Test Bank for Krauses Food and the Nutrition Care Process 14th Edition by Mahan

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Product Details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9780323340755
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0323340755
  • Author:  By L. Kathleen Mahan

A trusted classic for over 50 years, Krause’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process, 14th Edition presents the most cutting-edge and up-to-date dietetics content available in this ever-changing field. Nicknamed the “nutrition bible”, students and practitioners alike turn to its current, comprehensive content, engaging pedagogy and design, and logical presentation of information. This new edition includes the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, more visuals, and highlighted Clinical Case StudiesClinical Insights, and Clinical Applications boxes that help translate scientific knowledge into practical patient care. Written by nearly 50 nationally recognized writers, researchers, and practitioners, it covers nutrition assessment and intervention, the nutritional needs of individuals in different stages of the life cycle, nutrition for health and fitness, and medical nutrition therapy.


Table of Content:

  1. Acknowledgments
  2. 1. Nutrition Assessment
  3.    Introduction
  4. 1.  Intake: Digestion, absorption, transport, and excretion of nutrients
  5. The gastrointestinal tract
  6. Brief overview of digestive and absorptive processes
  7. The small intestine: Primary site of nutrient absorption
  8. The large intestine
  9. Useful websites
  10. References
  11. 2.  Intake: Energy
  12. Energy requirements
  13. Components of energy expenditure
  14. Estimating energy requirements
  15. Calculating food energy
  16. Useful websites/apps
  17. References
  18. 3.  Inflammation and the pathophysiology of chronic disease
  19. Epidemic of chronic disease
  20. Concepts of chronic disease pathophysiology
  21. Inflammation: Common denominator of chronic disease
  22. Nutrient modulators of inflammation
  23. Reducing inflammation in the body
  24. Prolonged inflammation expression specific to major chronic diseases
  25. Summary
  26. Useful websites
  27. References
  28. 4.  Intake: Analysis of the diet
  29. Nutrition screening
  30. Nutrition assessment
  31. Analysis of dietary intake data
  32. Useful websites
  33. References
  34. 5.  Clinical: Nutritional genomics
  35. The human genome project and the “OMIC” disciplines
  36. Genotype and nutrition assessment
  37. Genetic fundamentals
  38. Genetics and nutrition therapy
  39. Ethical, legal, and social implications
  40. Summary
  41. Useful websites
  42. References
  43. 6.  Clinical: Water, electrolytes, and acid-base balance
  44. Body water
  45. Electrolytes
  46. Acid-base balance
  47. Acid-base disorders
  48. Useful websites, tools/calculators, and apps
  49. References
  50. 7.  Clinical: Biochemical, physical, and functional assessment
  51. Biochemical assessment of nutrition status
  52. Nutrition interpretation of routine medical laboratory tests
  53. Assessment of hydration status
  54. Assessment for nutritional anemias
  55. Fat-soluble vitamins
  56. Water-soluble vitamins and trace minerals
  57. Chronic disease risk assessment
  58. Physical assessments
  59. Nutrition-focused physical assessment
  60. Useful websites
  61. References
  62. 8.  Clinical: Food-drug interactions
  63. Pharmacologic aspects of food-drug interactions
  64. Risk factors for food-drug interactions
  65. Effects of food on drug therapy
  66. Medication and enteral nutrition interactions
  67. Effects of drugs on food and nutrition
  68. Modification of drug action by food and nutrients
  69. Effects of drugs on nutrition status
  70. Excipients and food-drug interactions
  71. Medical nutrition therapy
  72. Useful websites
  73. References
  74. 9.  Behavioral-environmental: The individual in the community
  75. Social determinants of health
  76. Nutrition practice in the community
  77. Needs assessment for community-based nutrition services
  78. National nutrition surveys
  79. National nutrition guidelines and goals
  80. Food assistance and nutrition programs
