This is completed downloadable of Test Bank for Nutrition: An Applied Approach 5th Ediiton Janice J. Thompson, Melinda Manore
Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 0134516230
- ISBN-13 : 978-0134516233
- Author:
Nutrition: An Applied Approachintroduces students to nutrition with an innovative format that promotes long-term learning without rote memorisation. Key focus areas include: functions of vitamins and minerals in the body, fluid and electrolyte balance, antioxidant function, bone health, energy metabolism, and blood health. The 5th Edition shows how nutrition concepts apply to our daily lives with new chapters on food equity, sustainability, and obesity. A new suite of ABC News Videos and Focus Figures explore nutrition, human disease, and nutrients found in food. To engage students and help them learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult concepts, each chapter now includes Learning Outcomes and a new study plan.
Table of Content:
- Brief Contents
- Nutrition An Applied Approach
- about the authors
- Welcome to Nutrition: An Applied Approach, Fifth Edition!
- nutri-case | You Play the Expert!
- reviewers
- focus group participants
- brief contents
- contents
- 1 Nutrition Linking food and health
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- learning outcomes
- What is nutrition?
- How does nutrition support health?
- A Nutritious Diet Contributes to Wellness
- A Nutritious Diet Reduces the Risk for Disease
- What are nutrients?
- Macronutrients Provide Energy
- Energy Is Measured in Kilocalories
- Carbohydrates Are a Primary Fuel Source
- Fats Provide Energy and Other Essential Nutrients
- Proteins Support Tissue Growth, Repair, and Maintenance
- Micronutrients Assist in the Regulation of Body Functions
- Water Supports All Body Functions
- How much of each nutrient do most people need?
- How do nutrition scientists evaluate claims?
- The Scientific Method Enables Researchers to Test a Hypothesis
- Repetition of Research Is Required to Develop Theories
- Why do nutrition scientists use different types of research?
- Animal Studies Can Inform Human Studies
- Epidemiological Studies Explore Patterns Within Populations
- Clinical Trials Examine Cause and Effect
- How can you use your knowledge of research to evaluate nutrition claims?
- Watch for Conflict of Interest and Bias
- Evaluate a Website’s Credibility
- Which sources of nutrition advice are trustworthy?
- Trustworthy Experts Are Educated and Credentialed
- Government Agencies Are Usually Trustworthy
- The National Institutes of Health
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Professional Organizations Provide Reliable Nutrition Information
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- in depth 1.5 New Frontiers in Nutrition and Health
- learning outcomes
- How does our diet affect our genes?
- The Foods We Eat Can Influence Gene Expression
- Nutrigenomics Studies Food-Gene Interactions
- Nutrigenomics Could Lead to Personalized Nutrition
- How does our diet affect our microbiome?
- A Healthy Microbiome Promotes a Healthy Body
- Probiotics and Prebiotics Nourish the Microbiome
- How do phytochemicals enhance our health?
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- 2 Designing a Healthful Diet
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- What is a healthful diet?
- A Healthful Diet Is Adequate
- A Healthful Diet Is Moderate
- A Healthful Diet Is Nutrient-Dense
- A Healthful Diet Is Balanced
- A Healthful Diet Is Varied
- What’s behind our food choices?
- Sensory Data Influence Food Choices
- Sociocultural Cues and Emotions Influence Food Choices
- Learning Influences Food Choices
- How can reading food labels help you improve your diet?
- Five Components Must Be Included on Food Labels
- Use the Nutrition Facts Panel to Evaluate and Compare Foods
- Food Labels Can Display a Variety of Claims
- How do the Dietary Guidelines for Americans promote a healthful diet?
- How can the USDA Food Patterns help you design a healthful diet?
- Log Onto MyPlate
- Limit Empty Calories
- Watch Your Serving Sizes
- Consider Ethnic Variations and Other Eating Plans
- Get Some High-Tech Help
- Can eating out be part of a healthful diet?
- Avoid Large Portions
- Use Nutrition Information
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- in depth 2.5 Healthful Eating Patterns
- learning outcomes
- What is a healthful eating pattern?
- What are some healthful eating patterns?
- A Mediterranean-Style Eating Pattern Is Healthful
- The Exchange System Can Help You Follow a Healthful Eating Pattern
- The Healthy Eating Plate and Power Plate Are Also Healthful Eating Patterns
- Include Regular Physical Activity
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- 3 The Human Body Are we really what we eat?
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- How do food molecules build body structure?
- Atoms Bond to Form Molecules
- Molecules Join to Form Cells
- From Cells to Systems
- The Cell Membrane
- Cytoplasm and Key Organelles
- Why do we feel the urge to eat?
- The Hypothalamus Regulates Hunger
- Nerve Cells in the Gastrointestinal System Signal the Hypothalamus
- Hormones Send Chemical Messages to the Hypothalamus
- Insulin and Glucagon
- Ghrelin, CCK, and Leptin
- The Amount and Type of Food Play a Role
- How does food travel through the gastrointestinal tract?
- Digestion Begins in the Mouth
- The Esophagus Transports Food from the Pharynx into the Stomach
- The Stomach Mixes, Digests, and Stores Food
- Most Digestion and Absorption Occur in the Small Intestine
- The Large Intestine Stores Food Waste Until It Is Excreted
- What else contributes to gastrointestinal function?
