Test Bank for Communicating for Results A Guide for Business and the Professions, 10th Edition

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Product Details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1111842167
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1111842161
  • Author:  Cheryl Hamilton

This best-selling text will show you the basic concepts and techniques you need to successfully communicate in today’s business world, regardless of your current level of business experience. Covering every aspect of the communication process, COMMUNICATING FOR RESULTS: A GUIDE FOR BUSINESS AND THE PROFESSIONS, Tenth Edition, will give you a competitive edge in any business situation–from the initial interview to making skilled presentations (complete with professional visual aids) to assuming a leadership role. In addition, you’ll find online video clips of common professional scenarios paired with the concepts from the text give you a realistic glimpse into the business world. COMMUNICATING FOR RESULTS: A GUIDE FOR BUSINESS AND THE PROFESSIONS, Tenth Edition, is your opportunity to see how theory translates into practical action–and how that knowledge will help you improve your chance of career success!


Table of Content:

  1. Unit 1: Understanding Communication in the Workplace
  2. Analyze This Real-Life Case
  3. Ethics Choices and Communication Challenges
  4. Reflect and Respond
  5. Chapter 1: Communication and Ethics at Work: What Should You Know?
  6. Opening Thoughts
  7. Communication Defined
  8. Models of Communication: An Overview
  9. One-Way Model
  10. Circular Model
  11. Transaction Model
  12. The Basic Transaction Model Expanded
  13. Person A/Person B
  14. Stimulus and Motivation
  15. Encoding and Decoding
  16. Frame of Reference
  17. Code
  18. Channel
  19. Feedback
  20. Environment
  21. Noise
  22. Polishing Your Career Skills: How Skilled a Communicator Are You?
  23. How Communication Flows in Organizations
  24. Informal Communication
  25. Formal Communication
  26. Communication and Ethics
  27. Collaborative Learning Activities
  28. Chapter 2: Organizations In the Workplace: Which Ones Fit You Best?
  29. Opening Thoughts
  30. Organizations: Before You Commit to a Job, What Should You Know?
  31. Types of Organizations
  32. The Traditional (or Classical) Organization
  33. The Human Relations Organization
  34. The Human Resources Organization
  35. Polishing Your Career Skills: Which Type Organization Fits Me Best?
  36. The Systems/Contingency Organization
  37. The Transformational Organization
  38. How Each Type Organization Uses Communication
  39. How Organizations Coordinate People and Groups
  40. Collaborative Learning Activities
  41. Chapter 3 Handling Conflict, Cultural Diversity, and Relationships
  42. Opening Thoughts
  43. Handling Conflicts in the Workplace
  44. Conflict Types
  45. Conflict Strategies
  46. Choosing the Best Conflict Strategies
  47. Reaching Consensus in Conflict Management
  48. Cultural Differences in the Workplace
  49. Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures
  50. High-and Low-Context Cultures
  51. Monochronic and Polychronic Cultures
  52. Cultural Differences and Conflict
  53. Interpersonal Relationships in the Workplace
  54. Keys to Building and Maintaining Relationships
  55. Relationships and Styles In the Workplace: An Overview
  56. Communication Styles: What Are They
  57. Important Tips On Using Communication Styles In the Workplace
  58. Becoming Flexible In Use of Styles
  59. Communication Styles: Polishing Your Career Skills
  60. Polishing Your Career Skills: What Is Your Communication Style? Survey Short Form
  61. Polishing Your Career Skills: What Is Your Communication Style? Survey Long Form
  62. Collaborative Learning Activities
  63. Unit 2: Personalizing Communication in the Workplace
  64. Analyze This Real-Life Case
  65. An Engineer’s Experience with Communication and Listening
