Test Bank for Environment, 8th Edition, Peter H Raven, ISBN-10: 0470945702, ISBN-13: 9780470945704

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Test Bank for Environment, 8th Edition, Peter H Raven, ISBN-10: 0470945702, ISBN-13: 9780470945704 Digital Instant Download


Test Bank for Environment, 8th Edition, Peter H Raven, ISBN-10: 0470945702, ISBN-13: 9780470945704

Test Bank: This is not the typical eBook of the textbook. This is the instructor Test Bank used by instructors and teachers to create tests and worksheets. Contains all the potential questions and answers that you will actually see word for words on your exams. All test banks are in electronic format and will be downloaded easily to your computer or phone momentarily after your payment is confirmed. Test Banks usually contains all/any of this type questions with answers: true and false questions, essay questions, multiple choice questions, short answer questions and matching questions.

Product Details:

ISBN- 10: 0470945702
ISBN- 13: 9780470945704

Author: Jeffrey F. Beatty/Susan S. Samuelson/Patricia Sanchez Abri

The 8th Edition of Environmentbuilds on the previous comprehensive, systems-based environmental science issue with more in-depth information on systems approach, which emphasizes the interconnected nature of environmental science throughout the text. The book is even more reader-friendly integrated learning system designed to help move from general concepts to specific applications and continues to focus on currency. It presents the basic facts, various perspectives on issues, and framework to help readers reach their own informed decisions in a changing marketplace.

Table contents:

1 Introducing Environmental Science and Sustainability 1

Human Impacts on the Environment 2

Increasing Human Numbers 2

The Gap Between Rich and Poor Countries 4

Population, Resources, and the Environment 4

Types of Resources 4

Resource Consumption 5

The IPAT Model 7

Sustainability 8

Sustainability and the Tragedy of the Commons 9

Global Plans for Sustainable Development 9

Environmental Science 10

Earth Systems and Environmental Science 11

Science as a Process 12

Addressing Environmental Problems 14

Working Together 17

CASE IN POINT Lake Washington 15

Environmental Laws, Economics, and Ethics 21

A Brief Environmental History of the United States 22

Protecting Forests 22

Establishing and Protecting National Parks and Monuments 22

Conservation in the Mid-20th Century 23

The Environmental Movement of the Late 20th Century 24

U.S. Environmental Legislation 26

Environmental Policy Since 1970 26

Economics and the Environment 29

Strategies for Pollution Control 31

Critiques of Environmental Economics 32

Natural Resources, the Environment, and National Income Accounts 32

Environmental Justice 35

Environmental Justice and Ethical Issues 35

Mandating Environmental Justice at the Federal Level 36

Environmental Justice at the International Level 36

Environmental Ethics, Values, and Worldviews 36

Human-Centered and Life-Centered Worldviews 37

CASE IN POINT Environmental Problems in Central and Eastern Europe 34

3 Ecosystems and Energy 42

What Is Ecology? 43

The Energy of Life 45

The First Law of Thermodynamics 47

The Second Law of Thermodynamics 47

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration 48

The Flow of Energy Through Ecosystems 49

Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers 49

The Path of Energy Flow: Who Eats Whom in Ecosystems 50

Ecological Pyramids 53

Ecosystem Productivity 54

CASE IN POINT Life Without the Sun 48

CASE IN POINT How Humans Have Affected the Antarctic Food Web 52

Ecosystems and the Physical Environment 58

The Cycling of Materials Within Ecosystems 59

The Carbon Cycle 59

The Nitrogen Cycle 61

The Phosphorus Cycle 62

The Sulfur Cycle 64

The Hydrologic Cycle 66

Solar Radiation 67

Temperature Changes with Latitude 68

Temperature Changes with the Seasons 68

The Atmosphere 69

Layers of the Atmosphere 69

Atmospheric Circulation 70

The Global Ocean 72

Patterns of Circulation in the Ocean 72

Vertical Mixing of Ocean Water 73

Ocean Interactions with the Atmosphere 74

Weather and Climate 75

Precipitation 75

Tornadoes 78

Tropical Cyclones 78

Internal Planetary Processes 79

Earthquakes 80

Volcanoes 82

MEETING THE CHALLENGE Recycling Phosphorus From Sewage 64

CASE IN POINT Hurricane Katrina 79

Ecosystems and Living Organisms 85

Evolution: How Populations Change Over Time 86

Natural Selection 86

The Modern Synthesis 86

Evolution of Biological Diversity: The Domains and Kingdoms of Life 88

Principles of Population Ecology 89

Population Density 90

How Do Populations Change in Size? 90

Maximum Population Growth 91

Environmental Resistance and Carrying Capacity 92

Factors That Affect Population Size 93

Reproductive Strategies 94

Survivorship 95

Metapopulations 95

Biological Communities 96

The Ecological Niche 96

Competition 98

Symbiosis 100

Predation 102

Keystone Species 103

Species Richness in a Community 104

Species Richness, Ecosystem Services, and Community Stability 105

Community Development 107

Primary Succession 107

Secondary Succession 108

CASE IN POINT Species Richness in Lake Victoria 106

Major Ecosystems of the World 113

Earth’s Major Biomes 114

Tundra: Cold Boggy Plains of the Far North 114

Boreal Forests: Conifer Forests of the North 116

Temperate Rain Forests: Lush Temperate Forests 117

Temperate Deciduous Forests: Broad-leaved Trees That Shed Their Leaves 118

Grasslands: Temperate Seas of Grass 118

Chaparral: Thickets of Evergreen Shrubs and Small Trees 119

Deserts: Arid Life Zones 119

Savanna: Tropical Grasslands 121

Tropical Rain Forests: Lush Equatorial Forests 122

Vertical Zonation: The Distribution of Vegetation on Mountains 123

Aquatic Ecosystems 124

Freshwater Ecosystems 124

Estuaries: Where Fresh Water and Salt Water Meet 128

Marine Ecosystems 130

CASE IN POINT The Everglades 128

Human Health and Environmental Toxicology 139

Human Health 140

Health Issues in Highly Developed Countries 140

Health Issues in Developing Countries 141

Emerging and Reemerging Diseases 141

Environmental Pollution and Disease 143

Persistence, Bioaccumulation, and Biological Magnification of Environmental Contaminants 144

Endocrine Disrupters 146

Determining Health Effects of Environmental Pollution 147

Identifying Toxic Substances 147

Children and Chemical Exposure 150

Ecotoxicology: Toxicant Effects on Communities and Ecosystems 151

Decision Making and Uncertainty: Assessment of Risks 153

Risk Information as a Decision Tool 153

Ecological Risk Assessment 156

MEETING THE CHALLENGE Global Polio Eradication 142

CASE IN POINT Influenza Pandemics Past and Future 143

CASE IN POINT The Ocean and Human Health 152

The Human Population 160

The Science of Demography 161

Current and Future Population Numbers 161

Human Migration 162

Demographics of Countries 163

Demographic Stages 164

Age Structure 165

Population and Quality of Life 167

Population and Chronic Hunger 167

Economic Effects of Continued Population Growth 168

Reducing the Total Fertility Rate 168

Culture and Fertility 168

The Social and Economic Status of Women 169

Family Planning Services 170

Government Policies and Fertility 171

China and Mexico: Contrasting Population Growth Measures 172

Achieving Population Stabilization 174

CASE IN POINT The Millennium Development Goals 173

MEETING THE CHALLENGE The Poverty Action Lab 174

The Urban Environment 179

Population and Urbanization 180

Characteristics of the Urban Population 180

Urbanization Trends 181

The City as an Ecosystem 183

Phoenix, Arizona: Long-Term Study of an Urban Ecosystem 184

Environmental Problems Associated with Urban Areas 184

Environmental Benefits of Urbanization 187

Urban Land Use Planning 187

Transportation and Urban Development 188

Suburban Sprawl 188

Making Cities More Sustainable 189

MEETING THE CHALLENGE Green Architecture 190

CASE IN POINT Curitiba, Brazil 191

10 Energy Consumption 195

Energy Consumption and Policy 196

Energy Consumption 196

Energy Efficiency and Conservation 198

Energy Efficiency 199

Energy Conservation 204

Electricity, Hydrogen, and Energy Storage 205

Electricity 205

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 206

Energy Storage 208

Energy Policy 209

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Saving Energy at Home 202

CASE IN POINT Hydrogen and Electricity for Transportation 207

11 Fossil Fuels 213

Fossil Fuels 214

How Fossil Fuels Formed 214

Fossil Fuels, the Carbon Cycle, and Climate 214

Coal 215

Coal Reserves 216

Coal Mining 216

Safety Problems Associated with Coal 217

Environmental Impacts of the Mining Process 217

Environmental Impacts of Burning Coal 218

Making Coal a Cleaner Fuel 219

Capture and Storage of Carbon from Coal 220

Oil and Natural Gas 221

Exploration for Oil and Natural Gas 223

Reserves of Oil and Natural Gas 223

Global Oil Demand and Supply 227

Environmental Impacts of Oil and Natural Gas 227

Synfuels and Other Potential Fossil-Fuel Resources 230

Environmental Impacts of Synfuels 231

CASE IN POINT The Marcellus Shale 225

CASE IN POINT The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 229

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