This is completed downloadable of Test Bank for Developmental Psychology Childhood and Adolescence 9th Edition by Shaffer
Product Details:
ISBN 10: 1285545761
ISBN 13: 9781285545769
Author: David R. Shaffer; Katherine Kipp
This popular, topically organized, and thoroughly updated child and adolescent development text presents you with the best theories, research, and practical advice that developmentalists have to offer today. Authors David R. Shaffer and Katherine Kipp provide you with a current and comprehensive overview of child and adolescent development, written in clear, concise language that talks “”to”” you rather than “”at”” you. The authors also focus on application showing how theories and research apply to real-life settings. As a result, you will gain an understanding of developmental principles that will help you in your roles as parents, teachers, nurses, day-care workers, pediatricians, psychologists, or in any other capacity by which you may one day influence the lives of developing persons. Available with InfoTrac Student Collections
Table of Content:
- Ch 1: Introduction to Developmental Psychology and Its Research Strategies
- Introduction
- Introduction to Developmental Psychology
- Research Strategies: Basic Methods and Designs
- Research Strategies and Studying Development
- Themes in the Study of Human Development
- Summary
- Chapter 1 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 2: Hereditary Influences on Development
- Introduction
- Principles of Hereditary Transmission
- Hereditary Disorders
- Hereditary Influences on Behavior
- The Ethological and Evolutionary Viewpoints
- Applying Developmental Themes to Hereditary Influences on Development
- Summary
- Chapter 2 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 3: Prenatal Development and Birth
- Introduction
- From Conception to Birth
- Potential Problems in Prenatal Development
- Birth and the Perinatal Environment
- Potential Problems at Birth
- Applying Developmental Themes to Prenatal Development and Birth
- Summary
- Chapter 4 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 4: Infancy
- Introduction
- The Newborn’s Readiness for Life
- Research Methods Used to Study the Infant’s Sensory and Perceptual Experiences
- Infant Sensory Capabilities
- Visual Perception in Infancy
- Intermodal Perception
- Cultural Influences on Infant Perception
- Basic Learning Processes in Infancy
- Applying Developmental Themes to Infant Development, Perception, and Learning
- Summary
- Chapter 4 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 5: Physical Development: The Brain, Body, Motor Skills, and Sexual Development
- Introduction
- An Overview of Maturation and Growth
- Development of the Brain
- Motor Development
- Puberty: The Physical Transition from Child to Adult
- Causes and Correlates of Physical Development
- Applying Developmental Themes to Physical Development
- Summary
- Chapter 5 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 6: Cognitive Development: Piaget’s Theory and Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Viewpoint
- Introduction
- Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
- Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
- An Evaluation of Piaget’s Theory
- Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Perspective
- Applying Developmental Themes to Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Theories
- Summary
- Chapter 6 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 7: Cognitive Development: Information-Processing Perspectives
- Introduction
- The Multistore Model
- Development of the Multistore Model
- Development of Memory: Retaining and Retrieving Information
- Development of Other Cognitive Skills
- Evaluating the Information-Processing Perspective
- Applying Developmental Themes to Information-Processing Perspectives
- Summary
- Chapter 7 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 8: Intelligence: Measuring Mental Performance
- Introduction
- What Is Intelligence?
- How Is Intelligence Measured?
- What Do Intelligence Tests Predict?
- Factors That Influence IQ Scores
- Social and Cultural Influences on Intellectual Performance
- Improving Cognitive Performance Through Compensatory Education
- Creativity and Special Talents
- Applying Developmental Themes to Intelligence and Creativity
- Summary
- Chapter 8 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 9: Development of Language and Communication Skills
- Introduction
- Five Components of Language
- Theories of Language Development
- The Prelinguistic Period: Before Language
- The Holophrase Period: One Word at a Time
- The Telegraphic Period: From Holophrases to Simple Sentences
- Language Learning during the Preschool Period
- Language Learning During Middle Childhood and Adolescence
- Bilingualism: Challenges and Consequences of Learning Two Languages
- Applying Developmental Themes to Language Acquisition
- Summary
- Chapter 9 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 10: Emotional Development, Temperament, and Attachment
- Introduction
- Emotional Development
- Temperament and Development
- Attachment and Development
- Applying Developmental Themes to Emotional Development, Temperament, and Attachment
- Summary
- Chapter 10 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 11: Development of the Self-Concept
- Introduction
- How the Self-Concept Develops
- Self-Esteem: The Evaluative Component of Self
- Development of Achievement Motivation and Academic Self-Concepts
- Who Am I to Be? Forging an Identity
- The Other Side of Social Cognition: Knowing About Others
- Applying Developmental Themes to the Development of the Self and Social Cognition
- Summary
- Chapter 11 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 12: Sex Differences and Gender-Role Development
- Introduction
- Defining Sex and Gender
- Categorizing Males and Females: Gender-Role Standards
- Some Facts and Fictions About Sex Differences
- Developmental Trends in Gender Typing
- Theories of Gender Typing and Gender-Role Development
- Applying Developmental Themes to Sex Differences and Gender-Role Development
- Summary
- Chapter 12 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 13: Aggression, Altruism, and Moral Development
- Introduction
- The Development of Aggression
- Altruism: Development of the Prosocial Self
- Moral Development: Affective, Cognitive, and Behavioral Components
- Applying Developmental Themes to the Development of Aggression, Altruism, and Morality
- Summary
- Chapter 13 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 14: The Context of Development I: The Family
- Introduction
- The Ecological Systems Viewpoint
- Understanding the Family
- Parental Socialization During Childhood and Adolescence
- The Influence of Siblings and Sibling Relationships
- Diversity in Family Life
- Applying Developmental Themes to Family Life, Parenting, and Siblings
- Summary
- Chapter 14 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Ch 15: The Context of Development II: Peers, Schools, and Technology
- Introduction
- Peers as Agents of Socialization
- School as a Socialization Agent
- The Effects of Television on Child Development
- Child Development in the Digital Age
- Final Thoughts on the Context of Development
- Applying Developmental Themes to the Context of Development
- Summary
- Chapter 15 Practice Quiz
- Key Terms
- Media Resources
- Appendix: Answers to Concept Checks and Practice Quizzes
- Glossary
- References
- Name Index
- Subject Index