  81. Foodborne illness
  82. Food and water safety
  83. Disaster planning
  84. Healthy food and water systems and sustainability
  85. Summary: A work in progress
  86. Useful websites
  87. References
  88. 2. Nutrition Diagnosis and Intervention
  89.    Introduction
  90. 10.  Overview of nutrition diagnosis and intervention
  91. The nutrition care process
  92. Documentation in the nutrition care record
  93. Influences on nutrition and health care
  94. Nutrition interventions
  95. Nutrition for the terminally ill or hospice patient
  96. Useful websites
  97. References
  98. 11.  Food and nutrient delivery: Diet guidelines, nutrient standards, and cultural competence
  99. Determining nutrient needs
  100. Worldwide guidelines
  101. Nutritional status of Americans
  102. National guidelines for diet planning
  103. Food and nutrient labeling
  104. Dietary patterns and counseling tips
  105. Cultural aspects of dietary planning
  106. Useful websites
  107. References
  108. 12.  Food and nutrient delivery: Complementary and integrative medicine and dietary supplementation
  109. Complementary and integrative medicine
  110. Use of complementary and integrative therapies
  111. Dietary supplementation
  112. Dietary supplement regulation
  113. Assessment of dietary supplement use in patients
  114. Useful websites
  115. References
  116. 13.  Food and nutrient delivery: Nutrition support 1
  117. Rationale and criteria for appropriate nutrition support
  118. Enteral nutrition
  119. Enteral nutrition access
  120. Parenteral nutrition
  121. Complications
  122. Refeeding syndrome
  123. Transitional feeding
  124. Nutrition support in long-term and home care
  125. Useful websites
  126. References
  127. 14.  Education and counseling: Behavioral change
  128. Behavior change
  129. Models for behavior change
  130. Models for counseling strategies
  131. Models for educational program development
  132. Skills and attributes of the nutrition educator or counselor
  133. Assessment results: Choosing focus areas
  134. Counseling approaches after the assessment
  135. Unsure-about-change counseling sessions
  136. Resistance behaviors and strategies to modify them
  137. Ready-to-change counseling sessions
  138. Evaluation of effectiveness
  139. Summary
  140. Useful websites
  141. References
  142. 3. Nutrition in the Life Cycle
  143.    Introduction
  144. 15.  Nutrition for reproductive health and lactation
  145. Preconception and fertility
  146. Conception
  147. Pregnancy
  148. Postpartum period = preconceptual period
  149. Lactation
  150. Useful websites
  151. References
  152. 16.  Nutrition in infancy
  153. Physiologic development
  154. Nutrient requirements
  155. Milk
  156. Food
  157. Feeding
  158. Useful websites
  159. References
  160. 17.  Nutrition in childhood
  161. Growth and development
  162. Nutrient requirements
  163. Providing an adequate diet
  164. Nutritional concerns
  165. Preventing chronic disease
  166. Useful websites
  167. References
  168. 18.  Nutrition in adolescence
  169. Growth and development
  170. Nutrient requirements
  171. Food habits and eating behaviors
  172. Nutrition screening, assessment, and counseling
  173. Special concerns
  174. Useful websites
  175. References
  176. 19.  Nutrition in the adult years
  177. Setting the stage: Nutrition in the adult years
  178. Setting the stage: Messages
  179. Information sources
  180. Lifestyle health risk factors
  181. Health disparities and access to care
  182. Interventions, nutrition, and prevention
  183. Food trends and patterns
  184. Nutritional supplementation
  185. Functional foods
  186. Healthy food and water systems and sustainability
  187. Adult health next steps
  188. Useful websites
  189. References
  190. 20.  Nutrition in aging
  191. The older population
  192. Gerontology + geriatrics = the spectrum of aging
  193. Nutrition in health promotion and disease prevention
  194. Theories on aging
  195. Physiologic changes
  196. Quality of life
  197. Nutrition screening and assessment
  198. Nutrition needs
  199. Medicare benefits
  200. Nutrition support services
  201. Community and residential facilities for older adults
