Test Bank for Government in America 17th Edition

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Product Details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0134586573
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0134586571
  • Author; Edwards; Howell

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in American Government Learn how American politics affects public policy Revel™ Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy takes a public-policy approach to show how politics influences the policies that governments produce. Authors George Edwards, Martin Wattenberg, and William Howell provide a framework for students to understand the difficult questions that decision makers of both political parties are facing: how should we govern and what should government do? By emphasizing the scope of government — the key issue in American politics today — the authors help students see how politics matters in their own lives. The 2018 Elections and Updates Edition offers new narrative coverage of the major issues from today’s headlines including the 2018 midterm elections, recent policy under the Trump administration, and the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Revel is Pearson’s newest way of delivering our respected content. Fully digital and highly engaging, Revel replaces the textbook and gives students everything they need for the course. Informed by extensive research on how people read, think, and learn, Revel is an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience — for less than the cost of a traditional textbook. NOTE: Revel is a fully digital delivery of Pearson content. This ISBN is for the standalone Revel access card. Before purchasing, check with your instructor to confirm the correct ISBN. Revel access is title-specific and edition-specific and is not transferable. In addition to this access card, you will need a course invite link, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Revel.

Table Of Contents:

  1. Contents
  2. To the Student
  3. Meet Your Authors
  4. To the Instructor
  5. Part I Constitutional Foundations
  6. Chapter 1 Introducing Government in America
  7. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives
  8. Government
  9. Politics
  10. The Policymaking System
  11. People Shape Policy
  12. Policies Impact People
  13. Democracy in America
  14. Traditional Democratic Theory
  15. Three Contemporary Theories of American Democracy
  16. Pluralism
  17. Elitism
  18. Hyperpluralism
  19. Challenges to Democracy
  20. Weakening of Democratic Norms
  21. Increased Complexity of Issues
  22. Limited Participation in Government
  23. Escalating Campaign Costs
  24. Diverse Political Interests
  25. American Political Culture and Democracy
  26. Liberty
  27. Individualism
  28. Laissez-faire
  29. Populism
  30. Egalitarianism
  31. The Scope of Government in America
  32. How Active Is American Government?
  33. Chapter 1 Review the Chapter
  34. Government
  35. Politics
  36. The Policymaking System
  37. Democracy In America
  38. The Scope of Government in America
  39. Learn the Terms
  40. Explore Further
  41. Chapter 2 The Constitution
  42. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives
  43. The Origins of the Constitution
  44. The Road to Revolution
  45. Declaring Independence
  46. The English Heritage: The Power of Ideas
  47. The American Creed
  48. Winning Independence
  49. The “Conservative” Revolution
  50. The Government That Failed: 1776–1787
  51. The Articles of Confederation
  52. Changes in the States
  53. Economic Turmoil
  54. The Aborted Annapolis Meeting
  55. Writing a Constitution: The Philadelphia Convention
  56. Gentlemen in Philadelphia
  57. Philosophy into Action
  58. Human Nature
  59. Political Conflict
  60. Purpose of Government
  61. Nature of Government
  62. Critical Issues at the Convention
  63. The Equality Issues
  64. Representation of the States
  65. Slavery
  66. Equality in Voting
  67. The Economic Issues
  68. The Individual Rights Issues
  69. The Madisonian System
  70. Thwarting the Tyranny of the Majority
  71. Limiting Majority Control
  72. Separating Powers
  73. Creating Checks and Balances
  74. Establishing a Federal System
  75. The Constitutional Republic
  76. The End of the Beginning
  77. Ratifying the Constitution
  78. Federalists and Anti-Federalists
  79. Ratification
  80. Changing the Constitution
  81. The Formal Amending Process
  82. The Informal Processes of Constitutional Change
  83. Judicial Interpretation
  84. Changing Political Practice
  85. Technology
  86. Increased Demands for New Policies
  87. The Importance of Flexibility
  88. Understanding the Constitution
