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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 1437709893
- ISBN-13 : 978-1437709896
- Author: Nancy A. Brunzel
Renowned for its clear writing style, logical organization, level and depth of content, and excellent color illustrations, “Fundamentals of Urine & Body Fluid Analysis, 3rd Edition” covers the collection and analysis of urine, fecal specimens, vaginal secretions, and other body fluids such as cerebrospinal, synovial, seminal, amniotic, pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal fluids. Expert author Nancy Brunzel shares her extensive knowledge and expertise in the field, presenting key information and essential techniques and procedures, as well as easy-to-grasp explanations of how to correlate data with basic anatomy and physiology to understand pathological processes.
Table of Content:
- Chapter 1 Microscopy
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Brightfield Microscope
- FIGURE 1-1 A, A schematic representation of a brightfield microscope and its components. B, Path of illumination using Köhler illumination.
- FIGURE 1-2 Drawing depicting changes in numerical aperture. Note the increase in light angle (µ) attained and therefore in the numerical aperture when immersion oil is used.
- Eyepiece
- FIGURE 1-3 Schematic representation of a binocular eyepiece shows the location of the diopter adjustment ring.
- Mechanical Stage
- Condenser
- FIGURE 1-4 Schematic diagram of a condenser and an aperture diaphragm located beneath the mechanical stage of the microscope.
- FIGURE 1-5 Two types of aperture diaphragms. A, An iris diaphragm. B, A disk diaphragm.
- Illumination System
- Objectives
- FIGURE 1-6 Engravings on this objective indicate that it is a planachromat lens (SPlan); the initial magnification is 40×; the numerical aperture is 0.70; the objective is designed for a microscope with an optical tube length of 160 mm; and the coverslip thickness should be 0.17 ± 0.01 mm.
- Box 1-1 Binocular Microscope Adjustment Procedure With Köhler Illumination
- Preparing the Microscope
- Interpupillary Adjustment
- Diopter Adjustment
- Condenser Adjustment
- Condenser Height and Centration
- Field Diaphragm Adjustment
- Condenser Aperture Diaphragm Adjustment
- FIGURE 1-7 An illustration of chromatic aberration. Each wavelength of light is bent to a different focal point after passing through an uncorrected lens.
- FIGURE 1-8 An illustration of spherical aberration. Each light ray is bent toward a different focal point, depending on where the ray enters an uncorrected lens.
- Ocular Field Number
- Microscope Adjustment Procedure
- Care and Preventive Maintenance
- Box 1-2 Microscope Dos and Don’ts
- Dos
- Don’ts
- Types of Microscopy
- Brightfield Microscopy
- Phase-Contrast Microscopy
- FIGURE 1-9 The effect of the phase of light waves on the light intensity observed. A, All light waves are in phase, and light intensity is maximal. B, Some light waves are slower or are partially out of phase, resulting in a decrease in the light intensity observed. C, Equal numbers of light waves are in phase and out of phase. As a result, the net intensity observed is zero (i.e., the light waves cancel each other out).
- FIGURE 1-10 Schematic representation of (A) an annular diaphragm (placed below the condenser) and (B) the phase-shifting element (placed in back of the objective).
- FIGURE 1-11 Phase ring alignment. A schematic representation of the view at the back of the objective when one is looking down the eyepiece tube with the eyepiece removed. The dark annulus is formed by the phase-shifting element in the objective; the light annulus is formed by the annular diaphragm. Phase ring alignment is obtained by adjusting the light annulus until it is centered and superimposed on the dark annulus.
- FIGURE 1-12 An example of phase-contrast microscopy. This low-power (100×) view of urine sediment includes a highly refractile fiber revealed by its brightly haloed image. The hyaline casts and mucus threads are less refractile and have haloes of decreased intensity compared with the highly refractile fiber.
- FIGURE 1-13 Comparison of light ray orientation in (A) regular light (vibrating in all directions) and (B) polarized light (vibrating in only one plane).
- Polarizing Microscopy
- FIGURE 1-14 A, Schematic diagram of a polarizing microscope and its components. B, The change in the polarized light rays caused by a birefringent specimen. The polarizer and the analyzer are in a crossed position.
- Interference Contrast Microscopy
- FIGURE 1-15 An example of differential interference contrast (Nomarski) microscopy and its optical sectioning ability. The different plane of focus captured in each photomicrograph allows for greatly detailed imaging.
- Modulation Contrast Microscopy (Hoffman)
- FIGURE 1-16 Schematic representation of a modulation contrast microscope and its components.
- FIGURE 1-17 Example of the three-dimensional image produced by differential interference. This view shows a waxy cast at a magnification of 200×.
- Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy (Nomarski)
- Darkfield Microscopy
- FIGURE 1-18 Schematic representation of a differential interference contrast (Nomarksi) microscope and its components.
- FIGURE 1-19 Schematic representation of a darkfield microscope and its components.
- FIGURE 1-20 Schematic representation of a reflected illumination fluorescence microscope and its components.
- Fluorescence Microscopy
- TABLE 1-1 Comparison of Microscopic Capabilities
- Study Questions
- References
- Bibliography
- Chapter 2 Quality Assurance and Safety
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Quality Assurance
- Quality Assurance: What Is It?
- Preanalytical Components of Quality Assurance
- Table 2-1 Definitions and an Example of Policy for Handling Unlabeled or Mislabeled Specimens
- Box 2-1 Criteria for Urine Specimen Rejection
- Analytical Components of Quality Assurance
- Equipment
- Table 2-2 Urinalysis Equipment Performance Checks
- Reagents
- Procedure Manuals
- Box 2-2 Guidelines for Standardizing Microscopic Urinalysis
- Procedural Factors
- Reporting Factors
- Monitoring
- Monitoring Analytical Components of Quality Assurance
- Postanalytical Components of Quality Assurance
- Safety in the Urinalysis Laboratory
- Biological Hazards
- Table 2-3 Selected Evolution History of Isolation Precautions in Hospitals7,8
- Personal Protective Equipment
- FIGURE 2-1 The universal biohazard symbol.
- Specimen Processing
- Disposal of Waste
- Decontamination
- Chemical Hazards
- FIGURE 2-2 A, Label used by the Department of Transportation to indicate hazardous chemicals. B, The label identification system developed by the National Fire Protection Association.
- Handling Chemical Spills
- Disposal of Chemical Waste
- Other Hazards
- Study Questions
- Case 2-1
- Results
- References
- Bibliography
- Chapter 3 Urine Specimen Types, Collection, and Preservation
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Why Study Urine?
- Specimen Types
- First Morning Specimen
- Random Urine Specimen
- FIGURE 3-1 Urine as a fountain of information.
- TABLE 3-1 Urine Specimen Types
- Timed Collection
- Box 3-1 Timed Urine Collection Protocol
- Collection Techniques
- Routine Void
- Midstream “Clean Catch”
- Catheterized Specimen
- Suprapubic Aspiration
- TABLE 3-2 Urine Collection Techniques
- Pediatric Collections
- Box 3-2 Reasons for Urine Specimen Rejection
- Reasons for Urine Specimen Rejection
- Urine Volume Needed for Testing
- Urine Specimen Storage and Handling
- Containers
- Labeling
- Handling and Preservation
- Changes in Unpreserved Urine
- TABLE 3-3 Potential Changes in Unpreserved Urine
- Preservatives
- Timed Collections
- TABLE 3-4 Urine Preservatives*
- TABLE 3-5 Commercial Urine Transport Tubes With Preservative
- Is this Fluid Urine?
- Study Questions
- References
- Bibliography
- Chapter 4 The Kidney
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Renal Anatomy
- FIGURE 4-1 A schematic representation of the urinary tract. The relationship of the kidneys to the nephrons and the vascular system is shown.
- FIGURE 4-2 A diagram of a nephron.
- Renal Circulation
- Box 4-1 Outline of the Nephron and Its Components (As Used Throughout This Text)
- Glomerulus (or Renal Corpuscle)
- Tubules
- TABLE 4-1 Forces Involved in Glomerular Filtration
- FIGURE 4-3 The vascular circulation of a cortical and juxtamedullary nephron.
- Renal Physiology
- Urine Formation
- TABLE 4-2 Comparison of the Initial Ultrafiltrate and the Final Urine Composition of Selected Solutes per Day
- Glomerulus
- FIGURE 4-4 A schematic overview of a glomerulus. The afferent arteriole enters the glomerulus and the efferent arteriole exits the glomerulus at the vascular pole. Also at the vascular pole, a portion of the thick ascending limb of the distal tubule, the macula densa, is in contact with the glomerular mesangium. Bowman’s space is formed from specialized epithelial cells (Bowman’s capsule) at the end of a renal tubule. At the urinary pole, Bowman’s space becomes the tubular lumen of the proximal tubule. Podocytes are the epithelial cells that cover the glomerular capillaries and derive their name from their characteristic footlike processes. The glomerular capillaries are lined with fenestrated endothelial cells (i.e., epithelium with pores). The basement membrane, which separates the capillary endothelium and the podocytes (the epithelium of Bowman’s space), is continuous throughout the glomerulus. The basement membrane is absent between the capillary endothelium and the mesangium. The mesangial cells of the glomerular tuft form the structural core of the glomerulus and are continuous with the extraglomerular mesangial cells located at the vascular pole between the afferent and efferent arterioles. The secretory granules of the granular cells contain large amounts of renin. The afferent arteriole is innervated by sympathetic nerves.
- FIGURE 4-5 A scanning electron micrograph of the glomerular capillary endothelium as viewed from the capillary lumen. The openings or fenestrations of the endothelium resemble a dotted swiss pattern.
- FIGURE 4-6 A transmission electron micrograph of a glomerular filtration barrier. From left to right, capillary lumen (CL), fenestrated capillary endothelium, basement membrane, foot processes of podocytes separated by slit diaphragms, Bowman’s space, and portion of an overarching podocyte cell body (CB). The basement membrane consists of three distinct layers: the lamina rara interna (next to the capillary endothelium), the lamina densa, and the lamina rara externa (next to the epithelium or podocytes). The arrows indicate slit diaphragms that lie between the interdigitating foot processes.
- FIGURE 4-7 A scanning electron micrograph of podocytes and their interdigitating foot processes on glomerular capillaries as viewed from Bowman’s space. A, Epithelial or podocyte cell body (CB) and podocyte foot processes (P) on glomerular capillaries. B, An enlargement of interdigitating foot processes (F) of adjacent epithelial cells (podocyte). The arrows indicate primary processes and show the alternating pattern between epithelial cells.
- Tubules
- FIGURE 4-8 The general histologic characteristics of the renal tubular epithelium. Representative cross-sections of the various tubular segments roughly indicate their cellular morphology and the relative size of the cells, the tubules, and the tubular lumens.
- Tubular Function
- Transport
- FIGURE 4-9 A transmission electron micrograph of cross-sections of the medullary collecting duct epithelium. A, The intercellular spaces are narrow. B, The intercellular spaces are dilated. The observed dilation is probably due to the effect of antidiuretic hormone on the epithelium, enabling the passive reabsorption of water.
