hundredth of a liter.

B) A kiloliter is one thousand liters.

C) A microliter is one-millionth of a liter.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 12

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

8) In the term necrosis, the root necr means:

A) death.

B) sick.

C) tumor.

D) bad kind.

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) The root morbid means sick.

C) The root onc means tumor.

D) The root malign means bad kind.

Page Ref: 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

9) In the word microscope, the suffix -scope means:

A) shape

B) glass lens

C) instrument for examining

D) view

Answer: C

Explanation: A) The suffix -form means shape.

B) There is no suffix meaning glass lens.

C) Correct.

D) The suffix -opsy means to view.

Page Ref: 12

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

10) The process of being stuck together is:

A) excision.

B) incision.

C) abhesion.

D) adhesion.

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Excision is the process of cutting out.

B) Incision is the process of cutting in.

C) This is not a real word. The prefix ab- means to away from.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 8

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Comprehension

Question Type: Word Building

11) The combining form eti/o means:

A) cause.

B) before.

C) between.

D) within.

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) The prefix pro- means before.

C) The prefix inter- means between.

D) The prefix intra- means within.

Page Ref: 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

12) In the term radiology, the suffix -logy means:

A) knowledge.

B) study of.

C) condition.

D) pertaining to.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) The suffix -gnosis means knowledge.

B) Correct.

C) The suffix -osis means condition.

D) There are many suffixes that means pertaining to, such as -al, -ar, and -ic.

Page Ref: 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

13) In the term malignant, the suffix -ant means:

A) forming.

B) pertaining to.

C) condition.

D) produce.

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) There are many suffixes that means pertaining to, such as -al, -ar, and -ic.

C) The suffix -osis means condition.

D) The suffix -genic means produce.

Page Ref: 12

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

14) The correct spelling for the suffix that means knowledge is:

A) -gosis.

B) -gnosis.

C) -gnosos.

D) -gnoses.

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Correct.

Page Ref: 10

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Spelling

15) The combining form onc/o means:

A) chemical.

B) tumor.

C) large.

D) death.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) The combining form chem/o means chemical.

B) Correct.

C) The combining form macr/o means large.

D) The root necr means death.

Page Ref: 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

16) Which of the following is concerned with the use of chemical agents to treat disease?

A) Chemotherapy

B) Etiology

C) Oncology

D) Triage

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) This is the study of the causes of disease.

C) This is the study of tumors.

D) This is a system of classifying patient injuries to determent treatment priority.

Page Ref: 10

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

17) The suffix -centesis means:

A) surgical puncture.

B) surgical incision.

C) surgical excision.

D) surgical repair.

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) The suffix -tomy means a surgical incision.

C) The suffix -ectomy means a surgical excision.

D) The suffix -rrhaphy means a surgical repair or suture.

Page Ref: 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

18) What does the prefix dis- mean in the word disinfectant?

A) through

B) upon

C) death

D) apart

Answer: D

Explanation: A) The prefix dia- means through.

B) The prefix epi- means upon.

C) The root necr means death.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 10

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

19) In the term maximal, the root maxim means:

A) large.

B) greatest.

C) least.

D) small.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) The root macr means large.

B) Correct.

C) The root minim means least.

D) The root micr means small.

Page Ref: 12

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

20) Which of the following combining forms means intestine?

A) etio

B) cardio

C) gastro

D) entero

Answer: D

Explanation: A) This combining form means cause.

B) This combining form means heart.

C) This combining form means stomach.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 15

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Analysis

Question Type: Word Building

21) A syllable placed at the beginning of a word is called a:

A) root.

B) combining form.

C) prefix.

D) suffix.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) The root is the word foundation.

B) A combining form is a root plus a combining vowel.

C) Correct.

D) A suffix is placed at the end of a word.

Page Ref: 2

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

22) The study of the cause of disease is called:

A) diagnosis.

B) etiology.

C) prognosis.

D) oncology.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Diagnosis means a determination of a disease.

B) Correct.

C) A prognosis is a prediction of a course of disease.

D) This is the study of cancer.

Page Ref: 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

23) A relationship of understanding between two individuals, especially between the patient and the physician, is called:

A) empathy.

B) afferent.

