Test Bank for Cognition Theory and Applications, 8th Edition: Reed

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Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0495806684
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0495806684
  • Author: K. Reed

The fully updated eighth edition of Cognitive Psychology: A Student’s Handbook provides comprehensive yet accessible coverage of all the key areas in the field ranging from visual perception and attention through to memory and language. Each chapter is complete with key definitions, practical real-life applications, chapter summaries and suggested further reading to help students develop an understanding of this fascinating but complex field.

The new edition includes:

  • an increased emphasis on neuroscience
  • updated references to reflect the latest research
  • applied ‘in the real world’ case studies and examples.

Table Of Contents:

1 Approaches to human cognition

Cognitive psychology
Cognitive neuropsychology
Cognitive neuroscience: the brain in action
Computational cognitive science
Comparisons of major approaches
Is there a replication crisis?
Outline of this book
Chapter summary
Further reading

PART I: Visual perception and attention

2 Basic processes in visual perception

Vision and the brain
Two visual systems: perception-action model
Colour vision
Depth perception
Perception without awareness: subliminal perception
Chapter summary
Further reading

3 Object and face recognition

Pattern recognition
Perceptual organisation
Approaches to object recognition
Object recognition: top-down processes
Face recognition
Visual imagery
Chapter summary
Further reading

4 Motion perception and action

Direct perception
Visually guided movement
Visually guided action: contemporary approaches
Perception of human motion
Change blindness
Chapter summary
Further reading

5 Attention and performance

Focused auditory attention
Focused visual attention
Disorders of visual attention
Visual search
Cross-modal effects
Divided attention: dual-task performance
“Automatic” processing
Chapter summary
Further reading

PART II: Memory

6 Learning, memory and forgetting

Short-term vs long-term memory
Working memory: Baddeley and Hitch
Working memory: individual differences and executive functions
Levels of processing (and beyond)
Learning through retrieval
Implicit learning
Forgetting from long-term memory
Chapter summary
Further reading

7 Long-term memory systems

Declarative memory
Episodic memory
Semantic memory
Non-declarative memory
Beyond memory systems and declarative vs non-declarative memory
Chapter summary
Further reading

8 Everyday memory

Autobiographical memory: introduction
Memories across the lifetime
Theoretical approaches to autobiographical memory
Eyewitness testimony
Enhancing eyewitness memory
Prospective memory
Theoretical perspectives on prospective memory
Chapter summary
Further reading

PART III: Language

9 Speech perception and reading

Speech (and music) perception
Listening to speech
Context effects
Theories of speech perception
Cognitive neuropsychology
Reading: introduction
Word recognition
Reading aloud
Reading: eye-movement research
Chapter summary
Further reading

10 Language comprehension

Parsing: overview
Theoretical approaches: parsing and prediction
Individual differences: working memory capacity
Discourse processing: inferences
Discourse comprehension: theoretical approaches
Chapter summary
Further reading

11 Language production

Basic aspects of speech production
Speech planning
Speech errors
Theories of speech production
Cognitive neuropsychology: speech production
Speech as communication
Writing: the main processes
Chapter summary
Further reading

PART IV: Thinking and reasoning

12 Problem solving and expertise

Problem solving: introduction
Gestalt approach and beyond: insight and role of experience
Problem-solving strategies
Analogical problem solving and reasoning
Chess-playing expertise
Medical expertise
Brain plasticity
Deliberate practice and beyond
Chapter summary
Further reading

13 Judgement and decision-making

Judgement research
Theories of judgement
Decision-making under risk
Decision-making: emotional and social factors
Applied and complex decision-making
Chapter summary
Further reading

14 Reasoning and hypothesis testing

Hypothesis testing
Deductive reasoning
Theories of “deductive” reasoning
Brain systems in reasoning
Informal reasoning
Are humans rational?
Chapter summary
Further reading

PART V: Broadening horizons

15 Cognition and emotion

Appraisal theories
Emotion regulation
Affect and cognition: attention and memory
Affect and cognition: judgement and decision-making
Judgement and decision-making: theoretical approaches
Anxiety, depression and cognitive biases
Cognitive bias modification and beyond
Chapter summary
Further reading

16 Consciousness

Functions of consciousness
Assessing consciousness and conscious experience
Global workspace and global neuronal workspace theories
Is consciousness unitary?
Chapter summary
Further reading

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