- Reabsorption
- Secretion
- TABLE 4-3 Summary of Tubular Reabsorption of Ultrafiltrate Components
- TABLE 4-4 Summary of Tubular Secretion of Important Ultrafiltrate Components
- Regulation of Acid-Base Equilibrium
- FIGURE 4-10 Hydrogen ion secretion and the mechanism of filtered bicarbonate reabsorption in the proximal tube. CA, Carbonic anhydrase.
- FIGURE 4-11 Hydrogen ion secretion and the formation of titratable acids. This is a mechanism of urine acidification in the collecting ducts. CA, Carbonic anhydrase.
- Tubular Transport Capacity
- FIGURE 4-12 Hydrogen ion secretion and the formation of ammonium ions. This is a mechanism of urine acidification in the collecting ducts. CA, Carbonic anhydrase; G, glutaminase.
- Proximal Tubular Reabsorption
- FIGURE 4-13 Tubular reabsorption of solutes and water in various segments of the nephron.
- Water Reabsorption
- Renal Concentrating Mechanism
- FIGURE 4-14 The countercurrent multiplier mechanism and the urea cycle maintain the hypertonicity of the medulla. A, In the loop of Henle, note that the fluid leaving the loop is slightly hypo-osmotic (100) compared with the fluid entering the loop (300). Numbers indicate osmolality in milliosmoles per kilogram H2O. B, Countercurrent mechanisms in an entire nephron. As H2O leaves the collecting duct (under antidiuretic hormone [ADH] regulation), the solutes become concentrated in the remaining filtrate, and osmolality increases. At the same time, a urea concentration gradient causes it to passively diffuse from the collecting duct into the interstitial fluid (IF) of the medulla. Some urea is eventually secreted back into the tubular lumen by the descending limb of the loop of Henle—the urea cycle (dashed line). The hypertonicity of the medulla enables the formation of hypertonic (concentrated) urine, with a maximum urine osmolality of 1200 to 1400 mOsm/kg (i.e., the same osmolality as is seen in the medullary interstitial fluid). Numbers indicate osmolality in milliosmoles per kilogram H2O.
- FIGURE 4-15 A schematic representation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and its role in the tubular reabsorption of sodium.
- FIGURE 4-16 A schematic representation of the mechanism controlling antidiuretic hormone secretion.
- TABLE 4-5 Tubular Lumen Fluid Osmolality* Throughout the Nephron
- Study Questions
- References
- Bibliography
- Chapter 5 Renal Function
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Urine Composition
- Solute Elimination
- TABLE 5-1 Composition of Selected Components in an Average 24-Hour Urine Collection
- Measurements of Solute Concentration
- Osmolality
- Specific Gravity
- FIGURE 5-1 A, Production of hypotonic urine. Hypotonic urine is produced by a nephron by the mechanism shown here. The isotonic (300 mOsm) tubule fluid that enters the Henle loop becomes hypotonic (100 mOsm) by the time it enters the distal convoluted tubule. The tubule fluid remains hypotonic as it is passes through remaining portions of the nephron, where the walls of the distal tubule and collecting duct are impermeable to H2O, Na+, and Cl−. Values are expressed in milliosmoles. B, Production of hypertonic urine. Hypertonic urine can be formed when antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is present. ADH, a posterior pituitary hormone, enables water reabsorption by the distal tubule and collecting duct. Thus hypotonic (100 mOsm) tubule fluid leaving the Henle loop can equilibrate first with the isotonic (300 mOsm) interstitial fluid (IF) of the cortex, then with the increasingly hypertonic (400 to 1200 mOsm) IF of the medulla. As H2O leaves the collecting duct by osmosis, the filtrate becomes more concentrated with the solutes left behind. The concentration gradient causes urea to diffuse into the IF, where some of it is eventually picked up by tubule fluid in the descending limb of the Henle loop (long arrow). This countercurrent movement of urea helps maintain a high solute concentration in the medulla. Values are expressed in milliosmoles.
- FIGURE 5-2 A comparison of urine specific gravity and urine osmolality. Specific gravity measurements were determined by a direct method (falling drop) and an indirect method (refractometry). The straight lines represent the specific gravity and osmolality results obtained with solutions of varying sodium chloride concentrations. A, A comparison of urines obtained from healthy medical students. B, A comparison of urines obtained from patients on renal service.
- TABLE 5-2 Comparison of Specific Gravities of Different Solutions
- Urine Volume
- FIGURE 5-3 A flowchart for the evaluation of polyuria. ADH, Antidiuretic hormone; U/S, urine-to-serum osmolality ratio.
- Box 5-1 Differentiation of Polyuria
- Assessment of Renal Concentrating Ability/Tubular Reabsorptive Function
- Osmolality Versus Specific Gravity
- Fluid Deprivation Tests
- Osmolar and Free-Water Clearance
- Assessment of Glomerular Filtration
- Renal Clearance
- Clearance Tests
- Inulin Clearance
- Creatinine Clearance
- FIGURE 5-4 The formation of creatinine from creatine and phosphocreatine. ADP, Adenosine diphosphate; ATP, adenosine triphosphate.
- TABLE 5-3 Variation in Reference Intervals for Serum Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance According to Age and Gender*
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Importance of Time Interval
- Box 5-2 Creatinine Clearance
- Example
- Discussion
- Alternate Approaches to Assessing Glomerular Filtration Rate
- Estimated GFR (eGFR)
- Equation 5-7 Original
- Equation 5-8 IDMS–traceable
- β2-Microglobulin and Cystatin C
- Screening for Albuminuria
- Assessment of Renal Blood Flow and Tubular Secretory Function
- Determination of Renal Plasma Flow and Renal Blood Flow
- Assessment of Tubular Secretory Function for Acid Removal
- Measurement of Titratable Acid Versus Urinary Ammonia
- Oral Ammonium Chloride Test
- Study Questions
- Case 5-1
- Patient Information
- Case 5-2
- Results
- References
- Bibliography
- Chapter 6 Physical Examination of Urine
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Color
- TABLE 6-1 Urine Color Terms and Common Causes*
- TABLE 6-2 Urine Color Changes With Some Commonly Used Drugs
- Box 6-1 Recommendations for the Evaluation of Urine Physical Characteristics
- Foam
- FIGURE 6-1 A, Distinctive coloration of urine foam due to the high bilirubin concentration in the urine specimen. B, Large amount of urine foam due to a high concentration of protein, specifically albumin, in the urine specimen.
- Clarity
- TABLE 6-3 Clarity Terms
- Box 6-2 Classification of Substances Causing Urine Turbidity
- Odor
- TABLE 6-4 Causes of Urine Odors
- Taste
- Concentration
- Specific Gravity
- Urinometry
- FIGURE 6-2 A urinometer (hydrometer).
- FIGURE 6-3 A schematic diagram illustrates the refraction (or bending) of light as it passes from one medium to another of differing density. The velocity of the light beam also changes.
- Harmonic Oscillation Densitometry
- Refractometry
- FIGURE 6-4 A refractometer with the pathway of light superimposed.
- TABLE 6-5 Calibration Solutions for Refractometry
- Reagent Strip Method
- FIGURE 6-5 A schematic representation of the viewing field and scale in the refractometer.
- Equation 6-3
- SG Result Discrepancies Between Reagent Strip and Refractometry
- Osmolality
- TABLE 6-6 Urine Concentration Assessment: Specific Gravity and Osmolality
- Freezing Point Osmometry
- FIGURE 6-6 A time-temperature curve during freezing point depression osmometry.
- Vapor Pressure Osmometry
- Volume
- TABLE 6-7 Urine Volume Terms, Definitions, and Clinical Correlations
- Study Questions
- Case 6-1
- Case 6-2
- References
- Bibliography
- Chapter 7 Chemical Examination of Urine
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Reagent Strips
- FIGURE 7-1 A commercial reagent strip or dipstick consists of reagent-impregnated test pads that are fixed to an inert plastic strip. After the strip has been appropriately wetted in a urine sample, chemical reactions cause the reaction pads to change color. At the appropriate “read time,” results are determined by comparing the color of each reaction pad with the appropriate analyte on the color chart.
- TABLE 7-1 Comparison of Reagent Strip Principles
- Care and Storage
- Quality Control Testing
- Tablet and Chemical Tests
- Care and Storage
- Quality Control Testing
- Chemical Testing Technique
- Reagent Strips
- Box 7-1 Appropriate Manual Reagent Strip Testing Technique
- TABLE 7-2 Comparison of the Sensitivity and Specificity of Reagent Strips
- Tablet and Chemical Tests
- Chemical Tests
- Specific Gravity
- Clinical Significance
- Principle
- Box 7-2 Clinical Significance of Urine Specific Gravity Results
- pH
- Clinical Significance
- TABLE 7-3 Clinical Correlation of Urine pH Values
- Methods
- Reagent Strip Tests
- pH Meter
- pH Test Papers
- Blood
- Clinical Significance
- Hematuria and Hemoglobinuria
- Box 7-3 Clinical Significance of Positive Blood Reaction
- TABLE 7-4 Comparison of Selected Urine and Plasma Components in Mild and Severe Hemolytic Episodes
- Myoglobinuria
- Differentiation of Hemoglobinuria and Myoglobinuria
- TABLE 7-5 Differentiation of Hemoglobinuria and Myoglobinuria
- Method
- Leukocyte Esterase
- Clinical Significance
- Box 7-4 Diagnostic Utility of Positive Leukocyte Esterase Reaction
- Methods
- Nitrite
- Clinical Significance
- Methods
- Box 7-5 Diagnostic Utility of Nitrite* Reaction
- Protein
- Clinical Significance
- Box 7-6 Classification of Proteinuria
- Box 7-7 Principal Proteins in Glomerular Proteinuria
- Box 7-8 Principal Proteins in Tubular Proteinuria
- Methods
- TABLE 7-6 Characterization of Renal Proteinuria
- Sulfosalicylic Acid Precipitation Test
- Reagent Strip Tests
- TABLE 7-7 Sulfosalicylic Acid Precipitation Grading Guideline
- TABLE 7-8 Comparison of Reagent Strip and SSA Protein Test Results
- Sensitive Albumin Tests
- TABLE 7-9 Sensitive Albumin (Microalbumin) Tests
- Glucose
- Clinical Significance
- Box 7-9 Presentations of Glucosuria and Associated Disorders
- FIGURE 7-2 A schematic diagram comparing the filtration and reabsorption of glucose by proximal tubular cells normally and in conditions of hyperglycemia and renal tubular disease.
- FIGURE 7-3 A series of albumin standards analyzed using the sulfosalicylic acid precipitation test.
- Box 7-10 Diagnostic Utility of Urine Glucose Testing
- Methods
- Reagent Strip Tests
- Copper Reduction Tests
- FIGURE 7-4 A, A series of glucose standards analyzed using the Clinitest 2-drop method. Note that the tube with greater than 5000 mg/dL glucose has demonstrated the “pass-through” effect (i.e., after reaction, the mixture returns to a greenish color). B, Clinitest color charts. Note the subtle differences between the 5-drop and 2-drop color charts. It is essential that reaction mixtures be compared with the proper color chart to obtain accurate results. Do not use these color charts for diagnostic testing.
- Box 7-11 Reducing Substances in Urine That Cause Copper Reduction Tests
- Comparison of the Clinitest Method and Glucose Reagent Strip Tests
- TABLE 7-10 Comparison of the Glucose Reagent Strip Test and the Clinitest Tablet Test
- Ketones
- Formation
- Clinical Significance
- FIGURE 7-5 The formation of ketones from fatty acid metabolism. ATP, Adenosine triphosphate; CoA, coenzyme A; SCoA, succinyl coenzyme A.
