Test Bank for Medical Dosage Calculations 9th Edition

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Test Bank for Medical Dosage Calculations 9th Edition Digital Instant Download


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Product Details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9780132384704
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0132384704
  • Author:   June Looby Olsen (Author), Anthony Patrick Giangrasso (Author), Dolores M. Shrimpton (Author), Patricia M. Dillon (Author)

Completely revised and updated to include the latest practices and medication, Medical Dosage Calculations, 9/e maintains its user-friendly structure and offers nurses a comprehensive yet accessible drug calculation text and workbook. With over 1,000 practice problems, illustrative examples, critical thinking case studies, and comprehensive self-tests this book gives readers the skills and understanding to master this crucial area of nursing studies.


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