Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Edition

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Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0134586573
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0134586571
  • AUthor:  Edwards; Wattenberg; Howell

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Table of contents:

  1. Part I Constitutional Foundations
  2. 1 Introducing Government in America
  3. Government
  4. Politics
  5. The Policymaking System
  6. People Shape Policy
  7. Policies Impact People
  8. Democracy in America
  9. Traditional Democratic Theory
  10. Three Contemporary Theories of American Democracy
  11. Challenges to Democracy
  12. American Political Culture and Democracy
  13. The Scope of Government in America
  14. How Active Is American Government?
  15. Review the Chapter
  16. Learn the Terms
  17. Explore Further
  18. 2 The Constitution
  19. Politics in Action: Amending the Constitution
  20. The Origins of the Constitution
  21. The Road to Revolution
  22. Declaring Independence
  23. The English Heritage: The Power of Ideas
  24. The American Creed
  25. Winning Independence
  26. The “Conservative” Revolution
  27. The Government That Failed: 1776–1787
  28. The Articles of Confederation
  29. Why It Matters Today: A Strong National Government
  30. Changes in the States
  31. Economic Turmoil
  32. The Aborted Annapolis Meeting
  33. Making a Constitution: The Philadelphia Convention
  34. Gentlemen in Philadelphia
  35. Philosophy into Action
  36. Critical Issues at the Convention
  37. The Equality Issues
  38. Why It Matters Today: Representation in the Senate
  39. Point to Ponder
  40. The Economic Issues
  41. The Individual Rights Issues
  42. The Madisonian System
  43. Thwarting the Tyranny of the Majority
  44. Why It Matters Today: Checks and Balances
  45. The Constitutional Republic
  46. The End of the Beginning
  47. Ratifying the Constitution
  48. Federalists and Anti-Federalists
  49. Ratification
  50. Changing the Constitution
  51. The Formal Amending Process
  52. You are the Policymaker: How Frequently Should We amend the Constitution?
  53. The Informal Processes of Constitutional Change
  54. The Importance of Flexibility
  55. Understanding the Constitution
  56. The Constitution and Democracy
  57. The Constitution and the Scope of Government
  58. Review the Chapter
  59. Learn the Terms
  60. Explore Further
  61. 3 Federalism
  62. Politics in Action: Conflict Between Levels of Government
  63. Defining Federalism
  64. Why Federalism?
  65. The Constitutional Basis of Federalism
  66. The Division of Power
  67. Why It Matters Today: Protecting rights
  68. National Supremacy
  69. Why It Matters Today: Commerce Power
  70. States’ Obligations to Each Other
  71. Intergovernmental Relations
  72. From Dual to Cooperative Federalism
  73. Devolution?
  74. Fiscal Federalism
  75. Point to Ponder
  76. Why It Matters Today: Grants-in-Aid
  77. Diversity in Policy
  78. You are the Policymaker: Should Whether You Live Depend on Where You Live?
  79. Understanding Federalism
  80. Federalism and Democracy
  81. Federalism and the Scope of the National Government
  82. Review the Chapter
  83. Learn the Terms
  84. Explore Further
  85. 4 Civil Liberties and Public Policy
  86. Politics in Action: Free Speech on Campus
  87. The Bill of Rights
  88. The Bill of Rights—Then and Now
  89. The Bill of Rights and the States
  90. Freedom of Religion
  91. The Establishment Clause
  92. Why It Matters Today: The Establishment Clause
  93. The Free Exercise Clause
  94. You are the Judge: The Case of Animal Sacrifices
  95. Freedom of Expression
  96. Prior Restraint
  97. You are the Judge: The Case of the Purloined Pentagon Papers
  98. Free Speech and Public Order
  99. Obscenity
  100. You are the Judge: The Case of the Drive-in Theater
  101. Libel and Slander
  102. Why It Matters Today: Libel Law
  103. Symbolic Speech
  104. Free Press and Fair Trials
  105. Commercial Speech
  106. Regulation of the Public Airwaves
  107. Campaign Spending
  108. Freedom of Assembly
  109. Right to Assemble
  110. Right to Associate
