Test Bank for Geography: Realms, Regions, and Concepts, 16th Edition by de Blij, Muller, Nijman

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Chapter Number: 01

Question Type: Multiple Choice


01) What is true about the geography of the North European Lowland?


  1. a) It contains the mountain ranges of the Alps.
  2. b) It is the most densely populated of Europe’s landscape regions.
  3. c) It does not include southeastern England.
  4. d) It has historically functioned as a barrier to contact and communication due to its marshy conditions.


Answer: b


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 1: 1A.1 Describe Europe’s geographic limits, environmental foundations, resource opportunities, and locational advantages.

Section Reference 1: Geographical Features

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



02) What term represents the geographic principle under which particular peoples and particular places concentrate on the production of particular goods?


  1. a) complementarity
  2. b) Balkanization
  3. c) supranationalism
  4. d) local functional specialization


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 4: 1A.4 Discuss the evolution of modern Europe in spatial context and its impact on the world.

Section Reference 4: Modern Historical Geography

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



03) Which of the following is true of the Industrial Revolution in Europe?


  1. a) It produced the first specialized industries anywhere in the realm.
  2. b) It triggered a large immigration of workers from other parts of the world to fill the available jobs in the factories.
  3. c) It was initially focused in England, where machinery was invented and the use of steam to power engines emerged.
  4. d) It gave enormous situational advantage to large cities such as London and Paris, both positioned on coalfields and near iron ores.


Answer: c


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 4: 1A.4 Discuss the evolution of modern Europe in spatial context and its impact on the world.

Section Reference 4: Modern Historical Geography

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



04) Which of the following is true of Europe’s political revolution?


  1. a) It began in 1789 with the French Revolution.
  2. b) It ended with the division of the German state in 1945.
  3. c) It was stimulated by the new weaponry produced by the Industrial Revolution.
  4. d) It originated as a reaction to the oppression of the Roman Empire.


Answer: a


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 4: 1A.4 Discuss the evolution of modern Europe in spatial context and its impact on the world.

Section Reference 4: Modern Historical Geography

Bloomcode: Comprehension



05) What forces are divisive to a nation?


  1. a) situational
  2. b) centripetal
  3. c) centrifugal
  4. d) charismatic


Answer: c


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 7: 1A.7 Demonstrate the rise of European unification in terms of the economic, political, and cultural issues that drive this process.

Section Reference 7: European Unification

Bloomcode: Knowledge



06) What term represents a country’s leading urban center that is disproportionately large and exceptionally expressive of national feelings?


  1. a) core city
  2. b) primate city
  3. c) entrepôt
  4. d) functional region


Answer: b


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 5: 1A.5 Describe the forces that are shaping 21st century Europe and its changing population.

Section Reference 5: Contemporary Europe: A Dynamic Realm

Bloomcode: Knowledge



07) Which of the following is not an example of European supranationalism?


  1. a) Benelux
  2. b) the Euro currency
  3. c) the European Union
  4. d) Ukraine’s Orange Revolution


Answer: d


Difficulty: Medium

Learning Objective 7: 1A.7 Demonstrate the rise of European unification in terms of the economic, political, and cultural issues that drive this process.

Section Reference 7: European Unification

Bloomcode: Application



08) Only the southern portion of what island was recently granted admission to the EU?


  1. a) Ireland
  2. b) Malta
  3. c) Turkey
  4. d) Cyprus


Answer: d


Difficulty: Medium

Learning Objective 5: 1A.5 Describe the forces that are shaping 21st century Europe and its changing population.

Section Reference 5: Contemporary Europe: A Dynamic Realm

Bloomcode: Application



09) Which of the following is the process whereby regions within a state demand political strength and autonomy?


  1. a) devolution
  2. b) irredentism
  3. c) complementarity
  4. d) supranationalism


Answer: a


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 8: 1A.8 Analyze the impact of the EU on its member nations in terms of economics, politics and the citizens of those member nations.

Section Reference 8: Consequences of Unification

Bloomcode: Knowledge



10) Which of the following cities is not part of one of the Four Motors of Europe?


  1. a) Brussels
  2. b) Milan
  3. c) Stuttgart
  4. d) Barcelona


Answer: a


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 8: 1A.8 Analyze the impact of the EU on its member nations in terms of economics, politics and the citizens of those member nations.

Section Reference 8: Consequences of Unification

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



11) Which of the following religions has gradually lost adherents since secularization gathered momentum in the late 1960s, especially in western Europe?


