Test Bank for Contemporary Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, 3rd Edition: Carol R. Kneisl

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Test Bank for Contemporary Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, 3rd Edition: Carol R. Kneisl

Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0133581608
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0133581607
  • Author:

CONTEMPORARY PSYCHIATRIC-MENTAL HEALTH NURSING, 3/e is the most up-to-date, evidence-based, culturally competent, authoritative, and comprehensive resource for psychiatric-mental health nursing. The authors emphasize the importance of empathy and client empowerment, while providing the knowledge and clinical competence that psychiatric-mental health nurses can use to help diverse clients heal on both psychobiologic and spiritual levels. They prepare students to tailor and humanize interventions for traditional as well as “new” psychiatric-mental health clients encountered in forensic settings, homeless shelters, and in other community and rehab settings. Since advances in neuroscience and genetics are redefining the scientific understanding of mental disorders, the authors offer a solid grounding in psychobiology, including brain imaging assessment and new psychopharmacologic treatment options. This edition adds a full chapter on Recovery and Psychiatric Rehabilitation Strategies, and many new boxed features showing how psychiatric disorders are portrayed in the news and movies.

Table contents:

  1. Contemporary Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing
  2. About the Authors
  3. Thank You!
  4. Preface
  5. Underlying Themes
  6. Organization
  7. New to This Edition
  8. The Textbook as a Map, a Compass, and an Inspiration
  9. A Guide to Contemporary Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing
  10. Special Features
  11. Detailed Contents
  12. Unit 1 Foundations for Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Practice
  13. 1 Mental Health, Mental Disorder, and Psychiatric–Mental Health Clients: Who Are They?
  14. Learning Outcomes
  15. Key Terms
  16. Critical Thinking Challenge
  17. The Concepts of Deviance, Mental Health, and Mental Disorder
  18. Deviance
  19. Clients, Not Patients
  20. Mental Health
  21. Mental Disorder
  22. Mental Disorder as a Global Problem
  23. Mental Disorders in the United States
  24. Comorbidity of Mental Disorders
  25. Care-Seeking Patterns in Mental Health Care
  26. Cost of Mental Health Care
  27. Adequacy of Mental Health Care Services
  28. Mental Disorders Around the Globe
  29. Historical Perspectives
  30. Era of Magico–Religious Explanations
  31. Era of Organic Explanations
  32. Era of Alienation
  33. Era of Confinement
  34. Era of Moral Treatment
  35. Era of Psychoanalysis
  36. Contemporary Developments
  37. The Stigma of Mental Illness
  38. Language Matters
  39. References
  40. 2 Psychiatric–Mental Health Nurses: Who Are They?
  41. Learning Outcomes
  42. Key Terms
  43. Critical Thinking Challenge
  44. Emergence of the Discipline
  45. Early Psychiatric Nursing Education
  46. Moving into the Mainstream
  47. Psychiatric Nursing as a Specialty
  48. Role Clarification
  49. Clinical Nurse Specialist Role
  50. Fiscal Decline and Retrenchment
  51. Decade of the Brain
  52. The New Millennium
  53. Standards and Levels of Practice
  54. Basic Level of Practice
  55. Advanced Level of Practice
  56. Partnership and Collaboration
  57. The Mental Health Team
  58. Cooperation Versus Competition
  59. Clients and Families
  60. Nursing’s Theoretic Heritage
  61. Peplau
  62. Travelbee
  63. Paterson and Zderad
  64. Watson
  65. Benner
  66. Implications for Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Practice
  67. References
  68. 3 Self-Awareness and the Psychiatric–Mental Health Nurse
  69. Learning Outcomes
  70. Key Terms
  71. Critical Thinking Challenge
  72. Personal Integration
  73. Creating a Common Ground
  74. Searching for Meaning
  75. Feelings: The Affective Self
  76. Self-Awareness of Feelings
  77. Problems With Submerged Feelings
  78. Dominant Emotional Themes
  79. Acceptance of Disapproved Feelings
  80. Beliefs and Values
  81. Dogmatic Belief
  82. Issues of Blame and Control
  83. Attitudes and Opinions
  84. Arriving at Values
  85. Culture and Social Class
  86. Sociocultural Heritage
  87. Avoiding Misdiagnosis
  88. Taking Care of the Self
  89. Solitude
  90. Physical Health
  91. Sleep Deprivation and Shift Work Disorder
  92. Attending to Internal Stress Signals
  93. Burnout
  94. Cues to Burnout
  95. Reducing Burnout
  96. Qualities That Enhance Therapeutic Relationships
  97. Respect for the Client
  98. Availability
  99. Spontaneity
  100. Hope
  101. Acceptance
  102. Sensitivity
  103. Assertiveness
  104. Passive Behavior
  105. Aggressive Behavior
  106. Assertive Behavior
  107. Vision
  108. Accountability
  109. Advocacy
  110. Spirituality
  111. Empathy
  112. Critical Thinking
  113. References
  114. 4 The Therapeutic Nurse–Client Relationship
  115. Learning Outcomes
  116. Key Terms
  117. Critical Thinking Challenge
  118. The One–to–One Relationship
  119. Characteristics of Therapeutic Nurse–Client Relationships
  120. Therapeutic Alliance
  121. Professional
  122. Informal Relationships
  123. Formal Relationships
  124. Mutually Defined
  125. Collaborative
  126. Goal Directed
  127. Open
  128. Negotiated
  129. Committed
  130. Culturally Sensitive
  131. Phenomena Occurring in One–to–One Relationships
  132. Resistance
  133. Evaluating Behavior as Resistive
  134. General Intervention Strategies With Resistance
  135. Acting Out as Resistance
  136. Intervention Strategies With Acting Out
  137. Transference
  138. Positive Transference
  139. Negative Transference
  140. Countertransference
  141. Conflict Between Caretaker and Therapist Roles
  142. Critical Distance
  143. Gift Giving
  144. Use of Touch
  145. Self-Disclosure
  146. Culture, Values, and Beliefs
  147. Nursing Process Orientation (Beginning) Phase
  148. Assessment
  149. Subjective Data
  150. Objective Data
  151. The Initial Interview
  152. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  153. Outcome Identification: NOC
  154. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  155. Developing the Therapeutic Contract
  156. Establishing Trust
  157. Keeping Confidentiality
  158. Tuning In to Process
  159. Addressing the Client’s Suffering
  160. Clarifying Purpose, Roles, and Responsibilities
  161. Gift Giving During the Orientation Phase
  162. Evaluation
  163. Nursing Process Working (Middle) Phase
  164. Assessment
  165. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  166. Outcome Identification: NOC
  167. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  168. Testing the Effect of New Behaviors
  169. Implementing Problem-Solving Strategies
  170. Challenging the Client’s Resistance to Change
  171. Gift Giving During the Working Phase
  172. Evaluation
  173. Nursing Process Termination (End) Phase
  174. Assessment
  175. Nurse’s Self-Awareness
  176. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  177. Outcome Identification: NOC
  178. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  179. Intervening in Specific Client Termination Behaviors
  180. Providing for an Explicit and Therapeutic Good-Bye
  181. Gift Giving During the Termination Phase
  182. Referring the Client for Follow-Up
  183. Evaluation
  184. Clinical Supervision
  185. Case Management
  186. Community-Based Care
  187. Home Care
  188. References
  189. Unit 2 Theoretical Basis for Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Practice
  190. 5 Theories for Interdisciplinary Care in Psychiatry
  191. Learning Outcomes
  192. Key Terms
  193. Critical Thinking Challenge
  194. Scope of Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Practice
  195. Humanistic Interactionism and Psychobiology: The Mind–Body–Spirit Connection
  196. Basic Premises of Interactionism
  197. Implications for Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Practice
  198. The First Premise: Behavior Is Purposeful
  199. The Second Premise: Different Meanings for Different People
  200. The Third Premise: Meanings Arise in One’s Social World
  201. The Fourth Premise: Meaning Is Individually Inter preted
  202. The Fifth Premise: Self as a Valued Object
  203. The Sixth Premise: New Ways of Being
  204. The Seventh Premise: Culture Shapes Conduct
  205. Basic Premises of Humanism
  206. Implications for Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Practice
  207. A Holistic View of the Mind–Body Relationship
  208. An Expanded Role for Nurses
  209. Negotiation and Advocacy
  210. Basic Premises of Psychobiology
  211. Implications for Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Practice
  212. Theories for Interdisciplinary Psychiatric Care
  213. Medical–Psychobiologic Theory
  214. Assumptions and Key Ideas
  215. Implications for Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Practice
  216. Psychoanalytic Theory
  217. Assumptions and Key Ideas
  218. Psychic Determinism
  219. Role of the Unconscious
  220. Psychoanalysis
  221. Structure of the Mind
  222. Instinctual Drives
  223. The Oedipus Complex and the Electra Complex
  224. Decline of Freudian Psychoanalysis
  225. Implications for Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Practice
  226. Cognitive–Behavioral Theory
  227. Assumptions and Key Ideas
  228. Implications for Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Practice
  229. Social–Interpersonal Theories
  230. Assumptions and Key Ideas
  231. Interpersonal–Psychiatric Theory: Harry Stack Sullivan
  232. Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs: Abraham Maslow
  233. Client-Centered Therapy: Carl Rogers