- The Gallbladder and Pancreas Aid in Digestion
- A Specialized Lining Boosts Absorption in the Small Intestine
- Four Types of Absorption Occur in the Small Intestine
- Blood and Lymph Transport Nutrients
- The Liver Regulates Blood Nutrients
- The GI Flora Perform Several Beneficial Functions
- The Neuromuscular System Regulates the Activities of the GI Tract
- Muscles of the GI Tract
- Nerves Controlling the GI Tract
- What disorders are related to digestion, absorption, and elimination?
- Heartburn and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Are Caused by Reflux of Gastric Juice
- An Ulcer Is an Area of Erosion in the GI Tract
- Some Disorders Affect Intestinal Function
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Cancer Can Develop in Any Gastrointestinal Organ
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- in depth 3.5 Disorders Related to Specific Foods
- What are food intolerances?
- What are food allergies?
- Is celiac disease the same as gluten sensitivity?
- Celiac Disease Is an Inherited Immune Disease
- Nonceliac Gluten Sensitivity Is the Subject of Research
- 4 Carbohydrates Plant-derived energy nutrients
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- What are carbohydrates?
- Simple Carbohydrates Include Monosaccharides and Disaccharides
- Monosaccharides
- Disaccharides
- Polysaccharides Are Complex Carbohydrates
- Starch
- Glycogen
- Fiber
- Soluble Fibers
- Insoluble Fibers
- Fiber-Rich Carbohydrates
- Why do we need carbohydrates?
- Carbohydrates Provide Energy for Daily Activities and Exercise
- Carbohydrates Fuel Daily Activity
- Carbohydrates Fuel Exercise
- Carbohydrates Spare Protein and Prevent Ketoacidosis
- Fiber Helps Us Stay Healthy
- How does the body process carbohydrates?
- Digestion Breaks Down Most Carbohydrates into Monosaccharides
- The Liver Converts Most Nonglucose Monosaccharides into Glucose
- Fiber Is Excreted from the Large Intestine
- How does the body regulate blood glucose levels?
- Insulin and Glucagon Regulate Blood Glucose Levels
- Fructose Does Not Stimulate Insulin Release
- Other Hormones Increase Blood Glucose Levels
- The Glycemic Index Shows How Foods Affect Our Blood Glucose Level
- How much total carbohydrate and added sugar should you eat?
- The Recommended Dietary Allowance for Total Carbohydrate Reflects Glucose Use by the Brain
- Most Americans Eat Too Much Added Sugar
- Sugars Are Blamed for Many Health Problems
- Sugar and Tooth Decay
- Sugar and Blood Lipids
- Sugar and Diabetes
- Sugar and Obesity
- How much fiber do you need, and what are the best sources?
- Whole Grains Are Excellent Sources of Fiber
- Other Good Sources of Fiber Are Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, and Seeds
- What’s the story on alternative sweeteners?
- Limited Use of Alternative Sweeteners Is Not Harmful
- Saccharin
- Acesulfame-K
- Aspartame
- Sucralose
- Neotame, Stevia, and Advantame
- The Effect of Alternative Sweeteners on Body Weight Is Unclear
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- in depth 4.5 Diabetes
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- What is diabetes?
- How is diabetes classified?
- In Type 1 Diabetes, the Body Does Not Produce Enough Insulin
- In Type 2 Diabetes, Cells Become Less Responsive to Insulin
- Three Blood Tests Are Used to Diagnose Diabetes
- How can you reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes?
- Some Diabetes Risk Factors Are Modifiable
- Lifestyle Changes Can Reduce Your Risk
- Dietary Counseling Can Help People Living with Diabetes
- Prescription Medications or Surgery May Be Advised
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- 5 Fats Essential energy-supplying nutrients
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- What are fats?
- Triglycerides Are the Most Common Food-Based Fat
- Phospholipids Combine Lipids with Phosphate
- Sterols Have a Ring Structure
- Why are some triglycerides better than others?
- Fatty Acid Chain Length Affects Digestion and Absorption
- Level of Hydrogen Saturation Influences Health Effects
- Carbon Bonding Influences Shape
- Trans Fatty Acids Are Especially Harmful
- Essential Fatty Acids Have Unique Health Benefits
- Omega-6 Fatty Acids
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Functions of Essential Fatty Acids
- Why do we need fats?
- Fats Provide Energy
- Fats Sustain Us at Rest
- Fats Fuel Physical Activity
- Body Fat Stores Energy for Later Use
- Fats Enable the Transport of Fat-Soluble Vitamins
- Fats Help Maintain Cell Function
- Body Fat Provides Protection
- Dietary Fats Contribute to the Flavor, Texture, and Satiety of Foods
- How does the body process fats?
- The Gallbladder, Liver, and Pancreas Assist in Fat Digestion
- Absorption of Fat Occurs Primarily in the Small Intestine
- Fat Is Stored in Adipose Tissues for Later Use
- How much fat should you eat?
- Recognize the Fat in Foods
- Decipher Label Claims
- Keep Your Fat Intake Within the AMDR
- Aim for a Balance of the Essential Fatty Acids
- Reduce Your Intake of Saturated Fats
- Avoid Trans Fatty Acids
- What About Dietary Cholesterol?
