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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 0323096069
- ISBN-13 : 978-0323096065
- Author:
Ebersole & Hess’ Gerontological Nursing and Healthy Aging is the only gerontological nursing text that follows a wellness-based, holistic approach to older adult care. Designed to facilitate healthy aging regardless of the situation or disease process, this text goes beyond simply tracking recommended treatments to address complications, alleviate discomfort, and help older adults lead healthy lives. Featuring evidence-based practice boxes, safety alerts, expanded tables, and careful attention to age, gender, and cultural differences, Ebersole & Hess’ Gerontological Nursing and Healthy Aging is the most complete text on the market.
Table of Content:
- Section 1 Foundations of Healthy Aging
- Interactive Review – Section 1
- CHAPTER 1 Introduction to healthy aging
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Aging in the United States
- BOX 1-1 Super-Centenarian Extraordinaire: Jeanne Louise Calment
- Global aging
- FIGURE 1-1 Population 65 years of age and over, by race and Hispanic origin: 2008 and projected 2050.
- BOX 1-2 Use of Select Clinical Preventive Services by Race and Ethnicity
- American indian/alaskan native adults
- Asian/pacific islander adults
- Black american adults
- Hispanic adults
- White adults
- Moving toward healthy aging
- FIGURE 1-2 Average annual percent growth of older population in developed and developing countries: 1950 to 2050.
- FIGURE 1-3 Percent change in world population by age, 2005 to 2040.
- FIGURE 1-4 Proportion of women in specific age groups, worldwide, 2009.
- FIGURE 1-5 Healthy aging.
- FIGURE 1-6 Growth potential: crisis as a challenge.
- TABLE 1-1 Intervention to Promote Wellness
- Overarching goals
- Emerging issues in the health of older adults
- Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs
- FIGURE 1-7 Human needs and wellness diagnoses using Maslow’s Hierarchy framework. ADLs, Activities of daily living.
- BOX 1-3 Orem’s Universal Self-Care Requirements
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 2 Gerontological nursing history, education, and roles
- Learning objectives
- Care of older adults: A nursing imperative
- BOX 2-1 Reflections on Gerontological Nursing from Gerontological Nursing Pioneers and Current Leaders in the Field
- Doris schwartz, gerontological nursing pioneer
- Mary opal wolanin, gerontological nursing pioneer
- Terry fulmer, dean, college of nursing, new york university and co-director, john a. hartford institute for geriatric nursing
- Neville strumpf, edith clement chair in gerontological nursing, university of pennsylvania, director of the hartford center of geriatric nursing excellence and center for gerontological nursing science
- Mathy mezey, professor emeritus and associate director, the hartford institute for geriatric nursing, New York university college of nursing
- Jennifer lingler, PHD, FNP
- Older adults
- History of gerontological nursing
- Early history
- TABLE 2-1 Professionalization of Gerontological Nursing
- Current initiatives
- Gerontological nursing education
- BOX 2-2 Future Directions for Gerontological Nursing Research as Suggested by Wykle and Tappen
- Gerontological nursing research
- Roles in gerontological nursing
- Specialist roles
- Generalist roles
- Acute care
- Community- and home-based care
- Skilled nursing facilities/nursing homes
- BOX 2-3 Focus of Acute and Long-Term Care
- Acute care orientation
- Long-term care orientation
- BOX 2-4 Goals of Long-Term Care
- Certified nursing assistants and nurse aides
- Gerontological nursing and gerontology organizations
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 3 Care across the continuum
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- FIGURE 3-1 Essential elements of an elder-friendly community.
- Elder-friendly communities
- FIGURE 3-2 Continuum of residential options based on level of assistance needed.
- Residential options in later life
- Shared housing
- BOX 3-1 Planning to Add an Older Person to the Household
- Questions you should ask:
- Modifications you have to make:
- Discuss potential areas of conflict:
- Decrease areas of conflict by the following:
- Population-specific communities
- Senior retirement communities
- Community and home care
- Adult day services
- Residential care facilities
- BOX 3-2 Profile of a Resident in an Assisted Living Facility
- Assisted living
- Continuing care retirement communities
- Acute care
- Nursing homes (long-term care facilities)
- BOX 3-3 Members of the Rehabilitation Care Team
- Costs of care
- Quality of care
- The culture change movement
- BOX 3-4 Selecting a Nursing Home
- Central focus
- Interaction
- Milieu
- Environment
- Individualized care
- Staff
- Safety
- BOX 3-5 Bill of Rights for Long-Term Care Residents
- BOX 3-6 Changing the Culture in Nursing Homes
- Institution-centered culture
- Person-centered culture
- Improving transitions across the continuum of care
- Improving transitional care
- BOX 3-7 Suggested Elements of Transitional Care Models
- Relocation
- BOX 3-8 Assessment of Relocation
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- BOX 3-9 Relocation Stress Syndrome
- Defining characteristics
- Major
- Minor
- Related factors
- Sample diagnostic statement
- Expected outcomes
- Expected short-term goals
- Expected long-term goals
- Specific nursing interventions
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 4 Culture and aging
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- TABLE 4-1 Blacks Compared with Whites on Measures of Quality and Access: Specific Measures, 2009*
- TABLE 4-2 Percentage of Persons 65 Years of Age and Older in the United States from Minority Groups in 2009
- BOX 4-1 Examples of Health Disparities Relevant to Older Adults
- African americans
- The gerontological explosion
- BOX 4-2 Racism in the Boston Naming Test*
- Health disparities
- Reducing health disparities
- Increasing cultural competence
- Awareness
- BOX 4-3 Unintentional Ageism in Language and Its Effects
- Knowledge
- Western or biomedical system
- Personalistic or magicoreligious system
- Naturalistic or holistic health system
- Skills
- Working with interpreters
- BOX 4-4 Working with Interpreters
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- BOX 4-5 The Explanatory Model for Culturally Sensitive Assessment
- BOX 4-6 The LEARN Model
- BOX 4-7 Providing Culturally Welcoming Services
- Cross-cultural caring and long-term care
- Culture, nursing, and maslow’s hierarchy of needs
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 5 Theories of aging and physical changes
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- BOX 5-1 Emerging Biological Theories of Aging
- Neuroendocrine control or pacemaker theory
- Genetic research
- Progerin and telomers
- Biological theories of aging
- Error (stochastic) theories
- Wear-and-tear theory
- Cross-link theory
- Oxidative stress theory (free radical theory)
- Programmed aging (nonstochastic theories)
- Neuroendocrine-immunological theory
- Physical changes that accompany aging
- Integumentary
- Epidermis
- Dermis
- Hypodermis: Subcutaneous layer
- BOX 5-2 Promoting Healthy Skin While Aging
- Hair and nails
- Musculoskeletal
- BOX 5-3 Promoting Healthy Bones and Muscles
- Structure, posture, and body composition
- Cardiovascular
- Cardiac
- FIGURE 5-1 Changes in body water distribution.
