Test Bank for College Physics Reasoning and Relationships, 2nd Edition

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Test Bank for College Physics Reasoning and Relationships, 2nd Edition

Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0840058195
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0840058195
  • Author: Nicholas J. Giordano

Master the fundamental concepts of physics with COLLEGE PHYSICS: REASONING AND RELATIONSHIPS. The theme of Reasoning and Relationships is reinforced throughout the book, helping you master these concepts, apply them to solve a variety of problems, and appreciate the relevance of physics to your career and your everyday life. By understanding the reasoning behind problem solving, you learn to recognize the concepts involved, think critically about them, and move beyond merely memorizing facts and equations.

Table contents:

  1. Chapter 1: Introduction
  2. 1.1 The Purpose of Physics
  3. 1.2 Problem Solving in Physics: Reasoning and Relationships
  4. 1.3 Dealing with Numbers
  5. 1.4 Physical Quantities and Units of Measure
  6. 1.5 Dimensions and Units
  7. 1.6 Algebra and Simultaneous Equations
  8. 1.7 Trigonometry
  9. 1.8 Vectors
  10. Chapter 2: Motion, Forces, and Newton’s Laws
  11. 2.1 Aristotle’s Mechanics
  12. 2.2 What Is Motion?
  13. 2.3 The Principle of Inertia
  14. 2.4 Newton’s Laws of Motion
  15. 2.5 Why Did It Take Newton to Discover Newton’s Laws?
  16. 2.6 Thinking about the Laws of Nature
  17. Chapter 3: Forces and Motion in One Dimension
  18. 3.1 Motion of a Spacecraft in Interstellar Space
  19. 3.2 Normal Forces and Weight
  20. 3.3 Adding Friction to the Mix
  21. 3.4 Free Fall
  22. 3.5 Cables, Strings, and Pulleys: Transmitting Forces from Here to There
  23. 3.6 Reasoning and Relationships: Finding the Missing Piece
  24. 3.7 Parachutes, Air Drag, and Terminal Speed
  25. 3.8 Life as a Bacterium
  26. Chapter 4: Forces and Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
  27. 4.1 Statics
  28. 4.2 Projectile Motion
  29. 4.3 A First Look at Reference Frames and Relative Velocity
  30. 4.4 Further Applications of Newton’s Laws
  31. 4.5 Detecting Acceleration: Reference Frames and the Workings of the Ear
  32. 4.6 Projectile Motion Revisited: The Effect of Air Drag
  33. Chapter 5: Circular Motion and Gravitation
  34. 5.1 Uniform Circular Motion
  35. 5.2 Examples of Circular Motion
  36. 5.3 Newton’s Law of Gravitation
  37. 5.4 Planetary Motion and Kepler’s Laws
  38. 5.5 Moons and Tides
  39. 5.6 Deep Notions Contained in Newton’s Law of Gravitation
  40. Chapter 6: Work and Energy
  41. 6.1 Force, Displacement, and Work
  42. 6.2 Kinetic Energy and the Work–Energy Theorem
  43. 6.3 Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
  44. 6.4 More Potential Energy Functions
  45. 6.5 Conservative versus Nonconservative Forces and Conservation of Energy
  46. 6.6 The Nature of Nonconservative Forces: What Is Friction Anyway?