- Select Beneficial Fats
- Pick Plants
- Switch to Fish
- Watch Out When You’re Eating Out
- Be Aware of Fat Replacers
- Fat Blockers Contribute Minimally to Weight Loss
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- in depth 5.5 Cardiovascular Disease
- learning outcomes
- What is cardiovascular disease?
- Atherosclerosis Is Narrowing of Arteries
- Hypertension Increases the Risk for Heart Attack and Stroke
- What factors influence the risk for cardiovascular disease?
- Many CVD Risk Factors Are Within Your Control
- Blood Lipids Play a Significant Role in Cardiovascular Disease
- Chylomicrons
- Very-Low-Density Lipoproteins
- Low-Density Lipoproteins
- High-Density Lipoproteins
- Total Serum Cholesterol
- You Can Estimate Your Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
- How can you reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease?
- Take Steps to Improve Your Blood Lipid Levels
- Take Steps to Manage Your Blood Pressure
- Limit Dietary Sodium
- Follow the DASH Diet
- Prescription Medications Can Improve Blood Lipids and Blood Pressure
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- 6 Proteins Crucial components of all body tissues
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- What are proteins?
- The Building Blocks of Proteins Are Amino Acids
- Nine Amino Acids Are Essential
- How are proteins made?
- Amino Acids Bond to Form a Variety of Peptides
- Genes Regulate Amino Acid Binding
- Protein Turnover Involves Synthesis and Degradation
- Protein Organization Determines Function
- Protein Denaturation Affects Shape and Function
- Protein Synthesis Can Be Limited by Missing Amino Acids
- Protein Synthesis Can Be Enhanced by Mutual Supplementation
- Why do we need proteins?
- Proteins Contribute to Cell Growth, Repair, and Maintenance
- Proteins Act as Enzymes and Hormones
- Proteins Help Maintain Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
- Proteins Help Maintain Acid–Base Balance
- Proteins Help Maintain a Strong Immune System
- Proteins Serve as an Energy Source
- Proteins Assist in the Transport and Storage of Nutrients
- Proteins Are Critical to Nerve Function, Blood Clotting, and Wound Healing
- How does the body process proteins?
- Stomach Acids and Enzymes Break Proteins into Short Polypeptides
- Enzymes in the Small Intestine Break Polypeptides into Single Amino Acids
- Protein Digestibility Affects Protein Quality
- How much protein should you eat?
- Nitrogen Balance Is a Method Used to Determine Protein Needs
- Recommended Dietary Allowance for Protein
- Most Americans Meet or Exceed the RDA for Protein
- Protein Sources Include Much More Than Meat!
- Legumes
- Nuts
- “New” Foods
- The Health Effects of High Protein Intake Are Unclear
- Protein Deficiency Can Result in Severe Illness and Death
- Protein Deficiency and Marasmus
- Protein Deficiency and Kwashiorkor
- Can a vegetarian diet provide adequate protein?
- There Are Many Types of Vegetarian Diets
- People Choose Vegetarianism for Many Different Reasons
- Religious, Ethical, and Food-Safety Reasons
- Ecological Benefits
- Health Benefits
- A Vegetarian Diet Can Present Some Challenges
- MyPlate Can Help You Plan a Vegetarian Diet
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- in depth 6.5 Vitamins and Minerals: Micronutrients with Macro Powers
- learning outcomes
- How were the micronutrients discovered?
- How are vitamins classified?
- Fat-Soluble Vitamins
- Water-Soluble Vitamins
- Same Vitamin, Different Names and Forms
- How are minerals classified?
- Major Minerals
- Trace and Ultra-Trace Minerals
- Same Mineral, Different Forms
- How does our body use micronutrients?
- What We Eat Differs from What We Absorb
- What We Eat Differs from What Our Cells Use
- What are some controversies in micronutrient research?
- Are Supplements Healthful Sources of Micronutrients?
- Can Micronutrients Prevent or Treat Chronic Disease?
- Do More Essential Micronutrients Exist?
- 7 Nutrients Essential to Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
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- What is body fluid?
- Body Fluid Is the Liquid Portion of Our Cells and Tissues
- Body Fluid Is Composed of Water and Electrolytes
- Why do we need water and electrolytes?
- Water Performs Functions Critical to Life
- Solubility and Transport
- Blood Volume and Blood Pressure
- Body Temperature
- Tissue Protection and Lubrication
- Electrolytes Support Many Body Functions
- Fluid Balance
- Nerve Impulse Conduction
- Muscle Contraction
- How does the body maintain fluid balance?
- The Hypothalamus Regulates Thirst
- We Gain Fluids Through Intake and Metabolism
- We Lose Fluids Through Urine, Sweat, Evaporation, Exhalation, and Feces
- How much water should you drink?
- Our Requirements for Water Are Individualized
- Tap Water Is as Healthful as Bottled Water
- All Beverages Are Not Created Equal
- Milk and Milk Alternatives
- Hot Beverages Containing Caffeine
- Energy Drinks
- Beverages with Added Sugars
- Specialty Waters
- Sports Beverages and Coconut Water
- How do four major minerals contribute to fluid balance?