C) apathy.

D) rapport.

Answer: D

Explanation: A) This is feeling what another feels.

B) Afferent means carrying impulses to a center.

C) Apathy is lack of feeling.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Comprehension

Question Type: Communication

24) To move away from the middle is:

A) abduct.

B) efferent.

C) afferent.

D) adduct.

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) Efferent means to send impulses away from the center.

C) Afferent means to send impulses toward the center.

D) This means to draw parts to the middle.

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

25) The term febrile means:

A) pertaining to fever.

B) forming a disease.

C) condition of heat.

D) process of becoming ill.

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct. Febrile refers to a person having a fever.

B) Febrile does not mean forming a disease.

C) Febrile does not mean condition of heat.

D) Febrile does not mean process of becoming ill.

Page Ref: 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

26) ________ means sudden, sharp, and severe.

A) Acute

B) Triage

C) Chronic

D) Abate

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) Triage is a system of prioritizing the severity of patients’ injuries.

C) Chronic refers to an illness that changes little over time.

D) Abate means to lessen, decrease, or cease.

Page Ref: 8

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

27) A combination of signs and symptoms occurring together that characterizes a specific disease is called:

A) prognosis.

B) etiology.

C) diagnosis.

D) syndrome.

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Prognosis is a prediction of the course of a disease.

B) Etiology is the study of the cause of an illness.

C) Diagnosis is a determination of the nature and cause of a disease.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

28) The correct spelling for the medical term for profuse sweating is:

A) diphoresis.

B) dyphoresis.

C) diaphoresis.

D) dyaphoresis.

Answer: C

Explanation: C) This is the correct spelling

Page Ref: 10

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Spelling

29) The process of cutting out is called:

A) incision.

B) excision.

C) biopsy.

D) incise.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Incision means to cut into.

B) Correct.

C) Biopsy means to take a sample of tissue.

D) Incise means to cut.

Page Ref: 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

30) In the term maximal, the suffix -al means:

A) pertaining to.

B) condition.

C) process.

D) forming.

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) The suffix -osis, among others, means condition.

C) The suffix -ion means process.

D) The suffix -ant means forming.

Page Ref: 12

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

31) In the term prophylactic, the root prophylact means:

A) people.

B) shaping

C) guarding.

D) rule.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) The root dem means people.

B) The root format means shaping.

C) Correct.

D) The root norm means rule.

Page Ref: 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

32) The prefix is ________ of a word.

A) at the beginning

B) the root

C) at the end

D) the vowel attached to the root

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) The prefix is attached to the root.

C) A suffix is at the end.

D) The vowel makes a combining form.

Page Ref: 2

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

33) What is the purpose of a prefix?

A) To combine a root and a suffix

B) To be the foundation of the word

C) To alter the meaning of a root

D) To shorten a lengthy word or phrase

Answer: C

Explanation: A) The vowel added to a root to combine it with a suffix is the combining form.

B) The root is the foundation of a word.

C) Correct.

D) An abbreviation is a shortened word or phrase.

Page Ref: 2

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Comprehension

Question Type: Word Building

34) The foundation of the word is the:

A) combining form.

B) root.

C) suffix.

D) prefix.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) A combining form is a root plus a vowel.

B) Correct.

C) This is a modifier that comes after the root.

D) This is a modifier that comes before the root.

Page Ref: 2

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

35) The root format means:

A) forming.

B) examining.

C) shaping.

D) processing.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) The suffix -ant means forming.

B) The root scop means examining.

C) Correct.

D) The suffix -ion means process.

Page Ref: 12

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

36) In building medical terms, the combining vowel most often used is:

A) A.

B) E.

C) I.

D) O.

Answer: D

Explanation: D) Correct. Occasionally the vowel I is used.

Page Ref: 3

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

37) When giving the meaning of the word, you usually begin with the:

A) prefix.

B) root.

C) suffix.

D) combining form.

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Correct.

Page Ref: 3

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

38) The suffix -poiesis means:

A) spitting.

B) prolapse.

C) before.

D) formation.

Answer: D

Explanation: A) The suffix -ptysis means spitting.

B) The suffix -ptosis means prolapsed or drooping.