- BOX 5-4 Promoting a Healthy Heart
- Blood vessels
- FIGURE 5-2 Changes in lung volumes with aging.
- BOX 5-5 Promoting Healthy Lungs
- Respiratory
- Renal
- Endocrine
- Pancreas
- Thyroid
- Reproductive
- Female reproductive system
- Male reproductive system
- Digestive
- Mouth
- Esophagus
- Stomach
- BOX 5-6 Promoting Healthy Digestion
- Intestines
- Accessory organs
- Neurological
- Central nervous system (CNS)
- FIGURE 5-3 Changes in the brain with aging.
- Peripheral nervous system
- BOX 5-7 Promoting Healthy Eyes
- BOX 5-8 Promoting Healthy Hearing
- Sensory
- Eye and vision
- Extraocular.
- Ocular.
- Intraocular.
- Ear and hearing
- Immunological
- Goals to reduce potentially preventable infections
- Goals for immunizations
- Concluding statement
- Application of maslow’s hierarchy
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 6 Social, psychological, spiritual, and cognitive aspects of aging
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Social, psychological, spiritual, and cognitive aspects of aging
- Life span development approach
- Types of aging
- Sociological theories of aging
- Disengagement theory
- Activity theory
- Continuity theory
- Age-stratification theory
- Social exchange theory
- Modernization theory
- Symbolic interaction theories
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Psychological theories of aging
- Jung’s theories of personality
- BOX 6-1 Areas of Potential Nursing Assessment and Education Consistent with the Sociological Theories of Aging
- Developmental theories
- BOX 6-2 Havighurst’s Developmental Tasks
- Middle age
- Later maturity
- BOX 6-3 Characteristics of Gerotranscendence
- Theory of gerotranscendence
- Spirituality and aging
- BOX 6-4 Identifying Elders at Risk for Spiritual Distress
- Spirituality and nursing
- BOX 6-5 Questions to Begin Dialogue About Spiritual Concerns
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Residents attend a religious service at a nursing center.
- BOX 6-6 Spiritual Nursing Responses
- BOX 6-7 Personal Questions on Spirituality for Reflection by Nurses
- Interventions
- Nurturing the spirit of the nurse
- Cognition and aging
- BOX 6-8 Myths About Aging and the Brain
- Fluid and crystallized intelligence
- Memory
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Interventions to promote cognitive health
- Learning in late life
- Health literacy
- BOX 6-9 Guiding Older Adult Learners
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Application of maslow’s hierarchy
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- Section 2 Fundamentals of Caring
- Interactive Review – Section 2
- CHAPTER 7 Assessment and documentation for optimal care
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Assessment tools in gerontological nursing
- Collecting assessment data
- EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: General Geriatric Assessment Instruments in the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing Try This:® Series
- The health history
- Physical assessment
- TABLE 7-1 Considerations of Common Changes in Late Life During the Physical Assessment
- Comprehensive physical assessment of the frail and medically complex elder
- F—fluids
- A—aeration
- N—nutrition
- C—communication
- A—activity
- P—pain
- E—elimination
- BOX 7-1 Clock Drawing Test
- Instructions
- Scoring
- Interpretation
- BOX 7-2 The Mini-Cog
- S—socialization and social skills
- Mental status assessment
- Cognitive measures
- Mini-mental state examination.
- Clock drawing test.
- The mini-cog.
- The global deterioration scale
- Mood measures
- Functional assessment
- Activites of daily living
- BOX 7-3 Functional Performance Tests: Mobility
- Standing balance
- Instructions: Semitandem stand.* the nurse:
- Walking speed
- Instructions: The nurse:
- Chair stands
- Instructions: The nurse:
- TABLE 7-2 Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living
- BOX 7-4 Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
- Instrumental activities of daily living
- Integrated assessments
- Older american’s resources and service
- Social resources.
- Economic resources.