- Sodium Is a Positively Charged Extracellular Electrolyte
- Functions of Sodium
- Recommended Intakes and Food Sources of Sodium
- Sodium Toxicity and Deficiency
- Potassium Is a Positively Charged Intracellular Electrolyte
- Functions of Potassium
- Recommended Intakes and Food Sources of Potassium
- Potassium Toxicity and Deficiency
- Chloride Is a Negatively Charged Extracellular Electrolyte
- Phosphorus Is a Negatively Charged Intracellular Electrolyte
- What disorders are related to fluid and electrolyte balance?
- Dehydration Develops as Fluid Loss Exceeds Fluid Intake
- Water Intoxication Can Be Fatal
- Heat Illnesses Are Linked to Dehydration
- Heat Cramps
- Heat Exhaustion
- Heat Stroke
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- in depth 7.5 Alcohol
- What happens to alcohol in the body?
- What do we know about moderate drinking?
- Moderate Drinking Has Certain Health Benefits
- Moderate Drinking Is Associated with Certain Risks
- What do we know about alcohol use disorders?
- Alcohol Use Disorders Include Abuse and Dependence
- Alcohol Use Disorders Have Toxic Effects
- Should you be concerned about your alcohol intake?
- How can you talk to someone about an alcohol use disorder?
- 8 Nutrients Essential to Key Body Functions
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- How does the body regulate energy metabolism?
- How do the B-vitamins function in energy metabolism?
- Thiamin Supports Carbohydrate and Amino Acid Metabolism
- Riboflavin Supports the Metabolism of Carbohydrates and Fats
- Niacin Supports Metabolism, DNA Replication, and Cell Differentiation
- Vitamin B6[&~frut65~~COLOR~[T16: 70C 90M]B_{6}~normal~&] Is a Coenzyme for Over 100 Enzymes
- Functions of Vitamin B6
- Recommended Intakes and Food Sources of Vitamin B6[&~frut65~~COLOR~[T12: 100C 40Y]B_{6}~normal~&]
- Vitamin B6[&~frut65~~COLOR~[T12: 100C 40Y]B_{6}~normal~&] Toxicity and Deficiency
- The Most Basic Cellular Functions Require Folate
- Functions of Folate
- Recommended Intakes and Food Sources of Folate
- Folate Toxicity and Deficiency
- Vitamin B12[&~frut65~~COLOR~[T16: 70C 90M]B_{12}~normal~&] Participates in Amino Acid and Homocysteine Metabolism
- Functions of Vitamin B12[&~frut65~~COLOR~[T12: 100C 40Y]B_{12}~normal~&]
- Recommended Intakes and Food Sources of Vitamin B12[&~frut65~~COLOR~[T12: 100C 40Y]B_{12}~normal~&]
- Vitamin B12[&~frut65~~COLOR~[T12: 100C 40Y]B_{12}~normal~&] Toxicity and Deficiency
- Pantothenic Acid and Biotin Are Required for All Energy Pathways
- How do choline and four minerals function in energy metabolism?
- Choline Is a Vitamin-Like Nutrient
- Iodine Is Required for the Synthesis of Thyroid Hormones
- Chromium Is Important in Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Manganese Assists in Energy Metabolism and Bone Health
- Sulfur Is a Component of Thiamin, Biotin, and Two Amino Acids
- What are antioxidants, and how do they protect our cells?
- Oxidation Is a Chemical Reaction in Which Atoms Lose Electrons
- Oxidation Sometimes Results in the Formation of Free Radicals
- Free Radicals Can Destabilize Other Molecules and Damage Our Cells
- Antioxidants Work by Stabilizing Free Radicals or Opposing Oxidation
- What nutrients and phytochemicals function as antioxidants?
- Vitamin E Is a Key Antioxidant
- Functions of Vitamin E
- Recommended Intakes and Food Sources of Vitamin E
- Vitamin E Toxicity and Deficiency
- Vitamin C Is a Water-Soluble Antioxidant
- Selenium Is a Key Antioxidant Mineral
- Manganese, Copper, Iron, and Zinc Assist in Antioxidant Function
- Carotenoids Like Beta-Carotene Have Antioxidant Properties
- Functions of Beta-Carotene
- Recommended Intakes and Food Sources of Beta-Carotene
- Beta-Carotene Toxicity and Deficiency
- What is the role of vitamin A in vision and other functions?
- There Are Several Forms of Vitamin A
- Vitamin A Is Essential to Sight
- Vitamin A Supports Cell Differentiation, Reproduction, and Bone Growth
- Avoid Excessive Intake of Vitamin A
- Recommended Intakes and Food Sources of Vitamin A
- Vitamin A Toxicity and Deficiency
- Vitamin A Derivatives Are Effective in Treating Acne
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- in depth 8.5 Cancer
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- What is cancer and how does it arise?
- What factors influence cancer risk?
- Nonmodifiable Factors Play a Role
- Many Risk Factors Are Modifiable
- Tobacco Use
- Weight, Diet, and Physical Activity
- Infectious Agents
- Ultraviolet Radiation
- How is cancer diagnosed and treated?
- Can cancer be prevented?
- Check
- Quit
- Move
- Nourish
- Antioxidants Play a Role in Preventing Cancer
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- 9 Nutrients Essential to Healthy Tissues
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- How do three trace minerals help maintain healthy blood?