  234. Developmental Theory of Personality: Erik Erikson
  235. General Systems Theory
  236. Implications for Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Practice
  237. References
  238. 6 The Biologic Basis of Behavioral and Mental Disorders
  239. Learning Outcomes
  240. Key Terms
  241. Critical Thinking Challenge
  242. Brain, Mind, and Behavior
  243. Neuroanatomy
  244. Cerebrum
  245. Frontal Lobe
  246. Temporal Lobe
  247. Parietal Lobe
  248. Occipital Lobe
  249. Limbic System
  250. Amygdala
  251. Hippocampus
  252. Reticular Activating System
  253. Extrapyramidal System
  254. Diencephalon
  255. Thalamus
  256. Hypothalamus
  257. Pituitary Gland
  258. Basal Ganglia
  259. Cerebellum
  260. Brain Stem
  261. Medulla Oblongata
  262. Pons
  263. Midbrain
  264. Autonomic Nervous System
  265. Genetics
  266. Gene Structure
  267. Gene Function
  268. Genetic Research
  269. Ethics in Genetic Research
  270. The Genetic Basis of Psychiatric Illness
  271. Neurons, Synapses, and Neurotransmission
  272. Synaptic Transmission
  273. Neurotransmitters
  274. Dopamine
  275. Norepinephrine
  276. Serotonin
  277. Acetylcholine
  278. Histamine
  279. Amino Acids
  280. Psychoendocrinology and Psychoneuroimmunology
  281. Endocrine System
  282. Irregularities of Neuroendocrine Function
  283. Neuropeptides
  284. Immune System
  285. Kindling and Behavioral Sensitization
  286. Circadian Rhythms
  287. Circadian Sleep Rhythm Disorders
  288. Jet Lag Type
  289. Delayed Sleep Phase Type
  290. Advanced Sleep Phase Type
  291. Psychobiology and Mental Disorders
  292. Schizophrenia
  293. Neuron Loss
  294. Cognitive Abnormalities
  295. Molecular Genetics
  296. Structural Brain Abnormalities
  297. Genetic Alterations
  298. Stress–Diathesis Model
  299. Mood Disorders
  300. Anxiety Disorders
  301. Panic Disorder
  302. Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  303. Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type (DAT)
  304. Neurobiology
  305. Genetics
  306. Personality Disorders
  307. Neurobiology
  308. Neurochemistry
  309. Genetics
  310. Substance-Related Disorders
  311. Psychobiology and Nursing
  312. References
  313. 7 The Science of Psychopharmacology
  314. Learning Outcomes
  315. Key Terms
  316. Critical Thinking Challenge
  317. Psychopharmacology and Nursing
  318. Neuroleptics and Psychotropics
  319. Biologic Impact on Ethnically Distinct Groups
  320. Antipsychotic Medications
  321. Basic Mechanisms of Action
  322. Major Effects
  323. The Choice of a Specific Medication
  324. Newer Antipsychotics
  325. Clozapine (Clozaril)
  326. Risperidone (Risperdal)
  327. Dosage
  328. The Decision to Use a Medication
  329. Special Considerations
  330. Unique Routes of Administration
  331. Potential Side Effects of Antipsychotic Medications
  332. Metabolizing Psychiatric Medications
  333. Antidepressant Medications
  334. Psychobiologic Considerations
  335. Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)
  336. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)
  337. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
  338. Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)
  339. Other Medications Used for Depression
  340. Age-Related Considerations
  341. Mood Stabilizers
  342. Dosage
  343. Psychobiology of Lithium
  344. Anxiolytic Medications
  345. Effects
  346. Meprobamate
  347. Benzodiazepines and Nonbenzodiazepines
  348. New Medications
  349. Uses for Anxiolytics
  350. Psychobiology of Anxiolytic Medications
  351. Treatment for Insomnia
  352. Treatment of Dat
  353. Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
  354. Glutamate Pathway Modifier
  355. Medication Counterfeiting
  356. Herbal Medicines
  357. Assessing Herb Consumption
  358. References
  359. 8 Stress, Anxiety, and Coping
  360. Learning Outcomes
  361. Key Terms
  362. Critical Thinking Challenge
  363. Stress
  364. Conflict as a Stressor
  365. Approach–Avoidance Conflict
  366. Avoidance–Avoidance Conflict
  367. Approach–Approach Conflict
  368. Biopsychosocial Theories of Stress
  369. The Fight-or-Flight Response to Stress
  370. Selye’s Stress–Adaptation Theory
  371. Life Changes as Stressful Events
  372. Application to Clinical Practice
  373. Stress as a Transaction
  374. Psychoneuroimmunology Framework
  375. Self-Healing Personalities
  376. Hardiness, Resilience, and Health
  377. Disease-Prone Personalities
  378. Anxiety
  379. Neurobiologic Basis of Anxiety
  380. Sources of Anxiety
  381. Anxiety as a Continuum
  382. Mild Anxiety
  383. Moderate Anxiety
  384. Severe Anxiety
  385. Panic
  386. Assessing Anxiety
  387. Physiological Dimension
  388. Cognitive Dimension
  389. Emotional/Behavioral Dimension
  390. Coping with Stress and Anxiety
  391. Everyday Ways of Coping With Stress
  392. Seeking Comfort
  393. Relying on Self-Discipline
  394. Intense Expression of Feeling
  395. Avoidance and Withdrawal
  396. Talking It Out
  397. Privately Thinking It Through
  398. Working It Off
  399. Engaging in Self-Healing Mind–Body Practices
  400. Spirituality and Prayerfulness
  401. Using Symbolic Substitutes
  402. Somatizing
  403. Defense-Oriented Ways of Coping: Defense Mechanisms
  404. Repression
  405. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  406. Regression
  407. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  408. Suppression
  409. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  410. Dissociation
  411. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  412. Identification
  413. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  414. Introjection
  415. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  416. Projection
  417. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  418. Denial
  419. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  420. Fantasy
  421. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  422. Rationalization
  423. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  424. Reaction Formation
  425. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  426. Displacement
  427. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  428. Undoing
  429. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  430. Intellectualization
  431. Nursing Intervention Strategies
  432. Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Conditions
  433. Holistic Theory of Illness
  434. Selected Conditions Affected by Psychological Factors
  435. Gastrointestinal Disorders
  436. Peptic Ulcer
  437. Inflammatory Bowel Disorders
  438. Cardiovascular Disorders
  439. Endocrine Disorders
  440. Asthma
  441. Arthritis
  442. Headache
  443. Skin Disorders
  444. Resistance to Psychosocial Intervention
  445. References
  446. 9 Cultural Competence
  447. Learning Outcomes
  448. Key Terms
  449. Critical Thinking Challenge
  450. Developing an Understanding of Cultural Competence
  451. Cultural Competence
  452. Worldview
  453. Ethnicity and Ethnocentrism
  454. Cultural Sensitivity
  455. Cultural Values
  456. Cross-Cultural Communication
  457. Language and Dialect
  458. Working With an Interpreter
  459. Degree of Literacy
  460. Other Cultural Phenomena Affecting Health and Health Care
  461. Control Over One’s Environment
  462. Biologic Variations
  463. Social Organization
  464. Space
  465. Time Orientation
  466. Cultural Assessment
  467. Degree of Acculturation
  468. Heritage Assessment
  469. Transcultural Care Planning
  470. Culture Brokering
  471. The Nurse-as-Culture-Broker
  472. Conditions That Affect Brokering
  473. Stages of Culture Brokering
  474. Developing Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice
  475. General Strategies for Developing Cultural Competence
  476. Developing Cultural Competence With Specific Cultural Groups
  477. Culturally Competent Health Care Promotion and Disease Prevention Programs
  478. Cultural Risk Factors for Mental Disorder
  479. Gender Differences
  480. Age
  481. Social Class and Poverty
  482. Ethnicity
  483. Marital Status
  484. Physical Health Status
  485. Positive Family History
  486. Season of Birth
  487. Adverse Life Events
  488. Physical Environment
  489. Lifestyle Habits
  490. Culture and Culture-Bound Syndromes in the DSM
  491. Advocating Issues of Cultural Diversity in Nursing
  492. Nursing Practice
  493. Nursing Research
  494. Nursing Education
  495. References
  496. Unit 3 Psychiatric– Mental Health Nursing Processes
  497. 10 Therapeutic Communication
  498. Learning Outcomes
  499. Key Terms
  500. Critical Thinking Challenge
  501. The Process of Human Communication
  502. Role of Perception
  503. Role of Values
  504. Role of Culture
  505. The Spoken Word
  506. Denotation and Connotation
  507. Private and Shared Meanings
  508. Nonverbal Messages
  509. Body Movement
  510. Voice Quality and Nonlanguage Sounds
  511. Personal and Social Space
  512. Touch
  513. Cultural Artifacts
  514. Verbal and Nonverbal Links
  515. Biopsychosocial Theories And Models Of Human Communication
  516. Symbolic Interactionist Model
  517. Neurobiologic Factors
  518. Therapeutic Communication Theory
  519. Basic Concepts
  520. Successful Versus Disturbed Communication
  521. Efficiency
  522. Appropriateness
  523. Flexibility
  524. Feedback
  525. Behavioral Effects and Human Communication Theory
  526. Communication Levels
  527. Communication Disturbances
  528. Neurolinguistic Programming Theory
  529. Determining the Sensory Modality
  530. Preferred Predicates
  531. Eye-Accessing Cues
  532. Gross Hand Movements
  533. Breathing Pattern
  534. Speech Pattern and Voice Tones
  535. Therapeutic Use of NLP
  536. Facilitating Communication And Building A Relationship
  537. Superficiality Versus Intimacy
  538. Facilitating Intimacy
  539. Responding With Empathy
  540. Responding With Respect
