Test Bank For Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 2 Pap/Cdr edition: Carol Mattson Porth

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Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9780781770873
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0781770873
  • Author:  Carol Mattson Porth

Designed to provide students with essential concepts of disease processes and altered health states, this text is ideal for both discrete and integrated pathophysiology courses. The Second Edition has over 200 new and revised illustrations and incorporates a new feature “Understanding”, which uses large pieces of art to outline key processes using a step-by-step approach. The text continues to include such favorite features as: key concept boxes, color-coded summaries, and icons to delineate special considerations for children, the elderly, and pregnant women. The free CD-ROM now provides access to three-dimensional animations so visual learners can gain a greater understanding of common disease and cellular processes. The CD-ROM also includes student review questions.

Table of contents:

Introduction to Pathophysiology
{UN}Unit I{/UN}
{UT}Cell and Tissue Function{/UT}
{CN}Chapter 1{/CN}
Edward W. Carroll
{CT}Cell Structure and Function{/CT}
{H1}Functional Components of the Cell{/H1}
{H1}Cell Metabolism and Energy Sources{/H1}
{H1}Cell Membrane Transport, Signal Transduction, and Generation of Membrane Potentials{/H1}
{H1}Body Tissues{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 2{/CN}
{CT}Cellular Responses to Stress, Injury, and Aging{/CT}
{H1}Cellular Responses to Stress{/H1}
{H1}Cell Injury and Death{/H1}
{H1}Cellular Aging{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 3{/CN}
Edward W. Carroll
{CT}Genetic Control of Cell Function and Inheritance{/CT}
{H1}Genetic Control of Cell Function{/H1}
{H1}Patterns of Inheritance{/H1}
{H1}Gene Technology{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 4{/CN}
{CT}Genetic and Congenital Disorders{/CT}
{H1}Genetic and Chromosomal Disorders{/H1}
{H1}Disorders Due to Environmental Influences{/H1}
{H1}Prenatal Diagnosis{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 5{/CN}
{CT} Neoplasia: A Disorder of Cell Proliferation and Differentiation {/CT}
Kerry Twite
{H1}Concepts of Cell Growth{/H1}
{H1}Benign and Malignant Neoplasms{/H1}
{H1}Etiology of Cancer{/H1}
{H1}Clinical Manifestations{/H1}
{H1}Diagnosis and Treatment{/H1}
{H1}Childhood Cancers{/H1}
{UN}Unit II{/UN}
{UT}Integrative Body Functions{/UT}
{CN}Chapter 6{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance{/CT}
Glenn Matfin, Carol M. Porth
{H1}Composition and Compartmental Distribution of Body Fluids{/H1}
{H1}Sodium and Water Balance{/H1}
{H1}Potassium Balance{/H1}
{H1}Calcium and Magnesium Balance{/H1}
{H1}Acid-Base Balance{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 7{/CN}
{CT}Stress and Adaptation{/CT}
Mary Pat Kunert
{H1}Stress and Adaptation{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of the Stress Response{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 8{/CN}
{CT}Alterations in Body Nutrition{/CT}
Joan Pleuss
{H1}Regulation of Food Intake and Energy Metabolism{/H1}
{H1}Overnutrition and Obesity{/H1}
{UN}Unit III{/UN}
{UT}Hematopoietic Function{/UT}
{CN}Chapter 9{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of White Blood Cells and Lymphoid Tissues{/CT}
Kerry Twite, Kathryn J. Gaspard
{H1}Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissue{/H1}
{H1}Non-neoplastic Disorders of White Blood Cells{/H1}
{H1}Neoplastic Disorders of Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Origin{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 10{/CN}
{CT}Alterations in Hemostasis{/CT}
Kathryn J. Gaspard
{H1}Mechanisms of Hemostasis{/H1}
{H1}Hypercoagulability States{/H1}
{H1}Bleeding Disorders{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 11{/CN}
{CT}The Red Blood Cell and Alterations in Oxygen Transport{/CT}
Kathryn J. Gaspard
{H1}The Red Blood Cell{/H1}
{H1}Age-Related Changes in Red Blood Cells{/H1}
{UN}Unit IV{/UN}
{UT}Infection, Inflammation, and Immunity{/UT}
{CN}Chapter 12{/CN}
{CT}Mechanisms of Infectious Disease{/CT}
W. Michael Dunne
{H1}Infectious Diseases{/H1}
{H1}Mechanisms of Infection{/H1}
{H1}Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases{/H1}
{H1}Bioterrorism and Emerging Global Infectious Diseases{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 13{/CN}
{CT}The Immune Response{/CT}
Cynthia V. Sommer
{H1} Effector Responses of the Immune System
{H1}Immune System{/H1}
{H1}Developmental Aspects of the Immune System{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 14{/CN}
{CT}Inflammation, Tissue Repair, and Fever{/CT}
Cynthia V. Sommer, Carol M. Porth
{H1}The Inflammatory Response{/H1}
