Test Bank for Essentials of Human Development A Life Span View 2nd Edition by Kail

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Product Details:

ISBN:  978-1305504585

Author:   Robert V. Kail (Author), John C. Cavanaugh (Author)

ESSENTIALS OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: A LIFE-SPAN VIEW, 2nd Edition fills the need for a shorter text that emphasizes the essential, defining features of modern research and theory in human development. Using a modified chronological approach and emphasizing the biopsychosocial framework, the text provides: a readable account of human development across the life span; conceptual foundations that enable students to become critical interpreters of developmental information; and an introduction to relevant research and its application to key issues. The text also emphasizes the application of human development research across diverse professional settings, making it ideal for students who are pursuing a career related to psychology or areas such as education, health, and human sciences. Succinct and filled with real-life examples, this text will capture your students’ interest while introducing them to the essential issues, forces, and outcomes that make us who we are.
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Table of Content:

  1. Ch 1: The Study of Human Development
  2. 1.1 Thinking about Development
  3. 1.2 Developmental Theories
  4. 1.3 Doing Developmental Research
  5. Summary
  6. Key Terms
  7. Part 1: Prenatal Development, Infancy, and Early Childhood
  8. Ch 2: Biological Foundations: Heredity, Prenatal Development, and Birth
  9. 2.1 In the Beginning: 23 Pairs of Chromosomes
  10. 2.2 From Conception to Birth
  11. 2.3 Influences on Prenatal Development
  12. 2.4 Labor and Delivery
  13. Summary
  14. Key Terms
  15. Ch 3: Tools for Exploring the World: Physical, Perceptual, and Motor Development
  16. 3.1 The Newborn
  17. 3.2 Physical Development
  18. 3.3 Moving and Grasping: Early Motor Skills
  19. 3.4 Coming to Know the World: Perception
  20. 3.5 Becoming Self-Aware
  21. Summary
  22. Key Terms
  23. Ch 4: The Emergence of Thought and Language: Cognitive Development in Infancy and Early Childhood
  24. 4.1 The Onset of Thinking: Piaget’s Account
  25. 4.2 Information Processing during Infancy and Early Childhood
  26. 4.3 Mind and Culture: Vygotsky’s Theory
  27. 4.4 Language
  28. Summary
  29. Key Terms
  30. Ch 5: Entering the Social World: Socioemotional Development in Infancy and Early Childhood
  31. 5.1 Beginnings: Trust and Attachment
  32. 5.2 Emerging Emotions
  33. 5.3 Interacting with Others
  34. 5.4 Gender Roles and Gender Identity
  35. Summary
  36. Key Terms
  37. Part 2: School-Age Children and Adolescents
  38. Ch 6: Off to School: Cognitive and Physical Development in Middle Childhood
  39. 6.1 Cognitive Development
  40. 6.2 Aptitudes for School
  41. 6.3 Special Children, Special Needs
  42. 6.4 Academic Skills
  43. 6.5 Physical Development
  44. Summary
  45. Key Terms
  46. Ch 7: Expanding Social Horizons: Socioemotional Development in Middle Childhood
  47. 7.1 Family Relationships
  48. 7.2 Peers
  49. 7.3 Electronic Media
  50. 7.4 Understanding Others
  51. Summary
  52. Key Terms
  53. Ch 8: Rites of Passage: Physical and Cognitive Development during Adolescence
  54. 8.1 Pubertal Changes
  55. 8.2 Health
  56. 8.3 Information Processing during Adolescence
  57. 8.4 Reasoning about Moral Issues
  58. Summary
  59. Key Terms
  60. Ch 9: Moving into the Adult Social World: Socioemotional Development in Adolescence
  61. 9.1 Identity and Self-Esteem
  62. 9.2 Romantic Relationships and Sexuality
  63. 9.3 The World of Work
  64. 9.4 The Dark Side
  65. Summary
  66. Key Terms
  67. Part 3: Young and Middle Adulthood
  68. Ch 10: Becoming an Adult: Physical, Cognitive, and Personality Development in Young Adulthood
  69. 10.1 Emerging Adulthood
  70. 10.2 Physical Development and Health
  71. 10.3 Cognitive Development
  72. 10.4 Who Do You Want to Be? Personality in Young Adulthood
  73. Summary
  74. Key Terms
  75. Ch 11: Being with Others: Forming Relationships in Young and Middle Adulthood
  76. 11.1 Relationships
  77. 11.2 Lifestyles
  78. 11.3 The Family Life Cycle
  79. 11.4 Divorce and Remarriage
  80. Summary
  81. Key Terms
  82. Ch 12: Work: Occupational and Lifestyle Issues in Young and Middle Adulthood
  83. 12.1 Occupational Selection and Development
  84. 12.2 Gender, Ethnicity, and Discrimination Issues
  85. 12.3 Occupational Transitions
  86. 12.4 Work and Family
  87. Summary
  88. Key Terms
  89. Ch 13: Making It in Midlife: The Biopsychosocial Challenges of Middle Adulthood
  90. 13.1 Physical Changes and Health
  91. 13.2 Cognitive Development
  92. 13.3 Personality
  93. 13.4 Family Dynamics and Middle Age
  94. Summary
  95. Key Terms
  96. Part 4: Late Adulthood
  97. Ch 14: The Personal Context of Later Life: Physical, Cognitive, and Mental Health Issues
  98. 14.1 What are Older Adults Like?
  99. 14.2 Physical Changes and Health
  100. 14.3 Cognitive Processes
  101. 14.4 Mental Health and Intervention
  102. Summary
  103. Key Terms
  104. Ch 15: Social Aspects of Later Life: Psychosocial, Retirement, Relationship, and Societal Issues
  105. 15.1 Theories of Psychosocial Aging
  106. 15.2 Personality, Social Cognition, and Spirituality
  107. 15.3 I Used to Work at …: Living in Retirement
  108. 15.4 Friends and Family in Late Life
  109. 15.5 Social Issues and Aging
  110. Summary
  111. Key Terms
  112. Ch 16: The Final Passage: Dying and Bereavement
  113. 16.1 Definitions and Ethical Issues
  114. 16.2 Thinking about Death: Personal Aspects
  115. 16.3 End-of-Life Issues
  116. 16.4 Surviving the Loss: The Grieving Process
  117. 16.5 Dying and Bereavement Experiences across the Life Span
  118. Summary
  119. Key Terms
  120. References
  121. Name Index
  122. Subject Index