  47. 6.7 Power
  48. 6.8 Work, Energy, and Molecular Motors
  49. Chapter 7: Momentum, Impulse, and Collisions
  50. 7.1 Momentum
  51. 7.2 Force and Impulse
  52. 7.3 Conservation of Momentum
  53. 7.4 Collisions
  54. 7.5 Using Momentum Conservation to Analyze Inelastic Events
  55. 7.6 Center of Mass
  56. 7.7 A Bouncing Ball and Momentum Conservation
  57. 7.8 The Importance of Conservation Principles in Physics
  58. Chapter 8: Rotational Motion
  59. 8.1 Describing Rotational Motion
  60. 8.2 Torque and Newton’s Laws for Rotational Motion
  61. 8.3 Rotational Equilibrium
  62. 8.4 Moment of Inertia
  63. 8.5 Rotational Dynamics
  64. 8.6 Combined Rotational and Translational Motion
  65. Chapter 9: Energy and Momentum of Rotational Motion
  66. 9.1 Kinetic Energy of Rotation
  67. 9.2 Conservation of Energy and Rotational Motion
  68. 9.3 Angular Momentum
  69. 9.4 Angular Momentum and Kepler’s Second Law of Planetary Motion
  70. 9.5 The Vector Nature of Rotational Motion: Gyroscopes
  71. 9.6 Cats and Other Rotating Objects
  72. Chapter 10: Fluids
  73. 10.1 Pressure and Density
  74. 10.2 Fluids and the Effect of Gravity
  75. 10.3 Hydraulics and Pascal’s Principle
  76. 10.4 Buoyancy and Archimedes’s Principle
  77. 10.5 Fluids in Motion: Continuity and Bernoulli’s Equation
  78. 10.6 Real Fluids: A Molecular View
  79. 10.7 Turbulence
  80. Chapter 11: Harmonic Motion and Elasticity
  81. 11.1 General Features of Harmonic Motion
  82. 11.2 Examples of Simple Harmonic Motion
  83. 11.3 Harmonic Motion and Energy
  84. 11.4 Stress, Strain, and Hooke’s Law
  85. 11.5 Damping and Resonance
  86. 11.6 Detecting Small Forces
  87. Chapter 12: Waves
  88. 12.1 What Is a Wave?
  89. 12.2 Describing Waves
  90. 12.3 Examples of Waves
  91. 12.4 The Geometry of a Wave: Wave Fronts
  92. 12.5 Superposition and Interference
  93. 12.6 Reflection
  94. 12.7 Refraction
  95. 12.8 Standing Waves
  96. 12.9 Seismic Waves and the Structure of the Earth
  97. Chapter 13: Sound
  98. 13.1 Sound Is a Longitudinal Wave
  99. 13.2 Amplitude and Intensity of a Sound Wave
  100. 13.3 Standing Sound Waves
  101. 13.4 Beats
  102. 13.5 Reflection and Scattering of Sound
  103. 13.6 The Doppler Effect
  104. 13.7 Applications
  105. Chapter 14: Temperature and Heat
  106. 14.1 Thermodynamics: Applying Physics to a “System”
  107. 14.2 Temperature and Heat
  108. 14.3 Thermal Equilibrium and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
  109. 14.4 Phases of Matter and Phase Changes
  110. 14.5 Thermal Expansion
  111. 14.6 Heat Conduction
  112. 14.7 Convection
  113. 14.8 Heat and Radiation
  114. Chapter 15: Gases and Kinetic Theory
  115. 15.1 Molecular Picture of a Gas
  116. 15.2 Ideal Gases: An Experimental Perspective
  117. 15.3 Ideal Gases and Newton’s Laws
  118. 15.4 Kinetic Theory
  119. 15.5 Diffusion
  120. 15.6 Deep Puzzles in Kinetic Theory
  121. Chapter 16: Thermodynamics
  122. 16.1 Thermodynamics Is About the Way a System Exchanges Energy with Its Environment
  123. 16.2 The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and the Meaning of Temperature
  124. 16.3 The First Law of Thermodynamics and the Conservation of Energy
  125. 16.4 Thermodynamic Processes
  126. 16.5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  127. 16.6 Heat Engines and Other Thermodynamic Devices
  128. 16.7 Entropy
  129. 16.8 The Third Law of Thermodynamics and Absolute Zero
  130. 16.9 Thermodynamics and Photosynthesis
  131. 16.10 Converting Heat Energy to Mechanical Energy and the Origin of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
  132. Chapter 17: Electric Forces and Fields
  133. 17.1 Evidence for Electric Forces: The Observational Facts
  134. 17.2 Electric Forces and Coulomb’s Law
  135. 17.3 The Electric Field
  136. 17.4 Conductors, Insulators, and the Motion of Electric Charge
  137. 17.5 Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law
  138. 17.6 Applications: DNA Fingerprinting
  139. 17.7 “Why Is Charge Quantized?” and Other Deep Questions
  140. Chapter 18: Electric Potential
  141. 18.1 Electric Potential Energy
  142. 18.2 Electric Potential: Voltage
  143. 18.3 Equipotential Lines and Surfaces
  144. 18.4 Capacitors
  145. 18.5 Dielectrics
  146. 18.6 Electricity in the Atmosphere
  147. 18.7 Biological Examples and Applications
  148. 18.8 Electric Potential Energy Revisited: Where Is the Energy?