  89. The Constitution and Democracy
  90. The Constitution and the Scope of Government
  91. Chapter 2 Review the Chapter
  92. The Origins of the Constitution
  93. The Government That Failed: 1776–1787
  94. Making a Constitution: The Philadelphia Convention
  95. Critical Issues at the Convention
  96. The Madisonian System
  97. Ratifying the Constitution
  98. Changing the Constitution
  99. Understanding the Constitution
  100. Learn the Terms
  101. Explore Further
  102. Chapter 3 Federalism
  103. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives
  104. Defining Federalism
  105. Why Federalism?
  106. The Constitutional Basis of Federalism
  107. The Division of Power
  108. National Supremacy
  109. The Civil War
  110. The Struggle for Racial Equality
  111. The Tenth Amendment
  112. The Eleventh Amendment
  113. Implied Powers
  114. Commerce Power
  115. States’ Obligations to Each Other
  116. Full Faith and Credit
  117. Extradition
  118. Privileges and Immunities
  119. Intergovernmental Relations
  120. From Dual to Cooperative Federalism
  121. Devolution?
  122. Fiscal Federalism
  123. The Grant System
  124. The Scramble for Federal Dollars
  125. The Mandate Blues
  126. Diversity in Policy
  127. Understanding Federalism
  128. Federalism and Democracy
  129. Decentralizes Politics
  130. Reduces Conflict
  131. Allows Diversity of Policy
  132. Increases Opportunities to Participate
  133. Increases Access to Government
  134. Increases Acceptability of Losing
  135. Allows Losers to Win
  136. Allows Local Interests to Thwart National Majorities
  137. Burdens and Confuses Citizens
  138. Federalism and the Scope of the National Government
  139. Chapter 3 Review the Chapter
  140. Defining Federalism
  141. Why Federalism?
  142. The Constitutional Basis of Federalism
  143. Intergovernmental Relations
  144. Diversity in Policy
  145. Understanding Federalism
  146. Learn the Terms
  147. Explore Further
  148. Chapter 4 Civil Liberties and Public Policy
  149. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives
  150. The Bill of Rights
  151. The Bill of Rights—Then and Now
  152. The Bill of Rights and the States
  153. Freedom of Religion
  154. The Establishment Clause
  155. Education
  156. Religious Activities in Public Schools
  157. School Prayer
  158. Evolution
  159. Public Displays
  160. The Free Exercise Clause
  161. Freedom of Expression
  162. Prior Restraint
  163. Free Speech and Public Order
  164. Obscenity
  165. Libel and Slander
  166. Symbolic Speech
  167. Compelled Speech
  168. Free Press and Fair Trials
  169. Commercial Speech
  170. Regulation of the Public Airwaves and Cyberspace
  171. Campaign Spending
  172. Freedom of Assembly
  173. Right to Assemble
  174. Right to Associate
  175. Right to Bear Arms
  176. Defendants’ Rights
  177. Searches and Seizures
  178. The War on Terrorism
  179. Self-Incrimination
  180. The Right to Counsel
  181. Trials
  182. Plea Bargains
  183. Speedy Trial
  184. Impartial Jury
  185. Confront Witnesses
  186. Know Evidence
  187. Detentions and the War on Terrorism
  188. Cruel and Unusual Punishment
  189. The Right to Privacy
  190. Is There a Right to Privacy?
  191. Controversy over Abortion
  192. Understanding Civil Liberties
  193. Civil Liberties and Democracy
  194. Civil Liberties and the Scope of Government
  195. Chapter 4 Review the Chapter
  196. The Bill of Rights
  197. Freedom of Religion
  198. Freedom of Expression
  199. Freedom of Assembly
  200. Right to Bear Arms
  201. Defendants’ Rights
  202. The Right to Privacy
  203. Understanding Civil Liberties
  204. Learn the Terms
  205. Key Cases
  206. Explore Further
  207. Chapter 5 Civil Rights and Public Policy
  208. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives
  209. The Struggle for Equality
  210. Conceptions of Equality
  211. The Constitution and Inequality
  212. African Americans’ Civil Rights
  213. Slavery
  214. Reconstruction and Segregation
  215. Equal Education
  216. The Civil Rights Movement and Public Policy
  217. Voting Rights
  218. The Rights of Other Minority Groups
  219. Native Americans
  220. Hispanic Americans
  221. Asian Americans
  222. Arab Americans and Muslims
  223. The Rights of Women
  224. The Battle for the Vote
  225. The “Doldrums”: 1920–1960
  226. The Second Feminist Wave
  227. Women in the Workplace
  228. Wage Discrimination and Comparable Worth
  229. Employment
  230. Education
  231. Military Service
  232. Sexual Harassment
  233. Other Groups Active Under the Civil Rights Umbrella
  234. Civil Rights and the Graying of America
  235. Civil Rights and People with Disabilities

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