Test Bank for Liberty, Equality, Power A History of the American People, 7th Edition

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Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1305084136
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1305084131
  • Author: John M. Murrin;  Paul E. Johnson

Understanding the past helps us navigate the present and future. This book teaches readers about American history and exposes them to movies and other forms of popular culture that tell the stories of the nation’s past. A highly respected and thoroughly modern approach to U.S. history, LIBERTY, EQUALITY, POWER, Seventh Edition, shows how the United States was transformed, in a relatively short time, from a land inhabited by hunter-gatherer and agricultural Native American societies into the most powerful industrial nation on Earth. This approach helps readers understand the impact of the notions of liberty and equality, which are often associated with the American story, and recognize how dominant and subordinate groups have affected and been affected by the ever-shifting balance of power.

Table Of Contents:

  2. 1-2 The Emergence of Complex Societies in the Americas
  3. 1-2a The Andes: Cycles of Complex Cultures
  4. 1-2b Inca Civilization
  5. 1-2c Mesoamerica: Cycles of -Complex Cultures
  6. 1-2d The Aztecs and Tenochtitlán
  7. 1-3 Agricultural Take-Off in North America
  8. 1-3a Urban Cultures of the Southwest
  9. 1-3b North American Mound Builders
  10. 1-3c North America in 1491
  11. 1-3d The Norse Connection
  12. 1-4 Europe and the World by the 15th Century
  13. 1-4a China: The Rejection of -Overseas Expansion
  14. 1-4b Christian Europe Challenges Islam
  15. 1-4c The Legacy of the Crusades
  16. 1-4d The Unlikely Pioneer: Portugal
  17. 1-4e Africa, Colonies, and the Slave Trade
  18. 1-4f Portugal’s Asian Empire
  19. 1-4g Early Lessons
  20. 1-5 Spain, Columbus, and the Americas
  21. 1-5a Columbus
  22. 1-5b Spain and the Caribbean
  23. INTERPRETING THE VISUAL PAST How to Understand -Columbus’s Landing?
  24. 1-6 Conquest and Catastrophe
  25. 1-6a The Conquest of Mexico and Peru
  26. 1-6b North American Conquistadores and Missionaries
  27. 1-6c The Spanish Empire and -Demographic Catastrophe
  28. WHAT THEY SAID Two Spanish Scholars Debate Indian Slavery
  29. 1-6d Brazil
  30. 1-7 Global Colossus, Global Economy
  31. HISTORY THROUGH FILM Even the Rain (2010)
  32. 1-8 Explanations: Patterns of Conquest, Submission, and Resistance
  33. Conclusion
  34. Chapter Review
  36. 2-1 The Protestant -Reformation and the -Challenge to Spain
  37. 2-2 New France and the -Iroquois League
  38. 2-2a Early French Explorers
  39. 2-2b Missions and Furs
  42. 2-2c New France under Louis XIV
  43. 2-3 New Netherland
  44. 2-3a The East and West India Companies
  45. 2-3b New Netherland as a Pluralistic Society
  46. HISTORY THROUGH FILM Black Robe (1991)
  47. 2-3c English Encroachments
  48. 2-4 English Colonization Begins
  49. 2-4a The English Reformation
  50. 2-4b From Plundering to Colonization
  51. 2-4c The Swarming of the English
  52. 2-5 The Chesapeake and West Indian Colonies
  53. 2-5a The Jamestown Disaster
  54. 2-5b Reorganization, Reform, and Crisis
  55. 2-5c Tobacco, Servants, and Survival
  56. 2-5d The Collapse of Tsenacommacah
  57. 2-5e Maryland
  58. 2-5f Chesapeake Family Life
  59. 2-5g The West Indies and the -Transition to Slavery
  60. 2-5h The Rise of Slavery in North America
  61. 2-6 The New England Colonies
  62. 2-6a The Pilgrims and Plymouth
  63. 2-6b Massachusetts Bay
  64. 2-6c Covenant Theology
  65. WHAT THEY SAID English Colonists and Huron Indians Enter New Worlds
  66. 2-6d Puritan Family Life
  67. 2-6e Conversion, Dissent, and Expansion
  68. 2-6f Puritan Indian Missions
  69. 2-6g Congregations, Towns, and Colony Governments
  70. 2-6h Infant Baptism and New Dissent
  71. 2-7 From Civil War to the First Restoration Colonies
  72. 2-7a Carolina, Harrington, and the Aristocratic Ideal
  73. 2-7b New York: An Experiment in Absolutism
  74. 2-8 Brotherly Love: The Quakers and America
  75. 2-8a Quaker Beliefs
  76. 2-8b Quaker Families
  77. 2-8c West New Jersey
  78. 2-8d Pennsylvania
  79. Conclusion
  80. Chapter Review

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