Test Bank for Essentials of Psychology 5th Edition by Bernstein

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Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0495903906
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0495903901
  • Author: Peggy W. Nash

In a concise and accessible format that incorporates the latest research, ESSENTIALS OF PSYCHOLOGY, 5TH EDITION encourages you to learn by doing–to actively participate using materials from the text and to think about what you’re learning as opposed to passively receiving written information. Effective learning features that help you master the material include Linkages that show how topics in psychology are interrelated, Thinking Critically sections that walk you through a five-question approach to one topic in each chapter, and Focus on Research sections that help you learn to think objectively about research questions and results.

Table of contents:

1. INTRODUCTION TO THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY. The World of Psychology: An Overview. Approaches to the Science of Psychology. Human Diversity and Psychology. Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else). Research Methods in Psychology. Focus on Research: Studying EMDR. Linkages: Psychological Research and Behavioral Genetics. Statistical Analysis of Research Results. Ethical Guidelines for Psychologists. Summary. 2. BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PSYCHOLOGY. Cells of the Nervous System. The Peripheral Nervous System: Keeping in Touch with the World. The Central Nervous System: Making Sense of the World. Focus on Research: The Case of the Disembodied Woman. Thinking Critically: What Can fMRI Tell Us About Behavior and Mental Processes? Linkages: Human Development and the Changing Brain. The Chemistry of Psychology: Neurotransmitters. The Endocrine System: Coordinating the Internal World. Summary. 3. SENSATION AND PERCEPTION. Sensing and Perceiving the World. Sensory Systems. Seeing. Hearing. The Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell. Sensing Your Body. Thinking Critically: Does Acupuncture Relieve Pain? Focus on Research: The Case of the Mysterious Spells. Perception. Organizing the Perceptual World. Recognizing the Perceptual World. Linkages: Perception and Human Development. Attention. Summary. 4. CONSCIOUSNESS. The Scope of Consciousness. Thinking Critically: Can Subliminal Messages Change Your Behavior? Focus on Research: Subliminal Messages in Popular Music. Sleeping and Dreaming. Hypnosis. Linkages: Meditation, Health, and Stress. Psychoactive Drugs. Summary. 5. LEARNING. Classical Conditioning: Learning Signals and Associations. Instrumental and Operant Conditioning: Learning the Consequences of Behavior. Linkages: Networks of Learning. Cognitive Processes in Learning. Focus on Research: An Experiment on Human Helplessness. Thinking Critically: Does Watching Video Violence Make Children More Violent? Using Research on Learning to Help People Learn. Summary. 6. MEMORY. The Nature of Memory. Storing New Memories. Retrieving Memories. Constructing Memories. Focus on Research: I Could Swear I Heard It! Linkages: Memory, Perception, and Eyewitness Testimony. Forgetting. Thinking Critically: Can Traumatic Memories Be Repressed, Then Recovered? Biological Bases of Memory. Improving Your Memory. Summary. 7. THOUGHT, LANGUAGE, AND INTELLIGENCE. Basic Functions of Thought. Mental Representations: The Ingredients of Thought. Thinking Strategies. Problem Solving. Focus on Research: Problem-Solving Strategies in the Real World. Decision Making. Linkages: Group Processes in Problem Solving and Decision Making. Language. Testing Intelligence. Evaluating Intelligence Tests. Thinking Critically: Are Intelligence Tests Unfairly Biased Against Certain Groups? Diversity in Intelligence. Summary. 8. MOTIVATION AND EMOTION. Concepts and Theories of Motivation. Hunger and Eating. Sexual Behavior. Focus on Research: A Survey of Human Sexual Behavior. Thinking Critically: What Shapes Sexual Orientation? Achievement Motivation. Relations and Conflicts Among Motives. Linkages: Conflicting Motives and Stress. The Nature of Emotions. Theories of Emotion. Communicating Emotion. Summary. 9. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. Exploring Human Development. Beginnings. Infancy and Childhood: Cognitive Development. Linkages: Development and Memory. Infancy and Childhood: Social and Emotional Development. Thinking Critically: Does Day Care Harm the Emotional Development of Infants? Focus on Research: Exploring Developing Minds. Adolescence. Adulthood. Summary. 10. HEALTH, STRESS, AND COPING. Health Psychology. Understanding Stress and Stressors. Stress Responses. Linkages: Stress and Psychological Disorders. Stress Mediators. Focus on Research: Personality and Health. The Physiology and Psychology of Health and Illness. Thinking Critically: Does Hostility Increase the Risk of Heart Disease? Promoting Healthy Behavior. Summary. 11. PERSONALITY. The Psychodynamic Approach. The Trait Approach. Thinking Critically: Are

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