  1. a) Islam
  2. b) Hinduism
  3. c) Judaism
  4. d) Christianity


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 5: 1A.5 Describe the forces that are shaping 21st century Europe and its changing population.

Section Reference 5: Contemporary Europe: A Dynamic Realm

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



12) Which of the following countries has been pulling through the global recession better than any other country in the European realm?


  1. a) France
  2. b) Italy
  3. c) the United Kingdom
  4. d) Germany


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 2: 1B.2 Discuss the concept of the “European core” in western Europe and analyze the present and future role of the core countries in the unification of Europe.

Section Reference 2: The Mainland Core

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



13) What is the name of the major river in western Germany that enters the North Sea through the Netherlands and passes through the Ruhr?


  1. a) Rhône
  2. b) Danube
  3. c) Elbe
  4. d) Rhine


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 2: 1B.2 Discuss the concept of the “European core” in western Europe and analyze the present and future role of the core countries in the unification of Europe.

Section Reference 2: The Mainland Core

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



14) Which of the following statements is correct about German reunification?


  1. a) It occurred in 1990.
  2. b) It has resulted in economic equalization between former East and West Germany.
  3. c) It has led to a country with eight Autonomous Communities.
  4. d) It took place immediately after the end of World War II.


Answer: a


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 2: 1B.2 Discuss the concept of the “European core” in western Europe and analyze the present and future role of the core countries in the unification of Europe.

Section Reference 2: The Mainland Core

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



15) What is the only European country that has a coastline on the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and the North Sea?


  1. a) Portugal
  2. b) Germany
  3. c) Spain
  4. d) France


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 2: 1B.2 Discuss the concept of the “European core” in western Europe and analyze the present and future role of the core countries in the unification of Europe.

Section Reference 2: The Mainland Core

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



16) Which of the following statements comparing Germany and France is false?


  1. a) Germany is larger territorially than France.
  2. b) Germany has a better river system than France.
  3. c) Germany is more industrialized than France
  4. d) Germany has better harbors than France.


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 2: 1B.2 Discuss the concept of the “European core” in western Europe and analyze the present and future role of the core countries in the unification of Europe.

Section Reference 2: The Mainland Core

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



17) Which of the following statements regarding the site and situation of Paris is true?


  1. a) Paris initially benefited from an excellent site.
  2. b) Paris initially benefited from an excellent situation.
  3. c) The site of Paris is far inferior to that of any other French city.
  4. d) Paris initially benefitted from both excellent site and situation.


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 2: 1B.2 Discuss the concept of the “European core” in western Europe and analyze the present and future role of the core countries in the unification of Europe.

Section Reference 2: The Mainland Core

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



18) Where are the administrative headquarters of the European Union located?


  1. a) Geneva
  2. b) Paris
  3. c) Brussels
  4. d) Strasbourg


Answer: c


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 2: 1B.2 Discuss the concept of the “European core” in western Europe and analyze the present and future role of the core countries in the unification of Europe.

Section Reference 2: The Mainland Core

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



19) Which of the following cities is located in the Randstad conurbation?


  1. a) Berlin
  2. b) Amsterdam
  3. c) Copenhagen
  4. d) Vienna


Answer: b


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 2: 1B.2 Discuss the concept of the “European core” in western Europe and analyze the present and future role of the core countries in the unification of Europe.

Section Reference 2: The Mainland Core

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



20) Which of the following western European states is not a member of the European Union?


  1. a) Austria
  2. b) Luxembourg
  3. c) the Netherlands
  4. d) Switzerland


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 2: 1B.2 Discuss the concept of the “European core” in western Europe and analyze the present and future role of the core countries in the unification of Europe.

Section Reference 2: The Mainland Core

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



21) Where have significant oil and natural gas supplies been found in the European realm?


  1. a) Baltic Sea
  2. b) Gulf of Finland
  3. c) North Sea
  4. d) Adriatic Sea


Answer: c


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 3: 1B.3 Compare the differences between the regional components of the British Isles and the reasons behind them.

Section Reference 3: The Core Offshore: The British Isles

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



22) The conurbation centered by London lies within which of the following regions?


  1. a) southern England
  2. b) northern England
  3. c) Scotland
  4. d) Wales


Answer: a


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 3: 1B.3 Compare the differences between the regional components of the British Isles and the reasons behind them.

Section Reference 3: The Core Offshore: The British Isles

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



23) The population of Northern Ireland is:


  1. a) not part of the European Union.
  2. b) made up of refugees from Wales.
  3. c) politically dominated by Protestants.
  4. d) not part of the United Kingdom.


