Test Bank for LifeSmart, 1st Edition : Fiore

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Test Bank for LifeSmart, 1st Edition : Fiore

Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9780078035241
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0078035241
  • Author: Lisa B. Fiore

Now, with our newest M-series program, LifeSmart: Exploring Human Development, you have the opportunity to engage your students as you never have before. LifeSmart’s adaptive diagnostic provides your students with the ability to assess what they know and don’t know before their tests. Furthermore, LifeSmart provides Milestones, our new video and assessment program that helps bring the course material to life, so your students can witness development as it unfolds. Our research gives students current and relevant applications to their lives in a new design layout that will grab your student’s attention and make serious scholarship enjoyable to read. LifeSmart fits today’s students.

Table contents:

1. Lifespan Development: An Introduction

a. An Example of Development through the Lifespan

b. Thinking about Lifespan Development

i. Why Study the Lifespan?

ii. What Is Development?

c. Changing Views of the Lifespan

i. Changing Perspectives on Aging

d. The Importance of Biopsychosocial Interactions

i. Understanding Children’s Cultures

ii. Contributors to Biopsychosocial Interactions

e. Issues in Lifespan Development

i. Continuity versus Discontinuity

ii. Nature versus Nurture

f. Research in Lifespan Development

i. Data Collection Techniques

ii. Time-Variable Designs

iii. Ethics

g. Conclusion & Summary

h. Key Terms

i. What Do You Think?

j. Chapter Review Test

2. Theories of Development: Interpreting the Lifespan

a. Theories of Development: Interpreting the Lifespan

b. Psychoanalytic Theories

i. Freud’s Theory

ii. Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory

iii. Contributions and Criticism of Psychoanalytic Theories

c. Cognitive Theories

i. Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory

ii. Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory

iii. Contributions and Criticism of Cognitive Theories

d. The Behavioral Approach

i. Pavlov’s and Watson’s Classical Conditioning

ii. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning

iii. Bandura’s Social Cognitive Learning

iv. Contributions and Criticism of Behavioral Theories

e. A Bioecological Model

f. Developmental Theory: Current Status, Future Direction

i. Interactions among Levels of Development

ii. Developmental Systems Theory

iii. Unique Theories of Development

iv. From Neurons to Neighborhoods

g. Conclusion & Summary

h. Key Terms

i. For Review

j. Chapter Review Test

k. Chapter Objectives

3. Pregnancy and Prenatal Development

a. The Biological Basis of Development

b. Chromosomes, DNA, and Genes

i. Mitosis and Meiosis

c. Hereditary Disorders

i. Chromosomal Disorders

ii. Genetic Disorders

d. The Fertilization Process

i. Menstrual Cycle

ii. Egg

iii. Sperm

e. Multiples

f. Fertility: Challenges and Opportunities

i. Causes of Infertility

ii. Assisted Reproduction Techniques

iii. Adoption

g. Prenatal Development

i. Germinal Period

ii. Embryonic Period

iii. Fetal Period

h. Prenatal Testing

i. Ultrasound

ii. Amniocentesis

iii. Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) test

iv. Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS)

i. Critical Interactions: Biology and the Environment

i. Nutrition and Exercise

ii. Emotions and Sense of Self

iii. Culture

iv. Teratogens

j. Infectious Diseases

i. Syphilis

ii. Toxoplasmosis

iii. Other Infections

iv. Rubella (German measles)

v. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

vi. Genital Herpes


k. Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs

i. Illegal Drugs

ii. Smoking

iii. Alcohol

l. Conclusion & Summary

m. Key Terms

n. For Review

o. Chapter Review Test

p. Chapter Objectives

4. Birth and Newborn

a. Stages in the Birth Process

b. Methods of Childbirth

i. Natural Childbirth

ii. Midwives and Doulas

iii. Home Delivery

iv. Use of Medication

v. Cesarean Section

c. Complications and Interventions

i. Breech Birth

ii. Fetal Monitoring

iii. Use of Instruments

iv. Induced Labor

v. Oxygen Deprivation

vi. The Rh Factor

vii. Premature Birth

viii. Resilience and Prematurity

d. Characteristics of Neonates

i. Sensory Competence

ii. Neonatal Reflexes

iii. Neonatal Assessment Techniques

e. Postpartum Adjustment

i. Depression

ii. Bonding

iii. Single-Parent Families

iv. Family Dynamics

f. Conclusion & Summary

g. Key Terms

h. For Review

i. Chapter Review Test

5. Infancy

a. Physical Development in Infancy

i. Developmental Milestones of Infancy

ii. Nutrition

iii. Brain Development

iv. Motor Development

b. Neonatal Problems

i. Failure to Thrive

ii. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

iii. Sleeping

iv. Respiratory Distress Syndrome

c. Perceptual Development

i. Visual Perception

ii. Depth Perception

iii. Auditory Perception

d. Cognitive Development

i. Piaget’s Sensorimotor Period

ii. Evaluation of Piaget

iii. Information Processing in Infancy

e. Language Development

i. The Pace of Language Acquisition

ii. Vygotsky’s Stages of Language Development

iii. Key Milestones of Language Development

f. Social and Emotional Development

i. Children’s Developing Relationships

ii. The Role of Reciprocal Interactions

iii. Role of Emotions in Development

iv. Analyzing Emotional Expression

g. Attachment

i. Examining Attachment

ii. Attachment Challenges

h. Temperament

i. The Dimensions of Temperament

ii. Kagan’s Biological Interpretation

iii. Chess and Thomas’s Classification of Temperament

i. Conclusion & Summary

j. Key Terms

k. For Review

l. Chapter Review Test

6. Early Childhood

a. Physical and Motor Development

i. Features of Physical Development

ii. Brain Development

iii. Growing Motor Skills

iv. Biopsychosocial Influences on Physical Development

b. Cognitive Development

i. Piaget’s Preoperational Period

ii. Vygotsky’s Theory

iii. Information-Processing Theory

iv. Theory of Mind

c. Early Childhood Education

i. Constructivist Approaches to Learning

ii. Head Start

d. Language Development

i. Language Rules

ii. Language Irregularities

e. The Self Emerges

i. The Development of Self

f. Social Development

i. The Role of the Family

ii. Parenting Styles

iii. The Role of Siblings

iv. Children of Divorce

v. Nonparental Child Care

g. Gender Development

i. Definition of Terms

ii. Theories of Gender Development

iii. Acquiring Gender Identity

iv. Gender Stereotyping

h. The Importance of Play

i. Kinds of Play

ii. Developmental Aspects of Play

iii. Play Materials

i. Children’s Artwork

j. Conclusion & Summary

k. Key Terms

l. For Review

m. Chapter Review Test

7. Middle Childhood

a. Physical Development

i. Brain Development

ii. Health and Nutrition

iii. Learning Disabilities

iv. Attention Disorders

b. Cognitive Development

i. Piaget and Concrete Operations

ii. Gardner and Multiple Intelligences

iii. Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory

iv. Intelligence Testing

c. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

i. Problem Solving Strategies

ii. Obstacles to Successful Problem Solving

d. Moral Development

i. Piaget’s Explanation

ii. Kohlberg’s Theory

iii. Gilligan’s Ethics of Care

e. Language Development

i. Changes in Vocabulary

ii. Theories of Reading Acquisition

iii. The Issue of Literacy

iv. Bilingualism

f. The Changing Sense of Self

i. The Developing Self-Concept

ii. Self-Esteem and Competence

iii. Self-Regulation

g. Social Development

i. The Role of Family and Friends

ii. The Role of Schools

iii. The Role of Technology

h. Stress in Middle Childhood

i. Child Abuse

ii. Resilient Children

i. Conclusion & Summary

j. Key Terms

k. For Review

l. Chapter Review Test

8. Adolescence

a. What Is Adolescence and When Does It Start?

b. Physical Development

i. When Does Puberty Start?

ii. The Secular Trend

iii. Body Image and Eating Disorders

c. Cognitive Development

i. Variables in Cognitive Development: Piaget

ii. Emotions and Brain Development

iii. Adolescent Egocentrism

iv. Information Processing

v. Critical Thinking

d. Identity in Adolescence

i. Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory

ii. Marcia’s Identity Status

iii. Hill’s Biopsychosocial Theory

e. Social Development

i. The Role of Family

ii. The Role of Peers

f. Sexual Identity

i. Sexual Behavior

ii. Sexual Abuse

iii. Teenage Pregnancy

g. Mental Health Issues

i. Suicide

ii. Substance Abuse

iii. Stress

iv. Criminal Behavior

h. Conclusion & Summary

i. Key Terms

j. For Review

k. Chapter Review Test

9. Early Adulthood

a. Initiation into Adulthood

i. Emerging Adulthood in the United States

b. Physical Development

i. The Peak Is Reached

ii. Organ Reserve

iii. The Effect of Lifestyle on Health

iv. Rape and Sexual Harassment

c. Cognitive Development

i. Piaget and Early Adulthood

ii. Intellectual/Ethical Development

d. Gender and Sexuality

i. Aspects of Gender Role

ii. Male and Female Identity

iii. Evolutionary Psychology

iv. Androgyny

v. Sexual Behavior

vi. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

e. Social Development

i. Levinson’s Concept of Individuation

ii. Erikson’s Th

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