C) The prefix pre- means before.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

39) The abbreviation Bx means:

A) before.

B) blood pressure.

C) biopsy.

D) beside.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) The prefix pre- means before.

B) The abbreviation BP means blood pressure.

C) Correct.

D) The prefix para- mean beside.

Page Ref: 9

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

40) The prefix in abnormal means:

A) condition.

B) pertaining to.

C) destruction.

D) away from.

Answer: D

Explanation: A) The suffix -osis means condition.

B) Many suffixes mean pertaining to, such as -al or -ic.

C) The suffix -tripsy means to crush or destroy.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 8

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

41) The medical term antipyretic means an agent that is:

A) against cough.

B) against disease or pregnancy.

C) against fever.

D) against sepsis.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) An antitussive is against cough.

B) A prophylactic protects against disease or pregnancy

C) Correct.

D) The term antiseptic means against sepsis or infection.

Page Ref: 9

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Comprehension

Question Type: Word Building

42) The term cachexia means:

A) pertaining to the armpit.

B) surgical incision.

C) condition of ill health.

D) carried through sweat glands

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Axillary means pertaining to the armpit.

B) The suffix -tomy means the surgical removal of tissue.

C) Correct.

D) Diaphoresis means carried through sweat glands.

Page Ref: 9

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

43) The suffix -hexia means:

A) burst forth.

B) condition.

C) knowledge.

D) treatment.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) The suffix -rrhage means to burst forth.

B) Correct.

C) The suffix -gnosis means knowledge.

D) The suffix -therapy means treatment.

Page Ref: 9

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

44) The prefix in diagnosis means:

A) around.

B) through.

C) many.

D) alongside.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) The prefix peri- means around.

B) Correct. Another example is diameter.

C) The prefixes multi- or poly- mean many.

D) The prefix para- means alongside.

Page Ref: 10

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

45) The prefix in epidemic means:

A) above.

B) through.

C) around.

D) upon.

Answer: D

Explanation: A) The prefixes hyper- and super- mean above.

B) The prefix dia- means through.

C) The prefix peri- means around.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 10

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

46) The prefix in heterogeneous means:

A) different.

B) formation.

C) produce.

D) pertaining to.

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) The root gene means formation.

C) The root gene also means produce.

D) Many suffixes mean pertaining to, such as -al or -ar.

Page Ref: 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

47) A kilogram is equal to:

A) 10 g.

B) 100 g.

C) 1,000 g.

D) 10,000 g.

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Only C is correct. Kilo means one thousand.

Page Ref: 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

48) In the terms milligram and milliliter, the prefix milli- means:

A) one-tenth.

B) one-hundredth.

C) one-thousandth.

D) one-millionth.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) One-tenth is deci-.

B) One-hundredth is centi-.

C) Correct.

D) One-millionth is micro-.

Page Ref: 12

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

49) The definition of pallor is:

A) pertaining to fever.

B) a lack of color.

C) palm of the hand.

D) a diseased state.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Febrile means pertaining to a fever.

B) Correct.

C) Palmar means palm of the hand.

D) Morbidity is a state of being diseased.

Page Ref: 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

50) The medical term that means pertaining to fever is:

A) pyrogenic.

B) thermometer.

C) antipyretic.

D) febrile.

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Pyrogenic means producing fever.

B) A thermometer is an instrument to measure temperature.

C) An antipyretic is a substance used against a fever.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

51) Which of the following terms means against a cough?

A) antiseptic

B) antitussive

C) anesthesia

D) antipyretic

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Antiseptic means against sepsis or infection.

B) Correct.

C) Anesthesia means lack of feeling.

D) Antipyretic means against fever.

Page Ref: 9

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

52) The suffix -ic means:

A) study of.

B) process of.

C) treatment of.

D) pertaining to.

Answer: D

Explanation: A) The suffix -logy means study of.

B) The suffix -ion means the study of.

C) The suffix -therapy means treatment.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 9

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

53) The prefix anti- means:

A) upon.

B) around.

C) against.

D) through.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) The prefix epi- means upon.

B) The prefix peri- means around.

C) Correct.

D) The prefix dia- means through.

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

54) In the term mortality, what does the root mortal mean?

