Test Bank for Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings, 9th Edition, Marianne M. Jennings

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Product Details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9781305972544
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1305972544
  • Author:  Marianne M. Jennings

Gain a better understanding of common threads and patterns of ethical challenges with cases and readings drawn from pop culture, business, and history. BUSINESS ETHICS: CASE STUDIES AND SELECTED READINGS, 9E provides relevant issues, such as getting out of student loans the consequences and societal costs as well as benefit to graduates. Probing questions and content force you to look beyond emotions and opinions to evaluate the costs of ethical decisions, such as Edward Snowden’s actions and whether they harmed or helped society. Cases provide historical perspective as you learn how individuals slip into behavior that lead to ethical and legal breaches. Real examples of business decisions gone awry in this market-leading collection of readings present patterns of behaviors and choices that often result in the destruction of businesses and personal lives. Perspective and insights provide a knowledge base for readers to recognize and resolve ethical issues.


Table of Content:

  1. Unit 1: Ethical Theory, Philosophical Foundations, Our Reasoning Flaws, and Types of Ethical Dilemma
  2. Section A: Defining Ethics
  3. Reading 1.1: You, Your Values, and a Credo
  4. Reading 1.2: What Did You Do in the Past Year That Bothered You? How That Question Can Change Lives
  5. Reading 1.3: What Are Ethics? From Line-Cutting to Kant
  6. Reading 1.4: The Types of Ethical Dilemmas: From Truth to Honesty to Conflicts
  7. Reading 1.5: On Rationalizing and Labeling: The Things We Do That Make Us Uncomfortable, but We Do T
  8. Case 1.6: “They Made Me Do It”: Following Orders and Legalities: Volkswagen and the Fake Emissions T
  9. Reading 1.7: The Slippery Slope, the Blurred Lines, and How We Never Do Just One Thing: The Universi
  10. Case 1.8: Blue Bell Ice Cream and Listeria: The Pressures of Success
  11. Section B: Resolving Ethical Dilemmas and Personal Introspection
  12. Reading 1.9: Some Simple Tests for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas
  13. Reading 1.10: Some Steps for Analyzing Ethical Dilemmas
  14. Reading 1.11: On Plagiarism
  15. Case 1.12: The Little Teacher Who Could: Piper, Kansas, and Term Papers
  16. Case 1.13: The Car Pool Lane: Defining Car Pool
  17. Case 1.14: Puffing Your Resume: Truth or Dare
  18. Case 1.15: Dad, the Actuary, and the Stats Class
  19. Case 1.16: Wi-Fi Piggybacking and the Tragedy of the Commons
  20. Case 1.17: Cheating: Hows, Whys, and Whats and Do Cheaters Prosper? Culture of Excellence
  21. Case 1.18: Speeding: Hows, Whys, and Whats
  22. Case 1.19: Moving from School to Life: Do Cheaters Prosper?
  23. Case 1.20: The Pack of Gum
  24. Case 1.21: Getting Out from under Student Loans: Legal? Ethical?
  25. Unit 2: Solving Ethical Dilemmas and Personal Introspection
  26. Section A: Business and Ethics: How Do They Work Together?
  27. Reading 2.1: What’s Different about Business Ethics?
  28. Reading 2.2: The Ethics of Responsibility
  29. Reading 2.3: Is Business Bluffing Ethical?
  30. Section B: What Gets in the Way of Ethical Decisions in Business?
  31. Reading 2.4: How Leaders Lose Their Way: The Bathsheba Syndrome and What Price Hubris?
  32. Reading 2.5: Moral Relativism and the Either/or Conundrum
  33. Reading 2.6: P = f(x) The Probability of an Ethical Outcome Is a Function of the Amount of Money Inv
  34. Case 2.7: BP and the Deepwater Horizon Explosion: Safety First
  35. Case 2.8: Valeant: The Company with a New Pharmaceutical Model and Different Accounting
  36. Section C: Resolving Ethical Dilemmas in Business