  202. Useful websites
  203. References
  204. 4. Nutrition for Health and Fitness
  205.    Introduction
  206. 21.  Nutrition in weight management
  207. Body weight components
  208. Regulation of body weight
  209. Weight imbalance: Overweight and obesity
  210. Management of obesity in adults
  211. Common problems in obesity treatment
  212. Weight management in children and adolescents
  213. Weight imbalance: Excessive leanness or unintentional weight loss
  214. Useful websites
  215. References
  216. 22.  Nutrition in eating disorders
  217. Clinical characteristics and medical complications
  218. Treatment approach
  219. Psychologic management
  220. Nutrition management
  221. Medical nutrition therapy and counseling
  222. Useful websites
  223. References
  224. 23.  Nutrition in exercise and sports performance
  225. An integrative approach to working with athletes
  226. Bioenergetics of physical activity
  227. Fuels for contracting muscles
  228. Nutritional requirements of exercise
  229. Weight management
  230. Weight management and aesthetics
  231. Macronutrients
  232. Carbohydrate
  233. Protein
  234. Fat
  235. Fluid
  236. Other considerations
  237. Vitamins and minerals
  238. Minerals
  239. Ergogenic aids
  240. Ergogenic aids for high intensity exercise
  241. Herbs
  242. Performance enhancement substances and drugs (PES/PED): Doping in sport
  243. Useful websites
  244. References
  245. 24.  Nutrition and bone health
  246. Bone structure and bone physiology
  247. Osteopenia and osteoporosis
  248. Diagnosis and monitoring
  249. Nutrition and bone
  250. Prevention of osteoporosis and fractures
  251. Treatment of osteoporosis
  252. Useful websites
  253. References
  254. 25.  Nutrition for oral and dental health
  255. Nutrition for tooth development
  256. Dental caries
  257. Early childhood caries
  258. Caries prevention
  259. Tooth loss and dentures
  260. Other oral disorders
  261. Periodontal disease
  262. Oral manifestations of systemic disease
  263. Useful websites
  264. References
  265. 5. Medical Nutrition Therapy
  266.    Introduction
  267. 26.  Medical nutrition therapy for adverse reactions to food: Allergies and intolerances
  268. Definitions
  269. Etiology
  270. Pathophysiology
  271. Food intolerances
  272. Assessment
  273. Medical nutrition therapy
  274. Emerging therapies
  275. Preventing food allergy
  276. Useful websites and apps
  277. References
  278. 27.  Medical nutrition therapy for upper gastrointestinal tract disorders
  279. Assessment parameters
  280. The esophagus
  281. The stomach
  282. Gastroparesis
  283. Useful websites
  284. References
  285. 28.  Medical nutrition therapy for lower gastrointestinal tract disorders
  286. Common intestinal problems
  287. Diseases of the small intestine
  288. Intestinal brush-border enzyme deficiencies
  289. Inflammatory bowel diseases
  290. Nutritional consequences of intestinal surgery
  291. Useful websites
  292. References
  293. 29.  Medical nutrition therapy for hepatobiliary and pancreatic disorders
  294. Physiology and functions of the liver
  295. Diseases of the liver
  296. Complications of ESLD: Cause and nutrition treatment
  297. Nutrition issues related to end-stage liver disease
  298. Nutrient requirements for cirrhosis
  299. Herbal supplements and liver disease
  300. Liver resection and transplantation
  301. Physiology and functions of the gallbladder
  302. Diseases of the gallbladder
  303. Complementary and integrative medicine
  304. Physiology and functions of the exocrine pancreas
  305. Diseases of the exocrine pancreas
  306. Complementary and integrative medicine
  307. Pancreatic surgery
  308. Useful websites
  309. References
  310. 30.  Medical nutrition therapy for diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia of nondiabetic origin
  311. Incidence and prevalence
  312. Categories of glucose intolerance
  313. Screening and diagnostic criteria
  314. Management of prediabetes
  315. Management of diabetes
  316. Implementing the nutrition care process
  317. Acute complications
  318. Long-term complications
  319. Hypoglycemia of nondiabetic origin