A) human

B) sick

C) death

D) people

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) The root morbid means sick.

C) The root necr means death.

D) The root dem means people.

Page Ref: 12

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

55) What is the correct abbreviation for the term otorhinolaryngology?


B) Orth


D) Erl

Answer: C

Explanation: A) OTO is not a standard abbreviation for a medical term.

B) Orth is the abbreviation for orthopedics.

C) Correct.

D) Erl is not a standard abbreviation for a medical term.

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

56) The SOAP note containing the diagnosis is which part of the note record?

A) the patient’s report of symptoms

B) the health professional’s observations

C) a plan of care

D) assessment

Answer: D

Explanation: A) This is the subjective part of the SOAP notes.

B) This is the objective section of the SOAP notes.

C) This is the management and treatment section of the SOAP notes.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Comprehension

Question Type: Medical Records

57) In the acronym SOAP, the S stands for:

A) suggestion.

B) syndrome.

C) social history.

D) subjective.

Answer: D

Explanation: D) Correct.

Page Ref: 19

Objective: 8

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Medical Records

58) Objective information is:

A) the patient’s description of his or her symptoms.

B) symptoms that can be observed or measured.

C) general family information.

D) basic data including date of birth, age, and gender.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) This is the subjective portion.

B) Correct.

C) General family information is included in the chart under patient data.

D) Date of birth, age, and gender are included in the chart under patient data.

Page Ref: 19

Objective: 8

Level of Diff.: Comprehension

Question Type: Medical Records

59) Which of the following would most likely be found in the ancillary reports section of a patient’s medical record?

A) An anesthesiology report

B) A laboratory report

C) A physical therapy report

D) A pathology report

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Anesthesiology reports have their own section of the medial record.

B) Laboratory reports have their own section of the medical record.

C) Correct.

D) Pathology reports have their own section of the medical record.

Page Ref: 18

Objective: 7

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Medical Records

60) When building medical words, what should you do when adding a suffix that begins with a vowel to a combining form?

A) Drop the vowel in the suffix and keep the vowel in the combining form.

B) Keep the vowel in the suffix and drop the vowel in the combining form.

C) Keep the vowel in the suffix and keep the vowel in the combining form.

D) Drop the vowel in the suffix and drop the vowel in the combining form.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) The suffix vowel should be kept rather than the combining form vowel.

B) Correct.

C) Keeping both vowels would result in words with incorrect double vowels.

D) Dropping both vowels would result in words with no combining vowel.

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 2

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

61) When building medical words, what should you do when adding a suffix that begins with a consonant to a combining form?

A) Keep the vowel in the combining form and add the suffix.

B) Keep the vowel in the combining form, add an o, then add the suffix.

C) Drop the vowel in the combining form, add an o, then add the suffix.

D) Drop the vowel in the combining form, drop the consonant in the suffix, and add the suffix.

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) Keeping the vowel and adding an o would result in words with incorrect double vowels.

C) The vowel should be kept in the combining form; no o is necessary.

D) Neither the vowel nor the consonant should be dropped.

Page Ref: 6

Objective: 2

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

62) When building medical words, what should you do when adding two combining forms to a suffix that begins with a consonant?

A) Keep the vowel in the first combining form and drop it in the second.

B) Drop the vowel in the first combining form and keep it in the second.

C) Keep the vowels in both combining forms.

D) Drop the vowels from both combining forms.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) The vowels must be retained in both combining forms.

B) The vowels must be retained in both combining forms.

C) Correct.

D) The vowels must be retained in both combining forms.

Page Ref: 6

Objective: 2

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

63) The spelling of which of these medical words follows the guideline for adding a suffix that begins with a vowel to a combining form?

A) Diagnosis

B) Etiology

C) Pyrogenic

D) Necrosis

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Diagnosis combines the prefix dia- with the suffix -gnosis.

B) Etiology combines the combining form eti/o with the suffix -logy

C) Pyrogenic combines the combining form pyr/o with the suffix -genic.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 6

Objective: 2

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

64) The spelling of which of these medical words follows the guideline for adding a suffix that begins with a consonant to a combining form?

A) Cardiac

B) Oncology

C) Prognosis

D) Prophylactic

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Cardiac drops the o from the combining form cardi/o before adding the suffix -ac.

