Test Bank for Burtons Microbiology for the Health Sciences 9 North Americanth Edition Paul G Engelkirk

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Product Details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1605476730
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1605476735
  • Author:  Paul G Engelkirk

Written in a straightforward and engaging style, this premier textbook provides students with the foundation in microbiology that they need to perform their day-to-day duties in a safe and knowledgeable manner. Coverage includes the core themes and concepts outlined for an introductory course by the American Society for Microbiology.

Developed for current and future healthcare professionals, the text offers vital coverage of antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents, epidemiology and public health, hospital-acquired infections, infection control, and the ways in which microorganisms cause disease. This comprehensive new Ninth Edition explores the major viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic human diseases, including patient care, and how the body protects itself from pathogens and infectious diseases.

A bound-in CD-ROM and a companion Website include case studies, additional self-assessment exercises, plus animations and special features that provide additional insight and fun facts on selected topics.


Table of Content:

Section I	Introduction to Microbiology
Chapter 1	Microbiology - The Science
What Is Microbiology?
Why Study Microbiology?
First Microorganisms on Earth
Earliest Known Infectious Diseases
Pioneers in the Science of Microbiology
Careers in Microbiology
Chapter 2	Microscopy
Using the Metric System to Express the Sizes of Microorganisms
Section II	Introduction to Microorganisms
Chapter 3	Cell Structure and Taxonomy
Eucaryotic Cell Structure
Procaryotic Cell Structure
Recap of Structural Differences Between Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Cells
Reproduction of Organisms and Their Cells
Determining Relatedness Among Organisms
Chapter 4	Diversity of Microorganisms 
	Part 1: Acellular and Procaryotic Microbes
Acellular Infectious Agents
The Domain Bacteria
The Domain Archaea
Chapter 5	Diversity of Microorganisms 
 Part 2: Eucaryotic Microbes
Slime Molds
Section III	Chemical and Genetic Aspects of Microorganisms
Chapter 6	Biochemistry: The Chemistry of Life
Organic Chemistry
Chapter 7	Microbial Physiology and Genetics
Microbial Physiology
Metabolic Enzymes
Bacterial Genetics
Genetic Engineering
Gene Therapy
Section IV	Controlling the Growth of Microorganisms
Chapter 8	Controlling Microbial Growth In Vitro
Factors That Affect Microbial Growth
Encouraging the Growth of Microorganisms In Vitro
Inhibiting the Growth of Microorganisms In Vitro
Chapter 9	Using Antimicrobial Agents to Control Microbial Growth In 
Ideal Qualities of an Antimicrobial Agent
How Antimicrobial Agents Work
Antibacterial Agents
Antifungal Agents
Antiprotozoal Agents
Antiviral Agents
Drug Resistance
What Clinicians and Patients Can Do To Help in the War Against Drug Resistance
Empiric Therapy
Undesirable Effects of Antimicrobial Agents
Concluding Remarks
Section V	Environmental Microbiology
Chapter 10	Microbial Ecology
Symbiotic Relationships Involving Microorganisms
Indigenous Microflora of Humans
Beneficial and Harmful Roles of Indigenous Microflora
Microbial Communities
Agricultural Microbiology
Chapter 11	Epidemiology and Public Health
Interactions Among Pathogens, Hosts, and the Environment
Chain of Infection
Reservoirs of Infection
Modes of Transmission
Public Health Agencies
Bioterrorism and Biologic Warfare Agents
Water Supplies and Sewage Disposal
Section V1	Microbiology in Healthcare Facilities
Chapter 12	Healthcare Epidemiology: Nosocomial Infections and Infection Control
Nosocomial Infections
Infection Control
Concluding Remarks
Chapter 13	Diagnosing Infectious Diseases
Clinical Specimens
The Pathology Department ("the Lab")
The Clinical Microbiology Laboratory
Section VII	Pathogenicity and Host Defense Mechanisms
Chapter 14	Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases
Infection Versus Infectious Disease
Why Infection Does Not Always Occur
Four Periods or Phases in the Course of an Infectious Disease
Localized Versus Systemic Infections
Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Diseases
Symptoms of a Disease Versus Signs of a Disease
Latent Infections
Primary Versus Secondary Infections
Steps in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases
Virulence Factors (Attributes That Enable Pathogens to Attach, Escape Destruction, and 
Cause Disease)
Chapter 15	Nonspecific Host Defense Mechanisms
Nonspecific Host Defense Mechanisms
First Line of Defense
Second Line of Defense
Chapter 16	Specific Host Defense Mechanisms: An Introduction to Immunology
Humoral Immunity
Cell-Mediated Immunity
Hypersensitivity and Hypersensitivity Reactions
The Immunology Laboratory
Section VIII	Infectious Diseases
Chapter 17	Major Viral, Bacterial, and Fungal Diseases of Humans
Infectious Diseases of the Skin
Infectious Diseases of the Ears
Infectious Diseases of the Eyes
Infectious Diseases of the Respiratory System
Infectious Diseases of the Oral Region
Infectious Diseases of the Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract
Infectious Diseases of the Genitourinary (GU) System
Infectious Diseases of the Circulatory System
Infectious Diseases of the Central Nervous System (CNS)
Appropriate Therapy for Viral, Bacterial, and Fungal Infections
Chapter 18	The Major Parasitic Diseases of Humans: An Introduction to Medical 
Parasitic Protozoa
Protozoal Infections of Humans
Helminth Infections of Humans
Appropriate Therapy for Parasitic Diseases
Additional Resources
Appendix A	Answers to Self-Assessment Exercises
Appendix B	Compendium of Important Bacterial Pathogens of Humans
Appendix C	Useful Conversions

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