Test Bank for Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement An Introduction to Practice, 3rd Edition, James C. McDavid, Irene Huse, Laura R. L. Hawthorn
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1506337066
- ISBN-13 : 978-1506337067
- Author: James C. McDavid
Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement offers a conceptual and practical introduction to program evaluation and performance measurement for public and non-profit organizations. James C. McDavid, Irene Huse, and Laura R.L. Hawthorn discuss topics in a detailed fashion, making it a useful guide for practitioners who are constructing and implementing performance measurement systems, as well as for students. Woven into the chapters is the performance management cycle in organizations, which includes: strategic planning and resource allocation; program and policy design; implementation and management; and the assessment and reporting of results.
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