  66. Reflect and Respond
  67. Chapter 4: Effective Listening
  68. Opening Thoughts
  69. Effective Listening in the Workplace
  70. Polishing Your Career Skills: How Skilled a Listener Are You?
  71. Listening to Customers
  72. Listening to Employees
  73. Listening to Supervisors
  74. Listening to Coworkers
  75. Signs of Poor Listening
  76. Breaking the Chain of Command
  77. Learning about Events Too Late
  78. Always Putting Out Fires
  79. Information Must Be Repeated
  80. Tasks Given to Others
  81. Increase in Written Communication
  82. Increase in Poor Listening Habits
  83. Barriers to Good Listening
  84. Physical Barriers
  85. Personal Barriers
  86. Gender Barriers
  87. Age/Generational Barriers
  88. Semantic Barriers
  89. Technology Barriers
  90. Listening Skills: Improvements Lead to Payoffs
  91. Understanding the Stages of Listening
  92. Improving Your Listening—Key Points
  93. Payoffs of Effective Listening
  94. Collaborative Learning Activities
  95. Chapter 5: Nonverbal Communication
  96. Opening Thoughts
  97. Nonverbal Communication: Definition, Culture, and Principles
  98. Technical Level
  99. Formal Level
  100. Informal Level
  101. Types of Nonverbal Communication and Their Effects on Business Communication
  102. Facial Expressions and Eye Contact
  103. Body Movements, Posture, and Gestures
  104. Touch
  105. Clothing and Personal Appearance
  106. Polishing Your Career Skills: Does Nonverbal Communication Work for You or Against You?
  107. Distance and Personal Space
  108. Physical Environment
  109. Time
  110. Status Symbols
  111. Signs of Power
  112. Signs of Weakness
  113. Nonverbal Messages and International Business Transactions
  114. Mistakes and Culture Shock
  115. Improving Nonverbal Skills
  116. Expectancy Violations Theory
  117. Immediacy Behaviors
  118. Creating Effective Habits
  119. Collaborative Learning Activities
  120. Chapter 6: Anxiety, Technology, and Other Communication Obstacles
  121. Opening Thoughts
  122. Anxiety as a Communication Obstacle
  123. Situational Anxiety
  124. Managing Situational Anxiety
  125. Trait Anxiety
  126. Managing Trait Anxiety with Positive Imagery
  127. Mastering Anxiety with Additional Methods
  128. Technology as a Communication Obstacle
  129. Technology and Social Media Statistics
  130. Social Media as an Obstacle in the Workplace
  131. Using Social Media to Turn Contacts into Relationships
  132. Making Your Social Media Resume Stand Out
  133. Building a Social Media Profile on Linkedin
  134. Other Forms of Media/ Technology as Communication Obstacles
  135. Polishing Your Career Skills: How Ready Are You to Leverage the Power of Social Media?
  136. Other Communication Obstacles
  137. Vague Instructions
  138. Jumping to Conclusions
  139. Bypassing
  140. Sexual Harassment
  141. Collaborative Learning Activities
  142. Unit 3: Maximizing Communication in the Workplace
  143. Analyze This Real-Life Case
  144. Amazon: Hiring Practices That Continue to “Raise the Bar”
  145. Reflect and Respond
  146. Chapter 7: Basic Information For All Types of Interviews
  147. Opening Thoughts
  148. Types of Interviews
  149. Counseling Interview
  150. Employment Interview
  151. Exit Interview
  152. Grievance, or Confrontation, Interview
  153. Group Interview
  154. Informational Interview
  155. Interrogation Interview
  156. Performance Review
  157. Persuasive Interview
  158. Telephone or Skype Interview
  159. Basic Interview Organization
  160. Opening Phase
  161. Question–Response Phase
  162. Closing Phase
  163. Using Questions Effectively in the Interview
  164. Determine the Types of Questions to Ask
  165. Decide How to Best Organize Questions
  166. Be Prepared to Answer Questions Effectively
  167. Polishing Your Career Skills: How Much Do You Know About Interview Questions?
  168. Collaborative Learning Activities
  169. Chapter 8: The Employment Interview
