Test Bank for Labour Relations 5th by Suffield

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Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0199049319
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0199049318
  • Author: Hanneli Bendeman; Bronwyn Dworzanowski-Venter; Robert Venter; Andrew Levy

Labour Relations in South Africa provides a thorough and engaging introduction to the science and practice of labour relations in South Africa. The fifth edition presents a more critical and reflective approach, engaging with the various issues, shifts, and seismic events that have impacted this dynamic field in recent years. The text has been expanded to encompass a multifaceted perspective relating to business, science, law, economics, and sociology, and to focus more specifically on the context and dynamics of a developing country.

Table of contents:

  1. 1 Introduction to Labour Relations
  2. Defining Labour Relations, Industrial Relations and Employee Relations
  3. HRM Professionals and Labour Relations
  4. Labour Relations Issue 1-1 Labour Relations Questions
  5. The Employment Relationship in Non-union and Union Settings
  6. The Employment Relationship
  7. Key Considerations 1-1 Non-union vs. Unionized Workplaces
  8. The Development of Unions and Labour Relations in Canada
  9. Key Considerations 1-2 Events in the Development of Labour Relations
  10. Early Unions
  11. Entry and Influence of International Unions
  12. Early Labour Legislation and the Rise of Industrial Unions
  13. Public-Sector Unionization
  14. Frameworks for Labour Relations
  15. Industrial Relations Systems Approach—John Dunlop
  16. Key Considerations 1-3 Elements of Dunlop’s IR Systems Model
  17. “Open-system” Industrial Relations—Alton Craig
  18. Political Economy Approach
  19. Overview of This Book
  20. 2 The Environment
  21. Economic Environment
  22. Macroeconomic Environment
  23. Government Economic Policy
  24. Industry and Firm-Level Demand
  25. Other Economic Trends Affecting Labour Relations
  26. Technology
  27. Demographics
  28. Social Environment
  29. Political Environment
  30. Labour Relations Issue 2-1 What Are Your Values and Beliefs Relating to Unions?
  31. Divided Jurisdiction
  32. Legal Environment
  33. Human Rights Legislation
  34. Key Considerations 2-1 Possible Measures to Accommodate
  35. Key Considerations 2-2 Factors Determining Undue Hardship
  36. Labour Relations Issue 2-2 When Is a Discriminatory Requirement a BFOR?
  37. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  38. 3 Employers: Objectives, Processes and Strategy
  39. Management Objectives and Processes
  40. Efficiency or Productivity
  41. Control
  42. Employer Labour Relations Strategy
  43. Factors Affecting an Employer’s Labour Relations Strategy
  44. Possible Employer Strategies
  45. Strategies of Canadian Employers
  46. Importance of Labour Relations Strategy
  47. Alternative HR Strategies or Approaches to HR Management
  48. High-Performance Work Systems
  49. Key Considerations 3-1 Policies and Practices for a High-Performance Work System
  50. Employee Relations Programs
  51. Employee Communications
  52. Key Considerations 3-2 Best Practices in Employee Communications
  53. Staff Recognition Programs
  54. Employee Involvement
  55. Forms of Employee Involvement
  56. Employee Involvement Under the Collective Agreement
  57. Employee Involvement Outside of the Collective Agreement
  58. Labour Relations Issue 3-1 Employee Involvement – Joint Union–Management Committees
  59. Further Considerations for Employee Involvement Programs
  60. Outcomes of Employee Involvement
  61. Key Considerations 3-3 A Progressive Discipline Framework
  62. Diversity Management
  63. 4 Unions: Objectives, Processes and Structure
  64. Unions in Canada
  65. Extent of Unionization
  66. Types of Unions
  67. Union Objectives and Processes
  68. Improving Terms and Conditions of Work
  69. Protecting Employees Against Arbitrary Management Action
  70. Providing a Process for Conflict Resolution and Employee Input