  37. Reading 2.9: Framing Issues Carefully: A Structured Approach for Solving Ethical Dilemmas and Trying
  38. Case 2.10: What Was Up with Wall Street? The Goldman Standard and Shades of Gray
  39. Case 2.11: Penn State: Framing Ethical Issues
  40. Case 2.12: Deflategate and Spygate: The New England Patriots
  41. Case 2.13: Damaging Reviews on the Internet: The Reality and the Harm
  42. Unit 3: Business, Stakeholders, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability
  43. Section A: Business and Society: The Tough Issues of Economics, Social Responsibility, and Business
  44. Reading 3.1: The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits
  45. Reading 3.2: A Look at Stakeholder Theory
  46. Reading 3.3: Business with a Soul: A Reexamination of What Counts in Business Ethics
  47. Reading 3.4: Appeasing Stakeholders with Public Relations
  48. Reading 3.5: Conscious Capitalism: Creating a New Paradigm for Business
  49. Reading 3.6: Marjorie Kelly and the Divine Right of Capital
  50. Section B: Applying Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Theory
  51. Case 3.7: Turing Pharmaceutical and the 4,834% Price Increase on a Life-Saving Drug
  52. Case 3.8: Walmart: The $15 Minimum Wage
  53. Case 3.9: Chipotle: Buying Local and Health Risks
  54. Case 3.10: Guns, Stock Prices, Safety, Liability, and Social Responsibility
  55. Case 3.11: The Craigslist Connections: Facilitating Crime
  56. Case 3.12: Planned Parenthood Backlash at Companies and Charities
  57. Reading 3.13: The Regulatory Cycle, Social Responsibility, Business Strategy, and Equilibrium
  58. Case 3.14: Fannie, Freddie, Wall Street, Main Street, and the Subprime Mortgage Market: Of Moral Haz
  59. Case 3.15: Ice-T, the Body Count Album, and Shareholder Uprisings
  60. Case 3.16: Athletes and Doping: Costs, Consequences, and Profits
  61. Case 3.17: Back Treatments and Meningitis in an Under-the-Radar Industry
  62. Case 3.18: CVS Pulls Cigarettes from Its Stores
  63. Case 3.19: Ashley Madison: The Affair Website
  64. Section C: Social Responsibility and Sustainability
  65. Case 3.20: Biofuels and Food Shortages in Guatemala
  66. Case 3.21: The Dictator’s Wife in Louboutin Shoes Featured in Vogue Magazine
  67. Case 3.22: Herman Miller and Its Rain Forest Chairs
  68. Section D: Government as a Stakeholder
  69. Case 3.23: Solyndra: Bankruptcy of Solar Resources
  70. Case 3.24: Prosecutorial Misconduct: Ends Justifying Means?
  71. Unit 4: Ethics and Company Culture
  72. Section A: Temptation at Work for Individual Gain and That Credo
  73. Reading 4.1: The Moving Line
  74. Reading 4.2: Not All Employees Are Equal When It Comes to Ethical Development
  75. Section B: The Organizational Behavior Factors
  76. Reading 4.3: The Preparation for a Defining Ethical Moment
  77. Case 4.4: Swiping Oreos at Work: Is It a Big Deal?
  78. Reading 4.5: The Effects of Compensation Systems: Incentives, Bonuses, Pay, and Ethics
  79. Reading 4.6: A Primer on Accounting Issues and Ethics and Earnings Management
  80. Case 4.7: Law School Application Consultants
  81. Case 4.8: Political Culture: Daiquiris, and Ferragamo Shoes and Officials
  82. Section C: The Psychological and Behavior Factors
  83. Reading 4.9: The Layers of Ethical Issues: Individual, Organization, Industry, and Society
  84. Case 4.10: Rogues: Bad Apples or Bad Barrel: Jett and Kidder, Leeson and Barings Bank, Kerviel and S
  85. Case 4.11: FINOVA and the Loan Write-Off
  86. Case 4.12: Inflating SAT Scores for Rankings and Bonuses
  87. Case 4.13: Hiding the Slip-Up on Oil Lease Accounting: Interior Motives
  88. Section D: The Structural Factors: Governance, Example, and Leadership
  89. Reading 4.14: Re: A Primer on Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank
  90. Case 4.15: WorldCom: The Little Company That Couldn’t After All