- Iron Is a Component of the Oxygen-Carrying Proteins in Blood and Muscle
- Functions of Iron
- Iron Storage and Recycling
- Iron Absorption
- Recommended Intakes and Food Sources of Iron
- Iron Toxicity
- Iron Deficiency
- Zinc Contributes to Hemoglobin
- Functions of Zinc
- Recommended Intakes and Food Sources of Zinc
- Zinc Toxicity and Deficiency
- Copper Is Critical for Iron Transport
- How do four vitamins promote healthy blood?
- Vitamin B6[&~frut65~~COLOR~[T16: 70C 90M]B_{6},~normal~&] Folate, and Vitamin B12[&~frut65~~COLOR~[T16: 70C 90M]B_{12}~normal~&] Are Required for the Healthy Development of Red Blood Cells
- Vitamin K Supports Blood Clotting
- How does vitamin C help maintain healthy collagen?
- Vitamin C Is Required for the Synthesis of Collagen
- Vitamin C Has Many Other Roles in the Body
- The RDA for Vitamin C Is Easily Obtained
- Recommended Intakes and Food Sources of Vitamin C
- Vitamin C Toxicity and Deficiency
- What are the components and activities of healthy bone?
- The Composition of Bone Provides Strength and Flexibility
- The Constant Activity of Bone Tissue Promotes Bone Health
- Bone Growth and Modeling
- Bone Remodeling
- Bone Density Is Assessed with a DXA Test
- How do four minerals help maintain healthy bone?
- Calcium Is the Major Mineral Component of Bone
- Functions of Calcium
- Recommended Intakes and Food Sources of Calcium
- Calcium Toxicity and Deficiency
- Phosphorus Combines with Calcium in Hydroxyapatite Crystals
- Magnesium Is a Component of Bone and Helps Regulate Bone Status
- Fluoride Is Found in Teeth and Bones
- How do two fat-soluble vitamins support healthy bone?
- Vitamin D Regulates Calcium
- Functions of Vitamin D
- Recommended Intakes and Food Sources of Vitamin D
- Vitamin D Toxicity and Deficiency
- Vitamin K Assists in Remodeling of Bone
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- in depth 9.5 Osteoporosis
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- What is osteoporosis?
- What influences osteoporosis risk?
- Aging Increases Osteoporosis Risk
- Gender and Genetics Affect Osteoporosis Risk
- Tobacco, Alcohol, and Caffeine Influence Osteoporosis Risk
- Nutritional Factors Influence Osteoporosis Risk
- Protein
- Calcium and Vitamin D
- Sodium
- Regular Physical Activity Reduces Osteoporosis Risk
- How is osteoporosis treated?
- Can osteoporosis be prevented?
- Some People Might Benefit from Supplements
- Calcium
- Vitamin D
- Physical Activity and Other Lifestyle Choices Can Help
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- 10 Achieving and Maintaining a Healthful Body Weight
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- What is a healthful body weight?
- How can you evaluate your body weight?
- Determine Your Body Mass Index
- Why Is BMI Important?
- Limitations of BMI
- Measure Your Body Composition
- Assess Your Fat Distribution Patterns
- How does energy balance influence body weight?
- Energy Intake Is the Kilocalories We Consume Each Day
- Energy Expenditure Includes More Than Just Physical Activity
- Basal Metabolic Rate
- The Thermic Effect of Food
- The Energy Cost of Physical Activity
- Research Suggests Limitations of the Energy Balance Equation
- What factors influence body weight?
- Genes May Influence Body Weight in Different Ways
- The FTO Gene
- The Thrifty Gene Hypothesis
- The Set-Point Hypothesis
- The Protein Leverage Hypothesis
- The Drifty Gene Hypothesis
- Metabolic Factors Influence Weight Loss and Gain
- Physiologic Factors Influence Body Weight
- Hypothalamic Cells
- Energy-Regulating Hormones
- Other Physiologic Factors
- Sociocultural Factors Affect Food Choices and Body Weight
- Sociocultural Factors and Overeating
- Sociocultural Factors and Inactivity
- Social Pressures, Overweight, and Underweight
- How can you lose weight safely and keep it off?
- Avoid Fad Diets
- Many Diets Focus on Macronutrient Composition
- Diets High in Carbohydrate and Moderate in Fat and Protein
- Diets Low in Carbohydrate and High in Fat and Protein
- If You Design Your Own Diet Plan, Include the Three Strategies
- Set Realistic Goals
- Eat Smaller Portions of Nutrient-Dense Foods
- Participate in Regular Physical Activity
- Incorporate Appropriate Behavior Modifications into Daily Life
- What if you need to gain weight?
- For Safe and Effective Weight Gain, Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods
- Amino Acid and Protein Supplements Do Not Increase Muscle Mass
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- in depth 10.5 Obesity
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- Why is obesity harmful?
- Why does obesity occur?
- How is obesity treated?
- Obesity Does Respond to Diet and Exercise
- Weight Loss Can Be Enhanced with Prescription Medications
- Many Supplements Used for Weight Loss Contain Stimulants
- Surgery Can Be Used to Treat Morbid Obesity
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- 11 Nutrition and Physical Fitness Keys to good health
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- What are the benefits of physical activity?
- Physical Activity Increases Our Fitness
- Physical Activity Reduces Our Risk for Chronic Diseases
- How can you improve your fitness?