{H1}Tissue Repair and Wound Healing{/H1}
{H1}Temperature Regulation and Fever{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 15{/CN}
{CT}Alterations in the Immune Response{/CT}
Carol M. Porth, Kathleen Sweeney
{H1}Hypersensitivity Disorders{/H1}
{H1}Autoimmune Disease{/H1}
{H1}Transplantation Immunopathology{/H1}
{H1}Immunodeficiency Disorders{/H1}
{H1}Hypersensitivity Disorders{/H1}
{UN}Unit V{/UN}
{UT}Circulatory Function{/UT}
{CN}Chapter 16{/CN}
{CT}Control of Cardiovascular Function{/CT}
Glenn Matfin, Carol M. Porth
{H1}Organization of the Circulatory System{/H1}
{H1}Principles of Blood Flow{/H1}
{H1}The Heart as a Pump{/H1}
{H1}Blood Vessels and the Peripheral Circulation{/H1}
{H1}Autonomic Nervous System Control of Circulatory Function{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 17{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of Blood Flow and Blood Pressure{/CT}
Carol M. Porth, Glenn Matfin
{H1}Blood Vessel Structure and Function{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of the Arterial Circulation{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of Arterial Blood Pressure{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of the Venous Circulation{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 18{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of Cardiac Function{/CT}
Glenn Matfin, Carol M. Porth
{H1}Disorders of the Pericardium{/H1}
{H1}Coronary Heart Disease{/H1}
{H1}Myocardial and Endocardial Diseases{/H1}
{H1}Valvular Heart Disease{/H1}
{H1}Heart Disease in Infants and Children{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 19{/CN}
{CT}Heart Failure and Circulatory Shock{/CT}
Carol M. Porth, Glenn Matfin
{H1}Heart Failure{/H1}
{H1}Circulatory Failure (Shock){/H1}
{H1}Circulatory Failure in Children and the Elderly{/H1}
{UN}Unit VI{/UN}
{UT}Respiratory Function{/UT}
{CN}Chapter 20{/CN}
{CT}Control of Respiratory Function{/CT}
{H1}Structural Organization of the Respiratory System{/H1}
{H1}Exchange of Gases Between the Atmosphere and the Lungs{/H1}
{H1}Exchange and Transport of Gases{/H1}
{H1}Control of Breathing{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 21{/CN}
{CT}Respiratory Tract Infections, Neoplasia, and Childhood Disorders{/CT}
{H1}Respiratory Tract Infections{/H1}
{H1}Cancer of the Lung{/H1}
{H1}Respiratory Disorders in Children{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 22{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange{/CT}
{H1}Disorders of Lung Inflation{/H1}
{H1}Obstructive Airway Disorders{/H1}
{H1}Chronic Interstitial Lung Diseases{/H1}
{H1}Pulmonary Vascular Disorders{/H1}
{H1}Respiratory Failure{/H1}
{UN}Unit VII{/UN}
{UT}Kidney and Urinary Tract Function{/UT}
{CN}Chapter 23{/CN}
{CT}Control of Kidney Function{/CT}
{H1}Kidney Structure and Function{/H1}
{H1}Tests of Renal Function{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 24{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of Renal Function{/CT}
{H1}Congenital Disorders of the Kidneys{/H1}
{H1}Obstructive Disorders{/H1}
{H1}Urinary Tract Infections{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of Glomerular Function{/H1}
{H1}Tubulointerstitial Disorders{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 25{/CN}
{CT}Renal Failure{/CT}
{H1}Acute Renal Failure{/H1}
{H1}Chronic Renal Failure{/H1}
{H1}Renal Failure in Children and Elderly Persons{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 26{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of Urine Elimination{/CT}
{H1}Control of Urine Elimination{/H1}
{H1}Alterations in Bladder Function{/H1}
{H1}Cancer of the Bladder{/H1}
{UN}Unit VIII{/UN}
{UT}Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Function{/UT}
{CN}Chapter 27{/CN}
{CT}Structure and Function of the Gastrointestinal System{/CT}
{H1}Structure and Organization of the Gastrointestinal Tract{/H1}
{H1}Innervation and Motility{/H1}
{H1}Hormonal and Secretory Function{/H1}
{H1}Digestion and Absorption{/H1}
{H1}Anorexia, Nausea, and Vomiting{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 28{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of Gastrointestinal Function{/CT}
{H1}Disorders of the Esophagus{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of the Stomach{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of the Small and Large Intestines{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 29{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreas Function{/CT}
{H1}The Liver and Hepatobiliary System{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of Hepatic and Biliary Function{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of the Gallbladder and Exocrine Pancreas{/H1}
{UN}Unit IX{/UN}
{UT}Endocrine System{/UT}
{CN}Chapter 30{/CN}
{CT} Organization and Control of the Endocrine System {/CT}