  320. Useful websites
  321. References
  322. 31.  Medical nutrition therapy for thyroid, adrenal, and other endocrine disorders
  323. Thyroid physiology
  324. Assessment in thyroid disorders
  325. Hypothyroidism
  326. Polycystic ovary syndrome
  327. Hyperthyroidism
  328. Managing imbalances of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis
  329. Adrenal disorders
  330. Useful websites
  331. References
  332. 32.  Medical nutrition therapy for anemia
  333. Iron-related blood disorders
  334. Iron overload
  335. Megaloblastic anemias
  336. Other nutritional anemias
  337. Nonnutritional anemias
  338. Useful websites
  339. References
  340. 33.  Medical nutrition therapy for cardiovascular disease
  341. Atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease
  342. Genetic hyperlipidemias
  343. Hypertension
  344. Heart failure
  345. Cardiac transplantation
  346. Useful websites
  347. References
  348. 34.  Medical nutrition therapy for pulmonary disease
  349. The pulmonary system
  350. Chronic pulmonary disease
  351. Asthma
  352. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  353. Tuberculosis
  354. Lung cancer
  355. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
  356. Chylothorax
  357. Acute respiratory distress syndrome
  358. Pneumonia
  359. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  360. Useful websites
  361. References
  362. 35.  Medical nutrition therapy for renal disorders
  363. Physiology and function of the kidneys
  364. Renal diseases
  365. Acute kidney injury (acute renal failure)
  366. Diseases of the tubules and interstitium
  367. Glomerular diseases
  368. Chronic kidney disease
  369. End-stage renal disease
  370. Useful websites
  371. References
  372. 36.  Medical nutrition therapy for cancer prevention, treatment, and survivorship
  373. Pathophysiology
  374. Nutrition and carcinogenesis
  375. Chemoprevention
  376. Medical diagnosis and staging of cancer
  377. Medical treatment
  378. Medical nutrition therapy
  379. Nutritional impact of cancer treatments
  380. Nutrition monitoring and evaluation
  381. Pediatric cancer
  382. Nutrition recommendations for cancer survivors
  383. Integrative oncology
  384. Useful websites and resources
  385. References
  386. 37.  Medical nutrition therapy for HIV and AIDS
  387. Epidemiology and trends
  388. Pathophysiology and classification
  389. Medical management
  390. Medical nutrition therapy
  391. Special considerations
  392. HIV in women
  393. HIV in children
  394. Complementary and integrative therapies
  395. Useful websites
  396. References
  397. 38.  Medical nutrition therapy in critical care
  398. Metabolic response to stress
  399. Hormonal and cell-mediated response
  400. Starvation versus stress
  401. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)
  402. Malnutrition: The etiology-based definition
  403. Trauma and the open abdomen
  404. Major burns
  405. Surgery
  406. Useful websites
  407. References
  408. 39.  Medical nutrition therapy for rheumatic disease
  409. Etiology
  410. Pathophysiology and inflammation
  411. Medical diagnosis and treatment
  412. Pharmacotherapy
  413. Antiinflammatory diet
  414. Complementary or integrative therapies
  415. Microbiota and arthritis
  416. Osteoarthritis
  417. Rheumatoid arthritis
  418. Sjögren syndrome (SS)
  419. Temporomandibular disorders
  420. Gout
  421. Scleroderma
  422. Systemic lupus erythematosus
  423. Spondylarthritides
  424. Useful websites
  425. References
  426. 40.  Medical nutrition therapy for neurologic disorders
  427. The central nervous system
  428. Issues complicating nutrition therapy
  429. Dysphagia
  430. Neurologic diseases of nutritional origin
  431. Neurologic disorders from trauma
  432. Head trauma or neurotrauma
  433. Spine trauma and spinal cord injury
  434. Neurologic diseases
  435. Useful websites
  436. References
  437. 41.  MNT in psychiatric and cognitive disorders
  438. The enteric nervous system (ENS)
  439. Blood glucose regulation
  440. Food allergies and sensitivities
  441. The role of nutrients in mental function
  442. Addiction and substance abuse
  443. Anxiety