- Mental health.
- Physical health.
- Activities of daily living.
- Fulmer SPICES
- Resident assessment instrument (RAI)
- Documentation for quality care
- Documentation across health care settings
- Documentation in acute care and acute rehabilitation care settings
- Documentation in long-term care facilities
- Documentation in home care
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- APPENDIX 7-1 Chapters in which assessment topics are addressed
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 8 Safe medication use
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Pharmacokinetics
- Absorption
- FIGURE 8-1 Physiological changes of aging and the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drug use.
- Distribution
- TABLE 8-1 Interaction of Aging and Drug Response, Select Medications
- BOX 8-1 Focus on Genetics
- Metabolism
- TABLE 8-2 Drugs to Watch: Examples of Commonly Used Medications Affected by Normal Changes with Aging
- Excretion
- Pharmacodynamics
- TABLE 8-3 Selected Herb-Medication and Herb-Disease Interactions
- TABLE 8-4 Rhythmical Influences on Disease and Physiological Processes
- Chronopharmacology
- Medication-related problems and older adults
- Polypharmacy
- FIGURE 8-2 Polypharmacy.
- Drug interactions
- Adverse drug reactions
- BOX 8-2 Common Medications with the Potential to Cause Cognitive Impairment
- Potentially inappropriate medication (PIM)
- TABLE 8-5 Examples of Drugs Considered Inappropriate for the Elderly
- Misuse of drugs
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- BOX 8-3 Components of a Comprehensive Medication Assessment
- BOX 8-4 Common Sources of Iatrogenic Drug Problems in Older Adults
- BOX 8-5 Minimizing Iatrogenic Adverse Drug Reactions
- Monitoring and evaluation
- BOX 8-6 Empowering the Patient for Safe Medication Practices: What Elders Should Know About Taking Their Medications
- Patient education
- Medication administration
- SAFETY ALERT: Administration of Medications Through Enteral Feeding Tubes: The Three Most Common Errors
- Psychoactive medications
- Antidepressants
- Antianxiety agents
- Antipsychotics (neuroleptics)
- Movement disorders
- Acute dystonia.
- Akathisia.
- Parkinsonian symptoms.
- Tardive dyskinesia.
- Mood stabilizers
- BOX 8-7 The Right Medications for Older Adults
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 9 Nutrition and hydration
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Nutrition
- HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020: Nutrition and Weight Status
- Age-related requirements
- Myplate for older adults
- Other dietary recommendations
- Fats
- Protein
- FIGURE 9-1 MyPlate for older adults. Available at
- Fiber
- Vitamins and minerals
- TABLE 9-1 Calcium Content of Several Common Foods
- Obesity (overnutrition)
- Malnutrition
- FIGURE 9-2 Risk factors for undernutrition illustrated by clinical approach.
- Factors affecting fulfillment of nutritional needs
- Age-associated changes
- Taste
- Smell
- Digestive system
- Buccal cavity
- Regulation of appetite
- Lifelong eating habits
- Socialization
- Chronic diseases and conditions
- Socioeconomic deprivation
- Transportation
- Hospitalization and long-term care residence
- BOX 9-1 Suggestions to Improve Intake in Institutional Settings
- BOX 9-2 Suggestions to Improve Intake for Individuals with Dementia
- Dementia
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Nutritional screening and assessment
- FIGURE 9-3 Nutritional assessment and approaches.
- Evidence-Based Practice: Nutrition, Oral Care, Hydration
- Interview
- FIGURE 9-4 Mini Nutritional Assessment.
- Diet histories
- Physical examination
- Anthropometrical measurements
- Biochemical examination
- Interventions
- Pharmacological therapy
- Patient education
- Special considerations in nutrition for older people: Hydration, dysphagia, oral care
- Hydration management
- Dehydration
- Risk factors for dehydration
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- BOX 9-3 Simple Screen for Dehydration
- BOX 9-4 Ongoing Management of Oral Intake
- Interventions
- Dysphagia
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- BOX 9-5 Risk Factors for Dysphagia
- BOX 9-6 Interventions to Prevent Aspiration in Patients with Dysphagia: Hand Feeding
- Interventions
- BOX 9-7 Myths and Facts about PEG Tubes
- Myths
- Facts
- Feeding tubes
- Oral care
- Dental health goals for older adults
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- BOX 9-8 Dental Care: Instructions for Caregivers
- BOX 9-9 Instructions for Denture Cleaning
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Application of maslow’s hierarchy
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Animations/Videos
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 10 Elimination
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Elimination
- Bladder function
- Age-related changes
- Urinary incontinence
- Bladder continence/UTI
- Bowel continence
- Prevalence of UI
- Risk factors for UI
- Consequences of UI
- BOX 10-1 Risk Factors for Urinary Incontinence
- Types of UI
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- Behavioral
- FIGURE 10-1 CHAMMP tool.
- FIGURE 10-2 Diagnostic assessment and management of urinary incontinence and overactive bladder in the nursing home.
- FIGURE 10-3 Sample voiding or bladder diary.
