This is completed downloadable of Test Bank for Basic Pharmacology for Nurses, 15th Edition: Bruce D. Clayton
Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 0323057802
- ISBN-13 : 978-0323057806
- Author: Bruce D. Clayton
Basic Pharmacology for Nurses, 15th edition, is a contemporary classic nursing pharmacology textbook known for its impeccably accurate drug content and its practical applications of the nursing process. A consistent emphasis on health promotion through medication monitoring and patient education is a hallmark of the book. Introductory units ground the reader in basic principles of pharmacology and medication administration, and subsequent body-system units apply the nursing process to every major disorder and drug class to promote safe medication administration.
- Provides an overview of relevant pathophysiology with an application of the nursing process in each drug chapter, followed by an application of the nursing process to each applicable drug class.
- Covers the pharmacology of all major classes of drugs, emphasizing side effects to expect, side effects to report, drug interactions, and more.
- Emphasizes patient education and health promotion with easy-to-recognize Patient Education and Health Promotion headings and reproducible Patient Self-Assessment forms.
- UNIQUE! Each chapter concludes with a 3-part Medication Safety Review that highlights the importance of safe drug administration and provides review and application of key chapter content related to medication safety.
- Provides need-to-know coverage of herbal therapies and dietary supplements with an Herbal and Dietary Supplement Therapy chapter, plus Herbal Interactions boxes throughout the chapters.
- UNIQUE! New coverage of drugs for weight management are included in the expanded Nutrition and Weight Management chapter (Chapter 49).
- Increased emphasis on medication safety prepares nurses to practice more safely in a clinical environment that is both more pressured and more focused than ever on reducing drug errors. The increased emphasis includes Chapter 7: Principles of Medication Administration, do-not-confuse icons, and an icon to signal ISMP’s “high alert” drugs.
- As the focus on pharmacology on the NCLEX continues to increase, chapter-ending Medication Safety Review sections have been refocused into three types of application-level questions, including Dosage Calculation Review Questions, Review Questions for the NCLEX Examination, and Critical Thinking Activities.
- Evidence-based practice content is now highlighted with a distinctive icon in the margins.
- The antimicrobial chapter has been broken into three smaller chapters (Antimicrobiotics, Antifungals, Antivirals) resulting in a less overwhelming reading on this topic.
- Updated coverage of the most recent FDA approvals, withdrawals, and therapeutic uses provide impeccably accurate and current content to ensure safe drug therapy.
- Updated and streamlined coverage of nursing care with a stronger focus on the need-to-know material helps students focus on the most current, need-to-know content.
Table of Content:
Unit 1: Foundations of Pharmacology1. Definitions, Names, Standards, and Information Sources
2. Principles of Drug Action and Drug Interactions
3. Drug Action Across the Life Span
4. The Nursing Process and Pharmacology
5. Patient Education and Health Promotion
Unit 2: Illustrated Atlas of Medication Administration and Math Review
6. A Review of Arithmetic
7. Principles of Medication Administration and Medication Safety
8. Percutaneous Administration
9. Enteral Administration
10. Parenteral Administration: Safe Preparation of Parenteral Medications
11. Parenteral Administration: Intradermal, Subcutaneous, and Intramuscular Routes
12. Parenteral Administration: Intravenous Route
Unit 3: Drugs Affecting the Autonomic and Central Nervous Systems
13. Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous System
14. Sedative-Hypnotics
15. Drugs Used for Parkinson’s Disease
16. Drugs Used for Anxiety Disorders
17. Drugs Used for Mood Disorders
18. Drugs Used for Psychoses
19. Drugs Used for Seizure Disorders
20. Drugs Used for Pain Management
Unit 4: Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular System
21. Introduction to Cardiovascular Disease and Metabolic Syndrome
22. Drugs Used to Treat Dyslipidemias
23. Drugs Used to Treat Hypertension
24. Drugs Used to Treat Dysrhythmias
25. Drugs Used to Treat Angina Pectoris
26. Drugs Used to Treat Peripheral Vascular Disease
27. Drugs Used to Treat Thromboembolic Disorders
28. Drugs Used to Treat Heart Failure
29. Drugs Used for Diuresis
Unit 5: Drugs Used to Treat Disorders of the Respiratory System
30. Drugs Used to Treat Upper Respiratory Disease
31. Drugs Used to Treat Lower Respiratory Disease
Unit 6: Drugs Affecting the Digestive System
32. Drugs Used to Treat Oral Disorders
33. Drugs Used to Treat Gastroesophageal Reflux and Peptic Ulcer Diseases
34. Drugs Used to Treat Nausea and Vomiting
35. Drugs Used to Treat Constipation and Diarrhea
Unit 7: Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System
36. Drugs Used to Treat Diabetes Mellitus
37. Drugs Used to Treat Thyroid Disease
38. Corticosteroids
39. Gonadal Hormones
Unit 8: Drugs Affecting the Reproductive System
40. Drugs Used in Obstetrics
41. Drugs Used in Men’s and Women’s Health
Unit 9: Drugs Affecting Other Body Systems
42. Drugs Used to Treat Disorders of the Urinary System
43. Drugs Used to Treat Glaucoma and Other Eye Disorders
44. Drugs Used for Cancer Treatment
45. Drugs Used to Treat the Muscular System
46. Antimicrobial Agents
47. Nutrition
48. Herbal and Dietary Supplement Therapy
49. Substance Abuse
50. Miscellaneous Agents
Bibliography Illustration Credits Index Answers to Medication Safety Review
Appendices [on Evolve at]
- Common Prescription Abbreviations
- Medical Abbreviations
- Nomogram for Calculating the Body Surface Area of Adults and Children
- Commonly Used Laboratory Test and Drug Values
- Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule — United States, 2008 UPDATED!
- MedWatch Drug Reporting Form
- Dyskinesia Identification System: Condensed User Scale (DISCUS)
- A Simple Method to Determine Tardive Dyskinesia Symptoms: AIMS Examination Procedure
- Templates for Developing a Written Record for Patients to Monitor Their Own Therapy
Glossary [on Evolve at]