Answer: c


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 3: 1B.3 Compare the differences between the regional components of the British Isles and the reasons behind them.

Section Reference 3: The Core Offshore: The British Isles

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



24) Which of the following is the Discontinuous North’s largest country in terms of both population and territory?


  1. a) Denmark
  2. b) Sweden
  3. c) Norway
  4. d) Finland


Answer: b


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 5: 1B.5 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of Europe’s Northern domain.

Section Reference 5: The Discontinuous North

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



25) What Northern European country has benefited the most from North Sea oil?


  1. a) Denmark
  2. b) Norway
  3. c) Iceland
  4. d) Finland


Answer: b


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 5: 1B.5 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of Europe’s Northern domain.

Section Reference 5: The Discontinuous North

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



26) What country is located on the Jutland Peninsula and is the smallest-sized state in Northern Europe?


  1. a) Sweden
  2. b) Norway
  3. c) Estonia
  4. d) Denmark


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 5: 1B.5 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of Europe’s Northern domain.

Section Reference 5: The Discontinuous North

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



27) Which Nordic European city serves as a break of bulk, or entrepôt, city?


  1. a) Stockholm
  2. b) Copenhagen
  3. c) Oslo
  4. d) Reykjavik


Answer: b


Difficulty: Medium

Learning Objective 5: 1B.5 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of Europe’s Northern domain.

Section Reference 5: The Discontinuous North

Bloomcode:  Application



28) What country has more in common with Finland than its other neighboring states, and is therefore included as part of Northern Europe?


  1. a) Estonia
  2. b) Latvia
  3. c) Lithuania
  4. d) Kaliningrad


Answer: a


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 5: 1B.5 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of Europe’s Northern domain.

Section Reference 5: The Discontinuous North

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



29) The Iberian Peninsula is isolated from the rest of Europe by what mountain range?


  1. a) Appennines
  2. b) Alps
  3. c) Pyrenees
  4. d) Pennines


Answer: c


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 4: 1B.4 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of the Mediterranean Basin and the Western Balkan Peninsula.

Section Reference 4: The Discontinuous South

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



30) What is the Mediterranean European country with the lowest percentage of urban residents?


  1. a) Spain
  2. b) Portugal
  3. c) France
  4. d) Italy


Answer: b


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 4: 1B.4 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of the Mediterranean Basin and the Western Balkan Peninsula.

Section Reference 4: The Discontinuous South

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



31) Where is Italy’s economic core located today?


  1. a) Sicily
  2. b) the Po River Valley
  3. c) the Naples-Venice conurbation
  4. d) Catalonia


Answer: b


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 4: 1B.4 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of the Mediterranean Basin and the Western Balkan Peninsula.

Section Reference 4: The Discontinuous South

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



32) Which of the following cities is located in Italy’s and Europe’s core area?


  1. a) Milan
  2. b) Rome
  3. c) Barcelona
  4. d) Naples


Answer: a


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 4: 1B.4 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of the Mediterranean Basin and the Western Balkan Peninsula.

Section Reference 4: The Discontinuous South

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



33) What economically divides Northern and Southern Italy?


  1. a) Alps
  2. b) Appennines
  3. c) Po River
  4. d) Ancona Line


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 4: 1B.4 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of the Mediterranean Basin and the Western Balkan Peninsula.

Section Reference 4: The Discontinuous South

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



34) What country is located directly across the Strait of Gibraltar from southernmost Spain?


  1. a) Portugal
  2. b) Morocco
  3. c) Italy
  4. d) Gibraltar


Answer: b


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 4: 1B.4 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of the Mediterranean Basin and the Western Balkan Peninsula.

Section Reference 4: The Discontinuous South

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



35) Which of the following is the Autonomous Community located in northeastern Spain just south of the Pyrenees Mountains and is centered on industrialized Barcelona?


  1. a) Portugal
  2. b) Andalusia
  3. c) Catalonia
  4. d) Gibraltar


Answer: c


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 4: 1B.4 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of the Mediterranean Basin and the Western Balkan Peninsula.

Section Reference 4: The Discontinuous South

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



36) What territory is Spain and the United Kingdom in a dispute over?


  1. a) Cyprus
  2. b) Kosovo
  3. c) Ceuta
  4. d) Gibraltar


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 4: 1B.4 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of the Mediterranean Basin and the Western Balkan Peninsula.

Section Reference 4: The Discontinuous South

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



37) What is the capital and primate city of Greece?