  91. Case 4.16: The Upper West Branch Mining Disaster, the CEO, and the Faxed Production Reports
  92. Reading 4.17: Getting Information from Employees Who Know to Those Who Can and Will Respond
  93. Case 4.18: Westland/Hallmark Meat Packing Company and the Cattle Standers
  94. Section E: The Industry Practices and Legal Factors
  95. Reading 4.19: The Subprime Saga: Bear Stearns, Lehman, Merrill, and CDOs
  96. Case 4.20: Enron: The CFO, Conflicts, and Cooking the Books with Natural Gas and Electricity
  97. Case 4.21: Arthur Andersen: A Fallen Giant
  98. Case 4.22: The Ethics of Walking Away
  99. Section F: The Fear-and-Silence Factors
  100. Case 4.23: HealthSouth: The Scrushy Way
  101. Case 4.24: Dennis Kozlowski: Tyco and the $6,000 Shower Curtain
  102. Reading 4.25: A Primer on Whistleblowing
  103. Case 4.26: Beech-Nut and the No-Apple-Juice Apple Juice
  104. Case 4.27: VA: The Patient Queues
  105. Case 4.28: NASA and the Space Shuttle Booster Rockets
  106. Case 4.29: Diamond Walnuts and Troubled Growers
  107. Case 4.30: New Era: If It Sounds Too Good to Be True, It Is Too Good to Be True
  108. Section G: The Culture of Goodness
  109. Case 4.31: Bernie Madoff: Just Stay Away from the Seventeenth Floor
  110. Case 4.32: Adelphia: Good Works Via a Hand in the Till
  111. Case 4.33: The Atlanta Public School System: Good Scores by Creative Teachers
  112. Case 4.34: The NBA Referee and Gambling for Tots
  113. Case 4.35: Giving and Spending the United Way
  114. Case 4.36: The Baptist Foundation: Funds of the Faithful
  115. Unit 5: Ethics and Contracts
  116. Section A: Contract Negotiations: All Is Fair and Conflicting Interests
  117. Case 5.1 Facebook and the Media Buys
  118. Case 5.2: Subprime Auto Loans: Contracts with the Desperate
  119. Case 5.3: The Governor and His Wife: Products Endorsement and a Rolex
  120. Case 5.4: Subway: Is 11 Inches the Same as 12 Inches?
  121. Case 5.5: Sears and High-Cost Auto Repairs
  122. Case 5.6: Kardashian Tweets: Regulated Ads or Fun?
  123. Section B: Promises, Performance, and Reality
  124. Case 5.7: Pension Promises, Payments, and Bankruptcy: Companies, Cities, Towns, and States
  125. Case 5.8: “I Only Used It Once”: Returning Goods
  126. Case 5.9: Government Contracts, Research, and Double-Dipping
  127. Case 5.10: When Corporations Pull Promises Made to Government
  128. Case 5.11: Intel and the Chips: When You Have Made a Mistake
  129. Case 5.12: Red Cross and the Use of Funds
  130. Case 5.13: The Nuns and Katy Perry: Is There a Property Sale?
  131. Unit 6: Ethics in International Business
  132. Section A: Conflicts between the Corporation’s Ethics and Business Practices in Foreign Countries
  133. Reading 6.1: Why an International Code of Ethics Would Be Good for Business
  134. Case 6.2: Chiquita Banana and Mercenary Protection
  135. Case 6.3: Pirates! The Bane of Transnational Shipping
  136. Case 6.4: The Former Soviet Union: A Study of Three Companies and Values in Conflict
  137. Case 6.5: Bangladesh, Sweatshops, Suicides, Nike, Apple, Foxconn, Apple, and Campus Boycotts
  138. Case 6.6: Bhopal: When Safety Standards Differ
  139. Case 6.7: Product Dumping
  140. Case 6.8: Nestle: Products That Don’t Fit Cultures
  141. Section B: Bribes, Grease Payments, and “When in Rome …”
  142. Reading 6.9: A Primer on the FCPA
  143. Case 6.10: FIFA: The Kick of Bribery
  144. Case 6.11: Siemens and Bribery, Everywhere
  145. Case 6.12: Walmart in Mexico
  146. Case 6.13: GlaxoSmithKline in China
  147. Unit 7: Ethics, Business Operations, and Rights
  148. Section A: Workplace Safety
  149. Reading 7.1: Two Sets of Books on Safety
  150. Case 7.2: Trucker Logs, Sleep, and Safety
  151. Case 7.3: Cintas and the Production Line
  152. Section B: Workplace Loyalty
  153. Case 7.4: Aaron Feuerstein and Malden Mills
  154. Case 7.5: JCPenney and Its Wealthy Buyer