- BOX 10-2 Therapeutic Modalities in the Treatment of Incontinence
- Support measures
- Drugs
- Surgery
- Mechanical and electrical devices Catheters
- BOX 10-3 Helpful Interventions for Noninstitutionalized Elders to Control or Eliminate Incontinence
- Lifestyle modifications
- Urinary catheters
- Urinary tract infections
- Absorbent products
- Pharmacological
- Surgical
- Nonsurgical devices
- Bowel elimination
- Fecal impaction
- BOX 10-4 Precipitating Factors for Constipation
- Physiological
- Functional
- Mechanical
- Other
- Psychological
- Systemic
- Pharmacological
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- BOX 10-5 Rome III Criteria for Defining Chronic Functional Constipation in Adults
- Interventions
- Exercise
- BOX 10-6 Bowel Training Program
- Positioning
- Regularity
- Laxatives
- BOX 10-7 Natural Laxative Recipes
- 1. Beverley-travis natural laxative mixture
- Ingredients
- Directions
- Dosage
- Nutritional composition
- 2. Power pudding
- Ingredients
- Directions
- Enemas
- Fecal incontinence
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healhty aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- Application of maslow’s hierarchy
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 11 Rest, sleep, and activity
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Rest and sleep
- BOX 11-1 Sleep Structure
- Four stages of non–rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep
- Stage 1
- Stage 2
- Stage 3
- Stage 4
- Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
- Sleep health
- Biorhythm and sleep
- Sleep and aging
- BOX 11-2 Age-Related Sleep Changes
- BOX 11-3 Factors Contributing to Sleep Problems in Older Adults
- Sleep disorders
- Insomnia
- Sleep apnea
- BOX 11-4 Risk Factors for Sleep Apnea
- Assessment.
- Interventions.
- Restless legs syndrome
- Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder
- Circadian rhythm sleep disorders
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- BOX 11-5 Sleep Diary
- Interventions
- Nonpharmacological treatment
- Pharmacological treatment
- BOX 11-6 Steps to Good Sleep Hygiene
- BOX 11-7 Suggestions to Promote Sleep in Nursing Homes
- Activity
- Physical activity
- Aquatic exercise. Aquatic exercise programs are beneficial for elders with mobility problems. They improve circulation, muscle strength, and endurance, and they provide socialization and relaxation.
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- Guidelines for physical activity
- Stretching.
- Special considerations
- Yoga. Vera Paley leads yoga class.
- Exercise prescription
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Application of maslow’s hierarchy
- FIGURE 11-1 Examples of strength-training exercises.
- TABLE 11-1 Guidelines for Teaching Older Adults About Exercise
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 12 Promoting healthy skin and feet
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Skin
- Common skin problems
- Xerosis
- Pruritus
- Scabies
- Purpura
- Keratoses
- Herpes zoster
- Photo damage of the skin
- Skin cancers
- BOX 12-1 ABCD Rules of Melanoma
- Actinic keratosis
- Basal cell carcinoma
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Melanoma
- Cancer
- Other skin conditions
- Candidiasis (candida albicans)
- Pressure ulcers
- Definition
- Prevalence
- Cost and regulatory requirements
- Characteristics
- Classification
- FIGURE 12-1 Pressure ulcer development.
- Risk factors
- Prevention
- Consequences
- BOX 12-2 Key Aspects of Assessment of a Pressure Ulcer
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- BOX 12-3 Promoting Wound Healing
- Healthy feet
- Common foot problems
- Corns, calluses, and bunions
- Hammer toes
- Fungal infections
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- FIGURE 12-2 Cutting toenails. A, Correct angle and shape. B, Incorrect angle and shape.
- BOX 12-4 Essential Aspects of Foot Assessment
- Observation of mobility
- Past medical history
- Bilateral assessment
- Interventions
- Care of the toenails
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 13 Promoting safety
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Promotion of safety
- Falls and fall risk reduction
- BOX 13-1 Statistics on Falls and Fall-Related Concerns
- Falls, fall prevention, injury
- Consequences of falls
- Hip fractures
- Traumatic brain injury
- Fallophobia
- TABLE 13-1 Signs and Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Older Adults
- Factors contributing to falls
- Gait disturbances
- Foot deformities
- Postural and postprandial hypotension
- TABLE 13-2 Fall Risk Factors for Elders
- Cognitive impairment
- Vision and hearing
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Screening and assessment
- Fall risk assessment instruments
- FIGURE 13-1 The Hendrich II Fall Risk Model, a fall risk assessment tool recommended by the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing.
- Postfall assessment
- BOX 13-2 Postfall Assessment Suggestions
- History
- Physical examination
- Functional assessment
- Environmental assessment
- Interventions
- EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: Fall Risk Reduction and Restraint Alternatives
- BOX 13-3 The Ruby Slipper Fall Intervention Program
- BOX 13-4 Selected Components of Fall Risk–Reduction Interventions
- Medication review
- Environmental modifications
- TABLE 13-3 Assessment and Interventions of the Home Environment for Older Persons
- Assistive devices
- Maintaining ambulation and safety with appropriate assistive devices.
- A physical therapist helping a client to ambulate.
- Emerging technologies to enhance safety of older adults
- Restraints and side rails
- Definition and history
- Consequences of restraints
- Side rails
- Restraint-free care
- FIGURE 13-2 Decision algorithm: behavior management and restraint-free care.
- BOX 13-5 Suggestions for Fall Risk Reduction and Restraint Alternatives
- Patient room
- Bathroom
- On the unit
- BOX 13-6 Tips for Dealing with Tubes, Lines, and Other Medical Devices
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Environmental safety
- Vulnerability to environmental temperatures
- BOX 13-7 Interventions to Prevent Hyperthermia
- Thermoregulation
- Temperature monitoring in older adults.
