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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 013403564X
- ISBN-13 : 978-0134035642
- Author:
A best-selling, chronologically organized child development text, Berk and Meyers’ Infants and Children: Prenatal Through Middle Childhood is relied on in classrooms worldwide for its clear, engaging writing style, exceptional multicultural and cross-cultural focus, rich examples, and long-standing commitment to presenting the most up-to-date scholarship while also offering students research-based, practical applications that they can relate to their personal and professional lives. The authors takes an integrated approach to presenting development in the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social domains; emphasize the complex interchanges between heredity and environment; and provide exceptional attention to culture.
Renowned professor, researcher, and author Laura Berk is joined by new coauthor Adena Meyers. As faculty colleagues in the Department of Psychology at Illinois State University, they have collaborated on numerous projects, and their distinct areas of specialization and tremendous expertise make them a great team for coauthoring this new edition. Together, they present the latest theories and findings in the field to students in a manageable and relevant way. Berk and Meyers’ signature story-like, conversational style invites students to actively learn beside the text’s “characters,” who experience real issues in development, including physical, cognitive, and peer challenges, as well as parenting and educational concerns. Berk and Meyers also help students connect their learning to their personal and professional areas of interest, speaking directly about issues students will face in their future pursuits as parents, educators, heath care providers, social workers, and researchers. As members of a global and diverse human community, students are called on to intelligently approach the responsibility of understanding and responding to the needs and concerns of children.
While carefully considering the complexities of child development, the authors present classic and emerging theories in an especially clear, engaging writing style, with a multitude of research-based, real-world, cross-cultural, and multicultural examples. Strengthening the connections among developmental domains and of theory and research with applications, this edition’s extensive revision brings forth the most recent scholarship, representing the changing field of child development.
Table of Content:
- Part One: Theory and Research in Child Development
- Chapter 1: History, Theory, and Research Strategies
- The Field of Child Development
- Basic Issues
- Biology and Environment Resilient Children
- Historical Foundations
- Mid-Twentieth-Century Theories
- Recent Theoretical Perspectives
- Social Issues: Health Family Chaos Undermines Children’s Well-Being
- Comparing Child Development Theories
- Studying the Child
- Cultural Influences Immigrant Youths: Adapting to a New Land
- Summary
- Important Terms and Concepts
- Part Two: Foundations of Development
- Chapter 2: Genetic and Environmental Foundations
- Genetic Foundations
- Reproductive Choices
- Social Issues: Health The Pros and Cons of Reproductive Technologies
- Environmental Contexts for Development
- Social Issues: Education Worldwide Education of Girls: Transforming Current and Future Generations
- Cultural Influences: The African-American Extended Family
- Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment
- Biology and Environment: Smoking During Pregnancy Alters Gene Expression
- Summary
- Important Terms and Concepts
- Chapter 3: Prenatal Development
- Motivations for Parenthood
- Prenatal Development
- Prenatal Environmental Influences
- Biology and Environment: The Prenatal Environment and Health in Later Life
- Social Issues: Health The Nurse–Family Partnership: Reducing Maternal Stress and Enhancing Child D
- Biology and Environment: Prenatal Iron Deficiency and Memory Impairments in Infants of Diabetic Moth
- Preparing for Parenthood
- Summary
- Important Terms and Concepts
- Chapter 4: Birth and the Newborn Baby
- The Stages of Childbirth
- Approaches to Childbirth
- Medical Interventions
- Birth Complications
- Social Issues: Health A Cross-National Perspective on Health Care and Other Policies for Parents and
- Precious Moments After Birth
- The Newborn Baby’s Capacities
- Socia Issues: Health The Mysterious Tragedy of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- The Transition to Parenthood
- Biology and Environment Parental Depression and Child Development
- Summary
- Important Terms and Concepts
- Part Three: Infancy and Toddlerhood: The First Two Years
- Chapter 5: Physical Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood
- Body Growth
- Brain Development
- Biology and Environment Brain Plasticity: Insights from Research on Brain-Damaged Children and Adult
- Cultural Influence: Cultural Variation in Infant Sleeping Arrangements
- Influences on Early Physical Growth
- Social Issues: Health U.S. Public Policy Changes Improve Infant Feeding Practices in Low-Income Fami
- Learning Capacities
- Motor Development
- Perceptual Development
- Biology and Environment “Tuning in” to Familiar Speech, Faces, and Music: A Sensitive Period for
- Summary
- Important Terms and Concepts
- Chapter 6: Cognitive Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood
- Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory
- Social Issues: Education Baby Learning from TV and Video: The Video Deficit Effect
- Information Processing
- Biology and Environment Infantile Amnesia
- The Social Context of Early Cognitive Development
- Cultural Influences: Social Origins of Make-Believe Play
- Individual Differences in Early Mental Development
- Language Development
- Biology and Environment Deaf Children Invent Language
- Summary
- Important Terms and Concepts
- Chapter 7: Emotional and Social Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood
- Erikson’s Theory of Infant and Toddler Personality
- Emotional Development
- Temperament and Development
- Biology and Environment Development of Shyness and Sociability
- Development of Attachment
- Social Issues: Health Does Child Care in Infancy Threaten Attachment Security and Later Adjustment?
