Instant download Test Bank for Basic Medical Language, 4th Edition: LaFleur pdf docx epub after payment.
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 9788184735086
- ISBN-13 : 978-0323089128
- Author:
Focused on the basic word analysis skills you need for medical terminology, this text includes a carefully selected group of suffixes, prefixes, and word roots to give you a foundation for recognizing and communicating medical terms. A combination of body system lessons, anatomy presentations, and introductions to word parts reinforce basic word building skills. Plus, you can take charge of your learning with the companion CD packaged with the text an online audio program for additional practice.
Table of contents:
1. Introduction to Medical Language, Body Structure, and Oncology
2. Directional Terms, Planes, Regions, and Quadrants
3. Integumentary System, Colors, and Plural Endings
4. Respiratory System
Time Out 1-4
5. Urinary System
6. Reproductive Systems
7. Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems
8. Digestive System
Time Out 5-8
9. Eye and Ear
10. Musculoskeletal System
11. Nervous System
12. Endocrine System
Time Out 9-12
A: Word Parts Presented in Basic Medical Language
B: Abbreviations – Including Error-Prone Abbreviations List
C: Answers to Exercises
Appendices on Evolve
D: Additional Combining Forms, Prefixes, and Suffixes NEW!
E: Electronic Health Record Terms NEW!
F: Pharmacology Terms NEW!
G: Behavioral Health Terms NEW!
H: Dental Terms NEW!
I: Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies
J: Nutritional Terms NEW!
K: Health Care Delivery Terms NEW!