B) Correct.

C) Prognosis combines the prefix pro- with the suffix -gnosis.

D) Prophylactic combines the root prophylact with the suffix -ic.

Page Ref: 6

Objective: 2

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

65) The spelling of which of these medical words follows the guideline for adding the combining form to a suffix that begins with a consonant?

A) Abnormal

B) Oncology

C) Antitussive

D) Epidemic

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Abnormal combines the prefix ab-, the root norm, and the suffix -al.

B) Correct.

C) Antitussive combines the prefix anti-, the root tuss, and the suffix -ive.

D) Epidemic combines the prefix epi-, the root dem, and the suffix -ic.

Page Ref: 6

Objective: 2

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

66) Why is correct spelling extremely important in medical terminology?

A) SOAP notes are considered incomplete if they contain spelling errors.

B) The ICD-10-CM has very strict guidelines related to the proper spelling of medical words.

C) The addition or omission of a single letter can change the meaning of a word.

D) Many Electronic Health Records will not accept records if they contain misspellings.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Spelling errors do not impact the completion of SOAP notes.

B) The ICD-10-CM provides diagnosis codes, not spelling guidance.

C) Correct.

D) Most Electronic Health Records will accept records even if they contain spelling errors.

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 3

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

67) Gwen needs to use a word that means to lead toward the middle. She writes down abduct. Is this the correct spelling of the word Gwen needed?

A) No; Gwen should have used adduct.

B) No; Gwen should have used apduct.

C) No; Gwen should have used acduct.

D) Yes, this is the correct word for Gwen to use.

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) Apduct is not the correct spelling; it is not a word.

C) Acduct is not the correct spelling; it is not a word.

D) Abduct is not the correct spelling; it means to lead away from the middle.

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 3

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

68) Charles needs to use a word to describe inflammation of a joint. He writes down arthritis. Is this the correct spelling of the word Charles needed?

A) No; Charles should have used artteritis.

B) No; Charles should have used arteritis.

C) No; Charles should have used arhritis.

D) Yes, this is the correct word for Charles to use.

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Artteritis is not the correct spelling; it is not a word.

B) Arteritis is not the correct spelling; it means inflammation of an artery.

C) Arhritis is not the correct spelling; it is not a word.

D) Correct.

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 3

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

69) Quinn needs to use a word to describe a bacterial infection of the lungs. She writes down neumonia. What did Quinn leave out of this word?

A) The silent e at the end of the word.

B) The silent p at the beginning of the word.

C) The double m in the middle of the word.

D) She did not leave anything out.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) There is no silent e in this word.

B) Correct.

C) There is no double m in this word.

D) There is a silent p at the beginning of the word.

Page Ref: 4

Objective: 3

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

70) Which of the following words contains a silent letter that often result in misspelling?

A) phlegm

B) diagnosis

C) abduct

D) etiology

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct.

B) There are no silent letters in diagnosis.

C) There are no silent letters in abduct.

D) There are no silent letters in etiology.

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 3

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

71) How does an initialism differ from an acronym?

A) An initialism is more likely to be misinterpreted than an acronym because it can have more than one meaning.

B) The individual letters are pronounced in an initialism rather than being read as a word like an acronym.

C) An initialism includes periods between the letters in the abbreviation while an acronym does not include periods.

D) Initialisms are frowned upon by the Institute for Safe Medical Practices while acronyms are acceptable to this group.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Any abbreviation with more than one potential meaning can be misinterpreted, regardless of type.

B) Correct.

C) Periods are typically not used in any abbreviation unless that is the accepted norm for that abbreviation.

D) The Institute for Safe medication Practices has a list of all types of abbreviations that it recommends organizations avoid; the list is not limited to a specific type of abbreviation.

Page Ref: 7

Objective: 4

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

72) Which of the following is an example of an acronym?

A) Dx



D) Derm

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Dx is the abbreviation for diagnosis and each letter is pronounced.

B) DOB is the abbreviation for date of birth and each letter is pronounced.

C) Correct.

D) Derm is the abbreviation for the word dermatology and is made by shortening the word.

Page Ref: 7

Objective: 4

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

73) Which of the following is an example of an initialism?