  111. You are the Judge: The Case of the Nazis’ March in Skokie
  112. Right to Bear Arms
  113. Point to Ponder
  114. Defendants’ Rights
  115. Searches and Seizures
  116. Self-Incrimination
  117. The Right to Counsel
  118. You are the Judge: The Case of the Enticed Farmer
  119. Trials
  120. Cruel and Unusual Punishment
  121. The Right to Privacy
  122. Is There a Right to Privacy?
  123. Controversy over Abortion
  124. You are the Judge: The Case of the First Offender
  125. Understanding Civil Liberties
  126. Civil Liberties and Democracy
  127. Civil Liberties and the Scope of Government
  128. Review the Chapter
  129. Learn the Terms
  130. Key Cases
  131. Explore Further
  132. 5 Civil Rights and Public Policy
  133. Politics in Action: Launching the Civil Rights Movement
  134. The Struggle for Equality
  135. Conceptions of Equality
  136. The Constitution and Inequality
  137. African Americans’ Civil Rights
  138. Slavery
  139. Reconstruction and Segregation
  140. Equal Education
  141. Why It Matters Today: Brown v. Board of Education
  142. The Civil Rights Movement and Public Policy
  143. Voting Rights
  144. The Rights of Other Minority Groups
  145. Native Americans
  146. Hispanic Americans
  147. Asian Americans
  148. Arab Americans and Muslims
  149. The Rights of Women
  150. The Battle for the Vote
  151. The “Doldrums”: 1920–1960
  152. The Second Feminist Wave
  153. Women in the Workplace
  154. Why It Matters Today: Changes in the Workplace
  155. You are the Judge: Is Male-Only Draft Registration Gender Discrimination?
  156. Sexual Harassment
  157. Other Groups Active Under the Civil Rights Umbrella
  158. Civil Rights and the Graying of America
  159. Civil Rights and People with Disabilities
  160. LGBT Rights
  161. Affirmative Action
  162. Point to Ponder
  163. You are the Judge: the Case of the New Haven Firefighters
  164. Understanding Civil Rights and Public Policy
  165. Civil Rights and Democracy
  166. Civil Rights and the Scope of Government
  167. Review the Chapter
  168. Learn the Terms
  169. Key Cases
  170. Explore Further
  171. Part II People and Politics
  172. 6 Public Opinion and Political Action
  173. Politics in Action: The Limits of Public Understanding of Health Care Reform
  174. The American People
  175. The Immigrant Society
  176. You are the Policymaker: Should Immigration Be Based More on Skills than Blood ties?
  177. The American Melting Pot
  178. The Regional Shift
  179. The Graying of America
  180. How Americans Learn About Politics: Political Socialization
  181. The Process of Political Socialization
  182. Political Learning over a Lifetime
  183. Measuring Public Opinion and Political Information
  184. How Polls Are Conducted
  185. The Role of Polls in American Democracy
  186. What Polls Reveal About Americans’ Political Information
  187. Point to Ponder
  188. Why It Matters Today: Political Knowledge of the Electorate
  189. The Decline of Trust in Government
  190. What Americans Value: Political Ideologies
  191. The Influence of Political Ideology on Political Behavior
  192. How Americans Participate in Politics
  193. Conventional Participation
  194. Protest as Participation
  195. Class, Inequality, and Participation
  196. Why It Matters Today: Political Participation
  197. Understanding Public Opinion and Political Action
  198. Public Attitudes Toward the Scope of Government
  199. Democracy, Public Opinion, and Political Action
  200. Review the Chapter
  201. Learn the Terms
  202. Explore Further
  203. 7 The Mass Media and the Political Agenda
  204. The Mass Media Today
  205. The Development of Media Politics
  206. The Print Media
  207. The Emergence of Radio and Television
  208. Government Regulation of Electronic Media
  209. From Broadcasting to Narrowcasting: The Rise of Cable and Cable News
  210. The Impact of the Internet
  211. You are the Policymaker: What Should be Done About the Digital Divide?
  212. Private Control of the Media
  213. Reporting the News
  214. Finding the News
  215. Presenting the News
  216. Why It Matters Today: The Increasing Speed of News Dissemination
  217. Bias in the News