  149. Chapter 19: Electric Currents and Circuits
  150. 19.1 Electric Current: The Flow of Charge
  151. 19.2 Batteries
  152. 19.3 Current and Voltage in a Resistor Circuit
  153. 19.4 DC Circuits: Batteries, Resistors, and Kirchhoff’s Rules
  154. 19.5 DC Circuits: Adding Capacitors
  155. 19.6 Making Electrical Measurements: Ammeters and Voltmeters
  156. 19.7 RC Circuits as Filters
  157. 19.8 Electric Currents in the Human Body
  158. 19.9 Household Circuits
  159. 19.10 Temperature Dependence of Resistance and Superconductivity
  160. Chapter 20: Magnetic Fields and Forces
  161. 20.1 Sources of Magnetic Fields
  162. 20.2 Magnetic Forces Involving Bar Magnets
  163. 20.3 Magnetic Force on a Moving Charge
  164. 20.4 Magnetic Force on an Electric Current
  165. 20.5 Torque on a Current Loop and Magnetic Moments
  166. 20.6 Motion of Charged Particles in the Presence of Electric and Magnetic Fields
  167. 20.7 Calculating the Magnetic Field: Ampère’s Law
  168. 20.8 Magnetic Materials: What Goes On Inside?
  169. 20.9 The Earth’s Magnetic Field
  170. 20.10 Applications of Magnetism
  171. 20.11 The Puzzle of a Velocity-Dependent Force
  172. Chapter 21: Magnetic Induction
  173. 21.1 Why Is It Called Electromagnetism?
  174. 21.2 Magnetic Flux and Faraday’s Law
  175. 21.3 Lenz’s Law and Work–Energy Principles
  176. 21.4 Inductance
  177. 21.5 RL Circuits
  178. 21.6 Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field
  179. 21.7 Applications
  180. 21.8 The Puzzle of Induction from a Distance
  181. Chapter 22: Alternating-Current Circuits and Machines
  182. 22.1 Generation of AC Voltages
  183. 22.2 Analysis of AC Resistor Circuits
  184. 22.3 AC Circuits with Capacitors
  185. 22.4 AC Circuits with Inductors
  186. 22.5 LC Circuits
  187. 22.6 Resonance
  188. 22.7 AC Circuits and Impedance
  189. 22.8 Frequency-Dependent Behavior of AC Circuits: A Conceptual Recap
  190. 22.9 Transformers
  191. 22.10 Motors
  192. 22.11 What Can AC Circuits Do That DC Circuits Cannot?
  193. Chapter 23: Electromagnetic Waves
  194. 23.1 The Discovery of Electromagnetic Waves
  195. 23.2 Properties of Electromagnetic Waves
  196. 23.3 Electromagnetic Waves Carry Energy and Momentum
  197. 23.4 Types of Electromagnetic Radiation: The Electromagnetic Spectrum
  198. 23.5 Generation and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves
  199. 23.6 Polarization
  200. 23.7 Doppler Effect
  201. 23.8 Deep Concepts and Puzzles Connected with Electromagnetic Waves
  202. Chapter 24: Geometrical Optics
  203. 24.1 Ray (Geometrical) Optics
  204. 24.2 Reflection from a Plane Mirror: The Law of Reflection
  205. 24.3 Refraction
  206. 24.4 Reflections and Images Produced by Curved Mirrors
  207. 24.5 Lenses
  208. 24.6 How the Eye Works
  209. 24.7 Optics in the Atmosphere
  210. 24.8 Aberrations
  211. Chapter 25: Wave Optics
  212. 25.1 Coherence and Conditions for Interference
  213. 25.2 The Michelson Interferometer
  214. 25.3 Thin-Film Interference
  215. 25.4 Light through a Single Slit: Qualitative Behavior
  216. 25.5 Double-Slit Interference: Young’s Experiment
  217. 25.6 Single-Slit Diffraction: Interference of Light from a Single Slit
  218. 25.7 Diffraction Gratings
  219. 25.8 Optical Resolution and the Rayleigh Criterion
  220. 25.9 Why Is the Sky Blue?