  541. Responding With Genuineness
  542. Responding With Immediacy
  543. Responding With Warmth
  544. Therapeutic Communication Skills
  545. Speaking to the Hard of Hearing
  546. Empathizing
  547. Active Listening
  548. Using Silence
  549. Reflecting
  550. Reflecting Content
  551. Reflecting Feelings
  552. Imparting Information
  553. Avoiding Self-Disclosure
  554. Clarifying
  555. Paraphrasing
  556. Checking Perceptions
  557. Questioning
  558. Structuring
  559. Pinpointing
  560. Linking
  561. Giving Feedback
  562. Confronting
  563. Summarizing
  564. Processing
  565. Common Mistakes
  566. Circumventing Potential Cultural Barriers To Communication
  567. References
  568. 11 Psychiatric–Mental Health Assessment
  569. Learning Outcomes
  570. Key Terms
  571. Critical Thinking Challenge
  572. The Nursing Role in Assessment
  573. Psychiatric Examination
  574. Psychiatric History
  575. Data Sources
  576. Mental Status Examination
  577. General Behavior, Appearance, and Attitude
  578. Characteristics of Speech
  579. Mutism
  580. Circumstantiality
  581. Perseveration
  582. Flight of Ideas
  583. Blocking
  584. Emotional State
  585. Content of Thought
  586. Orientation
  587. Memory
  588. General Intellectual Level
  589. Abstract Thinking
  590. Insight Evaluation
  591. Summary
  592. Mini-Mental State Exam
  593. Nurses’ Observation Scale for Inpatient Evaluations
  594. Physiological Assessment
  595. Biologic History Taking
  596. Observation
  597. Neurologic Assessment
  598. Brain Imaging Techniques
  599. Psychological Testing
  600. Personality Tests
  601. Objective Personality Tests
  602. Projective Personality Tests
  603. Cognitive Function Tests
  604. Common Cognitive Function Tests
  605. Psychiatric Diagnostic Practice According to the DSM
  606. Basic Principles of the Multiaxial System
  607. Description of the Axes
  608. Axis I: Clinical Disorders
  609. Axis II: Personality Disorders
  610. Axis III: General Medical Conditions
  611. Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems
  612. Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning
  613. Psychosocial Assessment
  614. Individual Assessment
  615. The Place of Assessment in Practice
  616. Nursing Care Plans
  617. Critical Pathways
  618. Algorithms
  619. Quality Assurance
  620. References
  621. 12 Ethics, Clients’ Rights, and Legal and Forensic Issues
  622. Learning Outcomes
  623. Key Terms
  624. Critical Thinking Challenge
  625. Ethics
  626. Ethical Analysis
  627. Principles of Bioethics
  628. Autonomy
  629. Beneficence
  630. Fidelity
  631. Justice
  632. Nonmaleficence
  633. Veracity
  634. Neuroethics: An Emerging Field
  635. Ethical Guidelines for Psychiatric–Mental Health Nurses
  636. Clinical Judgment and Ethical Reasoning
  637. Ethical Dilemmas in Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing
  638. Stigma of Psychiatric Diagnoses
  639. Need for Diagnostic Labels
  640. Nurse’s Moral Stance on Diagnoses
  641. Control of Individual Freedom
  642. Violence Against Others
  643. Suicide
  644. Psychosurgery
  645. Psychotropic Medications
  646. Restraints
  647. Client Privacy and Confidentiality
  648. Legislation, Commitment, and Hospitalization Issues
  649. Admission and Commitment Categories
  650. Voluntary Admission
  651. Involuntary Commitment
  652. Emergency
  653. Temporary or Observational
  654. Extended or Indeterminate
  655. Involuntary Outpatient Commitment
  656. Ethical Dilemmas of Involuntary Hospitalization
  657. Discharge or Separation Categories
  658. Discharge
  659. Conditional
  660. Absolute
  661. Transfer
  662. Escape
  663. Psychiatry and Criminal Law
  664. Determining Legal Sanity
  665. M’Naghten Rule
  666. Irresistible Impulse
  667. American Law Institute Model Penal Code
  668. Guilty but Mentally Ill
  669. Diminished Capacity
  670. Competence to Stand Trial
  671. Psychiatric Forensic Nursing
  672. Dimensions of Practice
  673. Role Credibility
  674. Roles and Functions
  675. Forensic Examiner
  676. Competency Therapist
  677. Expert Witness
  678. Consultant to Attorneys
  679. Consultant to Law Enforcement
  680. Correctional Mental Health Nursing
  681. Client Rights
  682. Right to Informed Consent
  683. Right to Treatment
  684. Right to Refuse Treatment
  685. Ethical Dilemmas
  686. Right to Treatment in the Least Restrictive Setting
  687. Treatment Setting
  688. Institutional Policy
  689. Enforcement
  690. Treatment
  691. Client Characteristics
  692. Right to Communicate With Others
  693. Right Not to Be Subjected to Unnecessary Mechanical Restraints
  694. Right to Privacy
  695. Privileged Communication
  696. Disclosure to Safeguard Others
  697. Right to Periodic Review
  698. Right to Independent Psychiatric Examination
  699. Right to Participate in Legal Matters
  700. Contracts
  701. Wills
  702. Marriage and Divorce
  703. Voting
  704. Right to Drive
  705. Right to Practice a Profession
  706. Right to Habeas Corpus
  707. Rights of Children or Minors
  708. Psychiatric Advance Directives
  709. Liability and the Psychiatric–Mental Health Nurse
  710. Negligence
  711. Conditions for Establishing Negligence
  712. Contract for Care
  713. Duty of Care
  714. Presence of Harm
  715. Common Practice
  716. Boundary Violation
  717. Acting Against the Nurse’s Advice
  718. Malpractice
  719. Need to Document
  720. Client Advocacy
  721. Physical and Psychological Abuse of Clients
  722. Advocacy Interventions
  723. Duty to Intervene
  724. Contract for Care
  725. Assessment
  726. Responsibility to Communicate and Collaborate
  727. Formulating a Plan to Intervene
  728. Illegal, Immoral, or Unethical Activities of Professionals
  729. References
  730. 13 Creating Hospital and Community-Based Therapeutic Environments
  731. Learning Outcomes
  732. Key Terms
  733. Critical Thinking Challenge
  734. Deinstitutionalization and the Community Mental Health Movement
  735. The Therapeutic Environment in Hospital-Based Care
  736. Admission Criteria
  737. A Unique Role for Nurses
  738. External Factors Affecting the Treatment Environment
  739. Privacy
  740. Autonomy
  741. Safety
  742. Group Well-Being
  743. Therapeutic Environment Principles
  744. Restrictiveness
  745. Orienting the Client and Family
  746. Safety and the Structural Environment
  747. Program Structure
  748. Program Rules
  749. Community Meetings
  750. Client Government
  751. Supportive Social Climate
  752. Spirituality
  753. Encouraging a Partnership With Clients and Families
  754. Establishing a Daily Schedule
  755. Using Positive Communication Skills
  756. Identifying and Participating in Support Groups
  757. Recognizing Illness Relapse or Exacerbation
  758. The Therapeutic Environment in Community-Based Care
  759. Community Mental Health Centers
  760. Mobile Outreach Units
  761. Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
  762. Psychiatric Home Care
  763. Managed Mental Health Care
  764. Managed Care Settings
  765. Inpatient Settings
  766. Shorter, More Intense Stays
  767. Critical Pathways
  768. Primary Care Centers
  769. Triage Services
  770. Employer-Based Clinics
  771. Unique Aspects of MCOs
  772. Legal Issues
  773. Treatment Adherence
  774. Medication Adherence
  775. MCO Member Expectations
  776. Continuity of Care
  777. Ethics in Managed Mental Health Care
  778. Case Management
  779. Case Manager Role
  780. Gatekeeping and Facilitating
  781. Client Advocacy
  782. Assessment Phase Challenges
  783. Planning Phase Challenges
  784. Implementation Phase Challenges
  785. Evaluation Phase Challenges
  786. References
  787. Unit 4 Clients With Mental Disorders
  788. 14 Cognitive Disorders
  789. Learning Outcomes
  790. Key Terms
  791. Critical Thinking Challenge
  792. Delirium
  793. Signs of Delirium
  794. Cognition
  795. Attention and Wakefulness
  796. Psychomotor Behavior
  797. Differentiating Delirium from Dementia and Depression
  798. Dementia
  799. Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type (DAT)
  800. Signs of Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type (DAT)
  801. Progression of Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type (DAT)
  802. Treatment for DAT
  803. Dementia With Lewy Bodies
  804. Vascular Dementia
  805. Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
  806. Huntington’s Disease
  807. Pick’s Disease
  808. Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease (CJD)
  809. New Variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease (nvCJD)
  810. Binswanger’s Disease (BD)
  811. Pseudodementia
  812. Medical Conditions Affecting Cognition
  813. Focal Brain Processes
  814. Medication Side Effects
  815. HIV-Associated Dementia
  816. Amnestic Disorder
  817. Biopsychosocial Theories
  818. Nursing Process Clients With Cognitive Disorders
  819. Assessment
  820. Subjective Data
  821. Cognitive Functioning
  822. Nursing Diagnoses: NANDA
  823. Impaired Physical Mobility
  824. Self-Care Deficit: Bathing/Hygiene, Dressing/Grooming, Feeding, Toileting
  825. Readiness for Enhanced Sleep
  826. Disturbed Thought Processes
  827. Impaired Verbal Communication
  828. Risk for Self-Directed Violence and Risk for Other-Directed Violence
  829. Ineffective Role Performance
  830. Disturbed Sensory Perception
  831. Risk for Situational Low Self-Esteem
  832. Functional Urinary Incontinence, Bowel Incontinence
  833. Imbalanced Nutrition, Less Than Body Requirements
  834. Outcome Identification: NOC
  835. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  836. Promoting Normal Motor Behavior
  837. Maintaining Self-Care
  838. Promoting Adequate Sleep
  839. Supporting Knowledge Processes
  840. Supporting Optimal Memory Functioning
  841. Promoting Optimal Medication Management
  842. Promoting Optimal Orientation