- Box 7-12 Causes of Ketonuria
- Methods
- Reagent Strip Tests
- Nitroprusside Tablet Test for Ketones (Acetest)
- Bilirubin and Urobilinogen
- Formation
- FIGURE 7-6 A, A positive Acetest for ketones. B, An Acetest color chart. Do not use this color chart for diagnostic testing.
- FIGURE 7-7 A schematic diagram of hemoglobin catabolism.
- Clinical Significance
- TABLE 7-11 Diagnostic Utility of Urine Bilirubin, Urobilinogen, and Fecal Color
- Bilirubin Methods
- Physical Examination
- Reagent Strip Tests for Bilirubin
- FIGURE 7-8 Bilirubin metabolism and alterations in normal metabolism caused by disease. A, Normal bilirubin metabolism. B, Prehepatic alteration of bilirubin metabolism. C, Hepatic alteration of bilirubin metabolism. D, Posthepatic alteration of bilirubin metabolism.
- Diazo Tablet Test for Bilirubin (Ictotest Method)
- FIGURE 7-9 A, A negative Ictotest. B, A positive Ictotest for bilirubin. C, A negative Ictotest showing an atypical color.
- Urobilinogen Methods
- Box 7-13 Some Ehrlich’s Reactive Substances Found in Urine
- Classic Ehrlich’s Reaction
- Reagent Strip Tests for Urobilinogen
- Multistix Reagent Strips
- Equation 7-16 Ehrlich’s Reaction
- Chemstrip and vChem Reagent Strips
- FIGURE 7-10 A schematic diagram of heme synthesis.
- Porphobilinogen
- Clinical Significance
- Methods
- Physical Examination
- Hoesch Test for Porphobilinogen
- FIGURE 7-11 The Hoesch test (urine + reagent) before the tube is mixed. A, A negative test. B, A positive test.
- Watson-Schwartz Test for Porphobilinogen and Urobilinogen
- Equation 7-19
- Equation 7-20
- TABLE 7-12 Watson-Schwartz Test Result Summary
- FIGURE 7-12 A, A positive Ehrlich’s reaction, which indicates the presence of an Ehrlich reactive substance in the urine. B, A modified Watson-Schwartz test using the same urine: tube 1 is the chloroform extraction; tube 2 is the butanol extraction. The test is positive for porphobilinogen.
- Ascorbic Acid
- Clinical Significance
- FIGURE 7-13 Ascorbic acid. The highlighted ene-diol group of ascorbic acid is responsible for its strong reducing ability (i.e., as a hydrogen donator). Normally, the principal metabolite of ascorbic acid—oxalate—accounts for approximately 50% of the urinary oxalate excreted daily.
- Mechanisms of Interference
- TABLE 7-13 False Negative or Decreased Reagent Strip Results Due to Ascorbic Acid Interference
- Method
- Equation 7-21
- TABLE 7-14 Findings That Can Initiate Reflex Testing
- Reflex Testing and Result Correlation
- TABLE 7-15 Correlation Between Chemical and Microscopic Examinations
- TABLE 7-16 Typical Reference Intervals for Chemical Examination of Urine*
- Study Questions
- Case 7-1
- Results
- Case 7-2
- Results
- Case 7-3
- Results
- Case 7-4
- Serum Chemistry Results
- Urine Results
- Case 7-5
- Chemistry Results
- Results
- Case 7-6
- Results
- References
- Bibliography
- Chapter 8 Microscopic Examination of Urine Sediment
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Standardization of Sediment Preparation
- TABLE 8-1 Factors That Require Standardization in the Microscopic Examination
- TABLE 8-2 Comparison of Selected Standardized Urinalysis Systems
- Commercial Systems
- FIGURE 8-1 A commercial urine sediment preparation system. The KOVA System consists of a KOVA tube (2), a KOVA Pettor (3), and a KOVA cap (1). The clear plastic centrifuge tube is filled to the appropriate graduation mark with well-mixed urine and is capped. After centrifugation, the specially designed KOVA Pettor is gently slid into the tube, and the end is firmly seated into the base (4). The bulblike end fits snuggly, such that all but 1 mL of urine can be easily decanted (red arrow). The retained supernatant urine is used to resuspend the sediment for the microscopic examination.
- Specimen Volume
- FIGURE 8-2 The rotor radius (R) is the distance measured from the rotor’s axis of rotation to the bottom of the specimen tube at its greatest horizontal distance from the rotor axis. A, The radius when a horizontal rotor is used. B, The radius when a fixed-angle rotor is used.
- Centrifugation
- Sediment Concentration
- Volume of Sediment Viewed
- FIGURE 8-3 Commercial microscope slides. A, A 10-position UriSystem slide with integrated coverslips. B, A plastic 10-chamber KOVA Glasstic slide.
- Reporting Formats
- TABLE 8-3 Qualitative Terms and Descriptions for Fields of View (FOVs)
- Box 8-1 Conversion of the Number of Formed Elements Present in a Microscopic Field to the Number of Formed Elements Present in a Volume of Urine
- TABLE 8-4 Visualization Techniques to Aid in the Microscopic Examination of Urine Sediment
- Enhancing Urine Sediment Visualization
- Staining Techniques
- Supravital Stains
- FIGURE 8-4 Two squamous epithelial cells stained with Sternheimer-Malbin stain. Brightfield, 100×.
- FIGURE 8-5 Fragment of renal collecting duct epithelial cells stained with 0.5% toluidine blue. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-6 Leukocytes stained with 0.5% toluidine blue. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-7 Oval fat body stained with Sudan III stain. Note the characteristic orange-red coloration of neutral fat globules. Brightfield, 400×.
- Acetic Acid
- Fat or Lipid Stains
- Gram Stain
- FIGURE 8-8 Bacteria. Gram stain of gram-negative rods and gram-positive cocci. Brightfield, 1000×.
- FIGURE 8-9 Eosinophil (arrow) in urine stained with Hansel stain. Cytospin, 400×.
- Prussian Blue Reaction
- Hansel Stain
- FIGURE 8-10 Waxy cast. A, Brightfield, 100×. B, Phase contrast, 100×. Note the central fissure and increased detail revealed using phase-contrast microscopy.
- Microscopy Techniques
- Phase-Contrast Microscopy
- Polarizing Microscopy
- FIGURE 8-11 A, Cholesterol droplets displaying their characteristic Maltese cross pattern using polarizing microscopy, 400×. B, Polarizing microscopy with a first-order red compensator plate, 400×.
- Interference Contrast Microscopy
- FIGURE 8-12 Three-dimensional image of the waxy cast in Figure 8-7 using differential interference contrast (Nomarski) microscopy, 100×. Compare images obtained in these two figures.
- Cytocentrifugation and Cytodiagnostic Urinalysis
- Cytocentrifugation
- Cytodiagnostic Urinalysis
- Formed Elements in Urine Sediment
- TABLE 8-5 Reference Intervals for Microscopic Examination*
- Blood Cells
- Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)
- Microscopic Appearance
- FIGURE 8-13 Three red blood cells: Two viewed from above appear as biconcave disks, and one viewed from the side appears hourglass-shaped (arrows). Also present are budding yeast and several white blood cells. Brightfield, Sedi-Stain, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-14 Dysmorphic and crenated red blood cells. A single ghost red blood cell is located at top of view. Phase contrast, 400×.
- Correlation With Physical and Chemical Examinations
- TABLE 8-6 Red Blood Cells: Microscopic Features and Correlations
- Look-Alikes
- Clinical Significance
- White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)
- Neutrophils
- Microscopic Appearance
- FIGURE 8-15 Several white blood cells with characteristic cytoplasmic granules and lobed nuclei surrounding a squamous epithelial cell. Budding yeast cells are also present. Brightfield, Sedi-Stain, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-16 A clump of white blood cells. One red blood cell and budding yeast are also present. Brightfield, Sedi-Stain, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-17 Disintegrating white blood cells with the formation of blebs. Phase contrast, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-18 Formation of myelin filaments in disintegrating white blood cells. Phase contrast, 400×.
- Correlation With Physical and Microscopic Examinations
- Look-Alikes
- TABLE 8-7 White Blood Cells (WBCs): Microscopic Features and Correlations
- Clinical Significance
- Eosinophils
- FIGURE 8-19 Two renal collecting duct cells stained with 0.5% toluidine blue. Their polygonal shape and nuclear detail distinguish them from leukocytes. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-20 Eosinophil (arrow) in a cytospin of urine stained with Hansel stain. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-21 Lymphocyte (arrow) in a cytospin of urine sediment. Brightfield, 400×.
- Lymphocytes
- Monocytes and Macrophages (Histiocytes)
- FIGURE 8-22 Macrophages and several other white blood cells. A, Brightfield, 400×. B, Brightfield, Sedi-Stain, 400×.
- Epithelial Cells
- FIGURE 8-23 Oval fat body. A cell with numerous highly refractile fat globules and other inclusions. Brightfield, 400×.
- TABLE 8-8 Epithelial Cells: Microscopic Features and Clinical Significance
- FIGURE 8-24 Squamous epithelial cells: one large clump and several individual cells. Note their large, thin, flagstone-shaped appearance, centrally located nuclei, and stippled cytoplasm (stippling increases with cellular degeneration). A few ribbon-like mucous threads are also present. Phase contrast, 100×.
- Squamous Epithelial Cells
- FIGURE 8-25 Two squamous epithelial cells. The cell on the left is presenting a side view, demonstrating how flat these cells are. The upper edge of the cell on the right is curled, producing an unusual form. A, Brightfield, Sedi-Stain, 200×. B, Phase contrast, 200×.
- Transitional (Urothelial) Epithelial Cells
- FIGURE 8-26 Two transitional (urothelial) epithelial cells. A, Phase contrast, 400×. B, Interference contrast, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-27 Four transitional (urothelial) epithelial cells. Phase contrast, 400×.
- Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells
- Convoluted Renal Tubular Cells
- Proximal Convoluted Tubular Cells
- Distal Convoluted Tubular Cells
- FIGURE 8-28 Convoluted tubular epithelial cells. A, Numerous proximal convoluted tubular cells. Note the similarity in shape to granular casts and that their nuclei are not readily apparent in many cells. Phase contrast, 200×. B, Sediment stained with 0.5% toluidine blue. A large, castlike proximal tubular cell and a smaller, round distal tubular cell are present with two hyaline casts and other debris. Brightfield, 400×. C, A single proximal tubular cell stained with 0.5% toluidine blue. Note the indistinct cell margins, granular cytoplasm, and small eccentric nucleus. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-29 Renal collecting duct epithelial cells. A, Two cells with an intact edge. Brightfield, toluidine blue stain, 400×. B, A single cell. Interference contrast, 400×.
- Collecting Duct Cells
- FIGURE 8-30 A, Fragment of renal collecting duct epithelial cells. Brightfield, 400×. B, Fragment of renal collecting duct epithelial cells in “spindle” form, indicative of regeneration of the tubular epithelium after injury. Interference contrast, 400×.
- Renal Tubular Cells With Absorbed Fat
- FIGURE 8-31 Oval fat body. Note the size variation of the fat globules. Brightfield, 400×.