  1. a) Sparta
  2. b) Malta
  3. c) Athens
  4. d) Cyprus


Answer: c


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 4: 1B.4 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of the Mediterranean Basin and the Western Balkan Peninsula.

Section Reference 4: The Discontinuous South

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



38) What is the Mediterranean island contested by both Greece and Turkey?


  1. a) Cyprus
  2. b) Crete
  3. c) Malta
  4. d) Sicily


Answer: a


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 4: 1B.4 Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of the Mediterranean Basin and the Western Balkan Peninsula.

Section Reference 4: The Discontinuous South

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



39) The international community recognizes which government on Cyprus?


  1. a) Greek Cypriot
  2. b) Turkish Cypriot
  3. c) Islamic
  4. d) Maltese


Answer: a


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective: Describe how core-periphery contrasts shape the geography of the Mediterranean Basin and the Western Balkan Peninsula.

Section Reference: The Discontinuous South

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



40) What term is used to describe eastern Europe as a zone of politico-geographical splintering and fracturing?


  1. a) irredentist region
  2. b) periphery
  3. c) shatter belt
  4. d) Balkan conurbation


Answer: c


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 6: 1B.6 Analyze the post-Soviet evolution of states formerly behind the iron curtain and their responses to the challenge of peripheral location.

Section Reference 6: The Eastern Periphery

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



41) Which of the following describes the term Balkanization?


  1. a) a peculiar language that is spoken in Bulgaria
  2. b) the landmass located west of the Adriatic Sea
  3. c) the phenomenon of Serbian supranationalism
  4. d) the division and fragmentation of the southern portion of eastern Europe


Answer: d


Difficulty: Medium

Learning Objective 6: 1B.6 Analyze the post-Soviet evolution of states formerly behind the iron curtain and their responses to the challenge of peripheral location.

Section Reference 6: The Eastern Periphery

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



42) The Danube River empties into what sea?


  1. a) Adriatic
  2. b) Mediterranean
  3. c) Aegean
  4. d) Black


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 6: 1B.6 Analyze the post-Soviet evolution of states formerly behind the iron curtain and their responses to the challenge of peripheral location.

Section Reference 6: The Eastern Periphery

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



43) From the end of World War II until 1990, what dominated politics in eastern Europe?


  1. a) Ottoman Turks
  2. b) Hapsburg Empire
  3. c) European Community
  4. d) Soviet Union


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 6: 1B.6 Analyze the post-Soviet evolution of states formerly behind the iron curtain and their responses to the challenge of peripheral location.

Section Reference 6: The Eastern Periphery

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



44) Where is the leading manufacturing/industrial complex in Poland located?


  1. a) the Bohemian Basin
  2. b) the Warsaw area
  3. c) the Vistula Valley
  4. d) Silesia


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 6: 1B.6 Analyze the post-Soviet evolution of states formerly behind the iron curtain and their responses to the challenge of peripheral location.

Section Reference 6: The Eastern Periphery

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



45) Which of the following is the Russian exclave located between Lithuania and Poland?


  1. a) Kaliningrad
  2. b) Leningrad
  3. c) Latvia
  4. d) Estonia


Answer: a


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 6: 1B.6 Analyze the post-Soviet evolution of states formerly behind the iron curtain and their responses to the challenge of peripheral location.

Section Reference 6: The Eastern Periphery

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



46) Which former Soviet Socialist Republic is also called White Russia and is still strongly linked to Moscow?


  1. a) Belarus
  2. b) Lithuania
  3. c) Moldova
  4. d) Estonia


Answer: a


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 6: 1B.6 Analyze the post-Soviet evolution of states formerly behind the iron curtain and their responses to the challenge of peripheral location.

Section Reference 6: The Eastern Periphery

Bloomcode:  Comprehension



47) Which of the following is a significant minority found in Slovakia?


  1. a) Czech
  2. b) Hungarian
  3. c) Serbian
  4. d) Slovenian


Answer: b


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 6: 1B.6 Analyze the post-Soviet evolution of states formerly behind the iron curtain and their responses to the challenge of peripheral location.

Section Reference 6: The Eastern Periphery

Bloomcode:  Knowledge



48) What term represents when a state seeks to acquire the neighboring territory of another country that is home to ethnically similar people?


  1. a) colonization
  2. b) devolution
  3. c) interference
  4. d) irredentism


Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective 6: 1B.6 Analyze the post-Soviet evolution of states formerly behind the iron curtain and their responses to the challenge of peripheral location.

Section Reference 6: The Eastern Periphery

Bloomcode:  Knowledge