C) Neuro

D) Wt

Answer: B

Explanation: A) HIPAA is the acronym for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and is read like a word.

B) Correct.

C) Neuro is a shortened version of the word neurology.

D) Wt is a shortened version of the word weight.

Page Ref: 7

Objective: 4

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

74) Which of the following abbreviations has more than one potential meaning?



C) g


Answer: D

Explanation: A) CDC stands for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

B) GYN stands for gynecology.

C) g stands for gram.

D) Correct; it can mean physician assistant, posteroanterior, or pernicious anemia.

Page Ref: 7

Objective: 4

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

75) What should you do if you believe an abbreviation has the potential to be misinterpreted?

A) Use the abbreviation and include a footnote in the document indicating the correct meaning.

B) Use a different abbreviation for the word or phrase in question.

C) Attach an appendix stating the definition of each abbreviation used in the document.

D) Spell out the word or phrase and avoid using the abbreviation.

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Footnotes are not typically used in this way.

B) Many words have only one potential abbreviation.

C) Appendices are not typically used in this way.

D) Correct

Page Ref: 6

Objective: 4

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

1.2   Matching Questions

Match the following terms.

A) having 100 steps or degrees

B) the study of the cause(s) of disease

C) a unit of weight

D) pertaining to the armpit

E) profuse sweating

F) determination of the cause and nature of a disease

G) an agent that works against coughing

1) antitussive

Page Ref: 9, 10, 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

2) axillary

Page Ref: 9, 10, 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

3) centigrade

Page Ref: 9, 10, 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

4) diagnosis

Page Ref: 9, 10, 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

5) diaphoresis

Page Ref: 9, 10, 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

6) gram

Page Ref: 9, 10, 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

7) etiology

Page Ref: 9, 10, 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

Answers: 1) G 2) D 3) A 4) F 5) E 6) C 7) B

Match the following terms.

A) a prediction of the course of a disease

B) a feeling of discomfort or uneasiness

C) something that is harmful or cancerous

D) sudden, sharp, severe

E) an instrument used to measure degree of heat

F) the sorting and classifying of injuries

G) a new disease

8) neopathy

Page Ref: 8, 12, 13, 14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

9) prognosis

Page Ref: 8, 12, 13, 14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

10) thermometer

Page Ref: 8, 12, 13, 14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

11) triage

Page Ref: 8, 12, 13, 14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

12) acute

Page Ref: 8, 12, 13, 14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

13) malaise

Page Ref: 8, 12, 13, 14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

14) malignant

Page Ref: 8, 12, 13, 14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

Answers: 8) G 9) A 10) E 11) F 12) D 13) B 14) C

Match the word part with its meaning.

A) against

B) before

C) without, not

D) through

E) beside

F) many, much

G) small

H) self

I) bad

J) new

K) away from

15) a-

Page Ref: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

16) ab-

Page Ref: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

17) anti-

Page Ref: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

18) auto-

Page Ref: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

19) dia-

Page Ref: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

20) mal-

Page Ref: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

21) micro-

Page Ref: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

22) multi-

Page Ref: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

23) neo-

Page Ref: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

24) para-

Page Ref: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

25) pro-

Page Ref: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

Answers: 15) C 16) K 17) A 18) H 19) D 20) I 21) G 22) F 23) J 24) E 25) B

Match the word part with its meaning.

A) process

B) together

C) pertaining to

D) recording

E) heat, fire

F) stuck to

G) chemical

H) one-thousandth

I) large

J) armpit

26) syn-

Page Ref: 8-10, 12-14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

27) adhes-

Page Ref: 8-10, 12-14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

28) milli-

Page Ref: 8-10, 12-14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

29) axill-

Page Ref: 8-10, 12-14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

30) chem/o

Page Ref: 8-10, 12-14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

31) macr/o

Page Ref: 8-10, 12-14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

32) pyr/o

Page Ref: 8-10, 12-14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

33) -al

Page Ref: 8-10, 12-14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

34) -graphy

Page Ref: 8-10, 12-14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

35) -ion

Page Ref: 8-10, 12-14

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

Answers: 26) B 27) F 28) H 29) J 30) G 31) I 32) E 33) C 34) D 35) A

1.3   Short Answer Questions

1) Write the correct abbreviation for milligram:

Answer: mg

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

2) Write the correct abbreviation for obstetrics:

Answer: OB

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

3) Write the correct abbreviation for centigrade:

Answer: C

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

4) Write the correct abbreviation for dermatology:

Answer: Derm

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

5) Write the correct abbreviation for biopsy:

Answer: Bx

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

6) Write the correct abbreviation for diagnosis:

Answer: Dx

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

7) Write the correct abbreviation for psychology:

Answer: Psych

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

8) Write the correct meaning for Wt:

Answer: weight

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

9) Write the correct meaning for Bx:

Answer: biopsy

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

10) Write the correct meaning for Dx:

Answer: diagnosis

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

11) Write the correct abbreviation for gram:

Answer: g

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

12) Write the correct meaning for GYN:

Answer: gynecology

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

13) Write the correct abbreviation for liter:

Answer: L

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

14) Write the correct meaning for mL:

Answer: milliliter

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

15) ________ is a combination of a root word and a vowel.

Answer: Combining form

Page Ref: 3

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

16) The term ________ means to fix before or to fix to the beginning of a word.

Answer: prefix

Page Ref: 2

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

17) The foundation of the word is called the ________.

Answer: root

Page Ref: 2

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

18) The term ________ may be a syllable or group of syllables united with, or placed at, the end of a word to alter or modify the meaning of the word or to create a new word.

Answer: suffix

Page Ref: 3

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

19) Treatment of disease by using chemical agents is called ________.

Answer: chemotherapy

Page Ref: 10

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Comprehension

Question Type: Word Building

20) ________ means one-millionth of a gram.

Answer: Microgram

Page Ref: 12

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

21) A person with cancer would go to the ________ department.

Answer: oncology

Page Ref: 13

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Comprehension

Question Type: Branches of Medicine

22) Carrying impulses toward a center is called ________.

Answer: afferent

Page Ref: 8

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

23) The meaning of mcg is ________.

Answer: microgram

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

24) The meaning of the abbreviation L is ________.

Answer: liter

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

25) The meaning of the abbreviation ENT is ________.

Answer: ear, nose, and throat

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

26) The meaning of the abbreviation Path is ________.

Answer: pathology

Page Ref: 20

Objective: 9

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Abbreviations

27) Carrying impulses away from a center is called ________.

Answer: efferent

Page Ref: 10

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

28) The prefix meaning between is ________.

Answer: inter-

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

29) The suffix -rrhage or ________ means to burst forth or bursting forth.

Answer: -rrhagia

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

30) The suffix for suture is ________.

Answer: -rrhaphy

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

31) The prefix meaning above, beyond, or excessive is ________.

Answer: hyper-, super-, or supra

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

32) To lead away from the middle is called ________.

Answer: abduct

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

33) Inflammation of a joint is called ________.

Answer: arthritis

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Comprehension

Question Type: Word Building

34) The prefix meaning below, under, or deficient is ________.

Answer: hypo-

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

1.4   True/False Questions

1) A combining form is a word root to which a vowel has been added.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: The combining form is used when it is followed by another root or combining form or suffix that begins with a consonant.

Page Ref: 3

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

2) French is the origin for many medical terms.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: Greek and Latin are the origins for medical terms.

Page Ref: 4

Objective: 1

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Origins

3) Adduct means to lead away from the middle.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: Abduct means to lead away from the middle.

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

4) Arteritis is an inflammation of an artery.

Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 5

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

5) The plural of bursa is bursus.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: The plural of bursa is bursae.

Page Ref: 6

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Spelling

6) The singular of appendices is appendix.

Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 6

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Spelling

7) The term adhesion means being stuck together.

Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 8

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

8) Centimeter is 100 steps or degrees.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: A centimeter is one-hundredth of a meter.

Page Ref: 9

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

9) Afferent means to carry impulses away from a center.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: Afferent means to carry impulses toward a center.

Page Ref: 8

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building

10) Etiology is the study of the cause of disease.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: Eti/o means cause, and -logy means study of.

Page Ref: 11

Objective: 5

Level of Diff.: Knowledge

Question Type: Word Building