- Casts
- Formation and General Characteristics
- FIGURE 8-32 Three hyaline casts and several mucous threads. Phase contrast, 100×.
- FIGURE 8-33 Three hyaline casts. The cast with a tapered end is frequently called a cylindroid. Phase contrast, 100×.
- FIGURE 8-34 Two broad, granular to waxy casts. A, Brightfield, 100×. B, Interference contrast, 100×.
- FIGURE 8-35 Convoluted hyaline cast, initially formed in a tubule and later compressed in a tubule of larger diameter. Phase contrast, 200×.
- FIGURE 8-36 Coarsely granular going to waxy cast. Brightfield, 100×.
- FIGURE 8-37 One intact finely granular/waxy cast and two broken pieces of a cast. Brightfield, 100×.
- Clinical Significance
- FIGURE 8-38 A low-power field of view revealing casts of various types: cellular, granular, and mixed. Brightfield, Sedi-Stain, 100×.
- Classification of Casts
- Box 8-2 Classification of Urinary Casts
- Homogeneous Matrix Composition
- Hyaline Casts
- FIGURE 8-39 Hyaline casts. Three hyaline casts and mucous threads. Brightfield, 200×.
- FIGURE 8-40 Hyaline cast. Note the appearance of the fibrillar protein matrix and the presence of fine granulation. Phase contrast, 400×.
- Waxy Casts
- TABLE 8-9 Casts: Microscopic Features and Correlations
- FIGURE 8-41 Waxy cast. A, Brightfield, 100×. B, Interference contrast, 100×.
- FIGURE 8-42 Cast, part granular and part waxy. Note the difference in cast diameter at one end compared with the other. This indicates initial cast formation in a narrow tubular lumen followed by stasis in a tubule with a wider lumen and further cast formation. A, Brightfield, Sedi-Stain, 200×. B, Interference contrast, 200×.
- Cellular Inclusion Casts
- Red Blood Cell Casts
- FIGURE 8-43 Red blood cell cast. Red blood cells are embedded in the cast matrix. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-44 A pigmented granular cast or blood cast. The granules and pigmentation originate from hemoglobin and red blood cell degeneration. Brightfield, 200×.
- FIGURE 8-45 Red blood cell cast. This cast is packed with intact red blood cells. A, Brightfield, 200×. B, Interference contrast, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-46 White blood cell cast. Brightfield, 400×.
- White Blood Cell Casts
- FIGURE 8-47 Renal tubular cell cast. Brightfield, 200×.
- Renal Tubular Cell Casts
- FIGURE 8-48 Two casts, one hyaline, the other with coarsely granular inclusions. Brightfield, 200×.
- Mixed Cell Casts
- Bacterial Casts
- Casts With Inclusions
- Granular Casts
- FIGURE 8-49 Finely granular and coarsely granular casts. Pigmentation from hemoglobin degradation. Brightfield, 200×.
- Fatty Casts
- FIGURE 8-50 A fatty cast. Note the globules and their characteristic refractility. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-51 Fatty cast. Note the high refractility of the fat globule inclusions in the matrix of the cast. A, Phase contrast, 400×. B, Polarizing microscopy, 400×. The highly refractile fat globules apparent in A do not exhibit a Maltese cross pattern, identifying them as neutral fat; those with a Maltese cross pattern are cholesterol.
- FIGURE 8-52 Cast with sulfamethoxazole crystal inclusions. Brightfield, 200×.
- Other Inclusion Casts
- Pigmented Casts
- FIGURE 8-53 Cast with monohydrate calcium oxalate crystal inclusions. A, Brightfield, 400×. B, Polarizing microscopy with first-order red compensator, 400×.
- Size
- Correlation With Physical and Chemical Examinations
- FIGURE 8-54 Pigmented granular cast. A, Brightfield, 200×. B, Phase contrast, 200×. Note the enhanced visualization of low-refractile components such as the hyaline matrix and mucus using phase-contrast microscopy.
- FIGURE 8-55 Bile-stained cellular cast. Brightfield, 200×.
- FIGURE 8-56 Broad waxy cast and numerous hyaline casts. Brightfield, 200×.
- Look-Alikes
- FIGURE 8-57 A, Diaper fiber demonstrating anisotropism (strong birefringence) with polarizing microscopy, 200×. B, Polarizing microscopy with first-order red compensator, 200×.
- Crystals
- Contributing Factors
- Acidic Urine
- Amorphous Urates
- TABLE 8-10 Crystals of Normal Urine Solutes Arranged According to pH
- TABLE 8-11 Abnormal Crystals of Metabolic and Iatrogenic* Origin Arranged According to pH
- FIGURE 8-58 Amorphous urates. A, Two uric acid crystals are also present. Brightfield, 400×. B, Polarizing microscopy, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-59 Acid urate crystals. Brightfield, 200×.
- FIGURE 8-60 Monosodium urate crystals. Brightfield, 200×.
- Acid Urates
- Monosodium Urate
- Uric Acid
- FIGURE 8-61 Uric acid crystals (diamond-shaped) and a few calcium oxalate crystals. Note the darker coloration as the crystals layer and thicken. Brightfield, 200×.
- FIGURE 8-62 Uric acid crystals. Single and cluster forms. Brightfield, 200×.
- FIGURE 8-63 Uric acid crystals. Less common barrel forms. Brightfield, 200×.
- FIGURE 8-64 Uric acid crystals. Barrel form. Brightfield, 200×.
- FIGURE 8-65 Uric acid crystals. These crystals can layer or laminate on top of one another. Brightfield, 100×.
- Calcium Oxalate
- FIGURE 8-66 Calcium oxalate crystals. Octahedral (envelope) form of dihydrate crystals. Brightfield, 200×.
- FIGURE 8-67 Calcium oxalate crystals. An unusual barrel form and a typical dehydrate form. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-68 Calcium oxalate crystals. Small ovoid monohydrate crystals that resemble erythrocytes, and two large typical envelope forms of dihydrate crystals. A, Brightfield, 400×. B, Polarizing microscopy, 400×. The birefringence of these small ovoid crystals helps distinguish them from erythrocytes.
- Alkaline Urine
- Amorphous Phosphate
- FIGURE 8-69 Amorphous phosphates. Note the lack of birefringence under polarizing microscopy. A, Brightfield microscopy, 400×. B, Polarizing microscopy with first-order red compensator, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-70 Triple phosphate crystals. Typical “coffin lid” form. Brightfield, 100×.
- Triple Phosphate
- FIGURE 8-71 Calcium phosphate crystals. Prisms are arranged singly and in rosette forms. Brightfield, 100×.
- Calcium Phosphate
- FIGURE 8-72 Calcium phosphate crystals. Uncommon slender needles arranged in bundles or sheaves. Other crystals present in background include ammonium biurate, calcium carbonate, and a single calcium oxalate. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-73 Calcium phosphate sheet or plate. Brightfield, 100×.
- Magnesium Phosphate
- FIGURE 8-74 Magnesium phosphate crystals. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-75 Ammonium biurate crystals. Spheres and a “thorny apple” form. Brightfield, 200×.
- FIGURE 8-76 Ammonium biurate crystals. Several “thorny apple” forms. Brightfield, 200×.
- Ammonium Biurate
- Calcium Carbonate
- FIGURE 8-77 Calcium carbonate. A, Numerous single crystals. Brightfield, 400×. B, Aggregate of calcium carbonate crystals. Brightfield, 400×.
- Crystals of Metabolic Origin
- Bilirubin
- Cystine
- FIGURE 8-78 Bilirubin crystal. Brightfield, 400×.
- Tyrosine and Leucine
- FIGURE 8-79 Cystine crystals. Brightfield, 400×.
- Cholesterol
- FIGURE 8-80 Tyrosine crystals. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-81 A, View of urine sediment with a cholesterol crystal, free-floating fat, and oval fat bodies. Brightfield, 200×. B, Cholesterol crystal. Phase contrast, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-82 Radiographic contrast medium, meglumine diatrizoate (Renografin). The crystals appear as plates. Brightfield, 100×. Compare with cholesterol crystals (intravenous administration), Figure 8-71.
- Crystals of Iatrogenic Origin
- Medications
- FIGURE 8-83 Ampicillin crystals. Brightfield, 400×.
- Ampicillin
- Indinavir
- Sulfonamides
- FIGURE 8-84 Indinavir sulfate crystals. A, Brightfield, 200×. B, Polarizing microscopy with first-order red compensator, 200×.
- FIGURE 8-85 Sulfadiazine crystals. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-86 Sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) crystals. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-87 Radiographic contrast medium following retrograde administration; meglumine diatrizoate (Renografin). The crystals appear in needle forms. Brightfield, 100×.
- Radiographic Contrast Media
- Microorganisms in Urine Sediment
- Bacteria
- FIGURE 8-88 Intravenous radiographic contrast medium. A, Interference contrast microscopy, 100×. B, Polarizing microscopy, 100×.
- Yeast
- FIGURE 8-89 Urine sediment with bacteria (rods), two erythrocytes, and a leukocyte. Phase contrast, 400×.
- TABLE 8-12 Microorganismsin Urine Sediment
- FIGURE 8-90 Budding yeast and pseudohyphae. Leukocytes are also present singly and as a clump. Brightfield, Sedi-Stain, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-91 Pseudohyphae development by yeast. A, Interference contrast, 400×. B, Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-92 Leukocytes with intracellular yeast. Interference contrast, 400×.
- Trichomonas Vaginalis
- FIGURE 8-93 Schematic diagram of Trichomonas vaginalis.
- FIGURE 8-94 A trichomonad in urine sediment. Because of their rapid flitting motion, only one of the flagella is visible in this view (arrow). Mucus, white blood cells, and other trichomonads are present but are not in focus at this focal plane. Phase contrast, 400×.
- Clue Cells and Gardnerella Vaginalis
- FIGURE 8-95 The slightly larger squamous epithelial cell with indistinct, shaggy cytoplasmic edges is a clue cell. The cell with well-defined cytoplasmic edges is a normal squamous epithelial cell. A, Brightfield, 200×. B, Phase contrast, 200×.
- Parasites
- FIGURE 8-96 An Enterobius vermicularis egg, unstained wet mount. Note its oval shape with a slightly flattened side and the developing larva within.
- Miscellaneous Formed Elements
- Mucus
- FIGURE 8-97 Cysts of Giarda lamblia. A, A single Giardia lamblia cyst, unstained. B, Two Giardia lamblia cysts, trichrome stained.
- Fat
- FIGURE 8-98 A Schistosoma haematobium egg, unstained wet mount Note the terminal spine on this large, American football shaped egg.
- FIGURE 8-99 Mucus. A, Several mucous threads and two hyaline casts. Phase contrast, 100×. B, A mass of mucus surrounding a fiber (contaminant). Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-100 Chemical structures of triglyceride (triacylglycerol or neutral fat), cholesterol, and cholesterol esters.
- FIGURE 8-101 Three oval fat bodies stained with Sudan III stain. Note the characteristic orange-red staining of neutral fat globules. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-102 Cholesterol droplets demonstrating the characteristic Maltese cross pattern. Polarizing microscopy with first-order red compensator, 400×.