  843. Supporting Optimal Verbal Expression
  844. Supporting Appropriate Conduct/Impulse Control
  845. Supporting Optimal Role Performance
  846. Maintaining Optimal Attention Span
  847. Promoting Optimal Self-Concept/Self-Esteem
  848. Supporting Optimal Perceptual Functioning
  849. Promoting Optimal Patterns of Elimination
  850. Promoting Optimal Nutritional Status
  851. Evaluation
  852. Delirium Evaluation Criteria
  853. Dementia Evaluation Criteria
  854. Case Management
  855. Community-Based Care
  856. Home Care
  857. References
  858. 15 Substance-Related Disorders
  859. Learning Outcomes
  860. Key Terms
  861. Critical Thinking Challenge
  862. Substance-Related Disorders
  863. Substance Abuse
  864. Substance Dependence
  865. Substance Intoxication
  866. Substance Withdrawal
  867. Substance-Induced Sleep Disorders
  868. Biopsychosocial Theories
  869. Biologic/Genetic Theories
  870. Psychological Theories
  871. Sociocultural Theories
  872. Family Systems Theories
  873. Dysfunctional Family Roles
  874. Alcohol
  875. The Effects of Alcohol
  876. Patterns of Use
  877. Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
  878. Hangover
  879. Alcoholic Hallucinosis
  880. Generalized Seizures
  881. Delirium Tremens
  882. Withdrawal from Alcohol and Medical Treatment
  883. Minor Withdrawal
  884. Major Withdrawal
  885. Treatment of Withdrawal
  886. Blackouts
  887. Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder
  888. Alcoholic Encephalopathy
  889. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  890. Suicide and Alcoholism
  891. Barbiturates or Similarly Acting Sedatives or Hypnotics
  892. The Effects of Barbiturates, Sedatives, or Hypnotics
  893. Patterns of Use
  894. Action
  895. Withdrawal
  896. Opioids
  897. The Effects of Opioids
  898. Patterns of Use
  899. Overdose
  900. Withdrawal
  901. Treatment
  902. Amphetamines or Similarly Acting Sympathomimetics
  903. The Effects of Amphetamines
  904. Patterns of Use
  905. Methamphetamine
  906. Withdrawal
  907. Cannabis
  908. The Effects of Cannabis
  909. Patterns of Use
  910. Cocaine
  911. The Effects of Cocaine
  912. Cocaine Intoxication
  913. The “Post-Coke” Blues
  914. Patterns of Use
  915. Treatment
  916. Crack
  917. Symptoms of Crack Use
  918. Freebase
  919. Phencyclidine (PCP)
  920. The Effects of PCP
  921. Treatment
  922. Hallucinogens
  923. The Effects of Hallucinogens
  924. Treatment
  925. Bad Trips
  926. Flashbacks
  927. Inhalants
  928. The Effects of Inhalants
  929. Patterns of Use
  930. Treatment
  931. Nicotine
  932. The Effects of Nicotine
  933. Patterns of Use
  934. Treatment
  935. Caffeine
  936. The Effects of Caffeine
  937. Patterns of Use
  938. Treatment
  939. Polydrug Use
  940. Designer Drugs
  941. Groups at Risk for Substance Abuse
  942. Teenagers
  943. Psychiatric Clients With Coexisting Substance Abuse Disorders
  944. Gender Differences
  945. Biologic Aspects
  946. General Hospital Clients
  947. Older Adults
  948. Adult Children of Alcoholics
  949. Health Care Providers
  950. Nursing Process Clients With Substance-Related Disorders
  951. Assessment
  952. Subjective Data
  953. Objective Data
  954. Nursing Diagnoses: NANDA
  955. Outcome Identification: NOC
  956. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  957. General Hospital Care
  958. Specialty Hospital Care
  959. Residential Rehabilitation
  960. Extended Residential Care
  961. Outpatient Care
  962. Self-Help Groups
  963. Relapse
  964. General Treatment Approaches
  965. Helping the Family
  966. Evaluation
  967. Case Management
  968. Community-Based Care
  969. Home Care
  970. References
  971. 16 Schizophrenia
  972. Learning Outcomes
  973. Key Terms
  974. Critical Thinking Challenge
  975. Symptoms of Schizophrenia
  976. Positive Symptoms
  977. Hallucinations
  978. Delusions
  979. Disordered Speech and Behavior
  980. Negative Symptoms
  981. Flat Affect
  982. Alogia
  983. Avolition
  984. Anhedonia
  985. Recognizing the Presence of Negative Symptoms
  986. Subtypes of Schizophrenia
  987. Paranoid Type
  988. Disorganized Type
  989. Catatonic Type
  990. Undifferentiated Type
  991. Residual Type
  992. Somatic Treatments
  993. Relapse
  994. Other Psychotic Disorders
  995. Schizophreniform Disorder
  996. Schizoaffective Disorder
  997. Delusional Disorder
  998. Brief Psychotic Disorder
  999. Additional Psychotic Disorders
  1000. Biopsychosocial Theories
  1001. Biologic Theories
  1002. Genetic Theories
  1003. Brain Structure Abnormalities
  1004. Biochemical Theories
  1005. Psychological Theories
  1006. Information Processing
  1007. Attention and Arousal
  1008. Family Theories
  1009. Humanistic–Interactional Theories
  1010. Stress–Vulnerability Model
  1011. Resources That Moderate Stress
  1012. Nursing Process Clients With Schizophrenia
  1013. Assessment
  1014. Subjective Data
  1015. Objective Data
  1016. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1017. Impaired Communication
  1018. Self-Care Deficits
  1019. Activity Intolerance
  1020. Social Isolation
  1021. Decisional Conflict
  1022. Disturbed Sensory Perception
  1023. Disturbed Body Image
  1024. Excess Fluid Volume
  1025. Disturbed Thought Processes
  1026. Dysfunctional Family Processes
  1027. Interrupted Family Processes
  1028. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1029. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1030. Preventing Relapse
  1031. Promoting Adequate Communication
  1032. Promoting Adherence With Medication Regimen
  1033. Assisting With Grooming and Hygiene
  1034. Promoting Organized Behavior
  1035. Promoting Social Interaction and Activity
  1036. Promoting Social Skills and Activities
  1037. Intervening With Hallucinations and Delusions
  1038. Promoting Congruent Emotional Responses
  1039. Promoting Family Understanding and Involvement
  1040. Promoting Community Contacts
  1041. Evaluation
  1042. Communication
  1043. Self-Care
  1044. Activity Intolerance
  1045. Social Isolation
  1046. Sensory/Perceptual Alterations
  1047. Thought Processes
  1048. Emotional Responses
  1049. Family Functioning
  1050. Case Management
  1051. Community-Based Care
  1052. Home Care
  1053. References
  1054. 17 Mood Disorders
  1055. Learning Outcomes
  1056. Key Terms
  1057. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1058. Major Depressive Episode/Disorder
  1059. Dysthymic Disorder
  1060. Seasonal Affective Disorder
  1061. Bipolar Disorders
  1062. Manic and Hypomanic Episodes
  1063. Depressed Episodes
  1064. Mixed Episodes
  1065. Cyclothymic Disorder
  1066. Mood Disorders Due to Other Conditions
  1067. Postpartum Mood Episodes
  1068. Bereavement
  1069. Dysfunctional Grieving
  1070. Biopsychosocial Theories
  1071. Psychoanalytic Theory
  1072. Cognitive Theory
  1073. Biologic Theories
  1074. Gender and Age
  1075. Genetic Theories
  1076. Biochemical Theories
  1077. Biologic Rhythms
  1078. Psychological Factors
  1079. Sociocultural Factors
  1080. Nursing Process Clients With Major Depressive Disorders
  1081. Assessment
  1082. Subjective Data
  1083. Objective Data
  1084. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1085. Risk for Self-Directed Violence
  1086. Situational Low Self-Esteem or Chronic Low Self-Esteem
  1087. Hopelessness
  1088. Social Isolation
  1089. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1090. Risk for Self-Directed Violence
  1091. Situational Low Self-Esteem or Chronic Low Self-Esteem
  1092. Hopelessness
  1093. Social Isolation
  1094. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1095. Preventing Suicide and Promoting Safety
  1096. Promoting Self-Esteem
  1097. Instilling Hope
  1098. Enhancing Socialization
  1099. Administering Medications
  1100. Monitoring Electroconvulsive Therapy
  1101. Evaluation
  1102. Impulse Control and Suicide Self-Restraint
  1103. Self-Esteem
  1104. Hopelessness
  1105. Social Involvement
  1106. Case Management
  1107. Community-Based Care
  1108. Home Care
  1109. Nursing Process Clients With Bipolar Disorders
  1110. Assessment
  1111. Subjective Data
  1112. Objective Data
  1113. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1114. Risk for Injury
  1115. Disturbed Thought Processes
  1116. Impaired Social Interaction
  1117. Self-Care Deficit
  1118. Sleep Deprivation
  1119. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1120. Risk for Injury
  1121. Disturbed Thought Processes
  1122. Impaired Social Interaction
  1123. Self-Care Deficit
  1124. Sleep Deprivation
  1125. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1126. Promoting Client Safety
  1127. Administering Medications
  1128. Intervening With Delusions and Hallucinations
  1129. Enhancing Socialization
  1130. Monitoring Intake and Output and Promoting Nutrition
  1131. Promoting Improved Self-Care
  1132. Enhancing Rest and Sleep
  1133. Evaluation
  1134. Risk for Injury
  1135. Cognitive Orientation and Reality-Based Thinking
  1136. Social Interaction Skills
  1137. Intake, Output, and Nutrition
  1138. Self-Care
  1139. Rest and Sleep
  1140. Case Management, Community-Based Care, And Home Care
  1141. References
  1142. 18 Anxiety Disorders
  1143. Learning Outcomes
  1144. Key Terms
  1145. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1147. Panic Disorder
  1148. Phobic Disorders
  1149. Agoraphobia
  1150. Social Phobia
  1151. Specific Phobia
  1152. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  1153. Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder
  1154. Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Streptococci (PANDAS)
  1155. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  1156. Acute Stress Disorder
  1158. Biologic Factors
  1159. Genetic Theories
  1160. Psychosocial Theories
  1161. Behavioral Theories
