Test Bank for 21st Century Astronomy Stars and Galaxies, Fifth Edition

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Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9780393265125
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0393265125
  • Author: Laura Kay; Stacy Palen; George Blumenthal

Influenced by astronomy education research, 21st Century Astronomy offers a complete pedagogical and media package that facilitates learning by doing, while the new one-column design makes the Fifth Edition the most accessible introductory text available today.

Table of contents:

  1. Chapter 1: Thinking Like an Astronomer
  2. 1.1 Earth Occupies a Small Place in the Universe
  3. 1.2 Science Is a Way of Viewing the Universe
  4. 1.3 Astronomers Use Mathematics to Find Patterns
  5. Origins: An Introduction
  6. Summary
  7. Exploration: The Scale of the Universe
  8. Chapter 2: Patterns in the Sky—Motions of Earth and the Moon
  9. 2.1 Earth Spins on Its Axis
  10. 2.2 Revolution about the Sun Leads to Changes during the Year
  11. 2.3 The Moon’s Appearance Changes as It Orbits Earth
  12. 2.4 Calendars Are Based on the Day, Month, and Year
  13. 2.5 Eclipses Result from the Alignment of Earth, the Moon, and the Sun
  14. Origins: The Obliquity of Earth
  15. Summary
  16. Exploration: Phases of the Moon
  17. Chapter 3: Motion of Astronomical Bodies
  18. 3.1 The Motions of Planets in the Sky
  19. 3.2 Kepler’s Laws Describe Planetary Motion
  20. 3.3 Galileo’s Observations Supported the Heliocentric Model
  21. 3.4 Newton’s Three Laws Help Explain How Celestial Bodies Move
  22. Origins: Planets and Orbits
  23. Summary
  24. Exploration: Kepler’s Laws
  25. Chapter 4: Gravity
  26. 4.1 Gravity Is an Attractive Force between Objects
  27. 4.2 An Orbit Is One Body “Falling Around” Another
  28. 4.3 Tidal Forces Are Caused by Gravity
  29. 4.4 Tidal Forces Affect Solid Bodies
  30. Origins: Tidal Forces and Life
  31. Summary
  32. Exploration: Newton’s Laws
  33. Chapter 5: Light
  34. 5.1 Light Brings Us the News of the Universe
  35. 5.2 The Quantum View of Matter Explains Spectral Lines
  36. 5.3 The Doppler Shift Indicates Motion Toward or Away from Us
  37. 5.4 Temperature Affects the Spectrum of Light That an Object Emits
  38. 5.5 The Brightness of Light Depends on the Luminosity and Distance of the Source
  39. Origins: Temperatures of Planets
  40. Summary
  41. Exploration: Light as a Wave
  42. Chapter 6: The Tools of the Astronomer
  43. 6.1 The Optical Telescope Revolutionized Astronomy
  44. 6.2 Optical Detectors and Instruments Used with Telescopes
  45. 6.3 Astronomers Observe in Wavelengths Beyond the Visible
  46. 6.4 Planetary Spacecraft Explore the Solar System
  47. 6.5 Other Tools Contribute to the Study of the Universe
  48. Origins: Microwave Telescopes Detect Radiation from the Big Bang
  49. Summary
  50. Exploration: Geometric Optics and Lenses
  51. Chapter 7: The Formation of Planetary Systems
  52. 7.1 Planetary Systems Form around a Star
  53. 7.2 The Solar System Began with a Disk
  54. 7.3 The Inner Disk and Outer Disk Formed at Different Temperatures
  55. 7.4 The Formation of Our Solar System
  56. 7.5 Planetary Systems Are Common
  57. Origins: The Search for Earth-Sized Planets
  58. Summary
  59. Exploration: Exploring Exoplanets
  60. Chapter 8: The Terrestrial Planets and Earth’s Moon
  61. 8.1 Impacts Help Shape the Evolution of the Planets
  62. 8.2 Radiometric Dating Tells Us the Age of the Moon and the Solar System
  63. 8.3 The Surface of a Terrestrial Planet Is Affected by Processes in the Interior
  64. 8.4 Planetary Surfaces Evolve through Tectonism
  65. 8.5 Volcanism Signifies a Geologically Active Planet
  66. 8.6 The Geological Evidence for Water
  67. Origins: The Death of the Dinosaurs
  68. Summary
  69. Exploration: Exponential Behavior
  70. Chapter 9: Atmospheres of the Terrestrial Planets
  71. 9.1 Atmospheres Change over Time
  72. 9.2 Secondary Atmospheres Evolve
  73. 9.3 Earth’s Atmosphere Has Detailed Structure
  74. 9.4 The Atmospheres of Venus and Mars Differ from Earth’s
  75. 9.5 Greenhouse Gases Affect Global Climates
  76. Origins: Our Special Planet
  77. Summary
  78. Exploration: Climate Change
  79. Chapter 10: Worlds of Gas and Liquid—The Giant Planets