- Hemosiderin
- Sperm
- FIGURE 8-103 A, Hemosiderin granules floating free in urine sediment. Brightfield, 400×. B, Hemosiderin granules after staining with Prussian blue. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-104 Spermatozoa in urine sediment. One typical and two atypical forms. Phase contrast, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-105 Hyaline cast and a fiber. Note the difference in form and refractility. A, Brightfield, 100×. B, Phase contrast, 100×.
- Contaminants
- Fibers
- Starch
- FIGURE 8-106 Starch granules. Brightfield, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-107 Starch granules. A, Demonstration of a Maltese cross pattern using polarizing microscopy, 400×. B, Polarizing microscopy with first-order red compensator, 400×.
- FIGURE 8-108 Charcoal granules (arrows) in urine sediment. Numerous leukocytes are present. Cytospin preparation, Wright’s stain, brightfield microscopy, 400×.
- Fecal Matter
- Correlation of Urine Sediment Findings With Disease
- TABLE 8-13 Urine Sediment Findings With Selected Diseases
- Study Questions
- Case 8-1
- Results
- Case 8-2
- Results
- Case 8-3
- Results
- Case 8-4
- Results
- Case 8-5
- Results
- Case 8-6
- Results
- Case 8-7
- Results
- References
- Bibliography
- Urine Sediment Image Gallery
- Artifacts/Contaminants
- FIGURE 1 Three air bubbles trapped beneath a coverslip observed using low-power (100×) magnification. Numerous white blood cells (WBCs) are also present.
- FIGURE 2 A diaper fiber. Note its flat, wrinkled appearance and strong refractility. For an inexperienced microscopist, these fibers may be misidentified as waxy casts.
- FIGURE 3 A clothing fiber. Its refractility, frayed ends, and flatness aid in its proper identification.
- FIGURE 4 A starch granule (black arrow) demonstrating a characteristic dimple. When glass slides and coverslips are used, glass fragments (red arrows) can be present. Numerous white blood cells are also present.
- FIGURE 5 When plastic commercial standardized slides are used, fragments of plastic (red arrows) can be present in the sediment. Red blood cells, yeasts, and pseudohyphae are also present.
- FIGURE 6 Three starch granules, all highly refractile, with slightly differing appearances, yet each has a centrally located dimple. Fragments of plastic (red arrows) are also present.
- Blood Cells
- Red Blood Cells
- FIGURE 7 Numerous intact and ghost red blood cells (black arrows). In this image, intact cells have a characteristic appearance caused by the hemoglobin within them. In contrast, ghost red blood cells (RBCs) have intact cell membranes but have lost their hemoglobin. This urine was hypotonic (dilute; low specific gravity), and many of the RBCs appear swollen and rounded because of the diffusion of fluid into the cells.
- FIGURE 8 Red blood cells in hypertonic urine (concentrated; high specific gravity). Many of the cells in this field of view have lost their typical biconcave shape and are crenated. This happens when fluid within the cell is transferred into the urine to balance the tonicity of the environment. Consequently, the cell membrane shrinks, forming folds or projections.
- White Blood Cells
- FIGURE 9 White blood cells and a single squamous epithelial cell.
- FIGURE 10 Five white blood cells. Note that the lobed nuclei in several of these neutrophils are readily apparent, whereas in those that are degenerating, the nucleus has become mononuclear.
- FIGURE 11 Three white blood cells, a single red blood cell, and a squamous epithelial cell.
- Casts
- Cellular Casts
- FIGURE 12 A mixed cellular cast.
- FIGURE 13 Renal tubular epithelial cell cast with one end broken or incompletely formed.
- FIGURE 14 Renal tubular epithelial cell cast. Note the cuboidal shape of the entrapped cells. The nuclei were also apparent when focusing up and down during the microscopic examination.
- FIGURE 15 A renal tubular cell cast and several free-floating renal tubular cells in a Sternheimer-Malbin stained sediment. A highly refractile glass fragment is present in the center of this field of view.
- FIGURE 16 A cast with oval fat bodies (i.e., renal tubular cells that contain fat). In this Sternheimer-Malbin stained sediment, the fat globules take on a yellow or greenish appearance.
- FIGURE 17 A white blood cell cast. Note the spherical or round shape of entrapped cells.
- FIGURE 18 A mixed cell cast. This cast contains both white blood cells and red blood cells (arrow).
- FIGURE 19 A mixed cell cast, predominantly red blood cells.
- FIGURE 20 A red blood cell cast. Red blood cells are dispersed in the hyaline matrix of this cast.
- FIGURE 21 A red blood cell cast packed with red blood cells.
- FIGURE 22 A fatty cast. Note the refractility, color, and size variation of fat globules in this cast.
- FIGURE 23 A fatty cast loaded with fat. With the passage of time and cooling (this urine specimen was stored in a refrigerator), a cholesterol crystal (arrow) has started to form from the fat (cholesterol) in this cast.
- FIGURE 24 Oval fat bodies in a hyaline matrix (i.e., a fatty cast). In this sediment stained using Sudan III, the fat in the oval fat bodies has taken on the characteristic terra-cotta or red-orange color, indicating that the fat present is neutral fats (triglycerides).
- Granular Casts
- FIGURE 25 Granular cast.
- FIGURE 26 Granular cast.
- FIGURE 27 Coarsely granular cast.
- FIGURE 28 Cast transitioning from cellular to granular to waxy. The intense brown color suggests that pigmentation is derived from hemoglobin. This sediment also contained numerous red blood cells and red blood cell casts.
- FIGURE 29 Granular casts. A broad cast indicative of formation in a large collecting duct or in dilated tubules indicates significant renal pathology. The granules in these casts most likely originated from red blood cells/hemoglobin.
- FIGURE 30 A low-power (100×) field of view of urine sediment containing numerous casts: hyaline, granular, red blood cell, and cellular.
- Hyaline Casts
- FIGURE 31 A low-power (100×) field of view of urine sediment containing numerous hyaline casts. Because their refractive index is similar to that of urine, they can be difficult to observe on brightfield microscopy. Focusing up and down during the microscopic examination aids in the detection of hyaline casts because they are often more apparent when slightly out of focus.
- FIGURE 32 Hyaline cast.
- FIGURE 33 A U-shaped hyaline cast, two white blood cells, and several dihydrate calcium oxalate crystals.
- Waxy Casts
- FIGURE 34 A low-power (100×) field of view of a urine sediment containing numerous casts, particularly hyaline and waxy (three predominate).
- FIGURE 35 A long, broad waxy cast predominates in this field of view. Also present are other waxy and hyaline casts, as well as renal tubular cells and oval fat bodies.
- FIGURE 36 A single waxy cast and two hyaline casts. Note the difference in refractility between these two types of casts. In this image, the hyaline casts are actually out of focus, which makes them easier to see.
- FIGURE 37 A waxy cast (left) lying almost vertical and two red blood cell casts (right) lying horizontally.
- FIGURE 38 Two waxy casts. One typical in size and one broad cast that is transitioning from granular to waxy. Note ground-glass appearance and blunt end, which are characteristics of waxy casts.
- Crystals
- Ammonium Biurate Crystals
- FIGURE 39 Ammonium biurate crystals. Note the characteristic yellow to brown color. With the passage of time (urine storage), these crystals will grow to form spicules or thorns.
- Bilirubin Crystals
- FIGURE 40 Bilirubin crystals. Small, finely spiculated crystals with the characteristic golden yellow color indicative of bilirubin. These crystals may form when urine with large amounts of bilirubin is refrigerated and stored.
- Calcium Carbonate Crystals
- FIGURE 41 Calcium carbonate crystals (arrows) and single dihydrate calcium oxalate crystal.
- Calcium Oxalate Crystals
- FIGURE 42 A, A single dihydrate calcium oxalate crystal and numerous monohydrate calcium oxalate crystals that look similar to red blood cells. B, Same field of view using polarizing microscopy. Rule of thumb: Crystals can polarize light; red blood cells do not.
- FIGURE 43 Calcium oxalate crystals, atypical barrel form.
- FIGURE 44 Calcium oxalate crystals, atypical ovoid form.
- Cholesterol Crystal
- FIGURE 45 Cholesterol crystal (arrow).
- Cystine Crystal
- FIGURE 46 Cystine crystals. A single cystine crystal appears in the lower left corner, and several cystine crystals are layered and clustered together at the upper right corner. Several red blood cells are also present.
- FIGURE 47 Several cystine crystals layered and clustered together.
- Drug Crystals
- FIGURE 48 Acetylsulfadiazine crystal surrounded by numerous yeasts.
- FIGURE 49 Numerous sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) crystals surrounding a single barrel-shaped uric acid crystal. Note the yellow-brown color and the similar shape of sulfamethoxazole crystals to those of ammonium biurate. Urine pH aids in differentiating these two crystals.
- Phosphate Crystals
- FIGURE 50 Triple phosphate crystals and numerous amorphous phosphates.
- FIGURE 51 Dissolving triple phosphate crystals and numerous amorphous phosphates.
- FIGURE 52 Two atypical triple phosphate crystals and a single stellate calcium phosphate crystal (upper right).
- FIGURE 53 Wedge-shaped calcium phosphate crystals and dihydrate calcium oxalate crystals.
- FIGURE 54 A calcium phosphate sheet.
- FIGURE 55 Calcium phosphate crystals. Unusual flat, plate-like form that layers.
- FIGURE 56 Calcium phosphate crystals. Uncommon slender wedges or needles.
- FIGURE 57 Magnesium phosphate crystals. Elongated rhomboid plates; rare.
- Urate Crystals
- FIGURE 58 Acid urate crystals. Note the yellow to brown color characteristic of thick urate crystals.
- FIGURE 59 Monosodium urate crystals.
- Uric Acid Crystals
- FIGURE 60 Uric acid crystals in the common diamond shape.
- FIGURE 61 Uric acid crystals, barrel or cube forms.
- FIGURE 62 A chunk of a uric acid crystal. Note the characteristic color.
- FIGURE 63 A single uric acid crystal in an unusual band form and numerous calcium oxalate crystals (mono- and dihydrate forms).
- X-Ray Contrast Media Crystals
- FIGURE 64 X-ray contrast media following intravenous (IV) administration (i.e., meglumine diatrizoate [Renografin]) crystals.
- Epithelial Cells
- FIGURE 65 Two squamous epithelial cells covered with bacteria, known as clue cells and a single typical or “normal” squamous epithelial cell. In urine that has been contaminated with vaginal secretions, clue cells may be observed. This is not a common occurrence.
- FIGURE 66 Three squamous epithelial cells and a single white blood cell. Note the similarity in size between the white blood cells and the nuclei of these epithelial cells.
- FIGURE 67 A squamous epithelial cell (lower left cell) and a transitional epithelial cell (upper right cell). Note the similarity in sizes of their nuclei, yet the difference in the amount of cytoplasm (i.e., different nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratios). Several large rod-shaped bacteria are also present.
- FIGURE 68 A typical transitional epithelial cell and a hyaline cast.
- FIGURE 69 A fragment of transitional epithelial cells.
- FIGURE 70 Transitional epithelial cell or squamous epithelial cell? Reasoning could be used to justify classification into either category. Cells lining the urinary system convert from squamous to transitional (urothelial) epithelium. This cell most likely originated from this area of transition.
