Test Bank for Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture, 11th Edition by Fouberg, Murphy, de Blij

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Test Bank for Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture, 11th Edition by Fouberg, Murphy, de Blij Digital Instant Download


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Product Details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9781118793145
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1118793145
  • Author:  Fouberg, Murphy, de Blij

Fouberg’s Human Geography, 11th Edition teaches students to appreciate the diversity of people, places, and cultures, and understand the role people play in shaping our world. The goals of this edition are to provide geographic context to global, regional, national and local issues and to teach students to think geographically and critically about these issues. Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture features beautifully designed maps, dozens of vibrant photographs taken by the author team, and author and guest field notes that help students see how geographers read cultural landscapes and use fieldwork to understand places. A newly designed demographic data table includes economic, political, and population data, all of which can be examined in ArcGIS Online.


Table of Content:

  1. Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Geography
  2. Field Note: Awakening to World Hunger
  3. Key Question: What is Human Geography?
  4. Key Question: What are Geographic Questions?
  5. Maps in the Time of Cholera Pandemics
  6. The Spatial Perspective
  7. Field Note: Glacier National Park, United States
  8. Key Question: Why do Geographers use maps, And what Do Maps Tell Us?
  9. Mental Maps
  10. Generalization in Maps
  11. Remote Sensing and GIS
  12. Guest Field Note: Maui, Hawaii by Korine N Kolivras
  13. Key Question: Why are Geographers Concerned with Scale and Connectedness?
  14. Regions
  15. Culture
  16. Guest Field Note: Montgomery, Alabama by Jonathan Leib
  17. Connectedness Through Diffusion
  18. Key Question: What are Geographic Concepts, and How Are They Used in Answering Geographic Questions?
  19. Rejection of Environmental Determinism
  20. Possibilism
  21. Today’s Human Geography
  22. Chapter 2 Population and Health
  23. Field Note: Basic Infrastructure
  24. Key Question: Where in the World do People Live and Why?
  25. Field Note: Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)
  26. Field Note: Luxor, Egypt
  27. Physiologic Population Density
  28. Population Distribution
  29. World Population Distribution and Density
  30. Reliability of Population Data
  31. Key Question: Why do Populations Rise or Fall in Particular Places?
  32. Population Growth at World, Regional, National, and Local Scales
  33. Field Note: Bordeaux, France
  34. The Demographic Transition
  35. Future Population Growth
  36. Key Question: Why Does Population Composition Matter?
  37. Key Question: How Does the Geography of Health Influence Population Dynamics?
  38. Infant Mortality
  39. Child Mortality
  40. Life Expectancy
  41. Disease
  42. Infectious Diseases
  43. Field Note: Johannesburg, South Africa
  44. Chronic and Genetic Diseases
  45. Guest Field Note: Marich Village, Kenya by Elsbeth Robson
  46. Geographic Influences on Health
  47. How do Governments Impact Population Change?
  48. Limitations
  49. Contradictions
  50. Chapter 3 Migration
  51. Field Note: Expanding Slums
  52. Key Question: What is Migration?
  53. Cyclic Movement
  54. Periodic Movement
  55. Migration
  56. Key Question: Why do People Migrate?
  57. Forced Migration
  58. Push and Pull Factors in Voluntary Migration
  59. Types of Push and Pull Factors
  60. Political Circumstances
  61. Armed Conflict and Civil War
  62. Environmental Conditions
  63. Guest Field Note: Plymouth, Montserrat by Jason Dittmer
  64. Culture and Traditions
  65. Technological Advances
  66. Key Question: Where do People Migrate?
  67. Global Migration Flows
  68. Guest Workers
  69. Regional Migration Flows
  70. Field Note: The West Bank, outside Jerusalem, Israel
  71. National Migration Flows
  72. The Special Case of Refugees
  73. Key Question: How do Governments Affect Migration?
  74. Legal Restrictions