  1162. Humanistic Theories
  1163. The Nursing Process Clients With Anxiety Disorders
  1164. Assessment
  1165. Subjective Data
  1166. Objective Data
  1167. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1168. Fear
  1169. Anxiety
  1170. Ineffective Coping
  1171. Ineffective Role Performance
  1172. Impaired Verbal Communication
  1173. Risk for Trauma
  1174. Disturbed Thought Processes and Disturbed Sensory Perception
  1175. Ineffective Tissue Perfusion
  1176. Insomnia
  1177. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1178. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1179. Reducing Fear
  1180. Reducing Anxiety
  1181. Teaching Clients About Medications
  1182. Promoting Effective Coping
  1183. Interventions for Clients Experiencing Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder
  1184. Interventions for Clients Experiencing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  1185. Interventions for Clients Experiencing Phobic Disorders
  1186. Promoting Effective Communication
  1187. Promoting Safety
  1188. Promoting Optimal Tissue Perfusion
  1189. Promoting Effective Sensory Perception and Thought Processes
  1190. Promoting Sleep
  1191. Evaluation
  1192. Anxiety
  1193. Individual Coping
  1194. Role Performance
  1195. Communication and Safety
  1196. Thought Processes and Sensory Perception
  1197. Tissue Perfusion
  1198. Sleep
  1201. HOME CARE
  1202. References
  1203. 19 Dissociative, Somatoform, and Factitious Disorders
  1204. Learning Outcomes
  1205. Key Terms
  1206. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1207. Dissociative Disorders
  1208. Dissociative Amnesia
  1209. Dissociative Fugue
  1210. Dissociative Identity Disorder
  1211. Depersonalization Disorder
  1212. Biopsychosocial Theories
  1213. Biologic and Genetic Factors
  1214. Psychosocial Theories
  1215. Behavioral Theories
  1216. Humanistic Theories
  1217. The Nursing Process Clients With Dissociative Disorders
  1218. Assessment
  1219. Subjective Data
  1220. Objective Data
  1221. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1222. Disturbed Sensory Perception and Disturbed Thought Processes
  1223. Ineffective Role Performance
  1224. Ineffective Coping
  1225. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1226. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1227. Promoting Improved Sensory Perception and Thought Processes
  1228. Promoting Effective Role Performance
  1229. Promoting Effective Coping
  1230. Evaluation
  1231. Sensory Perception and Thought Processes
  1232. Role Performance
  1233. Individual Coping
  1234. Case Management
  1235. Community-Based Care
  1236. Home Care
  1237. Somatoform Disorders
  1238. Somatization Disorder
  1239. Conversion Disorder
  1240. Pain Disorder
  1241. Hypochondriasis
  1242. Body Dysmorphic Disorder
  1243. Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder
  1244. Malingering
  1245. Factitious Disorder
  1246. Factitious Disorder by Proxy
  1247. Biopsychosocial Theories
  1248. Biologic Factors
  1249. Genetic Theories
  1250. Psychosocial Theories
  1251. Humanistic Theories
  1252. Nursing Process Clients With Somatoform Disorders
  1253. Assessment
  1254. Subjective Data
  1255. Objective Data
  1256. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1257. Impaired Verbal Communication
  1258. Ineffective Role Performance and Compromised Family Coping
  1259. Ineffective Coping
  1260. Disturbed Thought Processes and Disturbed Sensory Perception
  1261. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1262. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1263. Promoting Effective Communication
  1264. Promoting Improved Role Performance and Family Coping
  1265. Promoting Effective Coping
  1266. Promoting Improved Perception and Thought Processes
  1267. Evaluation
  1268. Communication
  1269. Role Performance and Family Coping
  1270. Coping
  1271. Perception and Thought Processes
  1272. Case Management
  1273. Community-Based Care
  1274. Home Care
  1275. References
  1276. 20 Gender Identity and Sexual Disorders
  1277. Learning Outcomes
  1278. Key Terms
  1279. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1280. Gender And Transgender
  1281. Gender Identity
  1282. Gender Roles
  1283. Disorders of Sexual Development
  1284. Transsexuals
  1285. Cross-Dressers
  1286. Paraphilias
  1287. Fetishism
  1288. Transvestic Fetishism
  1289. Sadism and Masochism (S/M)
  1290. Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, and Frotteurism
  1291. Pedophilia
  1292. Altered Sexual Function
  1293. Sexual Desire Disorders
  1294. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
  1295. Sexual Aversion Disorder
  1296. Sexual Arousal Disorders
  1297. Orgasmic Disorders
  1298. Female Orgasmic Disorder
  1299. Male Orgasmic Disorder
  1300. Premature Ejaculation
  1301. Sexual Pain Disorder
  1302. Dyspareunia
  1303. Vaginismus
  1304. Increased Sexual Interest
  1305. Sexual Addiction
  1306. Biopsychosocial Theories
  1307. Biologic Theory
  1308. Intrapersonal Theory
  1309. Behavioral Theory
  1310. Interpersonal Factors
  1311. Sociocultural Factors
  1312. Nursing Process Clients With Sexual Problems
  1313. Assessment
  1314. Subjective Data
  1315. Objective Data
  1316. Erectile Capacity
  1317. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1318. Anxiety and Fear
  1319. Spiritual Distress
  1320. Compromised Family Coping
  1321. Disturbed Personal Identity
  1322. Ineffective Role Performance
  1323. Ineffective Sexuality Pattern
  1324. Risk for Violence: Self-Directed or Other-Directed
  1325. Pain
  1326. Deficient Knowledge
  1327. Sexual Dysfunction
  1328. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1329. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1330. Using the PLISSIT Model
  1331. Giving Permission
  1332. Supplying Information
  1333. Suggesting Adaptations
  1334. Referring for Intensive Therapy
  1335. Reducing Violence Against the Self
  1336. Reducing Violence Against Others
  1337. Promoting Comfort With Gender Identity
  1338. Reducing Pain
  1339. Educating About Noncoercive Sex Patterns
  1340. Reinforcing Sexual Health
  1341. Managing Compulsive Sexual Behavior
  1342. Addressing Sexual Dysfunctions
  1343. Enhancing Communication
  1344. Reducing Spiritual Distress
  1345. Increasing Knowledge
  1346. Evaluation
  1347. Violence
  1348. Gender Identity
  1349. Pain
  1350. Noncoercive Sexuality Patterns
  1351. Compulsive Sexual Behavior
  1352. Sexual Dysfunction
  1353. Spiritual Distress
  1354. Case Management
  1355. Community-Based Care
  1356. Home Care
  1357. References
  1358. 21 Eating Disorders
  1359. Learning Outcomes
  1360. Key Terms
  1361. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1362. Anorexia Nervosa
  1363. Bulimia Nervosa
  1364. Biopsychosocial Theories
  1365. Psychoanalytic Theory
  1366. Family Systems Theory
  1367. Cognitive–Behavioral Theories
  1368. Sociocultural Theory
  1369. Biologic Theory
  1370. Nursing Process The Client with Anorexia Nervosa
  1371. Assessment
  1372. Subjective Data
  1373. Objective Data
  1374. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1375. Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements
  1376. Ineffective Individual Coping
  1377. Disturbed Body Image
  1378. Chronic Low Self-Esteem
  1379. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1380. Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements
  1381. Ineffective Individual Coping
  1382. Disturbed Body Image
  1383. Chronic Low Self-Esteem
  1384. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1385. Managing Nutrition
  1386. Facilitating Coping
  1387. Enhancing Body Image
  1388. Improving Self-Esteem
  1389. Evaluation
  1390. Nutritional Status
  1391. Coping
  1392. Body Image
  1393. Self-Esteem
  1394. Case Management
  1395. Community-Based Care
  1396. Home Care
  1397. Nursing Process The Client with Bulimia Nervosa
  1398. Assessment
  1399. Subjective Data
  1400. Objective Data
  1401. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1402. Anxiety
  1403. Deficient Fluid Volume
  1404. Ineffective Individual Coping
  1405. Compromised Family Coping
  1406. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1407. Anxiety
  1408. Deficient Fluid Volume
  1409. Ineffective Individual Coping
  1410. Compromised Family Coping
  1411. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1412. Managing Medication
  1413. Reducing Anxiety
  1414. Managing Fluids and Electrolytes
  1415. Facilitating Coping
  1416. Mobilizing the Family
  1417. Evaluation
  1418. Anxiety
  1419. Fluid Volume
  1420. Individual Coping
  1421. Family Coping
  1422. Case Management, Community-Based Care, and Home Care
  1423. References
  1424. 22 Personality Disorders
  1425. Learning Outcomes
  1426. Key Terms
  1427. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1429. Cluster A Personality Disorders: Odd–Eccentric
  1430. Paranoid Personality Disorder
  1431. Suspiciousness and Mistrust
  1432. Rigidity
  1433. Hypervigilance
  1434. Distortions of Reality
  1435. Projection
  1436. Restricted Affect
  1437. Alienation
  1438. Schizoid Personality Disorder
  1439. Schizotypal Personality Disorder
  1440. Cluster B Personality Disorders: Dramatic–Emotional
  1441. Borderline Personality Disorder
  1442. Impulsivity
  1443. Intense Anger
  1444. Identity Diffusion
  1445. Unstable Interpersonal Relationships
  1446. Affective Instability
  1447. Feelings of Emptiness and Aloneness
  1448. Self-Mutilation
  1449. Distortions of Reality
  1450. Histrionic Personality Disorder
  1451. Dramatic, Exhibitionistic, and Egocentric Responses
  1452. Dysfunctional Interpersonal Relationships
  1453. Impaired Sexual Expression
  1454. Dysphoric Mood
  1455. Cognitive Alterations
  1456. Impaired Health Patterns