  170. Opening Thoughts
  171. Interviewee: Preparing For the Job Hunt
  172. Investigate the Employment Market
  173. Locate Specific Jobs of Interest
  174. Prepare a Resume: Conventional, Electronic, Web, or Social Media
  175. Check Resume Content For Accuracy and Honesty
  176. Prepare a Letter of Application or Cover Letter
  177. Interviewee: Preparing For the Interview
  178. Have a Positive Attitude
  179. Communicate and Dress For the Occasion—Impression Management
  180. Be Prepared For Any Type of Interview
  181. Polishing Your Career Skills: How Well Do You Communicate During An Interview?
  182. Carefully Plan Answers to Probable Questions
  183. Be Prepared With Questions to Ask the Interviewer
  184. Be Prepared to Follow Up the Interview
  185. Send a Thank-You Card
  186. Interviewer: Planning the Interview
  187. Get to Know the Interviewee Ahead of Time
  188. Plan the Environment
  189. Organize the Interview Carefully
  190. Interviewer: Conducting the Interview
  191. Ask Only Lawful Questions
  192. Listen Carefully to the Interviewee
  193. Collaborative Learning Activities
  194. Chapter 9: Small-Group Communication and Problem Solving
  195. Opening Thoughts
  196. Definition of a Small Group
  197. Use and Value of Teams In the Effective Organization
  198. Characteristics of Effective Problem-Solving Teams
  199. Effective Teams Are Well Prepared and Organized
  200. Effective Teams Receive Periodic Training
  201. Effective Teams Examine Assumptions and Opinions
  202. Effective Teams Evaluate Solutions By Comparing Them to Criteria and Consequences
  203. Effective Teams Avoid Groupthink
  204. Effective Teams Manage Cultural Diversity
  205. Effective Teams Can Operate Virtually
  206. The Basic Problem-Solving Procedure
  207. Step 1: Define the Problem
  208. Step 2: Research and Analyze the Problem
  209. Step 3: Establish a Checklist of Criteria
  210. Step 4: List Possible Alternatives
  211. Step 5: Evaluate Each Alternative
  212. Step 6: Select the Best Alternative(s)
  213. Polishing Your Career Skills: How Ready Are You For Teamwork
  214. Collaborative Learning Activities
  215. Chapter 10: Participation and Leadership in Teams
  216. Opening Thoughts
  217. Effective Team Participants Have Good Communication Skills
  218. Effective Team Participants Perform Needed Task and Maintenance Functions
  219. Task and Maintenance Functions
  220. Dysfunctional Behaviors
  221. Polishing Your Career Skills: How Well Do You Handle Task and Maintenance Functions in Groups
  222. Effective Team Leadership
  223. Trait Approach to Leadership
  224. Function Approach to Leadership
  225. Leadership Styles or Three-Dimension Approach to Leadership
  226. Situational Contingency Approach to Leadership
  227. Situational Leadership Approach
  228. Transformational Leadership Approach
  229. Leader Responsibilities
  230. Virtual Meetings
  231. Face-to-Face Meetings
  232. Collaborative Learning Activities
  233. Unit 4: Polishing Oral and Written Communication in the Workplace
  234. Analyze This Real-Life Case
  235. Harry Markopolos: Why Didn’t Anyone Heed His Warnings About Madoff?
  236. Reflect and Respond
  237. Chapter 11: Informative Presentations: Plan, Research, Organize, and Deliver
  238. Opening Thoughts
  239. Informative Presentations: Planning
  240. Informative versus Persuasive Presentations
  241. Types of Informative Presentations
  242. Audience Analysis
  243. Topic Selection
  244. Informative Presentations: Researching
  245. Why and What to Research
  246. Where to Research
  247. How to Avoid Plagiarism When Researching
  248. Informative Presentations: Organizing
  249. Organizing the Body of the Presentation
  250. Organizing the Introduction of the Presentation
  251. Organizing the Conclusion of the Presentation
  252. Adding Transitions to the Presentation
  253. Informative Presentations: Delivery
  254. Methods of Delivery
