Test Bank for Macroeconomics 5th Edition Charles I Jones

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Product Details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0393417328
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0393417326
  • Author:  Charles I. Jones

Chad Jones’s Macroeconomics teaches students to think like modern macroeconomists, with strong and engaging growth coverage and a more intuitive approach to models. Praised by adopters for its clear explanations, flexible organization, timely case studies, data, and emphasis on problem solving, Macroeconomics gives students the practical tools they need to understand and analyze the macroeconomy. This innovative text makes macroeconomics less complicated without sacrificing rigor.


Table of Content:

  1. Part 1: Preliminaries
  2. Chapter 1: Introduction to Macroeconomics
  3. 1.1 What Is Macroeconomics?
  4. 1.2 How Macroeconomics Studies Key Questions
  5. 1.3 An Overview of the Book
  6. Chapter Review
  7. Chapter 2: Measuring the Macroeconomy
  8. 2.1 Introduction
  9. 2.2 Measuring the State of the Economy
  10. 2.3 Measuring Changes over Time
  11. 2.4 Comparing Economic Performance across Countries
  12. Chapter Review
  13. Part 2: The Long Run
  14. Chapter 3: An Overview of Long-Run Economic Growth
  15. 3.1 Introduction
  16. 3.2 Growth over the Very Long Run
  17. 3.3 Modern Economic Growth
  18. 3.4 Modern Growth around the World
  19. 3.5 Some Useful Properties of Growth Rates
  20. 3.6 The Costs of Economic Growth
  21. 3.7 A Long-Run Roadmap
  22. 3.8 Additional Resources
  23. Chapter Review
  24. Chapter 4: A Model of Production
  25. 4.1 Introduction
  26. 4.2 A Model of Production
  27. 4.3 Analyzing the Production Model
  28. 4.4 Understanding TFP Differences
  29. 4.5 Evaluating the Production Model
  30. Chapter Review
  31. Chapter 5: The Solow Growth Model
  32. 5.1 Introduction
  33. 5.2 Setting Up the Model
  34. 5.3 Prices and the Real Interest Rate
  35. 5.4 Solving the Solow Model
  36. 5.5 Looking at Data through the Lens of the Solow Model
  37. 5.6 Understanding the Steady State
  38. 5.7 Economic Growth in the Solow Model
  39. 5.8 Some Economic Experiments
  40. 5.9 The Principle of Transition Dynamics
  41. 5.10 Strengths and Weaknesses of the Solow Model
  42. Chapter Review
  43. Chapter 6: Growth and Ideas
  44. 6.1 Introduction
  45. 6.2 The Economics of Ideas
  46. 6.3 The Romer Model
  47. 6.4 Combining Solow and Romer: Overview
  48. 6.5 Growth Accounting
  49. 6.6 Concluding Our Study of Long-Run Growth
  50. 6.7 A Postscript on Solow and Romer
  51. 6.8 Additional Resources
  52. Chapter Review
  53. 6.9 Appendix: Combining Solow and Romer (Algebraically)
  54. Chapter 7: The Labor Market, Wages, and Unemployment
  55. 7.1 Introduction
  56. 7.2 The U.S. Labor Market
  57. 7.3 Supply and Demand
  58. 7.4 The Bathtub Model of Unemployment
  59. 7.5 Labor Markets around the World
  60. 7.6 How Much Is Your Human Capital Worth?
  61. 7.7 The Rising Return to Education
  62. 7.8 Economic Growth and Income Inequality
  63. Chapter Review
  64. Chapter 8: Inflation
  65. 8.1 Introduction
  66. 8.2 The Quantity Theory of Money
  67. 8.3 Real and Nominal Interest Rates
  68. 8.4 Costs of Inflation
  69. 8.5 The Fiscal Causes of High Inflation
  70. 8.6 The Great Inflation of the 1970s
  71. Chapter Review
  72. Part 3: The Short Run
  73. Chapter 9: An Introduction to the Short Run
  74. 9.1 Introduction
  75. 9.2 The Long Run, the Short Run, and Shocks
  76. 9.3 The Short-Run Model
  77. 9.4 Okun’s Law: Output and Unemployment
  78. 9.5 Filling in the Details
  79. Chapter Review
  80. Chapter 10: The Great Recession: A First Look