  1457. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  1458. Grandiosity
  1459. Exhibitionism
  1460. Labile Affective Response
  1461. Dysfunctional Interpersonal Relationships
  1462. Impaired Sexual Expression
  1463. Antisocial Personality Disorder
  1464. Cluster C Personality Disorders: Anxious–Fearful
  1465. Avoidant Personality Disorder
  1466. Dependent Personality Disorder
  1467. Obsessive–Compulsive Personality Disorder
  1468. Biopsychosocial Theories
  1469. Biologic Factors
  1470. Genetic Theories
  1471. Psychosocial Theories
  1472. Humanistic Theories
  1474. Nursing Process Clients With Cluster A (Odd–Eccentric) Personality Disorders
  1475. Assessment
  1476. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1477. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1478. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1479. Anger and Aggressive Behavior
  1480. Evaluation
  1481. Nursing Process Clients With Cluster B (Dramatic–Emotional) Personality Disorders
  1482. Assessment
  1483. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1484. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1485. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1486. Manipulation
  1487. Impulsiveness
  1488. Self-Destructive Behavior
  1489. Evaluation
  1490. Nursing Process Clients With Cluster C (Anxious–Fearful) Personality Disorders
  1491. Assessment
  1492. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1493. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1494. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1495. Impaired Social Interaction
  1496. Chronic Low Self-Esteem
  1497. Evaluation
  1500. HOME CARE
  1501. References
  1502. Unit 5 Vulnerable Populations
  1503. 23 Clients at Risk for Suicide and Self-Destructive Behavior
  1504. Learning Outcomes
  1505. Key Terms
  1506. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1507. Self-Destructive Behavior
  1508. Ethics and Suicide
  1509. Meaning and Motivation in Suicide
  1510. Biopsychosocial Theories
  1511. Sociocultural Theory
  1512. Age and Gender
  1513. Alcohol and Substance Use
  1514. Ethnicity
  1515. Interpersonal and Intrapsychic Theory
  1516. Biologic Theory
  1517. Neurotransmitter Receptor Hypothesis
  1518. Genetics
  1519. Cognitive Theory
  1520. Suicide Prevention
  1521. Risk Factors and Protective Factors
  1522. National Suicide Prevention Initiative
  1523. Suicide Hotlines and Crisis Centers
  1524. Nursing Self-Awareness
  1525. Nursing Process The Suicidal or Self-Destructive Client
  1526. Assessment
  1527. Clues or Cries for Help
  1528. Lethality Assessment
  1529. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1530. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1531. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1532. General Guidelines for Any Setting
  1533. General Guidelines for the Emergency Department
  1534. Suicide Precautions/Restrictive Status
  1535. Monitoring Safety of the Therapeutic Environment
  1536. Documenting Client Behavior and Treatment
  1537. Working With Families
  1538. Evaluation
  1539. Case Management
  1540. Community-Based Care
  1541. Home Care
  1542. Survivors of Suicide
  1543. Family and Friends Who Are Survivors
  1544. Child and Adolescent Survivors
  1545. Cluster Suicide
  1546. Staff Survivors of Client Suicide
  1547. References
  1548. 24 Intrafamily Violence: Physical and Sexual Abuse
  1549. Learning Outcomes
  1550. Key Terms
  1551. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1552. Intrafamily Violence: Physical Abuse
  1553. Sibling Abuse
  1554. Child Abuse
  1555. Shaken Baby Syndrome
  1556. Child Neglect
  1557. Homicide of Child
  1558. Homicide of Parent
  1559. Partner Abuse—Heterosexual
  1560. Partner Abuse—Homosexual
  1561. Elder Abuse
  1562. Emotional Abuse
  1563. Abuse of Pregnant Women
  1564. Stalking
  1565. Cycle of Violence
  1567. Neurobiologic Theory
  1568. Intrapersonal Theory
  1569. Social Learning Theory
  1570. Gender Bias Theory
  1571. Nursing Process Intrafamily Physical Abuse
  1572. Assessment
  1573. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1574. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1575. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1576. Providing Psychoeducation
  1577. Treating the Abuser
  1578. Evaluation
  1579. Case Management
  1580. Community-Based Care
  1581. Home Care
  1582. Intrafamily Violence: Sexual Abuse
  1583. Types of Offenders
  1584. Juvenile Offenders
  1585. Male Offenders
  1586. Female Offenders
  1587. Abusive Behavior Patterns
  1588. Child Victims
  1589. Adult Survivors
  1590. Sexual Difficulties
  1591. Self-Mutilation
  1592. Memory of Sexual Abuse
  1593. Biopsychosocial Theories
  1594. Intrapersonal Theory
  1595. Family Systems Theory
  1596. Nursing Process Intrafamily Sexual Abuse
  1597. Assessment
  1598. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1599. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1600. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1601. Working With Children
  1602. Empowering Survivors
  1603. Supporting Spiritual Recovery
  1604. Increasing Self-Esteem
  1605. Reducing Anxiety
  1606. Facilitating Healing
  1607. Evaluation
  1608. Case Management
  1609. Community-Based Care and Home Care
  1610. References
  1611. 25 Children
  1612. Learning Outcomes
  1613. Key Terms
  1614. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1615. Child Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing as a Specialty
  1616. Developmental Disorders
  1617. Intellectual Developmental Disorders
  1618. Specific Developmental Disorders
  1619. Learning Disorders
  1620. Motor Skills Disorder
  1621. Communication Disorders
  1622. Autism Spectrum Disorders
  1623. Autistic Disorder
  1624. Rett’s Disorder
  1625. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
  1626. Asperger’s Disorder
  1627. Attention Deficit And Disruptive Behavior Disorders
  1628. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  1629. Conduct Disorder
  1630. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
  1631. Feeding And Eating Disorders
  1632. Pica
  1633. Rumination Disorder
  1634. Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood
  1635. Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood
  1636. Separation Anxiety Disorder
  1637. Elimination Disorders
  1638. Encopresis
  1639. Enuresis
  1640. Other Important Disorders of Infancy or Childhood
  1641. Selective Mutism
  1642. Stereotypic Movement Disorder
  1643. Tic Disorders
  1644. Tourette’s Disorder
  1645. Chronic Versus Transient Tic Disorders
  1646. Adult Disorders That May Begin In Childhood
  1647. Anxiety Disorders
  1648. Mood Disorders
  1649. Schizophrenia
  1650. Biopsychosocial Theories
  1651. Psychodynamic Theory
  1652. Attachment Theory
  1653. Cognitive–Behavioral Theory
  1654. Biologic Theory
  1655. Neurobiologic Factors
  1656. Nervous System Responsiveness
  1657. Neuroendocrine Reactivity
  1658. Genetic Predisposition
  1659. Perinatal Complications
  1660. Brain Structure and Function
  1661. Multicausal Model
  1662. Nursing Process Children
  1663. Assessment
  1664. Cultural and Developmental Context
  1665. The History-Taking Interview
  1666. Clinical Assessment of a Child
  1667. Assessing Possible Maltreatment
  1668. Assessing Suicide Risk
  1669. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1670. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1671. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1672. Therapeutic Approaches
  1673. Psychopharmacology
  1674. Responding to Suicide Risk
  1675. Evaluation
  1676. Nursing Self-Awareness
  1677. Case Management
  1678. Community-Based Care
  1679. Home Care
  1680. References
  1681. 26 Adolescents
  1682. Learning Outcomes
  1683. Key Terms
  1684. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1685. Mental Disorders and Adolescents
  1686. Biopsychosocial Theories
  1687. Biologic Theory
  1688. Neurobiology and Biochemistry
  1689. Chronic Illness
  1690. Psychopharmacology
  1691. Developmental Theory
  1692. Humanistic–Interactionist Theory
  1693. The Role of the Nurse
  1694. In Outpatient Settings
  1695. Community Health Nurse
  1696. Within the School
  1697. Within Community-Based Care
  1698. Within Social Programs
  1699. Nurse Counselor/Therapist
  1700. Individual Therapist
  1701. Group Therapist
  1702. Family Therapist
  1703. In the Inpatient Setting
  1704. Staff Nurse in a General Hospital Setting
  1705. Consultant in a General Hospital Setting
  1706. Staff Nurse or Advanced Practice Nurse in a Psychiatric Setting
  1707. Milieu Therapist
  1708. Nursing Process Adolescents
  1709. Assessment
  1710. Acting Out
  1711. Communication
  1712. Anger and Hostility
  1713. Anxiety and Resistance
  1714. Seduction and Manipulation of the Nurse
  1715. Sexual Behavior of the Adolescent
  1716. Dietary Problems and Eating Disorders
  1717. Depression and Suicide
  1718. Substance Use and Abuse
  1719. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1720. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1721. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1722. Prevention Plans
  1723. Establishing a Contract With the Adolescent
  1724. Moderating Anger and Hostility
  1725. Moderate Testing and Setting Limits
  1726. Reducing Scapegoating
  1727. Reducing Bullying
  1728. Managing Sexual Behaviors
  1729. Reducing Substance Abuse
  1730. Evaluation
  1731. Case Management, Community-Based Care, and Home Care
  1732. References
  1733. 27 Elders
  1734. Learning Outcomes
  1735. Key Terms
  1736. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1737. Roadblocks to Mental Health Services for Elders
  1738. Ageism
  1739. Myths
  1740. Stigma
  1741. Health Care Financing