- Assess Your Current Level of Fitness
- Identify Your Personal Fitness Goals
- Make Your Program Varied, Consistent, and Fun!
- Appropriately Overload Your Body
- Frequency
- Intensity
- Time of Activity
- Type of Activity
- Include a Warm-Up and a Cool-Down Period
- Keep It Simple, Take It Slow
- What fuels our activities?
- The ATP-CP Energy System Uses Creatine Phosphate to Regenerate ATP
- The Breakdown of Carbohydrates Provides Energy for Both Brief and Long-Term Exercise
- Aerobic Breakdown of Fats Supports Exercise of Low Intensity and Long Duration
- Amino Acids Are Not Major Sources of Fuel During Exercise
- How does physical activity affect energy and macronutrient needs?
- Vigorous Exercise Increases Energy Needs
- Carbohydrate Needs Increase for Many Active People
- DRIs for Carbohydrate for Athletes
- Timing of Carbohydrate Consumption
- Food Sources of Carbohydrates for Athletes
- Carbohydrate Loading
- Moderate Fat Consumption Is Enough to Support Most Activities
- Many Athletes Have Increased Protein Needs
- How does physical activity affect fluid and micronutrient needs?
- Dehydration and Heat-Related Illnesses
- Guidelines for Proper Fluid Replacement
- Inadequate Micronutrient Intake Can Diminish Health and Performance
- B-Vitamins
- Calcium
- Iron
- Are ergogenic aids necessary for active people?
- Many Ergogenic Aids Are Said to Build Muscle Mass and Strength
- Anabolic Steroids
- Androstenedione and Dehydroepiandrosterone
- Creatine
- Some Ergogenic Aids Are Said to Optimize Fuel Use
- Caffeine
- Ephedrine
- Carnitine
- Chromium
- Beta-Alanine
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- in depth 11.5 Disorders Related to Body Image, Eating, and Exercise
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- What is body image, and how does it influence health?
- Body Image Influences Eating Behaviors
- Body Image Influences Exercise Behaviors
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder Is a Psychiatric Diagnosis
- What factors contribute to disorders related to body image, eating, and exercise?
- Influence of Genetic Factors
- Influence of Family
- Influence of Media
- Influence of Social and Cultural Values
- Comorbidity with Other Psychological Disorders
- What psychiatric eating disorders are recognized?
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Signs and Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa
- Health Risks of Anorexia Nervosa
- Bulimia Nervosa
- Signs and Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa
- Health Risks of Bulimia Nervosa
- Binge-Eating Disorder
- What syndromes of disordered eating are recognized?
- Night-Eating Syndrome
- The Female Athlete Triad
- How are eating disorders treated?
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- 12 Food Safety and Technology Protecting our food
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- What is foodborne illness and why is it a critical concern?
- Ingestion of Contaminants Prompts Acute Illness
- Reducing Foodborne Illness Is a Challenge
- What causes most foodborne illness?
- Several Types of Microorganisms Contaminate Foods
- Viruses Involved in Foodborne Illness
- Bacteria Involved in Foodborne Illness
- Other Microorganisms Involved in Foodborne Illness
- Some Foodborne Illness Is Due to Toxins
- Bacterial Toxins
- Fungal Toxins
- Toxic Algae
- Plant Toxins
- Certain Conditions Help Microorganisms Multiply in Foods
- How can you prevent foodborne illness?
- Clean: Wash Your Hands and Kitchen Surfaces Often
- Separate: Don’t Cross-Contaminate
- Chill: Store Foods in the Refrigerator or Freezer
- Shopping for Perishable Foods
- Refrigerating Foods at Home
- Freezing and Thawing Foods
- Dealing with Molds in Refrigerated Foods
- Cook: Heat Foods Thoroughly
- Protect Yourself from Toxins in Foods
- Be Choosy When Eating Out—Close to Home or Far Away
- How is food spoilage prevented?
- What are food additives, and are they safe?
- Food Additives Include Nutrients and Preservatives
- Other Food Additives Include Flavorings, Colorings, and Texturizers
- Are Food Additives Safe?
- How is genetic modification used in food production, and is it safe?
- Genetic Modification Includes Selective Breeding and Recombinant DNA Technology
- Genetic Modification Has Many Benefits
- Genetic Modification Poses Certain Risks
- Potential Health Risks
- Environmental Risks
- Economic Instability
- Should GM Foods Be Labeled?
- How do residues harm our food supply?
- Persistent Organic Pollutants Can Cause Illness
- Health Risks of POPs
- Heavy Metals
- Plasticizers
- Dioxins
- Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances
- Pesticides Protect Against Crop Losses—But at a Cost
- Growth Hormones and Antibiotics Are Used in Animals
- Organic Farming Promotes Ecological Balance
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- in depth 12.5 The Safety and Effectiveness of Dietary Supplements
- learning outcomes
- How are dietary supplements regulated?
- Are there special precautions for herbs?
- Should you take a dietary supplement?
- web links
- 13 Food Equity, Sustainability, and Quality The challenge of “good food”
- test yourself
- learning outcomes
- How prevalent is food insecurity?
- About 795 Million People Worldwide Are Hungry
- Over 17 Million American Households Are Food Insecure
- Why don’t all people have access to nourishing food?