- BOX 13-8 Factors That Increase the Risk of Hypothermia in Older Adults
- Thermoregulatory impairment
- Conditions that decrease heat production
- Conditions that increase heat loss
- Conditions that impair central or peripheral control of thermoregulation
- Drugs that interfere with thermoregulation
- Hyperthermia
- Hypothermia
- BOX 13-9 Factors Associated with Low Body Temperature in the Elderly
- Aging
- Low environmental temperature
- Thinness and malnutrition
- Poverty
- Living alone
- Nocturia/night rising
- Orthostatic hypotension
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Vulnerability to natural disasters
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- BOX 13-10 Nursing Interventions to Prevent Cold Discomfort and the Development of Accidental Hypothermia in Frail Elders
- Desired outcomes
- Interventions
- Transportation safety
- Driving
- Driving safety
- Driving and dementia
- Driving cessation
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- BOX 13-11 Action Strategies Used to Bring About Driving Cessation
- Imposed type
- Involved type
- BOX 13-12 Adaptations for Safer Driving
- Application of maslow’s hierarchy
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- Section 3 Coping with Chronic Disorders in Late Life
- Interactive Review – Section 3
- CHAPTER 14 Living with chronic illness
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Chronic illness
- Scope of the problem
- Chronic and acute illnesses
- Chronic illness and aging
- FIGURE 14-1 Chronic health conditions among the population 65 years of age and over, by sex, 2007–2008.
- FIGURE 14-2 Activity limitation caused by chronic conditions among older adults, 2006-2007.
- TABLE 14-1 The Chronic Illness Trajectory
- BOX 14-1 Key Strategies for Improving the Health of Older People
- Prevention
- Wellness in chronic illness
- Theoretical frameworks for chronic illness
- Chronic illness trajectory
- The shifting perspectives model of chronic illness
- BOX 14-2 Key Points in the Chronic Illness Trajectory Framework
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- BOX 14-3 Nursing Roles in Caring for Persons with Chronic Illness
- Interventions
- Improving care for chronic illness
- BOX 14-4 Challenges in the Care of the Older Person with a Chronic Illness
- Model chronic illness self-management programs
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- BOX 14-5 Competencies to Improve Care for Chronic Conditions
- 1 Patient-centered care
- 2 Partnering
- 3 Quality improvement
- 4 Information and communication technology
- 5 Public health perspective
- BOX 14-6 Characteristics of Successful Chronic Illness Management Models
- Application of maslow’s hierarchy
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 15 Pain and comfort
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- BOX 15-1 Fact and Fiction About Pain in Older Adults
- BOX 15-2 Types of Physical Pain Sensations
- Acute and persistent pain
- Acute pain
- Persistent pain
- BOX 15-3 Barriers to Pain Management in Older Adults
- Health care professional barriers
- Patient and family barriers
- Health care system barriers
- Herpes zoster
- Pain in elders with cognitive impairments
- BOX 15-4 Pain Cues in the Person with Communication Difficulties
- Changes in behavior
- Activities of daily living
- Vocalizations
- Physical changes
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- FIGURE 15-1 Examples of visual analog scales. A, Example of a visual analog scale (VAS) showing a series of faces with expressions of varying intensities. B, Example of a numeric rating scale.
- BOX 15-5 Basic Pain Assessment
- BOX 15-6 Additional Factors to Consider When Assessing Pain in Older Adults
- BOX 15-7 Hierarchy of Pain Assessment in the Cognitively Impaired
- Assessment of pain in cognitively impaired or nonverbal older adults
- BOX 15-8 “Did My Back Hurt?”
- Interventions
- FIGURE 15-2 WHO’s Pain Relief Ladder.
- BOX 15-9 General Principles of Pharmacological Management of Pain in Older Adults
- Pharmacological interventions
- Nonopioid analgesics.
- Opioid analgesics.
- Adjuvant drugs.
- Other agents.
- Nonpharmacological measures of pain relief
- Cutaneous nerve stimulation.
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.
- Acupuncture and acupressure.
- Touch.
- Biofeedback.
- Distraction.
- Relaxation, meditation, and imagery.
- Pain clinics
- Evaluation
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 16 Diseases affecting vision and hearing
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Objectives vision – older adults
- Objectives hearing – older adults
- Vision
- Diseases of the eye
- Glaucoma
- FIGURE 16-1 A, Normal vision. B, Simulated vision with glaucoma. C, Simulated vision with cataracts. D, Simulated vision with diabetic retinopathy. E, Simulated loss of vision with age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
- Screening and treatment.
- Cataracts
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Screening and treatment.
- Macular degeneration
- FIGURE 16-2 Macular degeneration distortion of central vision, normal peripheral vision.
- Detached retina
- BOX 16-1 Strategies for Communicating with Elders with Visual Impairment
- Dry eye
- Interventions to enhance vision
- Use of contrasting colors
- Low-vision assistive devices
- Implications for gerontological nurses and healthy aging
- BOX 16-2 Do I Have a Hearing Problem?