  1742. Biopsychosocial Theories of Aging
  1743. Biologic Theories
  1744. Genetic Theory
  1745. Wear-and-Tear Theory
  1746. Immunology Theory
  1747. Nutritional Theory
  1748. Environmental Theory
  1749. Psychosocial Theories
  1750. Activity Theory
  1751. Disengagement Theory
  1752. Psychiatric Disorders in Elders
  1753. Dementia
  1754. Mood Disorders
  1755. Depression in Elders
  1756. Suicide Among Elders
  1757. Schizophrenia
  1758. Adjustment Disorders
  1759. Anxiety Disorders
  1760. Delusional Disorders
  1761. Substance-Related Disorders
  1762. Disorders of Arousal and Sleep
  1763. Palliative and End-of-Life Issues with Mentally Ill Elders
  1764. Precepts of Palliative Care
  1765. Spirituality and End-of-Life Care
  1766. Nursing Process Elders
  1767. Assessment
  1768. The Assessment Interview
  1769. Biologic Assessment
  1770. Cognitive Status
  1771. Psychological/Emotional Status
  1772. Strengths and Coping Strategies
  1773. Sexuality
  1774. Social and Financial Status
  1775. Elder Abuse
  1776. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1777. Major Depression
  1778. Adjustment Disorder
  1779. Anxiety Disorders
  1780. Delusional Disorders
  1781. Impaired Social Interaction
  1782. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1783. Improvement in Disturbed Thought Processes
  1784. Renewed Hope and Self-Acceptance
  1785. Resumption of Self-Care and Health Maintenance
  1786. Appropriately Paced Activity, Rest, and Psychomotor Activity
  1787. Pleasure in Eating and Normal Weight
  1788. Decreased Preoccupation With Death and Dying
  1789. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1790. Reminiscence Therapy and Life Review
  1791. Reality Orientation
  1792. Socialization Enhancement
  1793. Animal-Assisted Therapy
  1794. Exercise and Movement Therapy
  1795. Support Groups
  1796. Medication Administration
  1797. Evaluation
  1798. Case Management, Community-Based Care, and Home Care
  1799. Restorative Care
  1800. Community-Based Programs
  1801. Resistance to Care
  1802. References
  1803. Unit 6 Intervention Strategies
  1804. 28 Therapeutic Groups
  1805. Learning Outcomes
  1806. Key Terms
  1807. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1808. Small Group Dynamics
  1809. Trust
  1810. Self-Disclosure and Self-Awareness
  1811. Relations Within the Group
  1812. Cohesion
  1813. Group Roles and Leadership
  1814. Power and Influence
  1815. Group Developmental Phases
  1816. Forming
  1817. Storming
  1818. Norming
  1819. Performing
  1820. Terminating
  1821. Group Development Theory
  1822. Three Basic Interpersonal Needs
  1823. Inclusion
  1824. Control
  1825. Affection
  1826. Interpersonal Group Phases
  1827. Inclusion Phase
  1828. Control Phase
  1829. Affection Phase
  1830. Interweaving of Phases
  1831. Group Therapy Theory
  1832. Advantages of Group Therapy
  1833. Qualifications of Group Therapists
  1834. The Curative Factors
  1835. Types of Group Leadership
  1836. Single Therapist Approach
  1837. Cotherapy Approach
  1838. Junior–Senior Cotherapy
  1839. Egalitarian Cotherapy
  1840. Creating the Group
  1841. Selecting Members
  1842. Selection Interviews
  1843. Group Contract
  1844. Goals and Purposes
  1845. Time, Length, and Frequency of Meetings
  1846. Place of Meetings
  1847. Starting and Ending Dates
  1848. Addition of New Members
  1849. Attendance
  1850. Confidentiality
  1851. Member Interaction Outside of the Group
  1852. Participation of Members and Therapists
  1853. Fees
  1854. Stages in Therapy Group Development
  1855. Here-and-Now Emphasis
  1856. Steering the Group into the Here-and-Now
  1857. Illuminating the Process
  1858. Therapeutic Groups
  1859. Mutual-Help Groups
  1860. Psychoeducation Groups
  1861. Medication Teaching Groups
  1862. Social Skills Training Groups
  1863. Groups of Medically Ill Clients and Their Families
  1864. Activity Therapy Groups
  1865. Poetry Therapy Groups
  1866. Art Therapy Groups
  1867. Music Therapy Groups
  1868. Dance Therapy Groups
  1869. Bibliotherapy Groups
  1870. Storytelling Groups
  1871. Community Client Groups
  1872. Groups With Nurse Colleagues
  1873. References
  1874. 29 Family-Focused Interventions
  1875. Learning Outcomes
  1876. Key Terms
  1877. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1878. Nursing Self-Awareness
  1879. Family Dynamics
  1880. Family Structures
  1881. Family Life Cycle
  1882. Family Characteristics and Dynamics
  1883. Family Roles
  1884. Family Boundaries
  1885. Power Structure
  1886. Relationship Strains or Conflicts
  1887. Relationship and Communication Intricacies in Families
  1888. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy and Life Scripts
  1889. Family Myths and Themes
  1890. Family Coalitions
  1891. Deviations in the Adult Partners’ Coalition
  1892. Schism
  1893. Skew
  1894. Enmeshment
  1895. Disengagement
  1896. Pseudomutuality and Pseudohostility
  1897. Family Assessment
  1898. Demographic Information
  1899. Medical and Mental Health History
  1900. Family Interactional Data
  1901. Family Burden
  1902. What Families Want from Mental Health Professionals
  1903. Family System Data
  1904. Needs, Goals, Values, and Aspirations
  1905. Family Genogram
  1906. Cultural Family Genogram
  1907. Spiritual Family Genogram
  1908. Forensic Family Genogram
  1909. Family Interventions
  1910. Family Psychoeducation
  1911. Referral to NAMI
  1912. Family Therapy
  1913. Forms of Family Therapy
  1914. Qualifications of Family Therapists
  1915. The Unit of Treatment
  1916. Contract or Goal Negotiation
  1917. Intervention
  1918. Terminating Family Therapy
  1919. References
  1920. 30 Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions
  1921. Learning Outcomes
  1922. Key Terms
  1923. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1924. Cognitive Therapy
  1925. Basic Concepts
  1926. Attributions
  1927. Modeling
  1928. Self-Efficacy
  1929. Cognitive Therapy Techniques
  1930. Positive Imagery
  1931. Mastery Imagery
  1932. Negative Imagery
  1933. Attribution Restructuring
  1934. Behavior Therapy
  1935. Classical Conditioning
  1936. Operant Conditioning
  1937. Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
  1938. Behavior Modification
  1939. Response Prevention
  1940. Systematic Desensitization
  1941. Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy
  1942. Thought Stopping
  1943. Dialectical–Behavioral Therapy
  1944. Cultural Aspects of Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions
  1945. Nursing Process Behavioral Contracting
  1946. Assessment
  1947. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  1948. Outcome Identification: NOC
  1949. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  1950. Forming Practical and Measurable Objectives and Goals
  1951. Negotiating a Behavioral Contract
  1952. Providing Physiologic Support With Medications
  1953. Evaluation
  1954. Case Management
  1955. Community-Based Care and Home Care
  1956. References
  1957. 31 Psychopharmacologic Nursing Interventions
  1958. Learning Outcomes
  1959. Key Terms
  1960. Critical Thinking Challenge
  1961. The Nursing Role in Psychopharmacology
  1962. Assessing Clients
  1963. Administering Medications
  1964. Assessing, Documenting, and Evaluating the Effects of Medications
  1965. Educating Clients and Families
  1966. Addressing Individual Differences
  1967. Evaluating the Teaching–Learning Process
  1968. Ethical Concerns
  1969. Children and Adolescents
  1970. Elders
  1971. Pharmaceutical Advertising
  1972. Conflicts of Interest
  1973. Right to Refuse Medications
  1974. The Client’s Cultural Perspective
  1975. Cultural Self-Awareness of Nurses
  1976. Ethnicity and Metabolism of Psychiatric Medications
  1977. Nursing Responsibilities with Antipsychotics
  1978. Autonomic Nervous System Side Effects
  1979. Constipation
  1980. Orthostatic Hypotension
  1981. Extrapyramidal Side Effects
  1982. Acute Dystonic Reactions
  1983. Parkinsonian Syndrome
  1984. Akathisia
  1985. Tardive Dyskinesia
  1986. Prophylactic Treatment of EPSEs
  1987. Assessment of EPSEs
  1988. Sedation and Reduction of the Seizure Threshhold
  1989. Allergic Effects
  1990. Cardiac Effects
  1991. Blood, Skin, and Eye Effects
  1992. Endocrine Effects
  1993. Weight Gain
  1994. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
  1995. Client and Family Education
  1996. Nursing Responsibilities with Antidepressants
  1997. Side Effects of TCAs
  1998. Overdose Effects of TCAs
  1999. Side Effects of Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)
  2000. Side Effects of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
  2001. Side Effects of Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)
  2002. Age-Related Considerations With Antidepressants
  2003. Client and Family Education
  2004. Nursing Responsibilities with Mood Stabilizers
  2005. Lithium Carbonate
  2006. Nursing Responsibilities with Anxiolytics
  2007. Side Effects
  2008. Client and Family Education
  2009. Nursing Responsibilities with Medications for Dementia
  2010. Nursing Responsibilities with Herbal Medicines
  2011. Assessing Herbal Consumption
  2012. Incompatibilities and Uncommon Medication Combinations
  2013. Adherence Issues
  2014. References
  2015. 32 Recovery and Psychiatric Rehabilitation Strategies
  2016. Learning Outcomes
  2017. Key Terms
  2018. Critical Thinking Challenge
  2019. Readiness for Recovery
  2020. Prochaska Transtheoretical Model for Change
  2021. Realistic and Attainable Expectations of Change
  2022. Psychiatric Disability
  2023. People Who Are Seriously and Persistently Mentally Ill (SPMI)
  2024. Natural Life History of a Disorder
  2025. Stage of Susceptibility
  2026. Stage of Presymptomatic Disorder
  2027. Stage of Clinical Disorder