- Acute Food Shortages Are Often Caused by Weather Events and Wars
- The Major Cause of Chronic Hunger Is Unequal Distribution of Food
- Overpopulation Contributes to Chronic Food Shortages
- Local Conditions Can Contribute to Chronic Hunger
- Agricultural Practices
- Lack of Infrastructure
- Impact of Disease
- Climate Change Threatens Global Food Security
- Is our food equitably produced and sold?
- Farm Labor Is Dangerous and Poorly Paid
- Food Retail and Service Work Maintains the “Working Poor”
- How does industrial agriculture affect the security, sustainability, and diversity of our food supply?
- Industrial Agriculture Has Increased Food Security but Threatens Our Environment
- Monopolization of Agriculture Reduces Food Diversity
- The Food Industry Influences America’s Diet
- What initiatives are addressing the challenges of “good” food?
- Many International Initiatives Increase Access to Nourishing Food
- National and Local Programs Help Nourish Americans
- Sustainable Agriculture Reduces Environmental Impact and Increases Food Diversity
- Corporate and Philanthropic Initiatives Are Promoting “Good” Food
- How can you promote “good” food?
- Support Food Security
- Purchase Fair Trade Goods
- Choose Foods That Are Healthful for You and the Environment
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- in depth 13.5 Malnutrition
- learning outcomes
- What problems are linked to undernourishment?
- Low Energy Intake Promotes Wasting, Stunting, and Mortality
- Micronutrient Deficiencies Lead to Preventable Diseases
- Undernourishment Promotes Socioeconomic Problems
- How could limited access to good food promote obesity?
- A Nutrition Paradox Is Evident in Transitioning Populations
- Physical and Socioeconomic Factors May Promote Obesity Among the Poor
- web links
- 14 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle Pregnancy and the first year of life
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- learning outcomes
- How does a healthful diet support conception and gestation?
- A Healthful Diet Is Critical Before Conception
- A Healthful Diet Supports Embryonic and Fetal Development
- The First Trimester
- The Second Trimester
- The Third Trimester
- Appropriate Maternal Weight Gain Supports a Healthy Birth Weight
- What are a pregnant woman’s nutrient needs?
- Macronutrients Provide Energy and Build Tissues
- Recommendations for Energy Intake
- Recommendations for Protein and Carbohydrate Intake
- Recommendations for Fat Intake
- Micronutrients Support Increased Energy Needs and Tissue Growth
- Recommended Folate Intake
- Recommended Vitamin B12[&~COLOR~[T12: 100C 40Y]~frut65~B_{12}~norm~~COLOR~[Black]&] Intake
- Recommended Vitamin C Intake
- Recommended Vitamin A Intake
- Recommended Vitamin D Intake
- Recommended Calcium Intake
- Recommended Iron Intake
- Recommended Zinc Intake
- Recommended Sodium and Iodine Intake
- Do Pregnant Women Need Supplements?
- Fluid Needs of Pregnant Women Increase
- What are some common nutrition-related concerns of pregnancy?
- Morning Sickness, Cravings, and GI Discomfort Are Common
- Morning Sickness
- Cravings
- Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Constipation
- Serious Disorders Include Diabetes, Hypertension, and Foodborne Illness
- Gestational Diabetes
- Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
- Foodborne Illness
- Maternal Age Can Affect Pregnancy
- A Careful Vegetarian Diet and Regular Exercise Are Safe During Pregnancy
- Vegetarianism
- Exercise
- Many Substances Can Harm the Embryo or Fetus
- Caffeine Consumption
- Alcohol Consumption
- Smoking
- Illegal Drug Use
- How does nutrition support lactation?
- Lactation Is Maintained by Hormones and Infant Suckling
- Production of Colostrum
- Production of Breast Milk
- Breastfeeding Woman Have High Nutrient Needs
- Energy and Macronutrient Recommendations
- Micronutrient Recommendations
- Do Breastfeeding Women Need Supplements?
- Fluid Recommendations for Breastfeeding Women
- What are some advantages and challenges of breastfeeding?
- Breast Milk Is Nutritionally Superior to Infant Formula
- Breastfeeding Has Many Other Benefits for the Infant and Mother
- Protection from Infections, Allergies, and Residues
- Physiologic Benefits for Mother
- Mother–Infant Bonding
- Convenience and Cost
- Physical and Social Concerns Can Make Breastfeeding Challenging
- Effects of Drugs and Other Substances on Breast Milk
- Maternal HIV Infection
- Maternal Obesity
- Employment Conflicts
- Social Concerns
- What About Bonding for Fathers and Siblings?
- What are an infant’s nutrient needs?
- Nutrition Fuels Infant Growth and Activity
- Infants Have Unique Nutrient Needs
- Energy and Macronutrient Recommendations
- Micronutrient Recommendations
- Do Infants Need Supplements?
- Fluid Recommendations for Infants
- Infant Formula Is a Nutritious Alternative to Breast Milk
- What are some common nutrition-related concerns of infancy?
- Infants Begin to Need Solid Foods at About 6 Months of Age
- Some Foods and Beverages Are Not Safe for Infants
- Several Nutrition-Related Disorders Are Concerns for Infants
- Allergies
- Dehydration
- Colic
- Anemia
- Nursing Bottle Syndrome
- Lead Poisoning
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- in depth 14.5 The Fetal Environment
- learning outcomes
- How does fetal adaptation to famine affect adult health?