  75. Waves of Immigration in the United States
  76. The Post–September 11 World
  77. Chapter 4 Local Culture, Popular Culture, and Cultural Landscapes
  78. Field Note: Preserving Culture
  79. Key Question: What are Local and Popular Cultures?
  80. Key Question: How are Local Cultures Sustained?
  81. Rural Local Cultures
  82. Guest Field Note: Lindsborg, Kansas by Steven M. Schnell
  83. Urban Local Cultures
  84. Local Cultures and Cultural Appropriation
  85. Field Note: Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York
  86. Authenticity of Places
  87. Field Note: Dingle, Ireland
  88. Key Question: How is Popular Culture Diffused?
  89. Hearths of Popular Culture
  90. Replacing Old Hearths with New: Beating Out the Big Three in Popular Sports
  91. Stemming the Tide of Popular Culture—Losing the Local?
  92. Field Note: Seoul, South Korea
  93. Key Question: How Can Local and Popular Cultures be Seen in The Cultural Landscape?
  94. Cultural Landscapes of Local Cultures
  95. Guest Field Note: Paragonah, Utah by Richard Francaviglia
  96. Chapter 5 Identity: Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Sexuality
  97. Field Note: Building Walls
  98. Key Question: What is Identity, and How are Identities Constructed?
  99. Race
  100. Field Note: Drwin, Australia
  101. Race and Ethnicity in the United States
  102. Residential Segregation
  103. Identities Across Scales
  104. The Scale of New York City
  105. Guest Field Note: Washington Heights, New York by Ines Miyares
  106. Key Question: How do Places Affect Identity, and How Can we See Identities In Places?
  107. Ethnicity and Place
  108. Identity and Space
  109. Key Question: How Does Geography Reflect and Shape Power Relationships Among Groups of People?
  110. Field Note: New York, New York
  111. Just Who Counts?
  112. Guest Field Note
  113. Vulnerable Populations
  114. Women in Subsaharan Africa
  115. Field Note: Along the Banks of the Niger River Just Outside Mopti, Mali
  116. Dowry Deaths in India
  117. Shifting Power Relations Among Ethnic Groups
  118. Chapter 6 Language
  119. Field Note: What Should I Say?
  120. Key Question: What Are Languages, And What Role do Languages Play in Cultures?
  121. Language and Culture
  122. What Is a Language?
  123. Standardized Language
  124. Dialects
  125. Key Question: Why are Languages Distributed the Way They Are?
  126. Definition and Debate
  127. Language Formation
  128. The Languages of Europe
  129. Languages of Subsaharan Africa
  130. Key Question: Did Certain Languages Become Dominant?
  131. Lingua Franca
  132. Multilingualism
  133. Official Languages
  134. The Prospect of a Global Language
  135. Field Note: Paro, Bhutan
  136. Key Question: What Role Does Language Play in Making Places?
  137. The Ten Toponyms
  138. Toponyms and Globalization
  139. Changing Toponyms
  140. Guest Field Note: Greenville, North Carolina by Derek Alderman
  141. Chapter 7 Religion
  142. Field Note: Peace Walls
  143. Key Question: What is Religion, and What Role Does it Play in Culture?
  144. Field Note: Mombasa, Kenya
  145. Where Did the Major Religions of the World Originate, and How do Religions Diffuse?
  146. The World Map of Religions Today
  147. From the Hearth of South Asia
  148. From the Hearth of the Huang He River Valley
  149. From the Hearth of the Eastern Mediterranean
  150. Field Note: Long Beach, New York
  151. Field Note: Uluru, Australia
  152. Key Question: How is Religion Seen in the Cultural Landscape?
  153. Guest Field Note: Ardmore, Ireland by Mary Lee Nolan
  154. Sacred Sites of Jerusalem
  155. Landscapes of Hinduism and Buddhism
  156. Field Note: Hyderabad, India
  157. Field Note: Yangon, Myanmar
  158. Landscapes of Christianity
  159. Landscapes of Islam
  160. Key Question: What Role Does Religion Play in Political Conflicts?
  161. Conflicts Along Religious Borders
  162. Israel and Palestine
  163. Nigeria
  164. Northern Ireland
  165. Religious Fundamentalism and Extremism
  166. Chapter 8 Political Geography
  167. Field Note: Challenging the Political-Territorial Order
  168. Key Question: How is Space Politically Organized Into States and Nations?
  169. The Modern State Idea
  170. Nations
  171. Nation-State
  172. Multistate Nations, Multinational States, and Stateless Nations