Glenn Matfin, Safak Guven, Julie A. Kuenzi
{H1}The Endocrine System{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 31{/CN}
{CT} Disorders of Endocrine Function {/CT}
Glenn Matfin, Safak Guven, Julie A. Kuenzi 
{H1}General Aspects of Altered Endocrine Function{/H1}
{H1}Pituitary and Growth Disorders{/H1}
{H1}Thyroid Disorders{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of Adrenal Cortical Function{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 32{/CN}
{CT}Diabetes Mellitus and the Metabolic Syndrome{/CT}
Glenn Matfin, Julie A. Kuenzi, Safak Guven
{H1}Hormonal Control of Glucose, Fat, and Protein Metabolism{/H1}
{H1}Diabetes Mellitus{/H1}
{UN}Unit X{/UN}
{UT}Nervous System{/UT}
{CN}Chapter 33{/CN}
Edward W. Carroll and Robin L. Curtis
{CT}Organization and Control of Neural Function{/CT}
{H1}Nervous Tissue Cells{/H1}
{H1}Nerve Cell Communication{/H1}
{H1}Developmental Organization of the Nervous System{/H1}
{H1}Spinal Cord and Brain{/H1}
{H1}The Autonomic Nervous System{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 34{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of Somatosensory Function and Pain{/CT}
Elizabeth C. Devine
{H1}Organization and Control of Somatosensory Function{/H1}
{H1}Alterations in Pain Sensitivity and Special Types of Pain{/H1}
{H1}Pain in Children and Older Adults{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 35{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of Neuromuscular Function{/CT}
{H1}Organization and Control of Motor Function{/H1}
{H1}Skeletal Muscle, Neuromuscular Junction, and Peripheral Nerve Disorders{/H1}
{H1}Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum Disorders{/H1}
{H1}Upper Motor Neuron Disorders{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 36{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of Brain Function{/CT}
Diane Book
{H1}Mechanisms and Manifestations of Brain Injury{/H1}
{H1}Cerebrovascular Disease{/H1}
{H1}Infections and Brain Tumors{/H1}
{H1}Seizure Disorders{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 37{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of Special Sensory Function: Vision, Hearing, and Vestibular Function{/CT}
Edward W. Carroll and Susan A. Fontana
{H1}The Eye and Disorders of Vision{/H1}
{H1}The Ear and Disorders of Auditory Function{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of Vestibular Function{/H1}
{UN}Unit XI{/UN}
{UT}Genitourinary and Reproductive Function{/UT}
{CN}Chapter 38{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of the Male Genitourinary System{/CT}
Glenn Matfin
{H1}Physiologic Basis of Male Reproductive Function{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of the Penis, the Scrotum and Testes, and the Prostate{/H1}
{H1}Disorders in Childhood and Aging Changes{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 39{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of the Female Genitourinary System{/CT}
Patricia McCowen Mehring
{H1}Structure and Function of the Female Reproductive System{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of the Female Reproductive Organs{/H1}
{H1}Menstrual Disorders{/H1}
{H1}Disorders of the Breast{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 40{/CN}
{CT}Sexually Transmitted Diseases{/CT}
Patricia McCowen Mehring
{H1}Infections of the External Genitalia{/H1}
{H1}Vaginal Infections{/H1}
{H1}Urogenital-Systemic Infections{/H1}
{UN}Unit XII{/UN}
{UT}Musculoskeletal Function{/UT}
{CN}Chapter 41{/CN}
{CT}Structure and Function of the Skeletal System{/CT}
{H1}Characteristics of Skeletal Tissue{/H1}
{H1}Skeletal Structures{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 42{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of the Skeletal System: Trauma, Infection, and Childhood Disorders{/CT}
Kathleen E. Gunta
{H1}Injury and Trauma of Musculoskeletal Structures{/H1}
{H1}Infections and Osteonecrosis{/H1}
{H1}Skeletal Disorders in Children{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 43{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of the Skeletal System: Metabolic and Rheumatic Disorders{/CT}
Debra Ann Bancroft Rizzo, Kathleen E. Gunta
{H1}Metabolic Bone Disease{/H1}
{H1}Rheumatic Disorders{/H1}
{H1}Rheumatic Diseases in Children and the Elderly{/H1}
{UN}Unit XIII{/UN}
{UT}Integumentary Function{/UT}
{CN}Chapter 44{/CN}
{CT}Structure and Function of the Skin{/CT}
Gladys Simandl
{H1}Structure of the Skin{/H1}
{H1}Manifestations of Skin Disorders{/H1}
{CN}Chapter 45{/CN}
{CT}Disorders of the Skin{/CT}
Gladys Simandl
{H1}Primary Disorders of the Skin{/H1}
{H1}Ultraviolet Radiation, Thermal, and Pressure Injury{/H1}
{H1}Nevi and Skin Cancers{/H1}
{H1}Age-Related Skin Manifestations{/H1}
Appendix A: Laboratory Values

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