This is completed downloadable of Test Bank for Leading and Managing in Nursing 7th Edition by Yoder Wise
Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 0323449131
- ISBN-13 : 978-0323449137
- Author: Yoder Wise
Help students prepare for the NCLEX® and their transition to practice! Organized around the issues in today’s constantly changing healthcare environment Leading and Managing in Nursing, 7th Edition, offers an innovative approach to leading and managing by merging theory, research, and practical application. This cutting-edge text includes coverage of patient safety, consumer relationships, cultural diversity, resource management delegation, and communication. In addition, it provides just the right amount of information to equip students with the tools they need to master leadership and management, which will better prepare them for clinical practice.
Table of Content:
- Part 1: Overview
- 1: Leading, Managing, and Following
- Introduction
- Theory development in leading, managing, and following
- Leading, managing, and following—different but related
- Traditional and emerging leadership and management roles
- Leading, managing, and following in a diverse organization
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for leading, managing, and following
- 2: Clinical Safety: The Core of Leading, Managing, and Following
- Introduction
- The classic reports and emerging supports
- Other key agencies and endeavors
- Meaning for leading and managing in nursing
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for clinical safety
- 3: Legal and Ethical Issues
- Introduction
- Professional nursing practice: nurse practice acts
- Negligence and malpractice
- Informed consent
- Privacy and confidentiality
- Policies and procedures
- Employment laws
- Professional nursing practice: ethics
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for incorporating legal and ethical issues in practice settings
- 4: Cultural Diversity and Inclusion in Health Care
- Introduction
- Concepts and principles
- Theory
- National and global directives
- Special issues
- Language
- Meaning of diversity in the organization
- Cultural relevance in the workplace
- Individual and societal factors
- Dealing effectively with cultural diversity
- Implications in the workplace
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for incorporating cultural diversity in health care
- Part 2: Know Yourself
- 5: Gaining Personal Insight: The Beginning of Being a Leader
- Introduction
- Informal and formal leadership
- The core of learning to be a leader
- Gaining insight into self
- Becoming an authentic leader
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for Gaining Personal Insight
- 6: Being an Effective Follower
- Introduction
- Research on followership
- Followership theories
- Differences between leading and following
- Leader–follower relationship
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips on how to be an effective follower
- 7: Managing Self: Stress and Time
- Introduction
- Emotional intelligence
- Understanding stress
- Definition of stress
- Sources of job stress
- Dynamics of stress
- Management of stress
- Burnout
- Resolution of stress
- Management of time
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for self-management
- 8: Communication and Conflict
- Introduction
- Effective communication within healthcare settings
- Types of conflict
- Stages of conflict
- Categories of conflict
- Modes of conflict resolution
- Differences of conflict-handling styles among nurses
- The role of the leader
- Managing incivility, lateral violence, and bullying
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for effective communication and addressing conflict
- 9: Power, Politics, and Influence
- Introduction
- History
- Power
- Empowerment
- Sharing Power
- Personal power strategies
- Exercising Power and Influence in the Workplace and Other Organizations
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for using influence
- Part 3: Know the Organization
- 10: Healthcare Organizations
- Introduction
- Characteristics and types of organizations
- Integration
- Acquisitions and mergers
- Forces that influence healthcare organizations
- Theoretical Perspectives
- Nursing role and function changes
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for healthcare organizations
- 11: Organizational Structures
- Introduction
- Mission
- Vision
- Philosophy
- Organizational culture
- Factors influencing organizational development
- Characteristics of organizational structures
- Bureaucracy
- Types of organizational structures
- Emerging fluid relationships
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for understanding organizational structures
- 12: Care Delivery Strategies
- Introduction
- Historical methods of organizing nursing care
- Leadership during implementation of a model of care
- Organizational strategies influencing care delivery
- Positive care delivery systems
- Transitional care
- Interprofessional education and collaboration
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for selecting a care delivery model
- 13: Staffing and Scheduling
- Introduction
- The staffing process
- Evaluation of effective staffing
- Factors in staffing that influence patient outcomes
- Supplemental (agency or contract) staff and float pools
- Organizational factors that affect staffing plans
- Developing a staffing budget
- Scheduling
- Evaluating unit staffing and productivity
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for staffing and scheduling
- 14: Workforce Engagement Through Collective Action and Governance
- Introduction
- Nurses as knowledge workers
- Professional practice responsibility
- Workplace advocacy, engagement, and empowerment
- Shared governance
- Collective action, collective bargaining, and unionization in nursing
- Healthy work environments
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for workforce engagement and collective action