  173. Guest Field Note: Cluj-Napoca, Romania by George White
  174. European Colonialism and the Diffusion of the Nation-State Model
  175. Construction of the Capitalist World-Economy
  176. World-Systems and Political Power
  177. The Enduring Impact of the Nation-State Idea
  178. Key Question: How do States Spatially Organize Their Governments?
  179. Form of Government
  180. Devolution
  181. Guest Field Note: Interstate 40, Near Blackwell, Arkansas by Paul T. Gray
  182. Electoral Geography
  183. Field Note: Honolulu, Hawaii
  184. Key Question: How are Boundaries Established, and Why do Boundary Disputes Occur?
  185. Field Note: Piazza della Transalpina
  186. Establishing Boundaries
  187. Types of Boundaries
  188. Boundary Disputes
  189. Key Question: How Does The Study of Geopolitics Help us Understand the World?
  190. Classical Geopolitics
  191. The German School
  192. The British/American School
  193. Influence of Geopoliticians on Politics
  194. Critical Geopolitics
  195. Geopolitical World Order
  196. Key Question: What are Supranational Organizations, and What is the Future of the State?
  197. From League of Nations to United Nations
  198. Regional Supranational Organizations
  199. The European Union
  200. How Does Supranationalism Affect the State?
  201. Chapter 9 Urban Geography
  202. Field Note: Ghosts of Detroit?
  203. Key Question: When and Why Did People Start Living in Cities?
  204. The Hearths of Urbanization
  205. The Role of the Ancient City in Society
  206. Diffusion of Urbanization
  207. Greek Cities
  208. Roman Cities
  209. Urban Growth After Greece and Rome
  210. Field Note: Rome, Italy
  211. Site and Situation During European Exploration
  212. Field Note: Genoa, Italy
  213. The Second Urban Revolution
  214. A Second Agricultural Revolution
  215. The Chaotic Industrial City
  216. Field Note: Duisburg, Germany
  217. Key Question: Where are Cities Located and Why?
  218. Rank and Size in the Urban Matrix
  219. Central Place Theory
  220. Hexagonal Hinterlands
  221. Key Question: How are Cities Organized, and How do They Function?
  222. Models of the City
  223. Functional Zones
  224. The Spatial Organization of the Typical European City
  225. Modeling the North American City
  226. Modeling Cities in World Regions
  227. The South American City
  228. The African City
  229. Field Note: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  230. The Southeast Asian City
  231. Key Question: How do People Shape Cities?
  232. Shaping Cities in the Global Periphery and Semiperiphery
  233. Guest Field Note: Manila, the Philippines by Johnathan Walker
  234. Field Note: Cairo, Egypt City Center
  235. Shaping Cities in the Global Core
  236. Field Note: Cairo, Egypt Residential Area
  237. Field Note: Fort Worth, Texas
  238. Urban Sprawl and New Urbanism
  239. Field Note: Celebration, Florida
  240. Gated Communities
  241. Urban Geopolitics
  242. Immigration and the Changing Ethnic Geography of Cities
  243. The Enduring Impact of Colonialism
  244. The Informal Economy
  245. From Colonial to Global CBD
  246. Key Question:: What Role do Cities Play in Globalization?
  247. Cities as Spaces of Consumption
  248. Chapter 10 Development
  249. Field Note: Geography, Trade, and Development
  250. Key Question: How is Development Defined and Measured?
  251. Gross National Income
  252. Development Models
  253. Key Question: How Does Geographical Context Affect Development?
  254. Dependency Theory
  255. Geography and Context
  256. Key Question: What Are The Barriers to and the Costs of Development?
  257. Social Conditions
  258. Foreign Debt
  259. Field Note: Buenos Aires, Argentina
  260. Political Corruption and Instability
  261. Costs of Economic Development
  262. Key Question: How do Political and Economic Institutions Influence Uneven Development Within States?
  263. The Role of Governments
  264. Field Note: Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans, Louisiana
  265. Islands of Development
  266. Field Note: Port Gentil, Gabon
  267. Creating Growth in the Periphery of the Periphery
  268. Guest Field Note: Sukabumi, West Java by Rachel Silvery
  269. Chapter 11 Agriculture and the Rural Landscape
  270. Field Note: Changing Greens
  271. Key Question: What is Agriculture, and Where did Agriculture Begin?