- FIGURE 71 A transitional epithelial cell (left) and two typical cuboidal renal tubular (collecting duct) cells.
- FIGURE 72 Renal tubular epithelial cells. These cells came from a small collecting duct based on their cuboidal shape and their nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio.
- FIGURE 73 Renal tubular epithelial cells. This fragment of columnar epithelial cells with their eccentric nuclei derived from a large collecting duct. Numerous red blood cells are also present.
- FIGURE 74 A single renal tubular cell (arrow) from a large collecting duct. Note the similarity in size of the nucleus of this cell to that of the red blood cells that are present.
- FIGURE 75 Several free fat globules and a fatty cast. Note refractility, variation in size, and greenish hue of the fat globules.
- FIGURE 76 An oval fat body in the hyaline matrix of a cast. Also present in this field of view are another free-floating oval fat body, a fat globule, and a hyaline cast. Note the similarity in size and shape of the fat globule to a red blood cell.
- FIGURE 77 Two oval fat bodies (arrows) loaded with fat, hence their intense refractility. Numerous red blood cells, amorphous materials, and debris are also present.
- FIGURE 78 Two oval fat bodies and several renal tubular cells.
- FIGURE 79 Three oval fat bodies. As with free-floating fat, the globules within cells often vary in size, are highly refractile, and have a greenish sheen.
- FIGURE 80 Several oval fat bodies enmeshed within casts and free in the urine sediment. Bacteria and spermatozoa are also present.
- FIGURE 81 An oval fat body engorged with fat (triglycerides or neutral fat) stained using Sudan III.
- Microorganisms
- Bacteria
- FIGURE 82 Numerous rod-shaped bacteria and a single dihydrate calcium oxalate crystal.
- FIGURE 83 Numerous bacteria, singly and in chains, with several indicated by blue arrows. Many red blood cells (RBCs) and intact and ghost cells (red arrows) are present.
- Trichomonads
- FIGURE 84 A trichomonad. Their characteristic rapid flitting motion results from their undulating membrane (blue arrow), anterior flagella (two indicated by yellow arrows), and axostyle (red arrow). Because of their size and granular appearance, nonmotile (or dead) trichomonads may be misidentified as white blood cells.
- FIGURE 85 Two trichomonads.
- FIGURE 86 A cluster of four trichomonads. It is common to observe trichomonads clustered together along with white blood cell (WBC) clumps in urine sediment.
- Yeast
- FIGURE 87 Several budding yeast (blastoconidia), bacteria, and a single ghost red blood cell. Note the refractility and sheen of the yeast, which is made most evident by focusing up and down during the microscopic examination.
- FIGURE 88 A branch of pseudohyphae (Candida spp.) and two red blood cells demonstrating typical pink-red coloration. Several ovoid yeasts are present in a different focal plane.
- FIGURE 89 Yeast cells and blastoconidia (budding yeast). These yeast cells appear more round than oval, highlighting the fact that different species of yeast will appear differently. A single dihydrate calcium oxalate crystal is also present.
- FIGURE 90 Early germ tube formation and several yeast cells. A single red blood cell is also present.
- Miscellaneous Formed Elements
- Hemosiderin
- FIGURE 91 Hemosiderin granules in urine sediment appear yellow-brown. Numerous granules as well as a clump are present in this field of view. Four granules are identified by the arrows. Two dissolving dihydrate calcium oxalate crystals are also present.
- FIGURE 92 Hemosiderin granules in the hyaline matrix of a cast (i.e., a hemosiderin cast).
- Mucus
- FIGURE 93 A cluster of mucous threads. Because the refractive index of muous is similar to that of urine, it can be difficult to observe using brightfield microscopy. Focusing up and down during the microscopic examination aids in the detection of mucus because it is often more apparent when slightly out of focus. A couple of squamous epithelial cells and other elements, on a different focal plane, are also present.
- Sperm
- FIGURE 94 A cluster of sperm trapped in mucus.
- FIGURE 95 Sperm and bacteria in urine sediment. Note that several abnormal spermatozoa forms are present.
- Chapter 9 Renal and Metabolic Disease
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Renal Diseases
- Glomerular Disease
- Box 9-1 Glomerular Diseases
- Primary Glomerular Diseases
- Secondary Glomerular Diseases
- Systemic Diseases
- Hereditary Disorders
- Morphologic Changes in the Glomerulus
- Pathogenesis of Glomerular Damage
- Clinical Features of Glomerular Diseases
- TABLE 9-1 Syndromes That Indicate Glomerular Injury
- TABLE 9-2 Typical Urinalysis Findings With Selected Glomerular Diseases
- Nephrotic Syndrome
- Types of Glomerulonephritis
- Acute Glomerulonephritis
- TABLE 9-3 Summary of Predominant Forms of Primary Glomerulonephritis
- Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
- Membranous Glomerulonephritis
- Minimal Change Disease
- Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
- Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
- IgA Nephropathy
- Chronic Glomerulonephritis
- TABLE 9-4 Percentage of Glomerular Diseases Resulting in Chronic Glomerulonephritis
- Systemic Diseases and Glomerular Damage
- FIGURE 9-1 A composite drawing showing the course of diabetic nephropathy. Exercise and other stress cause intermittent proteinuria before a sustained protein leak, which may lead to nephrotic syndrome. Initial regulation indicates initiation of insulin therapy.
- Tubular Disease
- Acute Tubular Necrosis
- Tubular Dysfunction
- Fanconi Syndrome
- TABLE 9-5 Proximal Tubular Dysfunctions
- TABLE 9-6 Distal Tubular Dysfunctions
- Cystinosis and Cystinuria
- TABLE 9-7 Typical Urinalysis Findings With Selected Tubular Diseases
- Renal Glucosuria
- Renal Phosphaturia
- Renal Tubular Acidosis
- Tubulointerstitial Disease and Urinary Tract Infections
- Urinary Tract Infections
- TABLE 9-8 Typical Urinalysis Findings in Selected Urinary Tract Infections and Tubulointerstitial Diseases
- Box 9-2 Causes of Tubulointerstitial Diseases
- Acute Pyelonephritis
- Chronic Pyelonephritis
- Acute Interstitial Nephritis
- Yeast Infections
- Vascular Disease
- Acute and Chronic Renal Failure
- Acute Renal Failure
- Chronic Renal Failure
- Calculi
- Pathogenesis
- TABLE 9-9 Renal Calculi Composition
- Factors Influencing Calculi Formation
- Prevention and Treatment
- Metabolic Diseases
- TABLE 9-10 Qualitative Tests Used to Screen for Metabolic Disorders
- Amino Acid Disorders
- Cystinosis
- Cystinuria
- Maple Syrup Urine Disease
- FIGURE 9-2 Major and minor pathways of phenylalanine metabolism.
- Phenylketonuria
- Alkaptonuria
- FIGURE 9-3 Pathways of tyrosine metabolism.
- Tyrosinuria
- Melanuria
- Carbohydrate Disorders
- Glucose and Diabetes Mellitus
- TABLE 9-11 Characteristics of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Galactosemia
- Diabetes Insipidus
- FIGURE 9-4 Schematic diagram of heme synthesis.
- Porphyrias
- FIGURE 9-5 The basic structure of porphyrins.
- TABLE 9-12 Classification of Porphyrias
- TABLE 9-13 Summary of Porphyria Characteristics
- Study Questions
- Case 9-1
- Results
- Case 9-2
- Results
- Case 9-3
- Results
- Case 9-4
- Urinalysis Results
- Case 9-5
- Urinalysis Results
- Case 9-6
- Urinalysis Results
- References
- Chapter 10 Fecal Analysis
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Fecal Formation
- Diarrhea
- TABLE 10-1 Classification of Diarrhea
- Steatorrhea
- TABLE 10-2 Comparison of Diarrhea and Steatorrhea
- Specimen Collection
- Patient Education
- TABLE 10-3 Causes of Steatorrhea
- Specimen Containers
- FIGURE 10-1 An algorithm to aid in the evaluation of diarrhea and steatorrhea. WBC, White blood cell.
- Type and Amount Collected
- Contaminants to Avoid
- Gas Formation
- Macroscopic Examination
- Color
- Consistency and Form
- TABLE 10-4 Fecal Macroscopic Characteristics
- TABLE 10-5 Fecal Reference Intervals
- TABLE 10-6 Disease Differentiation Based on the Presence of Fecal Leukocytes (WBCs)
- Mucus
- Odor
- Microscopic Examination
- Fecal Leukocytes
- Fecal Fat, Qualitative
- FIGURE 10-2 Numerous globules of neutral fat stained with Sudan III. The orange-red coloration is characteristic. Fat present in fecal suspension during qualitative fecal fat microscopic examination. Brightfield microscopy, 200×.
- FIGURE 10-3 Large globule of neutral fat stained with Sudan III. The orange-red coloration is characteristic. Brightfield microscopy, 200×.
- Meat Fibers
- FIGURE 10-4 Meat fiber (note striations on fiber) present in fecal suspension during qualitative fecal fat microscopic examination. Brightfield microscopy, 400×.
- Chemical Examination
- Fecal Blood
- TABLE 10-7 Fecal Occult Blood Tests
- TABLE 10-8 Ingested Substances Associated With Erroneous Guaiac-Based Fecal Occult Blood Tests
- Guaiac-Based Fecal Occult Blood Tests
- FIGURE 10-5 Positive guaiac-based fecal occult blood test.
- Immunochemical Fecal Occult Blood Tests
- Porphyrin-Based Fecal Occult Blood Test
- Fetal Hemoglobin in Feces (Apt Test)
- Quantitative Fecal Fat
- Fecal Carbohydrates
- Study Questions
- Case 10-1
- Urinalysis Results
- Microbiological Examination
- Blood Chemistry Results
- Case 10-2
- Microbiological Examination of Stool
- Case 10-3
- References
- Chapter 11 Seminal Fluid Analysis
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- FIGURE 11-1 A schematic diagram of the male reproductive tract.
- Physiology
- FIGURE 11-2 A schematic diagram of spermatogenesis from germ cells in the seminiferous tubules.
- Specimen Collection
- TABLE 11-1 Semen Characteristics Associated With Fertility
- Physical Examination
- Appearance
- Volume
- Viscosity
- Microscopic Examination
- Motility
- TABLE 11-2 Sperm Motility Grading Criteria
- Concentration and Sperm Count
- FIGURE 11-3 Spermatozoon or sperm. A, A schematic of a mature sperm. B, An enlarged view of head and midpiece. C, A photomicrograph of a single sperm using phase-contrast microscopy, 400×.
- Postvasectomy Sperm Counts
- Morphology
- FIGURE 11-4 Sperm morphology. A, Normal spermatozoon: 1, acrosome; 2, postacrosomal cap; 3, midpiece; 4, tail. B, Large head. C, Tapered head. D, Tapered head with acrosome deficiency. E, Acrosomal deficiency. F, Head vacuole. G, Midpiece defect—cytoplasmic extrusion mass. H, Bent tail. I and J, Coiled tails. K, Double tail. L, Pairing phenomenon. M, Sperm precursors (spermatids). N, Double-headed (bicephalic) sperm.
- FIGURE 11-5 Sperm vitality using eosin-nigrosin (Blom’s) stain. White sperm were alive; pink-stained sperm were dead. Brightfield microscopy, 400×.
