Instant download Test Bank for Motor Learning and Control: Concepts and Applications, 12th Edition, Richard Magill, David Anderson pdf docx epub after payment.
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1260240703
- ISBN-13 : 978-1260240702
- Author: David I. Anderson; Richard A. Magill
Motor Learning and Control: Concepts and Applications, 12e, is an introduction to the study of motor learning and control for students who aspire to become practitioners in exercise science, physical education, and other movement-oriented professions. Each chapter presents motor learning and control as a set of principles and guidelines based on research evidence. The authors’ clear writing style and practical applications will help students build a solid foundation and prepare them for further exploration on their own. Instructors and students can now access their course content through the Connect digital learning platform by purchasing either standalone Connect access or a bundle of print and Connect access. McGraw-Hill Connect® is a subscription-based learning service accessible online through your personal computer or tablet. Choose this option if your instructor will require Connect to be used in the course. Your subscription to Connect includes the following:
Table Of Contents:
Motor Learning and Control: Concepts and Applications, 12e
Unit 1 Introduction to Motor Skills and Abilities
CHAPTER 1: The Classification of Motor Skills
CHAPTER 2: The Measurement of Motor Performance
CHAPTER 3: Motor Abilities
Unit 2 Introduction to Motor Control
CHAPTER 4: Neuromotor Basis for Motor Control
CHAPTER 5: Motor Control Theories
CHAPTER 6: Sensory Components of Motor Control
CHAPTER 7: Performance and Motor Control Characteristics of Functional Skills
CHAPTER 8: Action Preparation
Unit 3 Attention and Memory
CHAPTER 9: Attention as a Limited Capacity Resource
CHAPTER 10: Memory Components, Forgetting, and Strategies
Unit 4 Introduction to Motor Skill Learning
CHAPTER 11: Defining and Assessing Learning
CHAPTER 12: The Stages of Learning
CHAPTER 13: Transfer of Learning
Unit 5 Instruction and Augmented Feedback
CHAPTER 14: Demonstration and Verbal Instructions
CHAPTER 15: Augmented Feedback
Unit 6 Practice Conditions
CHAPTER 16: Practice Variability and Specificity
CHAPTER 17: The Amount and Distribution of Practice
CHAPTER 18: Whole and Part Practice
CHAPTER 19: Mental Practice
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Motor Learning and Control: Concepts and Applications, 12th Edition
Motor Learning and Control: Concepts and Applications, 12th Edition pdf
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