  272. Hunting, Gathering, and Fishing
  273. Terrain and Tools
  274. The First Agricultural Revolution
  275. Domestication of Animals
  276. Subsistence Agriculture
  277. Field Note: Nairobi, Kenya
  278. Key Question: How did Agriculture Change with Industrialization?
  279. Understanding the Spatial Layout of Agriculture
  280. The Third Agricultural Revolution
  281. New Genetically Modified Foods
  282. Regional and Local Change
  283. Guest Field Note: Gambia by Judith Carney
  284. The Impacts of Agricultural Modernization on Earlier Practices
  285. Key Question: What Imprint Does Agriculture Make on the Cultural Landscape?
  286. Villages
  287. Functional Differentiation Within Villages
  288. Key Question: How is Agriculture Currently Organized Geographically, and How has Agribusiness Influenced the Contemporary Geography of Agriculture?
  289. Field Note: Dunedin, New Zealand
  290. The World Map of Climates
  291. The World Map of Agriculture
  292. Political Influences on Agriculture
  293. Sociocultural Influences on Agriculture
  294. Agribusiness and the Changing Geography of Agriculture
  295. Environmental Impacts of Commercial Agriculture
  296. The Challenge of Feeding Everyone
  297. Chapter 12 Industry and Services
  298. Field Note: Containing the World-Economy
  299. Key Question: Where did the Industrial Revolution Begin, and How did it Diffuse?
  300. The Industrial Revolution
  301. Diffusion to Mainland Europe
  302. Field Note: Rouen, France
  303. Diffusion Beyond Europe
  304. Key Question: How Have the Character and Geography of Industrial Production Changed?
  305. Fordist Production
  306. Flexible Production and Product Life Cycle
  307. The Global Division of Labor
  308. Flexible Production of Nike
  309. Distribution in the Commodity Chain
  310. Outsourcing: Business Product Outsourcing and Global Sourcing
  311. Made in America or Designed in America?
  312. Major Influences on the Contemporary Geography of Manufacturing
  313. New Centers of Industrial Activity
  314. Field Note: Humen, China
  315. Field Note: Beijing, China
  316. Key Question: How Have Deindustrialization and the Rise of Service Industries Altered the Economic Geography of Production?
  317. Geographical Dimensions of the Service Economy
  318. Guest Field Note: Fayetteville, Arkansas by Fiona M. Davidson
  319. High-Technology Clusters
  320. Tourism Services
  321. Place Vulnerabilities in a Service Economy
  322. Chapter 13 The Humanized Environment
  323. Field Note: Disaster Along Indian Ocean Shores
  324. Key Question: How has Earth’s Environment Changed Over Time?
  325. Tectonic Plates
  326. Ocean and Atmosphere
  327. Fire and Ice
  328. Field Note: The Southeast Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii
  329. The Little Ice Age in the Modern Era
  330. Key Question: How Have Humans Altered Earth’s Environment?
  331. Water
  332. Field Note: Tuscon, Arizona
  333. Atmosphere
  334. The Land
  335. Field Note: Para, Brazil
  336. Biodiversity
  337. Key Question: What are The Major Factors Contributing to Environmental Change Today?
  338. Political Ecology
  339. Guest Field Note: Try, Mali by William Moseley
  340. Population
  341. Patterns of Consumption
  342. Industrial Technology
  343. Transportation
  344. Energy
  345. Key Question: What is the International Response to Climate Change?
  346. Biological Diversity
  347. Protection of the Ozone Layer
  348. Global Climate Change
  349. Water Scarcity
  350. Chapter 14 Globalization and The Geography of Networks
  351. Field Note: Happiness Is in the Eye of the Beholder
  352. Key Question: How have Identities Changed in a Globalized World?
  353. Personal Connectedness
  354. Guest Field Note: Columbine, Colorado by Kenneth E. Foote
  355. Key Question: What is Globalization, and What Role do Networks Play in Globalization?
  356. Field Note: Porto Alegre, Brazil
  357. Networks
  358. Time–Space Compression
  359. Key Question: How do Networks Operate in a Globalized World?
  360. Networks with a Social Focus
  361. Networks and Information
  362. Networks and Economic Exchange
  363. Appendix A: Maps
  364. Appendix B: Area and Demographic Data for the World’s States
  365. Appendix C Glossary
  366. The Wonderful World of Ap® Human Geography
  367. Index