  255. Polishing Your Career Skills: Informative Presentations— Are You Ready?
  256. Characteristics of Effective Delivery
  257. Maintaining a Confident and Exciting Delivery
  258. Collaborative Learning Activities
  259. Chapter 12: Verbal and Visual Supporting Materials
  260. Opening Thoughts
  261. Verbal Supporting Materials
  262. Explanations
  263. Comparisons
  264. Illustrations
  265. Examples
  266. Statistics
  267. Expert Opinions
  268. Citing Sources of Supporting Materials
  269. Visual Supporting Materials
  270. Benefits of Using Visuals
  271. Types of Visual Aids
  272. Selecting Your Visual Aids
  273. Designing Your Visual Aids
  274. Sample Text and Graphic Visuals
  275. General Design Principles
  276. Tips For Using Color
  277. Using Microsoft Powerpoint
  278. Polishing Your Career Skills: Can You Prepare Effective Visual Aids?
  279. Collaborative Learning Activities
  280. Chapter 13: Persuasive Presentations: Individual or Team
  281. Opening Thoughts
  282. Persuasive Presentations: Definitions and Types
  283. Persuasion Defined
  284. Types of Persuasive Presentations
  285. Persuasion In Business
  286. Persuasive Presentations: Research Findings and Practical Application
  287. Persuasive Factor #1: Evidence and Logic of the Message
  288. Persuasive Factor #2: Credibility of the Speaker
  289. Persuasive Factor #3: Psychological Needs of the Listeners
  290. Persuasive Factor #4: Opinions of Key Listeners
  291. Persuasive Presentations: Preparation Steps
  292. Step 1: Analyze Your Expected Listeners and Their Needs
  293. Step 2: Write Your Exact Purpose As a Position Statement
  294. Step 3: Determine Your Initial Credibility and Plan to Increase It If Necessary
  295. Step 4: Research Your Topic and Choose the Best Method For Presenting Evidence to This Audience
  296. Step 5: Select the Best Pattern For Organizing Your Persuasive Speech
  297. Step 6: Prepare An Outline to Polish Verbal and Visual Supports, Introduction, and Conclusion
  298. Step 7: Review Your Presentation to Ensure It Is Ethical
  299. Step 8: Practice Your Presentation to Gain Confidence
  300. Polishing Your Career Skills: Persuasive Presentations—Are You Ready
  301. Team Presentations
  302. Characteristics of Effective Team Presentations
  303. Types of Team Presentations
  304. Content of Team Presentations
  305. Effective Team Delivery
  306. Collaborative Learning Activities
  307. Chapter 14: Written Communication
  308. Opening Thoughts
  309. Effective Written Communication
  310. Adapts to the Audience
  311. Makes a Good First Impression
  312. Is Effectively Organized: Proper Clarity and Length
  313. Looks Professional: Proper Formatting and Typeface
  314. Includes Accurate Sources— No Plagiarism, Distortion, or Exaggeration
  315. Writing Successful Email Messages
  316. Writing Successful Twitter Messages
  317. How to Get Started
  318. What Is a Twitter Message
  319. Why Would a Company Want to Use Twitter
  320. Twitter Basics
  321. Polishing Your Career Skills: How Effective Are Your Tweets
  322. Writing and Producing Videos
  323. Writing Skills Needed to Make Great Videos
  324. Technology Needed to Make Great Videos
  325. Writing a Successful Letter
  326. The Thank-You Letter
  327. The Follow-Up Letter
  328. Writing an Effective Resume
  329. Effective Resumes Grab Immediate Attention
  330. Effective Resumes Are Easy to Read
  331. Effective Resumes Provide More Than Basic Information
  332. Writing Informative Reports
  333. Types of Informative Reports
  334. Tools to Aid Understanding
  335. The Role of Outlines In Planning Informative Reports
  336. Finalizing Informative Reports
  337. Writing Persuasive Reports
  338. Organization of Persuasive Reports
  339. The Role of Outlines in Planning Persuasive Reports
  340. Finalizing Persuasive Reports
  341. Collaborative Learning Activities
  342. Answers to Awareness Check Quizzes
  343. References
  344. Author Index
  345. Subject Index