  218. The News and Public Opinion
  219. Policy Entrepreneurs and Agenda Setting
  220. Understanding the Mass Media
  221. The Media and the Scope of Government
  222. Individualism and the Media
  223. Point to Ponder
  224. Democracy and the Media
  225. Review the Chapter
  226. Learn the Terms
  227. Explore Further
  228. 8 Political Parties
  229. Politics in Action: Party Polarization on Immigration Policy
  230. The Meaning of Party
  231. Tasks of the Parties
  232. Why It Matters Today: Political Parties
  233. Parties, Voters, and Policy: The Downs Model
  234. The Party in the Electorate
  235. The Party Organizations: From the Grass Roots to Washington
  236. Local Parties
  237. The 50 State Party Systems
  238. You are the Policymaker: Should Political Parties Choose Their Nominees in Open or Closed Primaries?
  239. The National Party Organizations
  240. The Party in Government: Promises and Policy
  241. Party Eras in American History
  242. 1796–1824: The First Party System
  243. 1828–1856: Jackson and the Democrats Versus the Whigs
  244. 1860–1928: The Two Republican Eras
  245. 1932–1964: The New Deal Coalition
  246. 1968–Present: Southern Realignment and the Era of Divided Party Government
  247. Third Parties: Their Impact on American Politics
  248. Why It Matters Today: Divided Party Government
  249. Understanding Political Parties
  250. Democracy and Responsible Party Government: How Should We Govern?
  251. American Political Parties and the Scope of Government
  252. Review the Chapter
  253. Learn the Terms
  254. Explore Further
  255. 9 Campaigns and Voting Behavior
  256. Politics in Action: How running For Office Can Be More Demanding Than Governing
  257. The Nomination Game
  258. Competing for Delegates
  259. Point to Ponder
  260. Why It Matters Today: Early Delegate Contests
  261. The Convention Send-Off
  262. The Campaign Game
  263. The High-Tech Media Campaign
  264. Organizing the Campaign
  265. Money and Campaigning
  266. Regulations on Campaign Contributions
  267. Regulations on Independent Political Expenditures
  268. Are Campaigns Too Expensive?
  269. Does Money Buy Victory?
  270. Why It Matters Today: Money and Elections
  271. The Impact of Campaigns
  272. Whether to Vote: A Citizen’s First Choice
  273. Deciding Whether to Vote
  274. Registering to Vote
  275. Who Votes?
  276. Why It Matters Today: Youth Turnout
  277. How Americans Vote: Explaining Citizens’ Decisions
  278. Party Identification
  279. Candidate Evaluations: How Americans See the Candidates
  280. Policy Voting
  281. 2016: An Election Like No Other
  282. The Last Battle: The Electoral College
  283. You are the Policymaker: Should We Make Every State a Battleground by Electing the President by a Na
  284. Understanding Campaigns and Voting Behavior
  285. Are Nominations and Campaigns Too Democratic?
  286. Do Elections Affect Public Policy?
  287. Do Campaigns Lead to Increases in the Scope of Government?
  288. Review the Chapter
  289. Learn the Terms
  290. Explore Further
  291. 10 Interest Groups
  292. Politics in Action: How the Beverage Industry Mobilized to Stop a Sugar tax
  293. Theories of Interest Group Politics
  294. The Role of Interest Groups in Politics
  295. Pluralism
  296. Elitism
  297. Hyperpluralism
  298. Point to Ponder
  299. Why It Matters Today: Theories of Interest Group Politics
  300. What Makes an Interest Group Successful?
  301. The Surprising Effectiveness of Small Groups
  302. Intensity
  303. Financial Resources
  304. How Groups Try to Shape Policy
  305. Lobbying
  306. Electioneering
  307. Why It Matters Today: PACs
  308. You are the Policymaker: Should PACs Be Eliminated?
  309. Litigating
  310. Going Public
  311. Types of Interest Groups
  312. Economic Interests
  313. Environmental Interests
  314. Equality Interests
  315. Consumer and Other Public Interest Lobbies
  316. Understanding Interest Groups
  317. Interest Groups and Democracy
  318. Interest Groups and the Scope of Government
  319. Review the Chapter
  320. Explore Further
  321. Learn the Terms
  322. Part III The Policymakers

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