  80. 10.1 The Giant Planets Are Large, Cold, and Massive
  81. 10.2 The Giant Planets Have Clouds and Weather
  82. 10.3 The Interiors of the Giant Planets Are Hot and Dense
  83. 10.4 The Giant Planets Are Magnetic Powerhouses
  84. 10.5 The Planets of Our Solar System Might Not Be Typical
  85. Origins: Giant Planet Migration and the Inner Solar System
  86. Summary
  87. Exploration: Estimating Rotation Periods of the Giant Planets
  88. Chapter 11: Planetary Moons and Rings
  89. 11.1 Many Solar System Planets Have Moons
  90. 11.2 Some Moons Have Geological Activity and Water
  91. 11.3 Rings Surround the Giant Planets
  92. 11.4 Ring Systems Have a Complex Structure
  93. Origins: Extreme Environments
  94. Summary
  95. Exploration: Measuring Features on Io
  96. Chapter 12: Dwarf Planets and Small Solar System Bodies
  97. 12.1 Dwarf Planets May Outnumber Planets
  98. 12.2 Asteroids Are Pieces of the Past
  99. 12.3 Comets Are Clumps of Ice
  100. 12.4 Meteorites Are Remnants of the Early Solar System
  101. 12.5 Comet and Asteroid Collisions Still Happen Today
  102. Origins: Comets, Asteroids, Meteoroids, and Life
  103. Summary
  104. Exploration: Asteroid Discovery
  105. Chapter 13: Taking the Measure of Stars
  106. 13.1 Astronomers Measure the Distance, Brightness, and Luminosity of Stars
  107. 13.2 Astronomers Can Determine the Temperature, Size, and Composition of Stars
  108. 13.3 Measuring the Masses of Stars in Binary Systems
  109. 13.4 The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Is the Key to Understanding Stars
  110. Origins: Habitable Zones
  111. Summary
  112. Exploration: H-R Diagram
  113. Chapter 14: Our Star — The Sun
  114. 14.1 The Sun Is Powered by Nuclear Fusion
  115. 14.2 Energy Is Transferred from the Interior of the Sun
  116. 14.3 The Atmosphere of the Sun
  117. 14.4 The Atmosphere of the Sun Is Very Active
  118. Origins: The Solar Wind and Life
  119. Summary
  120. Exploration: The Proton-Proton Chain
  121. Chapter 15: The Interstellar Medium and Star Formation
  122. 15.1 The Interstellar Medium Fills the Space between the Stars
  123. 15.2 Stars Form in Molecular Clouds
  124. 15.3 Formation and Evolution of Protostars
  125. 15.4 Evolution before the Main Sequence
  126. Origins: Star Formation, Planets, and Life
  127. Summary
  128. Exploration: The Stellar Thermostat
  129. Chapter 16: Evolution of Low-Mass Stars
  130. 16.1 The Life of a Main-Sequence Star Depends on Its Mass
  131. 16.2 The Star Leaves the Main Sequence
  132. 16.3 Helium Fuses in the Degenerate Core
  133. 16.4 Dying Stars Shed Their Outer Layers
  134. 16.5 Binary Star Evolution
  135. Origins: Stellar Lifetimes and Biological Evolution
  136. Summary
  137. Exploration: Evolution of Low-Mass Stars
  138. Chapter 17: Evolution of High-Mass Stars
  139. 17.1 High-Mass Stars Follow Their Own Path
  140. 17.2 High-Mass Stars Go Out with a Bang
  141. 17.3 The Spectacle and Legacy of Supernovae
  142. 17.4 Star Clusters Are Snapshots of Stellar Evolution
  143. Origins: Seeding the Universe with New Chemical Elements
  144. Summary
  145. Exploration: The CNO Cycle
  146. Chapter 18: Relativity and Black Holes
  147. 18.1 Relative Motion Affects Measured Velocities
  148. 18.2 Special Relativity Explains How Time and Space Are Related
  149. 18.3 Gravity Is a Distortion of Spacetime
  150. 18.4 Black Holes
  151. Origins: Gamma-Ray Bursts
  152. Summary
  153. Exploration: Black Holes
  154. Chapter 19: Galaxies
  155. 19.1 Galaxies Come in Different Shapes and Sizes
  156. 19.2 Astronomers Use Several Methods to Find Distances to Galaxies
  157. 19.3 Galaxies Are Mostly Dark Matter
  158. 19.4 Most Galaxies Have a Supermassive Black Hole at the Center
  159. Origins: Habitability in Galaxies
  160. Summary
  161. Exploration: Galaxy Classification
  162. Chapter 20: The Milky Way—A Normal Spiral Galaxy
  163. 20.1 Astronomers Have Measured the Size and Structure of the Milky Way
  164. 20.2 The Components of the Milky Way Reveal Its Evolution
  165. 20.3 Most of the Milky Way Is Unseen
  166. 20.4 The History and Future of the Milky Way
  167. Origins: The Galactic Habitable Zone
  168. Summary
  169. Exploration: The Center of the Milky Way

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