- Cultural Influences: The Powerful Role of Paternal Warmth in Development
- Self-Development
- Summary
- Important Terms and Concepts
- Milestones: Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood
- Part Four: Early Childhood: Two to Six Years
- Chapter 8: Physical Development in Early Childhood
- Body Growth
- Influences on Physical Growth and Health
- Biology and Environment: Low-Level Lead Exposure and Children’s Development
- Social Issues: Health Otitis Media and Development
- Motor Development
- Cultural Influences: Why Are Children from Asian Cultures Advanced in Drawing Skills?
- Summary
- Important Terms and Concepts
- Chapter 9: Cognitive Development in Early Childhood
- Piaget’s Theory: The Preoperational Stage
- Social Issues: Education Children’s Questions: Catalyst for Cognitive Development
- Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
- Cultural Influences: Children in Village and Tribal Cultures Observe and Participate in Adult Work
- Information Processing
- Biology and Environment Autism and Theory of Mind
- Individual Differences in Mental Development
- Language Development
- Summary
- Important Terms and Concepts
- Chapter 10: Emotional and Social Development in Early Childhood
- Erikson’s Theory: Initiative versus Guilt
- Self-Understanding
- Cultural Influences: Cultural Variations in Personal Storytelling: Implications for Early Self-Conce
- Emotional Development
- Peer Relations
- Foundations of Morality
- Cultural Influences: Ethnic Differences in the Consequences of Physical Punishment
- Gender Typing
- Social Issues: Education Children Learn About Gender Through Mother–Child Conversations
- Child Rearing and Emotional and Social Development
- Summary
- Important Terms and Concepts
- Milestones: Development in Early Childhood
- Part Five: Middle Childhood: Six to Eleven Years
- Chapter 11: Physical Development in Middle Childhood
- Body Growth
- Common Health Problems
- Social Issues: Health: Family Stressors and Childhood Obesity
- Health Education
- Motor Development and Play
- Social Issues: Education School Recess—A Time to Play, a Time to Learn
- Summary
- Important Terms and Concepts
- Chapter 12: Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood
- Piaget’s Theory: The Concrete Operational Stage
- Information Processing
- Biology and Environment: Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Individual Differences in Mental Development
- Cultural Influences: The Flynn Effect: Massive Generational Gains in IQ
- Language Development
- Children’s Learning in School
- Social Issues: Education Magnet Schools: Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- Summary
- Important Terms and Concepts
- Chapter 13: Emotional and Social Development in Middle Childhood
- Erikson’s Theory: Industry versus Inferiority
- Self-Understanding
- Emotional Development
- Moral Development
- Peer Relations
- Biology and Environment: Bullies and Their Victims
- Gender Typing
- Family Influences
- Some Common Problems of Development
- Cultural Influences: The Impact of Ethnic and Political Violence on Children
- Social Issues: Health Children’s Eyewitness Testimony
- Summary
- Important Terms and Concepts
- Milestones: Development in Middle Childhood
- Glossary
- A
- B
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- References
- Name Index
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- Subject Index
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