- Vitality
- Cells Other Than Spermatozoa
- Agglutination
- Chemical Examination
- pH
- Fructose
- Other Biochemical Markers
- Study Questions
- Case 11-1
- Semen Analysis
- Case 11-2
- Semen Analysis
- References
- Bibliography
- Chapter 12 Amniotic Fluid Analysis
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Physiology and Composition
- Function
- FIGURE 12-1 Schematic diagram of a fetus in utero.
- Formation
- Volume
- Specimen Collection
- Timing of and Indications for Amniocentesis
- TABLE 12-1 Indications for Amniocentesis
- Collection and Specimen Containers
- Specimen Transport, Storage, and Handling
- Differentiation From Urine
- Physical Examination
- Color
- Turbidity
- Chemical Examination
- Fetal Lung Maturity Tests
- TABLE 12-2 Fetal Lung Maturity Tests
- Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio
- FIGURE 12-2 Changes in the concentrations of lecithin and sphingomyelin and changes in the lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio during normal pregnancy.
- Phosphatidylglycerol
- Foam Stability Index
- Fluorescence Polarization Assay
- Lamellar Body Counts
- Amniotic Fluid Bilirubin (or ΔA450 Determination)
- FIGURE 12-3 The determination of A450 in amniotic fluid. A, Normal amniotic fluid. B, Amniotic fluid with a bilirubin peak at 450 nm. C, Amniotic fluid with a bilirubin peak at 450 nm and contaminated with oxyhemoglobin, which peaks at 412 nm. The dashed line indicates the baseline drawn between the linear portions of the curve (i.e., between 365 and 550 nm). The red line indicates oxyhemoglobin absorbance.
- FIGURE 12-4 Liley’s three-zone chart (with modification) for the interpretation of amniotic fluid A450 values. The dark line extending from 22 to 38 weeks’ gestation represents the upward revision of the “danger line” by Irving Umansky.
- TABLE 12-3 Amniotic Fluid Reference Intervals
- Study Questions
- Case 12-1
- Amniotic Fluid Results
- References
- Chapter 13 Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Physiology and Composition
- FIGURE 13-1 A schematic representation of the spinal cord and the meninges that surround it.
- FIGURE 13-2 A schematic representation of the brain and spinal cord, including the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid.
- Specimen Collection
- Box 13-1 Indications and Contraindications for Lumbar Puncture and Cerebrospinal Fluid Examination
- Indications
- Infections
- Hemorrhage
- Neurologic Disease
- Malignancy
- Tumor
- Treatments
- Contraindications
- TABLE 13-1 Cerebrospinal Fluid Reference Intervals*
- FIGURE 13-3 A schematic representation of a lumbar puncture procedure.
- TABLE 13-2 Cerebrospinal Fluid Specimen Handling and Storage Temperature
- Box 13-2 Causes of Xanthochromia in Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Physical Examination
- TABLE 13-3 Features That Aid in Differentiating Hemorrhage From Traumatic Tap
- Microscopic Examination
- Total Cell Count
- Red Blood Cell (Erythrocyte) Count
- White Blood Cell (Leukocyte) Count
- Differential Cell Count
- Techniques
- Pleocytosis
- Neutrophils
- Lymphocytes
- TABLE 13-4 Cell Types and Causes of Cerebrospinal Fluid Pleocytosis
- TABLE 13-5 Normal Cerebrospinal Fluid Differential Count*
- Plasma Cells
- FIGURE 13-4 Low-power fields of view of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) with tumor cell clumps. A, Rare tumor clump with numerous red blood cells (RBCs). B, Numerous cells with rare tumor clump.
- FIGURE 13-5 A, Macrophage with intracellular yeast (cerebrospinal fluid [CSF], ×1000). B, Bacteria engulfed by neutrophils (CSF, ×1000).
- FIGURE 13-6 Normal lymphocytes with monocyte (arrow) and red blood cell (RBC) (cerebrospinal fluid [CSF], ×1000).
- FIGURE 13-7 Reactive lymphocytes (cerebrospinal fluid [CSF], ×1000).
- FIGURE 13-8 Monocytes and a single neutrophil (cerebrospinal fluid [CSF], ×1000).
- FIGURE 13-9 Eosinophilia in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
- Monocytes
- Eosinophils
- FIGURE 13-10 Macrophage with engulfed (intracellular) red blood cells (RBCs); can also be called an erythrophage.
- Macrophages
- FIGURE 13-11 Hemosiderin-laden macrophage; also called a siderophage.
- FIGURE 13-12 Siderophage with intracellular hematoidin crystal (cerebrospinal fluid [CSF], ×1000).
- FIGURE 13-13 Clumps of ependymal or choroid plexus cells. A, Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), ×200. B, CSF, ×500.
- Other Cells
- Malignant Cells
- FIGURE 13-14 Lymphoblasts in cerebrospinal fluid (lymphoma).
- FIGURE 13-15 Myeloblasts in cerebrospinal fluid (acute myelogenous leukemia).
- Chemical Examination
- Protein
- Total Protein
- Albumin and Immunoglobulin G
- Protein Electrophoresis
- FIGURE 13-16 Cerebrospinal fluid protein patterns using high-resolution electrophoresis. A, A “normal” cerebrospinal fluid protein pattern. The presence in the β2-region of τ transferrin, a protein unique to cerebrospinal fluid, is noteworthy. B, An “abnormal” cerebrospinal fluid protein pattern demonstrating the presence of oligoclonal bands in the γ region. These bands will not be present on electrophoresis of the patient’s serum. TTR, Transthyretin (previously called prealbumin).
- Myelin Basic Protein
- Glucose
- Lactate
- Microbiological Examination
- Microscopic Examination of CSF Smears
- Culture
- Immunologic Methods
- Study Questions
- Case 13-1
- Blood Chemistry Results
- Cerebrospinal Fluid Results
- Case 13-2
- Blood Chemistry Results
- Cerebrospinal Fluid Results
- References
- Chapter 14 Synovial Fluid Analysis
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Physiology and Composition
- FIGURE 14-1 A schematic representation of the knee: a diarthrodial joint.
- FIGURE 14-2 Synoviocytes in synovial fluid, ×400. Note similarity to mesothelial cells.
- TABLE 14-1 Synovial Fluid Reference Intervals*
- Classification of Joint Disorders
- TABLE 14-2 Classification of Synovial Fluid Based on Laboratory Examination
- Specimen Collection
- TABLE 14-3 Synovial Fluid Analysis and Specimen Requirements
- Physical Examination
- Color
- Clarity
- Viscosity
- Clot Formation
- Microscopic Examination
- Total Cell Count
- Differential Cell Count
- TABLE 14-4 Synovial Fluid Crystal Identification, Microscopic Characteristics, and Associated Clinical Conditions
- Crystal Identification
- Microscope Slide Preparations
- Monosodium Urate Crystals
- FIGURE 14-3 A, A diagrammatic representation of monosodium urate and calcium pyrophosphate crystals when viewed using polarizing microscopy with a red compensator. The axis indicated is that of the compensator. B, Monosodium urate crystals in joint fluid. The crystals with their longitudinal axis parallel to the red compensator plate axis as indicated in the lower left corner are yellow. C, With the axis of the red compensator plate perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, the same monosodium urate crystals are blue (polarizing microscopy).
- Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate Crystals
- FIGURE 14-4 A, Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal in joint fluid; brightfield microscopy. B, Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal appears yellow; its axis is perpendicular to the axis of the red compensator plate (polarizing microscopy). C, Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal appears blue; its axis is parallel to that of the red compensator plate (polarizing microscopy).
- Cholesterol Crystals
- Hydroxyapatite Crystals
- FIGURE 14-5 Cholesterol crystals in joint fluid; brightfield microscopy.
- FIGURE 14-6 Synovial fluid with corticosteroid drug (triamcinolone diacetate [Aristocort]) crystals present. Note their conflicting morphology (suggests calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate [CPPD]) and strong negative birefringence (suggests monosodium urate [MSU]). Wet preparation, unstained; polarizing microscopy, 400×. A, Many strongly birefringent drug crystals that morphologically resemble CPPD using polarizing microscopy. B, Drug crystals with their long axes parallel to that of the red compensator plate are yellow—suggesting MSU crystals.
- Corticosteroid Crystals
- Artifacts
- FIGURE 14-7 Synovial fluid with mass of hyaluronate, small monosodium urate (MSU) crystals, starch granule, and fibers. Cytocentrifuged preparation, Wright’s stain, 400×. A, Brightfield microscopy; starch granule and fiber. Note that no crystals are evident in the pink mass. B, Polarizing microscopy; presence of MSU crystals is evident, fibers have strong birefringence, and the starch granule shows a typical Maltese cross-pattern. C, Compensated polarizing microscopy; crystals with their long axis perpendicular to the red compensator plate are blue, which indicates that the crystals are MSU.
- Chemical Examination
- Glucose
- Total Protein
- Uric Acid
- Lactate
- Microbiological Examination
- Gram Stain
- Culture and Molecular Methods
- Study Questions
- Case 14-1
- Blood Chemistry Results
- Synovial Fluid Results
- Case 14-2
- Blood Chemistry Results
- Synovial Fluid Results
- Case 14-3
- Blood Chemistry Results
- Synovial Fluid Results
- References
- Bibliography
- Chapter 15 Pleural, Pericardial, and Peritoneal Fluid Analysis
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Physiology and Composition
- FIGURE 15-1 Parietal and visceral membranes of the pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities. Parietal membranes line the body wall, whereas visceral membranes enclose organs. The two membranes are actually one continuous membrane. The space between opposing surfaces is identified as the body cavity (i.e., pleural cavity, pericardial cavity, peritoneal cavity).
- Box 15-1 Forces Involved in Normal Pleural Fluid Formation and Absorption
- TABLE 15-1 Suggested Serous Fluid Specimen Requirements
- Specimen Collection
- Transudates and Exudates
- TABLE 15-2 Differentiation of Transudates and Exudates
- Physical Examination
- TABLE 15-3 Serous Effusions: Types, Mechanism of Formation, and Associated Conditions
- TABLE 15-4 Differentiation of Chylous and Pseudochylous Effusions
- Microscopic Examination
- Total Cell Counts
- Differential Cell Count
- Microscope Slide Preparation
- Cell Differential
- FIGURE 15-2 Mesothelial cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and lymphocytes in peritoneal fluid, Wright’s stain, 200×.
- FIGURE 15-3 Macrophages in peritoneal (ascites) fluid. Cytocentrifuged smear, Wright’s stain, 500×.
- FIGURE 15-4 A signet ring macrophage and some red blood cells (RBCs) in pleural fluid. Cytocentrifuged smear, Wright’s stain, 400×.
- FIGURE 15-5 Plasma cells in pleural fluid (1000×).
- FIGURE 15-6 Lupus erythematosus (LE) cell in pleural fluid, 1000× (Wright’s stain). The engulfed homogeneous mass pushes the nucleus of the neutrophil to the periphery of the cell.
- FIGURE 15-7 A, Mesothelial cell in pleural fluid, 1000× (Wright’s stain). B, Binucleated mesothelial cell with basophilic cytoplasm, pleural fluid, 1000× (Wright’s stain). C, Clump of mesothelial cells in pleural fluid, 500× (Wright’s stain).