  81. 10.1 Introduction
  82. 10.2 Recent Shocks to the Macroeconomy
  83. 10.3 Macroeconomic Outcomes
  84. 10.4 Some Fundamentals of Financial Economics
  85. 10.5 Going Forward
  86. Chapter Review
  87. Chapter 11: The IS Curve
  88. 11.1 Introduction
  89. 11.2 Setting Up the Economy
  90. 11.3 Deriving the IS Curve
  91. 11.4 Using the IS Curve
  92. 11.5 Microfoundations of the IS Curve
  93. 11.6 Conclusion
  94. Chapter Review
  95. Chapter 12: Monetary Policy and the Phillips Curve
  96. 12.1 Introduction
  97. 12.2 The MP Curve: Monetary Policy and Interest Rates
  98. 12.3 The Phillips Curve
  99. 12.4 Using the Short-Run Model
  100. 12.5 Microfoundations: Understanding Sticky Inflation
  101. 12.6 Microfoundations: How Central Banks Control Nominal Interest Rates
  102. 12.7 Inside the Federal Reserve
  103. 12.8 Conclusion
  104. Chapter Review
  105. Chapter 13: Stabilization Policy and the AS/AD Framework
  106. 13.1 Introduction
  107. 13.2 Monetary Policy Rules and Aggregate Demand
  108. 13.3 The Aggregate Supply Curve
  109. 13.4 The AS/AD Framework
  110. 13.5 Macroeconomic Events in the AS/AD Framework
  111. 13.6 Empirical Evidence
  112. 13.7 Modern Monetary Policy
  113. 13.8 Conclusion
  114. Chapter Review
  115. Chapter 14: The Great Recession and the Short-Run Model
  116. 14.1 Introduction
  117. 14.2 Financial Considerations in the Short-Run Model
  118. 14.3 Policy Responses to the Financial Crisis
  119. 14.4 The Aftermath of the Great Recession
  120. 14.5 Conclusion
  121. Chapter Review
  122. Chapter 15: DSGE Models: The Frontier of Business Cycle Research
  123. 15.1 Introduction
  124. 15.2 A Brief History of DSGE Models
  125. 15.3 A Stylized Approach to DSGE
  126. 15.4 Using the Stylized DSGE Model
  127. 15.5 Quantitative DSGE Models
  128. 15.6 Conclusion
  129. Chapter Review
  130. 15.7 Appendix: Deriving the Labor Supply Curve
  131. Part 4: Applications and Microfoundations
  132. Chapter 16: Consumption
  133. 16.1 Introduction
  134. 16.2 The Neoclassical Consumption Model
  135. 16.3 Lessons from the Neoclassical Model
  136. 16.4 Empirical Evidence on Consumption
  137. Chapter Review
  138. Chapter 17: Investment
  139. 17.1 Introduction
  140. 17.2 How Do Firms Make Investment Decisions?
  141. 17.3 The Stock Market and Financial Investment
  142. 17.4 Components of Private Investment
  143. Chapter Review
  144. Chapter 18: The Government and the Macroeconomy
  145. 18.1 Introduction
  146. 18.2 U.S. Government Spending and Revenue
  147. 18.3 International Evidence on Spending and Debt
  148. 18.4 The Government Budget Constraint
  149. 18.5 How Much Can the Government Borrow?
  150. 18.6 The Fiscal Problem of the Twenty-First Century
  151. 18.7 Conclusion
  152. Chapter Review
  153. Chapter 19: International Trade
  154. 19.1 Introduction
  155. 19.2 Some Basic Facts about Trade
  156. 19.3 A Basic Reason for Trade
  157. 19.4 Trade across Time
  158. 19.5 Trade with Production
  159. 19.6 Trade in Inputs
  160. 19.7 The Costs of Trade
  161. 19.8 The Trade Deficit and Foreign Debt
  162. 19.9 Conclusion
  163. Chapter Review
  164. Chapter 20: Exchange Rates and International Finance
  165. 20.1 Introduction
  166. 20.2 Exchange Rates in the Long Run
  167. 20.3 Exchange Rates in the Short Run
  168. 20.4 Fixed Exchange Rates
  169. 20.5 The Open Economy in the Short-Run Model
  170. 20.6 Exchange Rate Regimes
  171. 20.7 The Policy Trilemma
  172. 20.8 The Euro Crisis
  173. Chapter Review
  174. Chapter 21: Parting Thoughts
  175. 21.1 What We’ve Learned
  176. 21.2 Significant Remaining Questions
  177. 21.3 Conclusion
  178. Glossary
  179. Index
  180. Guide to Notation