Test Bank For Aging: Concepts and Controversies Paperback 7th edition by Harry R. Moody, Jennifer R. Sasser

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Test Bank For Aging: Concepts and Controversies Paperback 7th edition by Harry R. Moody, Jennifer R. Sasser Digital Instant Download


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Product Details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1452203091
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1452203096
  • Author:  Harry R. Moody, Jennifer R. Sasser

Presenting current research in an innovative format, Aging: Concepts and Controversies encourages students to become involved and take an informed stand on the major aging issues that we face as a society. Leading author and active expert in gerontology Rick Moody provides thorough explanation of the issues in the Concepts sections and current research in the Controversy sections, demonstrating the close link between concepts and controversies in these broad areas of aging: health care, socioeconomic trends, and the life course.


Table of Content:

PrefacePrologueAbout the AuthorsBasic Concepts I. A Life Course Perspective on AgingControversy 1. Does Old Age Have Meaning?Controversy 2. Why Do Our Bodies Grow Old?Controversy 3. Does Intellectual Functioning Decline With Age?Basic Concepts II. Aging, Health Care, and SocietyControversy 4. Should We Ration Health Care for Older People?Controversy 5. Should Families Provide for Their Own?Controversy 6. Should Older People Be Protected From Bad Choices?Controversy 7. Should People Have the Choice to End Their Lives?Basic Concepts III. Social and Economic Outlook for an Aging SocietyControversy 8. Should Age or Need Be the Basis for Entitlement?Controversy 9. What Is the Future for Social Security?Controversy 10. Is Retirement Obsolete?Controversy 11. Aging Boomers: Boom or Bust?Controversy 12. The New Aging Marketplace: Hope or Hype?Appendix. How to Research a Term Paper in GerontologyBibliographyPhoto CreditsGlossary/Index


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