- Hearing impairment
- BOX 16-3 Protocol for Cerumen Removal
- Types of hearing loss
- Tinnitus
- Assessment
- Interventions to enhance hearing
- Hearing Aids
- Cochlear implants
- BOX 16-4 The Use and Care of Hearing Aids
- Hearing aid use
- Care of the hearing aid
- Removing the hearing aid
- Assistive listening and adaptive devices
- BOX 16-5 Communication Strategies for Elders with Hearing Impairment
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Application of maslow’s hierarchy
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Animations/Videos
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 17 Metabolic disorders
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Thyroid disease
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Complications
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- BOX 17-1 Diagnosis of Disorders of Glucose Metabolism
- Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus requires either:
- Diagnosis of impaired fasting glucose (IFG) requires:
- Diagnosis of impaired glucose tolerance requires:
- Diabetes
- FIGURE 17-1 Comparison of prevalence of combined diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes mellitus by age group.
- FIGURE 17-2 Comparative death rate by racial group.
- Signs and symptoms
- Complications
- BOX 17-2 Risk Factors for Diabetes Mellitus
- BOX 17-3 Signs and Symptoms Suggestive of Diabetes in the Late Life
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- FIGURE 17-3 Hemoglobin A1c readings in comparison to the calculated estimated average glucose (eAG).
- Assessment
- Management
- EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: Minimum Standards of Care for the Person with Diabetes
- At each visit:
- Quarterly visits:
- Annual visits:
- Once in lifetime:
- EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: Self-Care Skills Needed for the Person with Diabetes
- Glucose self-monitoring
- Medication self-administration
- Where appropriate, insulin use
- Oral medication use
- Foot care and examination
- Handling sick days
- HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020: Examples of Goals Related to Diabetes
- Objective D-13
- Objective D-14
- Nutrition
- BOX 17-4 Interaction Between Diabetes and the Aging Process
- Exercise
- Medications
- Long-term care and the elder with diabetes
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Animations/Videos
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 18 Bone and joint problems
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Musculoskeletal system
- Osteoporosis
- FIGURE 18-1 Osteoporosis spine alignment.
- BOX 18-1 Risk Factors for Osteoporosis
- Nonmodifiable factors
- Modifiable factors
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- BOX 18-2 Sources of Calcium
- Food item
- Reducing osteoporosis-related risk and injury
- EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: The Role of Arthritis and the Risk for Fractures
- Purpose
- Sample
- Method
- Results
- Implications
- Pharmacological interventions
- The arthritides
- Osteoarthritis
- FIGURE 18-2 Normal joint and diseased joint.
- FIGURE 18-3 Common locations for osteoarthritis.
- Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis
- TABLE 18-1 Partial List of Signs and Symptoms of Toxicities Related to Common Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) for Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Gout
- FIGURE 18-4 Hand deformities in arthritis.
- BOX 18-3 Examples of Foods High in Purines
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- Complementary and alternative interventions
- Application of maslow’s hierarchy
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Animations/Videos
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 19 Cardiovascular and respiratory disorders
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Cardiovascular disease
- BOX 19-1 Risk Factors for Heart Disease
- BOX 19-2 Treatment of Chest Pain Differs by Sex and Ethnicity
- Hypertension
- BOX 19-3 Key Points of the JNC 7
- TABLE 19-1 Blood Pressure Classification
- TABLE 19-2 Comparative Rates of Hypertension and Heart Disease
- BOX 19-4 Modifiable Factors That Increase the Risk for Essential Hypertension
- EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: Screening for Hypertension
- Heart disease
- Heart failure
- BOX 19-5 Classification of Heart Failure
- Class I: Asymptomatic
- Class II: Mild heart failure
- Class III: Moderate heart failure
- Class IV: Severe heart failure
- HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020: Promoting Healthy Aging: Heart Disease
- BOX 19-6 Skills Required for Promoting Healthy Aging in the Person with Cardiovascular Disease
- BOX 19-7 Minimizing Risk for Heart Disease
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: Benefits of Controlling Blood Pressure
- Average percent reduction in risk for new events
- Respiratory disorders
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Pneumonia
- BOX 19-8 Respiratory Assessment
- Obtain the following history:
- Perform assessment of the following:
- EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: Risk for Death in the Person with Pneumonia
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- Interdisciplinary care
- BOX 19-9 Instructions for Persons with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Nutrition
- Activity pacing to conserve energy
- General instructions
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Applicaton of maslow’s hierarchy
- Tuberculosis (TB)
- Implications for gerontological nursing in long-term care settings
- FIGURE 19-1 TB case rates by age group and sex, United States, 2010; TB case rates by age group and ethnicity, United States, 2010.
- FIGURE 19-2 Rate (per 100,000 population) of tuberculosis cases, by state/area—United States, 2010. Provisional data as of February 26, 2011. *20 states had TB case rates <2.0 (range: 0.61-1.88) per 100,000 population, 19 states had TB case rates of 2.0 to 4.0 (range: 2.07-3.92), and 11 states and the District of Columbia had TB case rates >4.0 (range: 4.15-8.77).
- TABLE 19-3 Understanding the PPD Skin Test for TB Screening*
- BOX 19-10 First-Person Clinical Note: Community Nursing and Persons with Tuberculosis
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Animations/Videos
- References
- CHAPTER 20 Neurological disorders
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020: Goal in Development: Signs of Stroke
- FIGURE 20-1 Age-adjusted stroke hospitalization rates by gender and race/ethnicity–Medicare beneficiaries ages 65 and older, 1995-2002. Average annual stroke hospitalization rates per 1000 Medicare beneficiaries are directly age-adjusted using the 2000 U.S. standard population aged ≥65 years.
- Cerebrovascular disease
- FIGURE 20-2 Percentage of people who were ever told they had a stroke, 2008.
