This is completed downloadable of Test Bank for Criminal Law 12th Edition
Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 9781305577381
- ISBN-13 : 978-1305577381
- Author: Joel Samaha
Clear and easy to understand, Joel Samaha’s best-selling text helps you apply criminal law’s enduring foundations and principles to fascinating, current court cases and specific crimes. With a blend of case excerpts and author commentary, the author guides you as you sharpen your critical thinking and legal analysis skills. As you progress through the book, you’ll learn about the general principles of criminal liability and its defenses, as well as the elements of crimes against persons, property, society, and the state. You’ll also see these principles at work in the cases and crimes that illustrate them. Featuring the latest topics and court cases, real-world illustrations, and study tools to maximize your course success (including MindTap), CRIMINAL LAW, 12th Edition will serve as a valuable reference long after you graduate. In fact, former users report that this is the only book they keep, and those who go on to law school say that it helps them in their criminal law course.
Table of Content:
- Ch 1: Criminal Law and Punishment in U.S. Society
- Ch 1: Chapter Outline
- Ch 1: Introduction
- Criminal Law in U.S. Society
- Crimes and Noncriminal Legal Wrongs
- Classifying Crimes
- Sources of Criminal Law
- Criminal Law in the U.S. Federal System
- Criminal Punishment in U.S. Society
- The Text-Case Method
- Ch 1: Summary
- Ch 1: Key Terms
- Ch 2: Constitutional Limits on Criminal Law
- Ch 2: Chapter Outline
- Ch 2: Introduction
- The Principle of Legality
- The Bill of Rights and the Criminal Law
- The Right to Privacy
- The Constitution and Criminal Punishment
- The Right to Trial By Jury and Criminal Sentencing
- Ch 2: Summary
- Ch 2: Key Terms
- Ch 3: The Criminal Act: The First Principle of Criminal Liability
- Ch 3: Chapter Outline
- Ch 3: Introduction
- The Elements of Criminal Liability
- The Criminal Act (Actus Reus): The First Principle of Liability
- Omissions as Criminal Acts
- Possession as a Criminal Act
- Ch 3: Summary
- Ch 3: Key Terms
- Ch 4: The General Principles of Criminal Liability: Mens Rea, Concurrence, Ignorance, and Mistake
- Ch 4: Chapter Outline
- Ch 4: Introduction
- Mens Rea
- Liability Without Fault (Strict Liability)
- Concurrence
- Causation
- Failure of Proof “Defenses”: Ignorance and Mistake
- Ch 4: Summary
- Ch 4: Key Terms
- Ch 5: Defenses to Criminal Liability I
- Ch 5: Chapter Outline
- Ch 5: Introduction
- Proving Defenses
- Self-Defense
- Defense of Others
- Defense of Home and Property
- “Choice of Evils”
- Consent
- Ch 5: Summary
- Ch 5: Key Terms
- Ch 6: Defenses to Criminal Liability II
- Ch 6: Chapter Outline
- Ch 6: Introduction
- The Insanity Defense
- The Defense of Diminished Capacity
- The Excuse of Age
- The Defense of Duress
- The Defense of Intoxication
- The Defense of Entrapment
- Syndrome Defenses
- Ch 6: Summary
- Ch 6: Key Terms
- Ch 7: Parties to Crimeand Vicarious Liability
- Ch 7: Chapter Outline
- Ch 7: Introduction
- Parties to Crime
- Participation Before and Duringthe Commission of a Crime
- Participation after the Commissionof a Crime
- Vicarious Liability
- Ch 7: Summary
- Ch 7: Key Terms
- Ch 8: Inchoate Crimes
- Ch 8: Chapter Outline
- Ch 8: Introduction
- Attempt
- Conspiracy
- The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)
- Solicitation
- Ch 8: Summary
- Ch 8: Key Terms
- Ch 9: Crimes against Persons I
- Ch 9: Chapter Outline
- Ch 9: Introduction
- Criminal Homicide in Context
- The Meaning of “Person” or “Human Being”
- Murder
- Kinds and Degrees of Murder
- Manslaughter
- Doctor-Assisted Suicide
- Ch 9: Summary
- Ch 9: Key Terms
- Ch 10: Crimes Against Persons II
- Ch 10: Chapter Outline
- Ch 10: Introduction
- Sex Offenses
- Bodily Injury and Threats of Bodily Injury Crimes
- Personal Restraint Crimes
- Ch 10: Summary
- Ch 10: Key Terms
- Ch 11: Crimes Against Property
- Ch 11: Chapter Outline
- Ch 11: Introduction
- History of Criminally Taking Other People ’s Property
- Damaging and Destroying Other People ’s Property
- Invading Other People ’s Property: Burglary and Criminal Trespass
- Identity Theft
- Cybercrimes
- Ch 11: Summary
- Ch 11: Key Terms
- Ch 12: Crimes Against Public Order and Morals
- Ch 12: Chapter Outline
- Ch 12: Introduction
- Disorderly Conduct
- “Quality of Life” Crimes
- Violent Video Games
- “Victimless Crimes”
- Minor Offenses: Public Order or Cash Cows?
- Ch 12: Summary
- Ch 12: Key Terms
- Ch 13: Crimes Against the State
- Ch 13: Chapter Outline
- Ch 13: Introduction
- Treason
- Sedition, Sabotage, and Espionage
- Antiterrorist Crimes
- Ch 13: Summary
- Ch 13: Key Terms
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- Case Index
- Index