- Cytologic Examination
- Chemical Examination
- FIGURE 15-8 Adenocarcinoma in peritoneal fluid. Cytocentrifuged smear, Wright’s stain, 400×.
- Total Protein and Lactate Dehydrogenase Ratios
- Glucose
- Amylase
- Lipids (Triglyceride and Cholesterol)
- pH
- Carcinoembryonic Antigen
- Microbiological Examination
- Staining Techniques
- Culture
- Study Questions
- Case 15-1
- Blood Chemistry Results
- Pleural Fluid Results
- Case 15-2
- Blood Chemistry Results
- Peritoneal Fluid Results
- References
- Bibliography
- Chapter 16 Analysis of Vaginal Secretions
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- TABLE 16-1 Vaginal Secretion Findings and Associated Conditions
- Specimen Collection and Handling
- pH
- Microscopic Examinations
- Wet Mount Examination
- TABLE 16-2 Quantification Criteria for Microscopic Examinations
- Blood Cells
- Bacterial Flora
- FIGURE 16-1 Large rods characteristic of Lactobacillus spp. surrounding a typical squamous epithelial cell from a healthy vagina.
- Yeast
- Epithelial Cells
- FIGURE 16-2 Yeast and pseudohyphae in the wet mount of a vaginal secretions specimen. A, Budding yeast (blastoconidia) and two squamous epithelial cells. B, Pseudohyphae.
- FIGURE 16-3 Several squamous epithelial cells from a healthy vagina. Keratohyalin granulation is most pronounced in the centrally located cell. Numerous large rods characteristic of Lactobacillus spp. are also present.
- FIGURE 16-4 Two clue cells (arrows) and several normal squamous epithelial cells in the wet mount of a vaginal secretions specimen.
- FIGURE 16-5 A single parabasal cell surrounded by numerous squamous epithelial cells.
- Trichomonads
- FIGURE 16-6 Schematic diagram of Trichomonas vaginalis.
- FIGURE 16-7 Two trichomonads. Visible on the upper organism are three of the four anterior flagella (upper arrow), a portion of the undulating membrane (lower arrow), and the posterior axostyle.
- KOH Preparation and Amine Test
- Clinical Correlations
- Bacterial Vaginosis
- Candidiasis
- Trichomoniasis
- Atrophic Vaginitis
- Study Questions
- Case 16-1
- Vaginal Secretion Results
- References
- Bibliography
- Chapter 17 Automation of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Automation of Urinalysis
- Urine Chemistry Analyzers
- Principle of Reflectance Photometry
- Semi-Automated Chemistry Analyzers
- TABLE 17-1 Selected Urine Chemistry Analyzers
- FIGURE 17-1 Diascreen 50 semi-automated urine chemistry analyzer.
- FIGURE 17-2 iChem 100 semi-automated urine chemistry analyzer.
- FIGURE 17-3 CLINITEK Advantus semi-automated urine chemistry analyzer.
- Fully Automated Chemistry Analyzers
- FIGURE 17-4 Rack of specimen tubes at the barcode reading and sampling station on the iChem Velocity.
- TABLE 17-2 Typical Features of Semi-automated Urine Chemistry Analyzers
- Automated Microscopy Analyzers
- FIGURE 17-5 CLINITEK Atlas, an automated urine chemistry analyzer.
- FIGURE 17-6 AUTION Max AX-4030, an automated urine chemistry analyzer.
- FIGURE 17-7 iChem Velocity fully automated urine chemistry analyzer.
- FIGURE 17-8 iQ200 microscopy analyzer.
- FIGURE 17-9 Sysmex UF1000i analyzer.
- FIGURE 17-10 Diagram of the iQ200 digital flow capture process.
- iQ200 Urine Microscopy Analyzer
- FIGURE 17-11 Auto-Particle Recognition (APR) process.
- FIGURE 17-12 Displays of iQ200 urinalysis results. A, On-screen review of iQ200 results. The results for this sample did not auto-release because the amount of some microscopic elements resided in the “Particle Verification Range” set by the user. These results appear “yellow” and require review as established by this laboratory. Results that appear “green” are in the normal range and those that appear “red” are considered abnormal but do not need verification (as established by the user-defined criteria). When no yellow results are present, results can be automatically released without review or verification. B, On-screen display of automatically classified images of budding yeast (BYST).
- TABLE 17-3 iQ200 Autoclassification and Subclassification Categories for Urine Sediment Particles
- Sysmex UF-1000I and UF-100 Flow Cytometers
- FIGURE 17-13 Diagram of urine particle analysis in the Sysmex UF-1000i.
- FIGURE 17-14 Sysmex UF-1000i urine particle results. A, Scattergram of forward scatter (S_FSC) versus fluorescent light intensity-high sensitivity (S_FLH). B, Scattergram of forward scatter (S_FSC) versus fluorescent light intensity–low sensitivity (S_FLL). EC, Epithelial cells; RBC, red blood cells; WBC, white blood cells; YLC, yeastlike cells.
- TABLE 17-4 UF-1000i Particle Detection Categories
- Fully Automated Urinalysis Systems
- TABLE 17-5 Fully Automated Urinalysis (UA) Systems
- iRICELL Urinalysis Systems
- FIGURE 17-15 iRICELL3000, a Fully Automated Urinalysis System that combines the iChem Velocity urine chemistry analyzer and the iQ200 microscopy analyzer.
- FIGURE 17-16 AUWi, a Fully Automated Urinalysis System that combines the Siemens CLINITEK Atlas chemistry analyzer and the Sysmex UF-1000i particle analyzer.
- Automation of Body Fluid Analysis
- Body Fluid Cell Counts Using Hematology Analyzers
- TABLE 17-6 Selected Automated Body Fluid Analyzers
- Body Fluid Cell Counts Using iQ200
- Study Questions
- References
- Chapter 18 Body Fluid Analysis: Manual Hemacytometer Counts and Differential Slide Preparation
- Learning Objectives
- Using A Hemacytometer
- Diluents and Dilutions
- TABLE 18-1 Body Fluid Dilution Guideline for Cell Counts Based on Visual Appearance
- Box 18-1 Enhancing Visualization of WBCs When Analyzing Clear Fluids
- TABLE 18-2 Diluents for Body Fluid Blood Cell Counts*
- Pretreatment and Dilution of Synovial Fluid Specimens
- Semen Dilution and Pretreatment of Viscous Specimens
- Hemacytometer Cell Counts
- Box 18-2 Manual Cell Count Using a Hemacytometer
- FIGURE 18-1 Top, View of a hemacytometer chamber with an “improved” Neubauer etched grid or rulings. Middle, A single “W” square that is 1 mm2; notation derived from the use of 5 “W-sized” squares to enumerate white blood cells. A single “R” square that is 0.04 mm2; notation derived from the used of 5 “R-sized” squares to enumerate red blood cells. Bottom, Side view of hemacytometer chamber demonstrating how glass coverslip rests on ridges of hemacytometer and that when properly filled, the volume of liquid in the chamber has a fixed depth of 0.1 mm.
- Calculations
- Hemacytometer Calculation Examples
- Example A: Using Undiluted Body Fluid
- Example B: Using Diluted Body Fluid
- Example C: Sperm Count Using Diluted Semen
- Preparation of Slides for Differential
- FIGURE 18-2 Thermo-Scientific Cytospin 4 cytocentrifuge
- Cytocentrifugation
- FIGURE 18-3 A, The components of an assembly for the Cytospin 4 cytocentrifuge consist of a stainless steel holder (Cytoclip), a chamber with attached filter card (Cytofunnel), and a microscope slide. Note that the opening in the filter paper is the site where sample flows from the chamber to the glass slide. B, Assembly ready for addition of body fluid and then placement onto the rotor of the cytocentrifuge.
- FIGURE 18-4 Cytocentrifuge prepared slides of two body fluids stained using Wright stain. The upper slide shows a visually evident cell button in the area circled by a wax pencil. In contrast, the cell button is not macroscopically evident on the lower slide. On this slide, the wax pencil circle greatly aids the microscopist in locating the proper area of the slide for viewing.
- TABLE 18-3 Guideline for Body Fluid Volume When Preparing Slide by Cytocentrifugation
- TABLE 18-4 Distortions Associated With Cytocentrifugation
- Slide Preparations
- Study questions
- References
- Glossary
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- X
- Y
- Answer Key
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Case 2-1
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Case 5-1
- Case 5-2
- Chapter 6
- Case 6-1
- Case 6-2
- Chapter 7
- Case 7-1
- Case 7-2
- Case 7-3
- Case 7-4
- Case 7-5
- Case 7-6
- Chapter 8
- Case 8-1
- Case 8-2
- Case 8-3
- Case 8-4
- Case 8-5
- Case 8-6
- Case 8-7
- Chapter 9
- Case 9-1
- Case 9-2
- Case 9-3
- Case 9-4
- Case 9-5
- Case 9-6
- Chapter 10
- Case 10-1
- Case 10-2
- Case 10-3
- Chapter 11
- Case 11-1
- Case 11-2
- Chapter 12
- Case 12-1
- Chapter 13
- Case 13-1
- Case 13-2
- Chapter 14
- Case 14-1
- Case 14-2
- Case 14-3
- Chapter 15
- Case 15-1
- Case 15-2
- Chapter 16
- Case 16-1
- Chapter 17
- Chapter 18
- Appendix A Reagent Strip Color Charts
- FIGURE A-1 A, vChem strip. B, vChem 10SG color chart. Do not use this color chart for diagnostic testing; use chart provided with product.
- FIGURE A-2 A, Multistix strip. B, Multistix 10SG color chart. Do not use this color chart for diagnostic testing; use chart provided with product.
- FIGURE A-3 Manufacturers vary in the proper orientation of the reagent strip to the color chart on the container when reading results. A, vChem 10SG Reagent Strips. B, Multistix 10SG Reagent Strips.
- Appendix B Reference Intervals
- Urine (Random Specimen) Reference Intervals
- Fecal Reference Intervals
- Semen Characteristics Associated With Fertility
- Amniotic Fluid Reference Intervals
- Synovial Fluid Reference Intervals*
- Cerebrospinal Fluid Reference Intervals*
- Appendix C Body Fluid Diluent and Pretreatment Solutions
- Outline
- Saline, Isotonic (0.85%) or “Normal Saline”
- Saline, Hypotonic (0.30%)
- Dilute Acetic Acid (3.0%)
- Turk’s Solution2
- 0.5% Methylene Blue Solution (Used to Prepare Turk’s Solution)
- TABLE C-1 Common Uses and Limitations of Diluents
- Synovial Fluid Solutions
- Hyaluronidase Pretreatment for Synovial Fluid3
- 0.05% Buffered Hyaluronidase
- Hyaluronidase (0.1 g/L) Diluent for Cell Counts in Synovial Fluid2
- Semen Solutions
- Semen Pretreatment Solutions
- A Dilution With Physiologic Solution
- Dulbecco’s Phosphate-Buffered Saline (pH 7.4)4
- B Digestion With Bromelain
- Bromelain Solution (10 IU/mL)4
- Semen Diluent for Sperm Counts
- References
- Index
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Quick Guide to Figures
- Blood Cells
- Casts
- Crystals (according to pH)
- Epithelial Cells
- Fat
- Microorganisms (alphabetical order)
- Miscellaneous Elements