- How do other nutritional imbalances in utero affect adult health?
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- 15 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle Childhood to late adulthood
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- learning outcomes
- What are the nutritional needs and concerns of toddlerhood?
- Body Size and Activity Increase Toddlers’ Nutrient Needs
- Energy and Macronutrient Recommendations for Toddlers
- Micronutrient Recommendations for Toddlers
- Fluid Recommendations for Toddlers
- Encourage Nutritious Food Choices with Toddlers
- Vegan Diets May Not Be Healthful for Toddlers
- What are the nutritional needs and concerns of childhood?
- Growth and Development Increase Children’s Nutrient Needs
- Energy and Macronutrient Recommendations for Children
- Micronutrient Recommendations for Children
- Fluid Recommendations for Children
- Encourage Nutritious Food Choices with Children
- School Attendance Influences Children’s Nutrition
- Childhood Brings Unique Nutrition-Related Concerns
- Dental Caries
- Inadequate Calcium Intake
- Childhood Food Insecurity
- What are the nutritional needs and concerns of adolescence?
- Puberty Triggers Dramatic Growth and Maturation
- Rapid Growth Increases an Adolescent’s Nutrient Needs
- Energy and Macronutrient Recommendations for Adolescents
- Micronutrient Recommendations for Adolescents
- Calcium
- Vitamin D
- Iron
- Vitamin A
- Fluid Recommendations for Adolescents
- Encourage Nutritious Food Choices with Adolescents
- Appearance and Substance Use Are Key Concerns of Adolescence
- Body Image and Eating Disorders
- Adolescent Acne
- Use of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Illegal Drugs
- Why is pediatric obesity harmful, and what can be done?
- Obesity Impairs Children’s Health
- Encourage Healthful Eating Patterns
- Encourage Physical Activity
- What characterizes aging?
- Americans Are Getting Older
- Characteristic Physiologic Changes Accompany Aging
- Age-Related Changes in Sensory Perception
- Age-Related Changes in Gastrointestinal Function
- Age-Related Changes in Body Composition
- What are the nutritional needs and concerns of older adults?
- Some Nutrient Recommendations Increase or Decrease with Aging
- Energy and Macronutrient Recommendations for Older Adults
- Micronutrient Recommendations for Older Adults
- Calcium
- Vitamin D
- Iron
- Zinc
- Vitamins C and E
- B-vitamins
- Vitamin A
- Supplementation
- Fluid Recommendations for Older Adults
- Older Adults Have Many Unique Nutrition-Related Concerns
- Obesity and Underweight
- Dental Health Issues
- Age-Related Eye Diseases
- Interactions Between Medications and Nutrition
- Financial Problems
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- in depth 15.5 Searching for the Fountain of Youth
- learning outcomes
- Does calorie restriction increase life span?
- Calorie Restriction May Reduce Production of Free Radicals
- Calorie Restriction Presents Significant Challenges
- Alternatives to Calorie Restriction Show Similar Benefits
- Can supplements slow aging?
- Are your actions today promoting a longer, healthier life?
- web links
- Appendices
- Appendix A 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines, Dietary Reference Intakes, and Dietary Guidelines Recommendations
- Appendix B Calculations and Conversions
- Calculation and Conversion Aids
- Commonly Used Metric Units
- International Units
- Retinol Activity Equivalents
- Folate
- Conversion Factors
- Length: U.S. and Metric Equivalents
- Weights and Measures
- Food Measurement Equivalencies from U.S. to Metric
- Capacity
- Weight
- U.S. Food Measurement Equivalents
- Volumes and Capacities
- Energy Units
- Temperature Standards
- Temperature Scales
- To Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius:
- To Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit:
- Appendix C Foods Containing Caffeine
- Beverages
- Cake, Cookies, and Desserts
- Appendix D U.S. Exchange Lists for Meal Planning
- Starch List
- Icon Key
- Fruit List
- Icon Key
- Milk and Yogurts
- Sweets, Desserts, and Other Carbohydrates List
- Icon Key
- Nonstarchy Vegetable List
- Icon Key
- Meat and Meat Substitutes List
- Icon Key
- Plant-Based Proteins
- Icon Key
- Fat List
- Icon Key
- Free Foods List
- Icon Key
- Drinks/Mixes
- Icon Key
- Seasonings
- Combination Foods List
- Icon Key
- Fast Foods Lista
- Icon Key
- Alcohol List
- Appendix E Stature-for-Age Charts
- Appendix F The USDA Food Guide Evolution
- Early History of Food Guides
- Contemporary Food Guides: From Pyramid to Plate
- references
- answers Answers to Review Questions
- Chapter 1
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 2
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 3
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 4
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 5
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 6
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 7
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 8
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 9
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 10
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 11
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 12
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 13
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 14
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- Chapter 15
- Review Questions
- Math Review
- glossary
- index
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
- credits
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 1.5
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 2.5
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 3.5
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 4.5
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 5.5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 6.5
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 7.5
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 8.5
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 9.5
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 10.5
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 11.5
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 12.5
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 13.5
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 14.5
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 15.5