  155. Case 7.6: The Trading Desk, Perks, and “Dwarf Tossing”
  156. Case 7.7: The Analyst Who Needed a Preschool
  157. Case 7.8: Edward Snowden and Civil Disobedience
  158. Case 7.9: Boeing and the Recruiting of the Government Purchasing Agent
  159. Case 7.10: Kodak, the Appraiser, and the Assessor: Lots of Backscratching on Valuation
  160. Section C: Workplace Diversity and Atmosphere
  161. Case 7.11: English-Only Employer Policies
  162. Case 7.12: Employer Tattoo and Piercing Policies
  163. Case 7.13: Have You Been Convicted of a Felony?
  164. Case 7.14: Office Romances
  165. Case 7.15: On-the-Job Fetal Injuries
  166. Case 7.16: Political Views in the Workplace
  167. Section D: Workplace Diversity and Personal Lives
  168. Case 7.17: Julie Roehm: The Walmart Ad Exec with Expensive Tastes
  169. Case 7.18: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Employer Tracking
  170. Case 7.19: Tweeting, Blogging, Chatting, and E-Mailing: Employer Control
  171. Case 7.20: Jack Welch and the Harvard Interview
  172. Section E: Workplace Confrontation
  173. Reading 7.21: The Ethics of Confrontation
  174. Reading 7.22: The Ethics of Performance Evaluations
  175. Case 7.23: Ann Hopkins and Price Waterhouse
  176. Case 7.24: The Glowing Recommendation
  177. Unit 8: Ethics and Products
  178. Section A: Advertising Content
  179. Case 8.1: T-Mobile, Ads, and Contract Terms
  180. Case 8.2: Eminem vs. Audi
  181. Case 8.3: The Mayweather “Fight” and Ticket Holders
  182. Section B: Product Safety
  183. Reading 8.4: A Primer on Product Liability
  184. Case 8.5: Peanut Corporation of America: Salmonella and Indicted Leaders
  185. Case 8.6: Tylenol: The Swing in Product Safety
  186. Case 8.7: Samsung Fire Phones
  187. Case 8.8: Ford and GM: The Repeating Design and Sales Issues
  188. Case 8.9: E. Coli, Jack-in-the-Box, and Cooking Temperatures
  189. Case 8.10: The Tide Pods
  190. Case 8.11: Buckyballs and Safety
  191. Case 8.12: Energy Drinks and Workout Powders: Healthy or Risky?
  192. Section C: Product Sales
  193. Case 8.13: Chase: Selling Your Own Products for Higher Commissions
  194. Case 8.14: The Mess at Marsh McLennan
  195. Case 8.15: Silk Road and Financing Sales
  196. Case 8.16: Cardinal Health, CVS, and Oxycodone Sales
  197. Case 8.17: Frozen Coke and Burger King and the Richmond Rigging
  198. Case 8.18: Wells Fargo and Selling Accounts, or Making Them Up?
  199. Unit 9: Ethics and Competition
  200. Section A: Covenants Not to Compete
  201. Reading 9.1: A Primer on Covenants Not to Compete: Are They Valid?
  202. Case 9.2: Sabotaging Your Employer’s Information Lists before You Leave to Work for a Competitor
  203. Case 9.3: Boeing, Lockheed, and the Documents
  204. Case 9.4: Starwood, Hilton, and the Suspiciously Similar New Hotel Designs
  205. Section B: All’s Fair, or Is It?
  206. Reading 9.5 Adam Smith: An Excerpt from the Theory of Moral Sentiments
  207. Case 9.6: The Battle of the Guardrail Manufacturers
  208. Case 9.7: Bad-Mouthing the Competition: Where’s the Line?
  209. Case 9.8: Online Pricing Differentials and Customer Questions
  210. Case 9.9: Brighton Collectibles: Terminating Distributors for Discounting Prices
  211. Case 9.10: Park City Mountain: When a Competitor Forgets
  212. Case 9.11: Electronic Books and the Apple versus Amazon War
  213. Case 9.12: Martha vs. Macy’s and JCPenney
  214. Case 9.13: Mattel and the Bratz Doll
  215. Section C: Intellectual Property and Ethics
  216. Case 9.14: The NCAA and College Athletes’ Images
  217. Case 9.15: Louis Vuitton and the Hangover
  218. Case 9.16: Tiffany vs. Costco
  219. Case 9.17: Copyright, Songs, and Charities
  220. The Ethical Common Denominator (ECD) Index: The Common Threads of Business Ehics
  221. Alphabetical Index
  222. Business Discipline Index
  223. Product/Company/Individuals Index
  224. Topic Index