  444. Bipolar disorder
  445. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
  446. Depression
  447. Fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)
  448. Schizophrenia
  449. References
  450. 6. Pediatric Specialties
  451.    Introduction
  452. 42.  Medical nutrition therapy for low-birth-weight infants
  453. Infant mortality and statistics
  454. Physiologic development
  455. Nutrition requirements: Parenteral feeding
  456. Transition from parenteral to enteral feeding
  457. Nutrition requirements: Enteral feeding
  458. Feeding methods
  459. Selection of enteral feeding
  460. Nutrition assessment and growth
  461. Discharge care
  462. Neurodevelopmental outcome
  463. Useful websites
  464. References
  465. 43.  Medical nutrition therapy for genetic metabolic disorders
  466. Newborn screening
  467. Disorders of amino acid metabolism
  468. Phenylketonuria
  469. Disorders of organic acid metabolism
  470. Disorders of urea cycle metabolism
  471. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
  472. Disorders of fatty acid oxidation
  473. Role of the nutritionist in genetic metabolic disorders
  474. Useful websites
  475. References
  476. 44.  Medical nutrition therapy for intellectual and developmental disabilities
  477. Medical nutrition therapy
  478. Chromosomal aberrations
  479. Neurologic disorders
  480. Fetal alcohol syndrome
  481. Controversial nutrition therapy
  482. Community resources
  483. Useful websites
  484. References
  485. Unit abbreviations
  486. Milliequivalents and milligrams of electrolytes
  487. Equivalents, conversions, * and portion (scoop) sizes
  488. Birth to 24 months: Boys length-for-age and weight-for-age percentiles
  489. Birth to 24 months: Boys head circumference-for-age and weight-for-length percentiles
  490. 2 to 20 years: Boys stature-for-age and weight-for-age percentiles
  491. Body mass index-for-age percentiles: Boys, 2 to 20 years
  492. Birth to 24 months: Girls length-for-age and weight-for-age percentiles
  493. Birth to 24 months: Girls head circumference-for-age and weight-for-length percentiles
  494. 2 to 20 years: Girls stature-for-age and weight-for-age percentiles
  495. Body mass index-for-age percentiles: Girls, 2 to 20 years
  496. Tanner stages of adolescent development for girls
  497. Tanner stages of adolescent development for boys
  498. Direct methods for measuring height and weight
  499. Indirect methods for measuring height
  500. Determination of frame size
  501. Adjustment of desirable body weight for amputees
  502. Body mass index table
  503. Percentage of body fat based on four skinfold measurements*
  504. Physical activity and calories expended per hour
  505. Nutrition-focused physical assessment
  506. Laboratory values for nutritional assessment and monitoring
  507. Nutritional implications of selected drugs
  508. Enteral (tube feeding) formulas for adults marketed in the usa
  509. Sample stepwise method to calculate a pn formula
  510. Dash diet
  511. Exchange lists for meal planning
  512. Development of standardized dysphagia diets
  513. Renal diet for dialysis
  514. Sodium in food
  515. The anti-inflammatory diet
  516. Nutritional facts on alcoholic beverages
  517. Nutritional facts on caffeine containing products
  518. Nutritional facts on essential (omega) fatty acids
  519. Nutritional facts on a high-fiber diet
  520. Nutritional facts on fluid and hydration
  521. Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected foods*
  522. Nutritional facts on a high-protein diet
  523. Nutritional facts on vegetarian eating
  524. Nutritional facts on folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12
  525. Nutritional facts on vitamin A and carotenoids
  526. Nutritional facts on vitamin C
  527. Nutritional facts on vitamin E
  528. Nutritional facts on vitamin K
  529. Nutritional facts on vitamin D
  530. Nutritional facts on calcium
  531. Nutritional facts on chromium
  532. Nutritional facts on iodine
  533. Nutritional facts on iron
  534. Nutritional facts on magnesium
  535. Nutritional facts on potassium
  536. Nutritional facts on selenium
  537. Nutritional facts on zinc
  538. INDEX
  539. Inside back cover