Test Bank for Social Psychology, 5th Edition : Franzoi

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Test Bank for Social Psychology, 5th Edition : Franzoi

Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0073370592
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0073370590
  • Author: Stephen L. Franzoi

Readable research. This distinctive, theory-driven text uses “The Self” as a theme to give students a meaningful context for exploring the key concepts of social psychology. “Applications” sections have been incorporated into most chapters, and “Featured Study” sections at the end of every chapter summarize the purpose, method, and results of recently published scientific articles. Retaining the emphasis on methodology, the text also continues the tradition of strong gender coverage, while expanding the coverage of social cognition and social neuroscience.

Table contents:

Part I: The Science of Social Psychology

1. History of Social Psychology: insights, Challenges, and Contributions to Theory and Application 3
Lee Ross, Mark Lepper, and andrew Ward

2. The Art of Laboratory Experimentation 51
Timothy D. Wilson, Elliot Aronson, and Kevin Carlsmith

3. Social Psychological Methods Outside The Laboratory 82
Harry T. Reis and Samuel D. Gosling

4. Data Analysis in Social Psychology: Recent and Recurring Issues 115
Charles M. Judd and David A. Kenny

Part II: The Social Being

5. Social Cognitive Neuroscience 143
Matthew D. Lieberman

6. Social Psychophysiology and Embodiment 194
Jim Blascovich and Wendy Berry Mendes

7. Automaticity and The Unconscious 228
Ap Dijksterhuis

8. Motivation 268
John A. Bargh, Peter M. Gollwitzer, and Gabriele Oettingen

9. Emotion 317
Dacher Keltner and Jennifer S. Lerner

10. Attitudes 353
Mahzarin R. Banaji and Larisa Heiphetz

11. Attitudes and Persuasion: From Biology to Social Responses to Persuasive intent 394
Dolores Albarracín and Patrick Vargas

12. Perceiving People 428
C. Neil Macrae and Susanne Quadflieg

13. Nonverbal Behavior 464
Nalini Ambady and Max Weisbuch

14. Mind Perception 498
Nicholas Epley and Adam Waytz

15. Judgment and Decision Making 542
Thomas D. Gilovich and Dale W. Griffin

16. Self and Identity 589
William B. Swann, Jr. and Jennifer K. Bosson

17. Gender 629
Wendy Wood and Alice H. Eagly

18. Personality in Social Psychology 668
David C. Funder and Lisa A. Fast

19. Health 698
Shelley E. Taylor

20. Experimental Existential Psychology: Coping With the Facts of Life 724
Tom Pyszczynski, Jeff Greenberg, Sander Koole, and Sheldon Solomon

Volume 2

Part III: The Social World

21. Evolutionary Social Psychology 761
Steven L. Neuberg, Douglas T. Kenrick, and Mark Schaller

22. Morality 797
Jonathan Haidt and Selin Kesebir

23. Aggression 833
Brad J. Bushman and L. Rowell Huesmann

24. Affiliation, Acceptance, and Belonging: The Pursuit of interpersonal Connection 864
Mark R. Leary

25. Close Relationships 898
Margaret S. Clark and Edward P. Lemay, Jr.

26. Interpersonal Stratification: Status, Power, and Subordination 941
Susan T. Fiske

27. Social Conflict: The Emergence and Consequences of Struggle and Negotiation 983
Carsten K. W. De Dreu

28. Intergroup Relations 1024
Vincent Yzerbyt and Stéphanie Demoulin

29. Intergroup Bias 1084
John F. Dovidio and Samuel L. Gaertner

30. Social Justice: History, Theory, and Research 1122
John T. Jost and Aaron C. Kay

31. Influence and Leadership 1166
Michael A. Hogg

32. Group Behavior and Performance 1208
J. Richard Hackman and Nancy Katz

33. Organizational Preferences and Their Consequences 1252
Deborah H. Gruenfeld and Larissa Z. Tiedens

34. The Psychological Underpinnings of Political Behavior 1288
Jon A. Krosnick, Penny S. Visser, and Joshua Harder

35. Social Psychology and Law 1343
Margaret Bull Kovera and Eugene Borgida

36. Social Psychology and Language: Words, Utterances, and Conversations 1386
Thomas Holtgraves

37. Cultural Psychology 1423
Steven J. Heine

Author index I-1

Subject index I-85

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