  221. 25.10 The Nature of Light: Wave or Particle?
  222. Chapter 26: Applications of Optics
  223. 26.1 Applications of a Single Lens: Contact Lenses, Eyeglasses, and the Magnifying Glass
  224. 26.2 Microscopes
  225. 26.3 Telescopes
  226. 26.4 Cameras
  227. 26.5 CDs and DVDs
  228. 26.6 Optical Fibers
  229. 26.7 Microscopy with Optical Fibers
  230. Chapter 27: Relativity
  231. 27.1 Newton’s Mechanics and Relativity
  232. 27.2 The Postulates of Special Relativity
  233. 27.3 Time Dilation
  234. 27.4 Simultaneity Is Not Absolute
  235. 27.5 Length Contraction
  236. 27.6 Addition of Velocities
  237. 27.7 Relativistic Momentum
  238. 27.8 What Is “Mass”?
  239. 27.9 Mass and Energy
  240. 27.10 The Equivalence Principle and General Relativity
  241. 27.11 Relativity and Electromagnetism
  242. 27.12 Why Relativity Is Important
  243. Chapter 28: Quantum Theory
  244. 28.1 Particles, Waves, and “Particle-Waves”
  245. 28.2 Photons
  246. 28.3 Wavelike Properties of Classical Particles
  247. 28.4 Electron Spin
  248. 28.5 The Meaning of the Wave Function
  249. 28.6 Tunneling
  250. 28.7 Detection of Photons by the Eye
  251. 28.8 The Nature of Quanta: A Few Puzzles
  252. Chapter 29: Atomic Theory
  253. 29.1 Structure of the Atom: What’s Inside?
  254. 29.2 Atomic Spectra
  255. 29.3 Bohr’s Model of the Atom
  256. 29.4 Wave Mechanics and the Hydrogen Atom
  257. 29.5 Multielectron Atoms
  258. 29.6 Chemical Properties of the Elements and the Periodic Table
  259. 29.7 Applications
  260. 29.8 Quantum Mechanics and Newton’s Mechanics: Some Philosophical Issues
  261. Chapter 30: Nuclear Physics
  262. 30.1 Structure of the Nucleus: What’s Inside?
  263. 30.2 Nuclear Reactions: Spontaneous Decay of a Nucleus
  264. 30.3 Stability of the Nucleus: Fission and Fusion
  265. 30.4 Biological Effects of Radioactivity
  266. 30.5 Applications of Nuclear Physics in Medicine and Other Fields
  267. 30.6 Questions about the Nucleus
  268. Chapter 31: Physics in the 21st Century
  269. 31.1 Cosmic Rays
  270. 31.2 Matter and Antimatter
  271. 31.3 Quantum Electrodynamics
  272. 31.4 Elementary Particle Physics: The Standard Model
  273. 31.5 The Fundamental Forces of Nature
  274. 31.6 Elementary Particle Physics: Is This the Final Answer?
  275. 31.7 Astrophysics and the Universe
  276. 31.8 Physics and Interdisciplinary Science
  277. Appendix A: Reference Tables
  278. Appendix B: Mathematical Review
  279. B.1 Mathematical Symbols
  280. B.2 Algebra and Working with Equations
  281. B.3 Scientific Notation
  282. B.4 Geometry and Trigonometry
  283. B.5 Vectors
  284. B.6 Exponential Functions and Logarithms
  285. B.7 Some Relations Useful in Special Relativity
  286. Answers to Concept Checks and Odd-Numbered Problems
  287. Index

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