Test Bank for Corrections in America: An Introduction, 15th Edition, Harry E. Allen, Edward J. Latessa, Bruce S. Ponder

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Test Bank for Corrections in America: An Introduction, 15th Edition, Harry E. Allen, Edward J. Latessa, Bruce S. Ponder Digital Instant Download


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Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0134762657
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0134762654
  • Author: Harry E. Allen; Edward J. Latessa

The field’s best-selling text for over 40 years, Corrections in America: An Introduction addresses the current state of Corrections. With a tradition of comprehensive, student-friendly coverage, the text covers nearly all aspects of Corrections – from its history, ideologies, and legal issues, to prisons and correctional clients. It combines current and past research, theory and practice, and real-world examples to offer readers a strong foundation of field knowledge. The 15th edition analyzes rapid, significant changes affecting Corrections, and projects their future impact.

Corrections in America
 : An Introduction , 15 th Edition, is also available via Revel™, an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience.

Table of contents:

  1. Chapter 1 Early History (2000 B.C. to A.D. 1800)
  2. Objectives
  3. Overview
  4. What is the Role of Corrections?
  5. Shared Writing: Overarching Goal of Corrections
  6. Redress of Wrongs
  7. Retaliation
  8. Fines and Punishments
  9. Early Codes
  10. Babylonian and Sumerian Codes
  11. Crime and Sin
  12. Roman and Greek Codes
  13. The Middle Ages
  14. Punishment
  15. Capital and Corporal Punishment
  16. Deterrence
  17. Emergence of Secular Law
  18. Early Prisons
  19. Workhouses
  20. Shared Writing: Corporal Punishment
  21. The Age of Enlightenment and Reform
  22. Montesquieu and Voltaire: The French Humanists
  23. Bentham and the Hedonistic Calculus
  24. Correctional Profile 1.1 John Howard
  25. John Howard
  26. Houses of Correction, Workhouses, and Gaols
  27. Transportation Systems
  28. Deportation to the American Colonies and Australia
  29. Hulks: A Sordid Episode
  30. Early Cellular Prisons
  31. The Maison de Force at Ghent and the Hospice of San Michele
  32. William Penn and the “Great Law”
  33. The Walnut Street Jail
  34. Role of Corrections Summarized
  35. Summary
  36. Summarize the Definition, Mission, and Role of Corrections
  37. Summarize Early Responses to Crime Prior to the Development of Prisons
  38. Describe How Secular Law Emerged
  39. Summarize Sentencing Goals and Primary Punishment Philosophies
  40. Outline the Development of the Prison
  41. Key Words
  42. Review Questions
  43. Application Case Studies
  44. Group Discussion Questions
  45. Homework Assignments
  46. Suggested Readings
  47. Endnotes
  48. Chapter 2 Prisons (1800 to the Present)
  49. Objectives
  50. Overview
  51. What is the Emerging Role of Corrections?
  52. The Pennsylvania System
  53. The Auburn System
  54. Discipline at Auburn
  55. Prison Competition
  56. Economics Wins Out
  57. Prison Rules
  58. Communication Inhibition and Solitary Confinement
  59. Shared Writing: Prison Competition
  60. Change in the Wind
  61. Maconochie and Crofton: A New Approach
  62. Maconochie and the Indeterminate Sentence
  63. Crofton and the Irish System
  64. The Reformatory Era (1870–1910)
  65. Shared Writing: Prison Goods
  66. Shared Writing: Point/Counterpoint Video—The Harm Reduction Approach to Drug Abuse
  67. Point/Counterpoint Video: The Harm Reduction Approach to Drug Abuse
  68. Post–Civil War Prisons
  69. The Twentieth Century and the Industrial Prison
  70. The Period of Transition (1935–1960)
  71. Prison Riots Explode
  72. The Modern Era
  73. New Emphases Emerge in Corrections
  74. Internally Sought Reform
  75. The Prison Population Boom
  76. Summary
  77. Summarize the Definition, Mission, and Role of Corrections
  78. Compare and Contrast the Pennsylvania and Auburn Systems
  79. Explain Why the Auburn System Became the Dominant Prison Design
  80. Describe Prison Development from the Reformatory Era to the Modern Era
  81. Key Words
  82. Review Questions
  83. Application Case Studies
  84. Group Discussion Questions
  85. Homework Assignments
  86. Suggested Readings
  87. Endnotes
  88. Chapter 3 Correctional Ideologies: The Pendulum Swings
  89. Objectives
  90. Overview
  91. Impacts of Ideology
  92. Conflicting Correctional Ideologies
  93. Correctional Practice 3.1 Contrasting Ideologies
  94. Shared Writing: Correctional Ideologies
  95. Shared Writing: Reducing Stigma
  96. Shared Writing: Point/Counterpoint Video—Radical Theory
  97. Point/Counterpoint Video: Radical Theory
  98. The Punishment Ideology
  99. Retribution
  100. Deterrence
  101. Incapacitation
  102. Selective Incapacitation
  103. The Effect of Punishment
  104. The Rehabilitation Ideology
  105. The Prevention Ideology
  106. The Role of the Environment
  107. The Pendulum Swings
  108. Restorative Justice
  109. Balanced and Restorative Justice Philosophy
  110. The Balanced Approach and Its Application
  111. Effects of Public Opinion of Crime Control
  112. Contemporary Correctional Policies
  113. Contemporary Corrections
  114. Current Trends
  115. Summary
  116. Summarize the Definition, Mission, and Role of Corrections
  117. Summarize Sentencing Goals and Primary Punishment Philosophies
  118. Explain How Public Opinion about Crime Affects Crime Control Policy
  119. Summarize Issues Related to Correctional Policy
  120. Describe and Illustrate Contemporary Corrections in the Nation
  121. Key Words
  122. Review Questions
  123. Application Case Studies
  124. Suggested Group Discussions
  125. Homework Assignments
  126. Suggested Readings
  127. Endnotes
  128. Chapter 4 The Sentencing and Appeals Process
  129. Objectives
  130. Overview
  131. The Correctional Funnel
  132. Plea Bargaining
  133. The Sentencing Decision
  134. Rapid Change in Sentencing Processes
  135. New Goals
  136. Reform Options
  137. Reform Effects

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