  2028. Stage of Disability
  2029. Community Support Programs for SPMI
  2030. Case Management
  2031. Support for Basic Needs
  2032. Residential Services
  2033. Medication Management
  2034. Outpatient Treatment
  2035. Crisis Stabilization
  2036. General Health Care
  2037. Vocational Programs
  2038. Day Programs
  2039. Family and Network Support
  2040. Advocacy
  2041. Psychiatric Rehabilitation
  2042. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Philosophy
  2043. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centers/Clubhouses
  2044. Supported Employment
  2045. Social Skills Training
  2046. High-Risk SPMI Clients
  2047. Concurrent Substance-Related Disorders
  2048. Homeless and Mentally Ill
  2049. HIV
  2050. Frequent Readmissions and Relapse
  2051. Frequent Criminal Justice System Involvement
  2052. Steps to Recovery
  2053. Assessing Needs
  2054. Planning for Rehabilitation and Recovery
  2055. Spirituality
  2056. Voluntary Community Activities
  2057. Psychopharmacology and Recovery
  2058. Implementing the Rehabilitation and Recovery Plan
  2059. Evaluating the Rehabilitation and Recovery Plan
  2060. References
  2061. 33 Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Healing Practices
  2062. Learning Outcomes
  2063. Key Terms
  2064. Critical Thinking Challenge
  2065. Rediscovering Cam
  2066. National Center for CAM
  2067. Consumers of CAM
  2068. Sociocultural Aspects
  2069. Nursing Role in Cam
  2070. Helping Clients Become Informed Health Consumers
  2071. Safety and Effectiveness
  2072. Practitioner Expertise
  2073. Quality and Costs of Service Delivery
  2074. Integrating CAM into a Treatment Plan
  2075. Selecting Appropriate Clients
  2076. Monitoring the Plan of Care
  2077. Deep-Breathing and Relaxation Techniques
  2078. Body Scanning to Assess Body Tension
  2079. Enhancing Relaxation With Music
  2080. Breathing Exercises
  2081. Awareness of Breathing
  2082. Deep Breathing
  2083. 10-to-1 Count
  2084. Alternate-Nostril Breathing
  2085. Progressive Relaxation
  2086. Active Progressive Relaxation
  2087. Passive Progressive Relaxation
  2088. Visualization and Imagery
  2089. Visualization for Relaxation
  2090. Visualization for Guidance
  2091. Visualization for Symptom Control or Healing
  2092. Hypnotherapy and Self-Hypnosis
  2093. Meditation
  2094. Effects of Meditation
  2095. Steps in Meditating
  2096. Medical Meditation
  2097. Pressure Point Therapies
  2098. Acupuncture
  2099. Acupressure
  2100. Touch and Biofield Therapies
  2101. Massage
  2102. Chiropractic
  2103. Risks Associated With Chiropractic
  2104. Nurse-Developed Biofield Therapies
  2105. Herbals and Botanicals
  2106. Biofeedback
  2107. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
  2108. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
  2109. References
  2110. 34 Crisis Intervention
  2111. Learning Outcomes
  2112. Key Terms
  2113. Critical Thinking Challenge
  2114. Crisis as a Turning Point
  2115. Common Characteristics of Crises
  2116. Resilience, Risk Factors, and Balancing Factors
  2117. Biopsychosocial Theories of Crisis
  2118. Tyhurst’s Stages of Disaster
  2119. Impact
  2120. Recoil
  2121. Posttrauma
  2122. Caplan’s Stages of a Crisis Reaction
  2123. Roberts’ Model of Crisis Intervention
  2124. Types of Crises
  2125. Situational Crisis
  2126. Maturational Crisis
  2127. Nursing Self-Awareness
  2128. Nursing Process Clients in Crisis
  2129. Assessment
  2130. Individual Assessment
  2131. Family Assessment
  2132. Sociocultural Assessment
  2133. Disaster Assessment
  2134. Nursing Diagnosis: NANDA
  2135. Outcome Identification: NOC
  2136. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  2137. Crisis Counseling
  2138. Telephone Counseling
  2139. Assisting With Environmental Changes
  2140. Anticipatory Guidance
  2141. Helping Develop Social Supports
  2142. Critical Incident Stress Management
  2143. Disaster Assistance
  2144. Evaluation
  2145. Case Management
  2146. Community-Based Care
  2147. Home Care
  2148. Vicarious Traumatization
  2149. References
  2150. 35 Anger Management and Intervention in Psychiatric–Mental Health Settings
  2151. Learning Outcomes
  2152. Key Terms
  2153. Critical Thinking Challenge
  2154. An Open Letter to the Student
  2155. Nursing Self-Awareness
  2156. Biopsychosocial Theories
  2157. Biologic Factors
  2158. Genetic Theories
  2159. Psychosocial Theories
  2160. Behavioral Theories
  2161. Humanistic Theories
  2162. Nursing Process Clients Who Are Angry, Aggressive, or Violent
  2163. Assessment
  2164. Nursing Diagnosis (NANDA)
  2165. Outcome Identification: NOC
  2166. Planning and Implementation: NIC
  2167. Therapeutic Relationship
  2168. Milieu Management
  2169. Staffing Patterns
  2170. Limit Setting
  2171. Pharmacologic Interventions
  2172. Educating Clients
  2173. De-Escalating Aggressive Behavior
  2174. Restrictive Measures: Verbal Interventions
  2175. Restrictive Measures: Seclusion and Restraint
  2176. Professional Education
  2177. Collegial Support
  2178. Evaluation
  2181. HOME CARE
  2182. References
  2183. APPENDIX A DSM-IV-TR Classification
  2184. Disorders Usually First Diagnosed In Infancy, Childhood, Or Adolescence
  2185. Mental Retardation
  2186. Learning Disorders
  2187. Motor Skills Disorder
  2188. Communication Disorders
  2189. Pervasive Developmental Disorders
  2190. Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders
  2191. Feeding and Eating Disorders of Infancy or Early Childhood
  2192. Tic Disorders
  2193. Elimination Disorders
  2194. Other Disorders of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence
  2195. Delirium, Dementia, And Amnestic And Other Cognitive Disorders
  2196. Delirium
  2197. Dementia
  2198. Amnestic Disorders
  2199. Other Cognitive Disorders
  2200. Mental Disorders due to a General Medical Condition not Elsewhere Classified
  2201. Substance-Related Disorders
  2202. Alcohol-Related Disorders
  2203. Alcohol Use Disorders
  2204. Alcohol-Induced Disorders
  2205. Amphetamine (or Amphetamine-Like)–Related Disorders
  2206. Amphetamine Use Disorders
  2207. Amphetamine-Induced Disorders
  2208. Caffeine-Related Disorders
  2209. Caffeine-Induced Disorders
  2210. Cannabis-Related Disorders
  2211. Cannabis Use Disorders
  2212. Cannabis-Induced Disorders
  2213. Cocaine-Related Disorders
  2214. Cocaine Use Disorders
  2215. Cocaine-Induced Disorders
  2216. Hallucinogen-Related Disorders
  2217. Hallucinogen Use Disorders
  2218. Hallucinogen-Induced Disorders
  2219. Inhalant-Related Disorders
  2220. Inhalant Use Disorders
  2221. Inhalant-Induced Disorders
  2222. Nicotine-Related Disorders
  2223. Nicotine Use Disorder
  2224. Nicotine-Induced Disorder
  2225. Opioid-Related Disorders
  2226. Opioid Use Disorders
  2227. Opioid-Induced Disorders
  2228. Phencyclidine (or Phencyclidine-Like)–Related Disorders
  2229. Phencyclidine Use Disorders
  2230. Phencyclidine-Induced Disorders
  2231. Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Related Disorders
  2232. Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Use Disorders
  2233. Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Disorders
  2234. Polysubstance-Related Disorder
  2235. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Related Disorders
  2236. Other (or Unknown) Substance Use Disorders
  2237. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Disorders
  2238. Polysubstance-Related Disorder
  2239. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Related Disorders
  2240. Other (or Unknown) Substance Use Disorders
  2241. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Disorders
  2242. Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders
  2243. Mood Disorders
  2244. Depressive Disorders
  2245. Bipolar Disorders
  2246. Anxiety Disorders
  2247. Somatoform Disorders
  2248. Factitious Disorders
  2249. Dissociative Disorders
  2250. Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders
  2251. Sexual Dysfunctions
  2252. Sexual Desire Disorders
  2253. Sexual Arousal Disorders
  2254. Orgasmic Disorders
  2255. Sexual Pain Disorders
  2256. Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition
  2257. Paraphilias
  2258. Gender Identity Disorders
  2259. Eating Disorders
  2260. Sleep Disorders
  2261. Primary Sleep Disorders
  2262. Dyssomnias
  2263. Parasomnias
  2264. Sleep Disorders Related to Another Mental Disorder
  2265. Other Sleep Disorders
  2266. Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified
  2267. Adjustment Disorders
  2268. Personality Disorders
  2269. Other Conditions that may be a Focus of Clinical Attention
  2270. Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition
  2271. Medication-Induced Movement Disorders
  2272. Other Medication-Induced Disorder
  2273. Relational Problems
  2274. Problems Related to Abuse or Neglect
  2275. Additional Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention
  2276. Additional Codes
  2277. Multiaxial System
  2278. Multiaxial Assessment
  2279. Axis I: Clinical Disorders—Other Conditions That May Be A Focus Of Clinical Attention
  2280. Axis II: Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation
  2281. Axis III: General Medical Conditions
  2282. Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems
  2283. Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning
  2284. Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale
  2285. Index
  2286. A
  2287. B
  2288. C
  2289. D
  2290. E
  2291. F
  2292. G
  2293. H
  2294. I
  2295. J
  2296. K
  2297. L
  2298. M
  2299. N
  2300. O
  2301. P
  2302. Q
  2303. R
  2304. S
  2305. T
  2306. U
  2307. V
  2308. W
  2309. X
  2310. Y
  2311. Z
  2312. Brief Contents
  2313. Student Resources
  2314. Instructor Resorces–Redefined!

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