- Part 4: Use Your Skills
- 15: Making Decisions and Solving Problems
- Introduction
- Differentiation of decision making and problem solving
- Decision making
- Problem solving
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for decision making and problem solving
- 16: The Impact of Technology
- Introduction
- Types of technologies
- Knowledge technology
- Information systems
- Informatics
- Patient safety
- Impact of clinical information systems
- Safely implementing health information technology
- Future trends and professional issues
- Professional, ethical nursing practice and new technologies
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for managing information and technology
- 17: Delegating: Authority, Accountability, and Responsibility in Delegation Decisions
- Introduction
- Historical perspective
- Definitions
- Assignment versus delegation
- NCSBN model: an organizational framework for delegation
- Effective communication: an essential competency for successful delegation
- Delegation and the decision-making process in nursing
- Organizational and individual accountability
- Legal authority to delegate
- Learning how to delegate: different strategies for success
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Implications for practice
- Tips for delegating
- 18: Leading Change
- Introduction
- The nature of change
- The change process
- People and change
- Context and change
- Leadership and change
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for leading change
- 19: Building Effective Teams
- Introduction
- Groups and teams
- Creating effective teams
- Key concepts of teams
- Issues that affect team functioning
- Interprofessional teams
- The value of team-building
- The role of leadership
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for team building
- 20: Managing Costs and Budgets
- Introduction
- What escalates healthcare costs
- How health care is financed
- Healthcare reimbursement
- The changing healthcare economic environment
- Why profit is necessary
- Cost-conscious nursing practices
- Budgets
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for managing costs and budgets
- 21: Selecting, Developing, and Evaluating Staff
- Introduction
- Roles in an organization
- Selection of staff
- Developing staff
- Performance appraisals
- Coaching
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for selecting, developing, and evaluating staff
- 22: Person-Centered Care
- Introduction
- Person-centered care—why now?
- Initiatives to deliver person-centered care
- Challenges in the delivery of person-centered care
- Patient engagement
- Nurses in the delivery of person-centered care
- Synthesis and application
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for competent person-centered care
- 23: Managing Quality and Risk
- Introduction
- Quality management in health care
- Benefits of quality management
- Planning for quality management
- Evolution of quality management
- Quality management principles
- Customers
- The quality improvement process
- Quality assurance
- Risk management
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for quality management
- 24: Translating Research Into Practice
- Introduction
- From using research to evidence-based practice
- Development of evidence-based practice
- Comparative effectiveness research
- Practice-based evidence
- Participatory action research
- Quality improvement
- Evaluating evidence
- Organizational strategies to embed evidence-based practice into organizations
- Issues for nurse leaders and managers
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for developing skill in using evidence and translating research into practice
- 25: Managing Personal and Personnel Problems
- Introduction
- Personal/personnel problems
- Documentation
- Progressive discipline
- Termination
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips in the documentation of problems
- Part 5: Prepare for the Future
- 26: Role Transition
- Introduction
- Types of roles
- Roles: The ABCs of understanding roles
- Role transition process
- Strategies to promote role transition
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for role transition
- 27: Managing Your Career
- Introduction
- A career framework
- Career theory
- Professional development
- Contributing through scholarly activities and research
- Career marketing strategies
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for a successful career
- 28: Developing the Role of Leader
- Introduction
- What is a leader?
- The practice of leadership
- Leadership development
- Leadership development model
- Surviving and thriving as a leader
- The nurse as leader
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for becoming a leader
- 29: Developing the Role of Manager
- Introduction
- The definition of management
- Nurse manager as change leader
- Nurse manager role and the intergenerational workforce
- The nurse manager and interprofessional collaboration
- Building a positive work environment
- Consuming research
- Organizational culture
- Mentoring
- Day-to-day management challenges
- Managing resources
- Technology and informatics
- Dashboards and decision support tools
- Budgets and finance
- Quality indicators
- Professionalism
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for implementing the role of nurse manager
- 30: The Strategic Planning Process
- Introduction
- Strategic planning
- Reasons for strategic planning
- Phases of the strategic planning process
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- The evidence
- Tips for developing and executing a strategic plan for nursing
- 31: Thriving for the Future
- Introduction
- Leadership demands for the future
- Leadership strengths for the future
- Visioning, forecasting, and innovation
- The wise forecast model©
- Shared vision
- Projections for the future
- Conclusion
- Reflections
- Tips for the Thriving in the future
- The evidence
- Index