- BOX 20-1 Relative Risk for a Major Stroke After a TIA
- Etiology
- Ischemic events
- BOX 20-2 Early Signs and Symptoms of Stroke
- Hemorrhagic events
- Signs and symptoms of cerebrovascular disease
- Complications
- Management
- HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020: Goal in Development: Reduce Risk
- HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020: Goal in Development: Prompt Treatment
- TABLE 20-1 Assessment of the Person Following a Stroke or TIA
- BOX 20-3 Risk Factors for Stroke
- HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020: Goal in Development: Reduce Complications
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020: Objectives Related to Strokes: Reduce Stroke-Related Deaths
- Parkinson’s disease
- BOX 20-4 Signs and Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
- Classic signs and symptoms
- Other signs
- Signs and symptoms
- Management
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: Components of an Annual Medical Exam for the Person with Parkinson’s Disease
- Communication and elders with neurological disorders
- Aphasia
- BOX 20-5 Tips for the Person with Dysarthria
- Dysarthria
- Alternative and augmentative speech Aids
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- BOX 20-6 Tips for Communicating with Individuals Experiencing Dysarthria
- Application of maslow’s hierarchy
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 21 Cognitive impairment
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Cognitive impairment
- TABLE 21-1 Differentiating Delirium, Depression, and Dementia
- The three D’s
- Cognitive assessment
- Considerations in cognitive assessment
- Delirium
- Etiology
- Incidence and prevalence
- Recognition of delirium
- Risk factors for delirium
- Clinical subtypes of delirium
- Consequences of delirium
- BOX 21-1 Precipitating Factors for Delirium
- BOX 21-2 Clinical Subtypes of Delirium
- Hypoactive delirium
- Hyperactive delirium
- Mixed
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Delirium and dementia
- Other resources
- Interventions
- Nonpharmacological
- BOX 21-3 Suggested Interventions to Prevent Delirium
- Pharmacological
- BOX 21-4 Communicating with a Person Experiencing Delirium
- Dementia
- TABLE 21-2 Types of Dementia and Typical Characteristics
- Incidence and prevalence
- HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020: Dementias, Including Alzheimer’s Disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Types of alheimer’s disease
- TABLE 21-3 Risk Factors and Protective Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease: Potential Mechanisms
- Research
- Diagnosis of alzheimer’s disease
- Preclinical.
- Mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
- Alzheimer’s dementia.
- Cultural differences
- Treatment
- Medications.
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Person-centered care
- BOX 21-5 General Nursing Interventions in Care of Persons with Dementia
- Communication
- BOX 21-6 Communicating Effectively with Persons with Dementia
- BOX 21-7 Four Useful Strategies for Communicating with Individuals Experiencing Cognitive Impairment
- Simplification strategies (useful with ADLs)
- Facilitation strategies (useful in encouraging expression of thoughts and feelings)
- Comprehension strategies (useful in assisting with understanding of communication)
- Supportive strategies (useful in encouraging continued communication and supporting personhood)
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Behavior concerns and nursing models of care
- BOX 21-8 Principles of Care Derived from the PLST Model
- Progressively lowered stress threshold model
- Need-driven dementia-compromised behavior model
- BOX 21-9 Conditions Precipitating Behavioral Symptoms in Persons with Dementia
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- BOX 21-10 Framework for Asking Questions About the Meaning of Behavior
- What?
- Where?
- When?
- Who?
- Why?
- What now?
- Nonpharmacological approaches
- A nursing home resident enjoying pet therapy.
- Activities of daily living
- Bathing
- Wandering
- BOX 21-11 Interventions for Wandering or Exiting Behaviors
- BOX 21-12 Recommendations to Avoid People with Dementia Getting Lost
- Caregiving for persons with dementia
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Application of maslow’s hierarchy
- Key concepts
- FIGURE 21-1 Nurse and person.
- Activities and discussion questions
- Animations/Videos
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 22 Mental health
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Mental health
- Mental health and mental disorders (older adults)
- Factors influencing mental health care
- Attitudes and beliefs
- Settings of care
- Cultural and ethnic disparities
- Mental health disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- Prevalence
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- Pharmacological
- Nonpharmacological
- Posttraumatic stress disorder
- BOX 22-1 Clinical Examples of PTSD in Older Adults
- Ernie’s story
- Jack’s story
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: Mental Health Disorders in Older Adults
- Interventions
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Psychiatric symptoms in older adults
- Paranoid symptoms
- Delusions
- Hallucinations
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- Demonstrating respect and a willingness to listen is the foundation for a caring nurse-patient relationship.