  71. Pursuing Economic and Social Change
  72. Union Structure and Functions
  73. Union Local
  74. Key Considerations 4-1 Functions of a Union Local
  75. Independent Local Unions
  76. National and International Unions
  77. Key Considerations 4-2 Functions of National and International Unions
  78. Labour Relations Issue 4-1 The Relationship Between a National Union, Union Local and Union Members
  79. Labour Federations and Congresses
  80. Key Considerations 4-3 Functions of the Canadian Labour Congress
  81. Labour Relations Issue 4-2 Unifor Splits from Canadian Labour Congress
  82. Labour Councils
  83. Other Features of Union Structure
  84. 5 Governments, Labour Relations Boards and Other Parties
  85. Government Objectives and Processes
  86. Regulation of Labour Relations Processes
  87. Regulation of Labour Relations Outcomes
  88. Protection of the Public Interest
  89. Regulation of the Economy
  90. Assistance to Industry
  91. Regulating Market Practices and Results
  92. Government Employers: Objectives
  93. Maintaining Office
  94. Labour Relations Boards
  95. Composition of Labour Relations Boards
  96. Key Considerations 5-1 Labour Relations Board Responsibilities
  97. Board Responsibilities
  98. Procedure and Remedies
  99. Labour Relations Issue 5-1 Labour Relations Boards: Part of a Tri-Partite Employment Relationship
  100. Other Parties
  101. Arbitrators
  102. Courts
  103. Human Rights Tribunals
  104. 6 Union Organizing Drive and Certification
  105. The Decision to Unionize
  106. Why Employees Unionize
  107. Why Employees Do Not Join a Union
  108. External Factors Affecting Unionization
  109. How Bargaining Rights Are Obtained and Their Significance
  110. Certification of a Union
  111. Organizing Campaign
  112. Application for Certification to Labour Relations Board
  113. Labour Relations Issue 6-1 Determining Employee Status: The Fourfold Test
  114. Determination of Union Support
  115. Conduct During Organizing and Certification Processes
  116. Employer Unfair Labour Practices
  117. Key Considerations 6-1 Employer Unfair Labour Practices
  118. Permissible Employer Conduct
  119. Key Considerations 6-2 Permitted Employer Conduct During an Organizing Campaign
  120. Labour Relations Issue 6-2 What Employers Have Said in Response to a Union Organizing Campaign
  121. Union Unfair Labour Practices
  122. Remedies for Unfair Labour Practices
  123. Decertification
  124. Decertification Application by Employees
  125. Certification of a Different Union
  126. Additional Grounds for Decertification
  127. Successor Rights
  128. 7 The Collective Agreement
  129. Introduction
  130. Collective Agreement Contents
  131. Legal Requirements for Collective Agreements
  132. Mandatory Terms
  133. Union Recognition
  134. Key Considerations 7-1 Union Recognition
  135. Grievance and Arbitration Process
  136. Key Considerations 7-2 Grievance and Arbitration Procedure
  137. Strikes and Lockouts
  138. Duration or Term of the Agreement
  139. Voluntary Terms
  140. Management Rights
  141. Labour Relations Issue 7-1 Does Management Have to Act Reasonably?
  142. Bargaining Unit Work
  143. Union Security
  144. Key Considerations 7-3 Protection of Bargaining Unit Work
  145. Key Considerations 7-4 Union Security
  146. Labour Relations Issue 7-2 Can the Collective Agreement Prevent Probationary Employees from Challeng
  147. Seniority
  148. Key Considerations 7-5 Seniority Definition, Establishment and Termination
  149. Labour Relations Issue 7-3 Seniority Accumulation Protection During Disability and Pregnancy & Paren
  150. Seniority: Application to Layoffs, Recalls and Job Vacancies
  151. Key Considerations 7-6 Seniority Application to Layoffs, Recalls and Job Vacancies
  152. Key Considerations 7-7 Discipline and Discharge
  153. Discipline and Discharge
  154. Hours of Work and Scheduling
  155. Key Considerations 7-8 Hours of Work and Scheduling
  156. Overtime
  157. Key Considerations 7-9 Overtime
  158. Public Holidays
  159. Vacation

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