- Schizophrenia
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Interventions
- Bipolar disorder
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- Depression
- Prevalence and consequences
- Ethnic and cultural considerations
- Etiology
- Differing presentation of depression in elders
- BOX 22-2 Risk Factors for Depression in Older Adults
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- TABLE 22-1 Geriatric Depression Scale (Short Form)
- Interventions
- BOX 22-3 Suggestions for Encouraging Reminiscence
- Reminiscence and life review
- BOX 22-4 Interpersonal Support by Family and Professionals
- Medications
- Suicide
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- BOX 22-5 Suicide Risk and Recovery Factors
- Risk factors and warning signs
- Recovery factors
- Substance misuse and alcohol use disorders
- Alcohol
- Substance abuse objectives for adults
- Gender issues
- BOX 22-6 Signs and Symptoms of Potential Alcohol Problems in Older Adults
- Drug effects
- Physiology
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- BOX 22-7 Adapting Alcohol Treatment Interventions for Older Adults
- Interventions
- Acute alcohol withdrawal
- Other substance abuse concerns
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Application of maslow’s hierarchy
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- Section 4 Caring for Elders and Their Caregivers
- Interactive Review – Section 4
- CHAPTER 23 Economic and legal issues
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Social security
- Supplemental security income
- Medicare and medicaid
- History
- Medicare
- Medicare A
- BOX 23-1 Medicare Basics
- Medicare A
- Medicare B
- Medicare C
- Medicare D
- Medicare B
- Medicare C
- Medicare D
- Medicaid
- Care for veterans
- BOX 23-2 Eligibility of VA Aid and Attendance Improved Pension
- Tricare for life
- Long-term care insurance
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Case and care management
- Multidisciplinary care team planning
- Ensuring quality of care
- Legal issues in gerontological nursing
- Competence (capacity)
- Power of attorney
- Guardians and conservators
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- BOX 23-3 Profiles of Abused and Abusers
- Abused elders
- Abusers
- Elder mistreatment and neglect
- BOX 23-4 Women and Abuse
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- BOX 23-5 Potential Indications of Undue Influence
- Interventions
- Mandatory reporting
- Prevention of mistreatment
- EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: Prevention of Elder Abuse and Mistreatment
- Application of maslow’s hierarchy
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- APPENDIX 23-1 Definitions of elder abuse and neglect
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 24 Relationships, roles, and transitions
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- Relationships, roles, and transitions
- Families
- Types of families
- Traditional couples
- Divorce.
- Nontraditional couples
- BOX 24-1 A Grandmother as Seen by an 8-Year-Old Child
- Elders and their adult children
- Never-married older adults
- Grandparents
- Siblings
- Other kin
- Fictive kin
- Later life transitions
- Retirement
- BOX 24-2 Predictors of Retirement Satisfaction
- Retirement planning
- Special considerations in retirement
- BOX 24-3 Phases of Retirement
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- BOX 24-4 Patterns of Adjustment to Widowhood
- Stage one: Reactionary
- Stage two: Withdrawal
- Stage three: Recuperation
- Stage four: Exploration
- Stage five: Integration
- Death of a spouse
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- Caregiving
- Impact of caregiving
- BOX 24-5 Suggestions to Reduce Caregiver Stress
- Spousal caregiving
- BOX 24-6 Caregiver Needs
- BOX 24-7 Suggestions for Caregivers
- Aging parents caring for developmentally disabled children
- BOX 24-8 Suggested Nursing Interventions with Grandparent Caregivers
- Grandparents raising grandchildren
- Long-distance caregiving
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Family assessment
- BOX 24-9 Nursing Actions to Create and Sustain a Partnership with Caregivers
- Caregiver assessment
- Interventions
- FIGURE 24-1 Interrelationship of dimensions of sexuality.
- Intimacy and sexuality
- Intimacy
- Sexuality
- BOX 24-10 Sexuality and Aging Women: Common Myths
- Love and affection are important to older persons.
- Sexual health
- Factors influencing sexual health
- Expectations.
- Activity levels.
- Cohort and cultural influences.
- Biological changes with age.
- Sexual dysfunction
- TABLE 24-1 Physical Changes in Sexual Response in Old Age
- Male dysfunction.
- Female dysfunction.
- Alternative sexual lifestyles: Lesbian, gay, bixexual, and transgender
- Intimacy and chronic illness
- Intimacy and sexuality in long-term care facilities
- TABLE 24-2 Chronic Illness and Sexual Function: Effects and Interventions
- Intimacy, sexuality, and dementia
- HIV/AIDS and older adults
- BOX 24-11 PLISSIT Model
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Sexuality is an important need in late life; it affects pleasure, adaptation, and a general feeling of well-being.
- Assessment
- Interventions
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- CHAPTER 25 Loss, death, and palliative care
- Learning objectives
- Glossary
- The grieving process
- A loss response model
- FIGURE 25-1 The Loss Response Model.
- Types of grief
- Anticipatory grief
- Acute grief
- BOX 25-1 The Carved Birds
- Chronic and complicated grief
- Disenfranchised grief
- Factors affecting coping with loss
- BOX 25-2 Factors Influencing the Grieving Process
- Additional factors specific to dying and death
- Implications for gerontological nursing and healthy aging
- Assessment
- Interventions
- Countercoping
- Clarification and control.
- Collaboration.
- Directed relief.
- Cooling off.
- Dying, death, and palliative care
- FIGURE 25-2 The living-dying interval.
- BOX 25-3 Functional Disruption: The Dirty Dishes
- Conceptual models
- The living-dying interval
- Implications for gerontological nursing
- The six C’s approach
- BOX 25-4 Having Some Control
- Care
- Control
- Composure
- Communication
- Continuity
- Closure
- The family
- Dying and the nurse
- Palliative care
- Hospice
- The nurse’s role in palliative care
- BOX 25-5 Characteristics of an Appropriate and Helpful Health Care Surrogate
- BOX 25-6 Can I Help You?
- Decision making at the end of life
- Advance directives
- Euthanasia
- BOX 25-7 Select Requirements for Those Requesting Physician-Assisted Suicide in Oregon or Washington
- Key concepts
- Activities and discussion questions
- Resources
- References
- Index
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y